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Everything posted by Zero Sephiroth
Name: Jin Age: 20 Personality: At first glance, Jin appears cold, uncaring, and silent. This is just an image given off by him due to him not being able to talk as he is a mute. In reality, he’s just calmer and more level headed then most people. He comes off as the solitary kind of guy, preferring to be by himself most of the time rather then Appearance: [URL="http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj119/Rei_Asakura_album/Animeguy36.jpg"]Jin[/URL] Without the parts on his back, and normal looking arms and hands as well. Weapon: His hands and feet. The closest he comes to a weapon are the pair of gloves on his hand, with metal studs on the knuckles, and slightly longer claw like fingers to slash at people with. Clan: Southern-Eastern Clan Main Spell: Lightning Burst: A combination of the Southern wind magic, and Eastern fire magic. Blue lightning spreads along his entire body, and boosts his physical attributes, though it’s tiring to use. Bio: Since Jin was able to walk on his own two feet, he was trained in the unarmed combat the subclan used, a style derived from the two main clans the sub clan originated from, by a small group working for the leaders. This was done amongst many other children, to try and create the greatest fighter for the sub clan, to help protect it. Eventually, all of their training boiled down to one final test once they came of age. A fight to the death, against a large group of captured criminals and bandits, to weed out the weak. Once the dust and blood had settled, the only survivor left standing was Jin. Since then, Jin became a protector of a small part of the sub clan. A small incident occured several years ago, where Jin was given a secret about a small group of innocent travellers. Jin ended up revealing the secret by accident one night, resulting in the death of the entire group, several of which were parents or children. Since then, Jin vowed to never utter a single word, to stop another incident like that from ever happening. (I hope the mute thing is ok.)
Song: Hearts Burst Into fire. Artist: Bullet For My Valentine. I bought their newest album last week, and have been listening to it non stop. Although they've not done anything that I've not heard before, I still like them. I got into them since hearing some songs off their first album.
Same. I'm sure it'll start when Gavin has the time. And I am here. I've just been lurking around whilst waiting for this to start.
Great…I’m against Andrew for the char. I’ll do the bio and other small parts once I get some more time today. Name: Hayashi Yoshirou Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Yoshirou is around 6’0 tall, and weighs around 180lbs, giving him a somewhat average build for someone his age. His bright blonde, though somewhat darker at the end of each spike, hair is around medium length, the edges of it resting around his jaw line when he wears it straight. Though he often prefers to wear it spiked upwards and backwards, running the spikes along his head, as he says that it keeps it out of his eyes then. His deep and dark blue eyes are almost always half opened, or half closed, that when coupled with his relaxed or lazy expression he usually has on his face, it makes it seem like he could fall asleep at any moment. One of the most striking things about Yoshirou’s face when first seen is a large blood red tattoo on the left hand side of his face, just a little wider then his left eye, and running down from his forehead down to the edge of his mouth. The design is somewhat reminiscent of a claw, with the bottom of the palm being next to his mouth, and the finger tips halfway up his forehead. For clothing, Yoshirou’s preferred style of attires consists of a jet black jacket, with a slit at on the bottom of the end of the sleeves that runs all the way up to his elbows, and with a thin dark blue stripe running from the slits up to his armpits. The sleeves come to a halt around halfway down his forearm, right in the middle between his wrist and his elbow. On the back of his jacket is a small dark blue flame design, in-between his shoulder blades. He usually has the front of the jacket unzipped fully, showing that he wears nothing beneath it. For his legs, he wears a pair of jet black trousers, plain in design except for a dark blue tribal design on each side of the legs. The trousers are held up with a white belt and a silver buckle. On both hands, he wears a pair of black fingerless gloves, and wears a pair of black boots. To top this all off, he usually has a pair of silver headphones around his neck, or on his ears. Personality: Yoshirou, at best, is relaxed and laid back in attitude towards anything. At his worst, he’s lazy and slothful, making it seem like he doesn’t care about anything at all, even the SBC. Instead of training on his Taijutsu in his spare time like his coach tells him to, he can often be found lying around somewhere in his training area, bopping his head along to the music bellowing out from his headphones. Yoshirou can get motivated to work hard and be serious about things, despite how he often acts, especially if it’s important like a big fight coming up for him in the SBC. The main problem is though that about after five minutes of becoming motivated, he returns to his usual old self. Yoshirou has a lack of a temper due to how relaxed he is, and very rarely gets angry at people. He does become slightly irritated at people when they do annoy him, but he chooses to ignore them rather then get heated about it, as it’s just easier to ignore them. As such, this makes him seem calm and composed most of the time. Main focus in skill: Taijutsu The main three styles he uses include Drunken Fist, his default style and the one he uses most often, Capoeria, for when he needs to be active and on the offensive, and his own invented style, that involves him placing his hands in his pockets and just lashing out at the opponent with various kicks and knee strikes. He goes for a mixture of speed and strength in his attacks, and prefers striking over grappling his opponents. When fighting other taijutsu users, he usually allows them to try to attack him, and dodge or block their blows, before following it up with a counter hit. Yoshirou rarely uses Ninjutsu, and is somewhat poor at it. When he does use it, it’s often simple things like a basic clone to distract the opponent as he attempts to get close or hit them. Yoshirou’s weakest area by far is Genjutsu. He knows no Genjutsu at all, and is somewhat susceptible to being caught in them frequently. If he gets caught in one, he often just gives up fighting it and tries to wait it out. He has a small dislike of Zanjutsu, as he knows that accidents are bound to happen when fighting with bladed weapons and that they feel weighted and cumbersome in his hands. He’s about average at using Zanjutsu, partly due to his skill in taijutsu, but very rarely uses it at all in any of his matches. He occasionally uses Shunjutsu to get close to his opponent, but other then those few odd occasions; he doesn’t use Shunjutsu that much inside of his matches.
[I]Well. This is the original story I had planned before. Revelations of a Rebirth would have been the prequel to this had it not failed so badly, and had it actually gotten off the ground. This will have mature content, strong language and violence, etc etc.[/I] The man tapped his fingers along the desk as he read the report in front of him, a small frown on his face making his eyebrows arc up at the ends. He placed the paper back down on the desk, staring at it intently for a moment, before he slowly raised his head to look up at the two figures sitting at the table in front of him. He sighed, using his fingers to rub at his eyes, before looking back at the two men in front of him, a familiar clicking and shifting sound coming from one of them as he messed around with something in his hands. The man tried to ignore it as he sat up straight in his chair, his back leaning the spine of it, using it for support as he placed both hands on the table. [COLOR="red"]“Are you sure your information is correct Mizuno?” [/COLOR]He said, raising his voice so he could be heard over the clicking noises. The man on the right nudged the one on the left known as Mizuno, who looked up briefly from whatever it was in his hands for a moment, before bowing his head back towards it as he carried on shifting it around in his hands. [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah Hiro. I saw it with my own eyes. As did Jin. And it’s not something you can exactly mix up, is it? I mean, everyone still knows what those things look like. There are pictures and models of them in the museum. The only things that are remotely close to them are the zombies, and even then there’s a huge world of difference between the two of them.” [/COLOR]He said, his hands still turning the object around in his hand. Hiro grumbled as he thought it over in his mind. He didn’t exactly like the two of them, but they were reliable. And he couldn’t see a reason for them to make it up. He’d no doubt the Dynasty already knew, and would be sending their own people down there to sort it out. They might not have cared for the lower levels, but they couldn’t run the risk of the After a few minutes of listening to Mizuno and him playing with the item, he let a small smile flicker across his mouth once he become accustomed to the clicks, before letting out a groan as Jin pulled something out of his pocket, and began playing with it as well with his hands, the sound paper slapping against paper. After a few minutes, unable to take it anymore, he suddenly got to his feet and slammed a fist down on the table, a small crack forming along it. [B][COLOR="Red"]“GOD DAMN IT! JIN, IF YOU DO NOT STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH THOSE CARDS, AND IF MIZUNO DOESN’T STOP IT WITH THAT DAMN RUBIX SPHERE, I SWEAR TO GOD I’M GOING TO FUCKING SHOVE THEM SOMEWHERE VERY UNPLEASANT, AND WATCH YOU TWO TRY TO PLAY WITH THEM THEN! GO DEAL WITH THIS THING RIGHT NOW!”[/COLOR][/B] He yelled at the two of them. They instantly put their things back in their pockets, looking at it him with a look of fear in their eyes. It wasn’t that Hiro had shouted at them that had scared them. It was the shapes that had begun to shift and shape in the shadows behind Hiro, giving off only hints as to what they hid, leaving it to their imagination as to what was in there. They got to their feet and slowly backed away from him towards the door behind them, before turning around and running as fast as they could. Hiro watched them, before sighing as he slowly got to his feet and walked over to the window, looking down at the city that lay below. It had been three centuries since the incident known as the Calamity had struck the Earth, killing off most life on the planet before changing a lot of the survivors into horrible creatures. The races had come together in the hour of judgement, and had constructed six safe cities to house as many lives as possible, and save them from the Calamity. Six Havens. Of course, only a certain amount of people could get into the Havens before the gates closed, shutting them off from the outside world. Those that had made it in would find happiness and security…Those outside were left to struggle to survive in the harsh world outside, before either dying or becoming one of the creatures known as Skrald. He could still remember watching his brother begin to change and morph at the back of the crowd, just before Hiro had made it into the Haven and the gates had been closed. At first, when it had just closed the gates, life in the Haven in North America , Haven 6, had been good. Everyone was equal, those in charge had ruled over them fairly, and there wasn’t any crime, violence, or hate amongst the people at all. It had seemed like a paradise at the time. But good things always had a habit of changing suddenly, and for the worse. And of course, the Haven had been no exception to the rule. The companies that had funded the construction of the city had been quiet as they slowly gained in power, as they replaced the old government members with their own hired, bribed, or blackmailed members, until all of them were taking orders from the companies. Whilst it seemed that the government were making all the decisions, in reality it all came down to the heads of the companies, who had grouped together under the name of “The Dynasty.” Most of the public were unaware, but Hiro knew the truth. The Dynasty had split Haven 6 into two halves once they came into power; the rich half, who lived in the higher sections of the city raised above the rest, with only the finest things available to them at any moment and time they needed or wanted it. Assuming they had the money of course. Only the best housing, objects, and food and drink for them. A heaven for those who could afford the cost. They even had guards to prevent people from below making their way in. The other half was obviously the either poor or the average half, and were left on the lower levels. Down there, crime runs rampant, and the incredibly high crime rates among criminals and civilians alike mean majority of security down there were comparable to the SWAT of old times, wearing full body armour and having access to heavy weaponry. Rather then arrest criminals, the security forces found it much easier to just wipe the city clean of them. Of course, there were lightly armoured units that patrolled the Slums, but they were often next to useless in most situations down there, and would have to call in the backup of the heavier armed units most of the time. In extreme circumstances, the Dynasty’s own special forces, the Squadron, would be sent down to clean up the mess. They never failed their job once they were sent out. The higher sections were referred to as the “High Life”, whilst the lower areas were called the “Slums.” The two sections were split off by a large plate between the two, forming the ceiling for the Slums, and the floor of the High Life. The only way to travel between the two areas was an elevator in the pillar that helped support the plate, right in the centre of the city. Hiro looked back over at the table, biting his lip slightly as he looked at the sheet of paper. He couldn’t believe that a large swarm of Skrald had managed to find their way into the sewer system that ran beneath the city. Hiro frowned at the thought of it, before sighing quietly. He’d no idea how they’d managed it, but they needed to be stopped before they reached the slums. And they needed to be cleared out of so that they could find out how they’d gotten in, and how they could fix it. His plans could wait just a little longer. And besides, they might find some new members for the group. Jin and Mizuno were good, but they couldn’t do everything alone. He turned around when he heard the door open, and saw Jin leaning in, rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at Hiro. Hiro knew that look, as he’d seen it time after time, again and again. He wouldn’t like the next few seconds. [COLOR="Blue"]“Umm…Mizuno had an accident with the sphere again….You’re going to need to redo the hallway again.” [/COLOR]The only sound that could be heard after that was of someone’s face hitting glass repeatedly. [I]Alright. Put simply, you are either a member of the Squadron, an elite force of soldiers under the command of the Dynasty, or a member of the public with special abilities/weapons, helping to fight the Skrald that are making their ways through the sewers and towards the city centre. Or you’re a Skrald trying to get into Haven 6.[/I] [B]Name: (Last names are optional) Nick Name/s: (Optional) Gender: (If you need an explanation, you need help.) Genus: (See explanation in the Backstage topic for more info) Race/s: (Same as above, varies according to the Genus) Age: Appearance: (Image or a short paragraph) Personality: (Short paragraph will do here) Weapon/s: (Go crazy here. Seriously. Anything at all. Swords, pipes, street lights, guns, spray cans, hoses, a tub of gel.) Item/s: (Things not really for combat, but worth noting. Goggles, binoculars, medical kits. ETC. Optional.) Ability/ies: (Generic things. Like being quite fast, being intelligent, high stamina. ETC.) Magic: Technique/s: (Their attacks that are noteworthy. Optional) History: (What was their life like in general, what have they been doing recently up to this point.) Other: (Anything else you may want to add)[/B] [I]List of Genus, and the races beneath them. Genus- Races Mortal- Human Fantasial- Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Trolls/Jotuns, Goblins. Etc. Noko- Level one/Animal type, Level two/Animal type, Level three/Animal type Nightmarian- Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Zombies. Etc. Automaton- Android, Mechanoids, Bio-Mechanoids Skrald- Skraldrings, Skralden. (Note: You can RP as a Skrald. But you’ll probably either die incredibly quickly, or be constantly hunted down throughout the Haven and on the run. So I’d recommend it being a side char.) Hoka- Various types of aliens.[/I] A much larger and more detailed explanation of things is available in the backstage topic. [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58807"]Revelations of a Revolution: Discussion and Information.[/URL] [B]Any questions bout the sign up, just PM me, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. [/B] Name: Hiro Nick Name: Gender: Male Genus: Unknown Race: Unknown Age: Unknown Appearance: [IMG]http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj119/Rei_Asakura_album/Animeguy15.jpg[/IMG] Personality: As he talks only when necessary, so far he’s come off as a calm person, though very easily irritated and angered. When he’s not angry, he can be kind and generous at times, almost joking. He also seems to have no problem with making others doing the work for him, though he does have a strong dislike of the Dynasty and their methods. Weapon/s: None Items: None Abilities: Unknown, though he seems very competent at manipulating people into doing things for him. Magic: Unknown limits. Things seen of him using so far include making creatures from shadows, teleportation, telekinesis, and illusions. History: Nothing is known about Hiro, aside from the fact he owns a run down shop in the slums near the central pillar since the city was built. Jin and Mizuno know that he’s planning something against the Dynasty, but he’s yet to reveal his plans to them, or even hint at it. They’ve also gathered that he’s been around on Rathe for a long time, though how long or how he’s done has yet to be revealed. Other: Nothing Name: Jin Kamei Nick Name: Gender: Male Genus: Mortal Race: Human Age: 22 Appearance: [IMG]http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj119/Rei_Asakura_album/Animeguy14.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Jin is a quiet, calm, and composed person. He rarely loses his temper with people, and is patient enough to wait for someone even if they’re an hour late for their meeting. He’s somewhat laidback at times, especially about things that don’t bother or concern him. He doesn't often plan things far ahead, due to his beliefs of life. When other people's fates are involved though, he will take the time to sit down and think of the situation that they are in. Due to a lack of him showing his emotions in the public, he can be mistaken for someone cold and uncaring. Even though he believes it about himself as well, deep down he does care deeply for those he knows and would be willing to put their safety above his own most of the time. Jin believes that life is a mixture of fate and choices. He says “the easiest way is to put it as a game of cards. Fate determines the hand you’ll get, whilst it’s up to you how you use the cards. Whether you tell the truth, lie, cheat, or do something completely unexpected with the cards you get is up to you.” In combat, very little changes about Jin, aside from a quiet determination that makes him work hard to survive the fight and be able to walk away from it once it's over and done. He is confident of his abilities in combat, though he often taunts his victims until he ends the fight or walks off. Weapon/s: A deck of playing cards, including the pair of jokers. Although normal most of the time, the edges somehow become incredibly sharp when Jin throws them, able to cut through most things easily. They always return to him after being thrown, unless they become lodged or stuck in something. They’re also used as his medium for magic. Items: He carries around a lock pick tool. For times when it’s better to pick a lock rather then just blow it off its hinges. Abilities: Jin is very speedy and agile, especially for a human. He’s been known to be able to outrun most people easily, even people from other races. He’s also a very good aim with his cards, and very rarely misses his target. Magic: Jin uses a combination of elemental magic, illusions, and summoning the familiar of his deck of cards, a dark jester. For his main magic, he draws a card at random from the deck, and fires a spell from it. The rank and suit of the card effects the power and type. Diamonds create water, spades create wind, hearts creates fire and clubs creates earth, with two being the weakest, and an ace being the strongest. If he happens to draw the joker card, he instead summons the familiar of his cards, a [URL="http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj119/Rei_Asakura_album/Animeguy31.jpg"][B][U]dark jester[/U][/B][/URL]. The jester acts of his own free will, and doesn’t take orders from Jin. He attacks random people, sometimes friends and allies, using kicks and his jester scepter. Jin’s illusions just project an illusion of himself or an object of his choice from one of his cards. History: Jin was born and raised in the slums into a poor family, in the area surrounding the pillar. His first memory was of being handed to him his favourite toy by their father and mother on his 4th birthday, a deck of playing cards. They barely got by with money and food as it was, but they somehow always found out a way to buy him and his brother one thing on each of their birthdays. Since Jin can remember, it was his dream to live in the high life, and his ambition was to become one of the Squadron. He’d heard about how great life was up there, and how much respect members of the Squadron gained for their work. His dreams were shattered after he watched the Squadron in action when he was around 12 years old. There was a protest on one of the streets, about the unfairness of the Government’s decisions about Haven 6 and their favouring of the people in the high life over, in which his father was participating. The crowd hadn’t dispersed when the light security forces arrived, or when the heavy security forces arrived. When the Squadron was sent down, they opened fire on the crowd until it dispersed. Jin’s father was one of the many casualties of the incident. The government released a cover story saying about how the crowd had planned to get into the high life and over power the guards there, taking it over by force, and would have eventually made their way up to the government and killed them had they not used lethal force on the crowd. Since then, Jin has just carried on living as normal as possible. One day, whilst playing with his cards, Jin discovered something strange about them. The cards appeared to allow Jin to access his latent magic abilities. He tracked down the seller with his brother to a run down shop nearby. The owner struck up a deal with Jin. Should Jin and Mizuno work for him, he would tell them about their objects, and grant them anything they wanted. Other: He has a habit of shuffling his cards in his hands when not doing anything or is bored. Name: Mizuno Kamei Nick Name/s: None Gender: Male Genus: Mortal Race: Human Age: 20 Appearance: [IMG]http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj119/Rei_Asakura_album/Animeguy16.gif[/IMG] Personality: Mizuno shares a few similarities with his brother in personality, but also a few differences as well. Mizuno is a outspoken, calm, and composed person as well. He rarely loses his temper with people, but he is highly impatient and will not wait much longer then five minutes before no longer waiting. He’s lazy, and would rather play around with his rubix sphere then work. He often plans things as far ahead as possible. Mizuno believes that life is all about planning, and working things out logically. He compares it to a puzzle, as you need to think about it logically using your head rather then your emotions, and you need to plan out what to do at certain points. In combat, very little changes about Jin, aside from a determination that makes him work hard to survive the fight and be able to walk away from it once it's over and done. He is overconfident of his abilities in combat, though he doesn’t say much about it when fighting, rather letting his actions do the talking for him. Weapon/s: Rubix Sphere. Basically, it’s just a rubix cube, except it’s a shaped like ball, and instead of 3x3 sides, it’s 2x2. He mainly uses it as a medium for magic, but it does hurt quite a bit when thrown at someone. Item/s: He carries around a few bandages, but nothing more then that. Ability/ies: Mizuno is very strong and durable, especially for a human. He’s able to throw or kick the Rubix Sphere hard enough at someone to actually break bones, and even crack solid brick walls on his good days. He’s also quite intelligent, and often uses his smarts to try and think up solutions to situations when ever he can. Magic: Mizuno uses different types of magic, depending on the colour side of the rubix cube he solves. The white side can heal a person’s injuries, the green side creates a barrier to protect people, the yellow side unleashes a barrage of small spikes, the blue side fires off a small blast of beam that cuts through things it connects with, the red side fires small orbs that explode on contact and the orange side unleashes barbed wire that wraps around people to restrain and cut people. He’s not yet found out what happens if he solves two sides or more before using magic. Once the magic is used, the rubix sphere shifts all its sides around randomly for a few seconds. History: Mizuno was born and raised in the slums into a poor family around 2 years after his older brother Jin, in the area surrounding the pillar. His first memory was of being handed to him his favourite toy by their father and mother on his 8th birthday, a rubix sphere. They barely got by with money and food as it was, but they somehow always found out a way to buy him and his brother one thing on each of their birthdays. Since Mizuno can remember, it was his dream to live in the high life. He’d heard about how great life was up there, and how much better it was then the slums. He was there when Jin watched the Squadron in action, when he was around 10 years old at the time, watching it with him. There was a protest on one of the streets, about the unfairness of the Government’s decisions about Haven 6 and their favouring of the people in the high life over, in which his father was participating. The crowd hadn’t dispersed when the light security forces arrived, or when the heavy security forces arrived. When the Squadron was sent down, they opened fire on the crowd until it dispersed. Mizuno’s father was one of the many casualties of the incident. The government released a cover story saying about how the crowd had planned to get into the high life and over power the guards there, taking it over by force, and would have eventually made their way up to the government and killed them had they not used lethal force on the crowd. Since then, Mizuno has just carried on living as normal as possible. One day, whilst playing with his Rubix sphere, Mizuno discovered something strange about it. The sphere appeared to allow Mizuno to access his latent magic abilities. He tracked down the seller with his brother to a run down shop nearby. The owner struck up a deal with Mizuno. Should Mizuno and Jin work for him, he would tell them about their objects, and grant them anything they wanted. Other: Mizuno has a habit of playing around with the rubix sphere whenever he’s bored.
Discuss Revelations of a Revolution: Discussion and Information
Zero Sephiroth posted a topic in Theater
[quote=Article from the Newspaper ?The Daily Time?, 12th March, 2253] ?It finally happened. Despite the warnings they received, in spite of the protests of all the other races, and even with the signs of it already starting, mankind continued its slow downward spiral of self destruction, taking everything from the earth that they could. whilst giving nothing in return to the planet. Whilst all of this was happening, they even had the nerve to wage war and conflicts with each other, causing grief and strife that remained with the people till the day they died, for seemingly no reason other then boredom and to show off their power. Even the other races were dragged into this, cutting down their already dwindling numbers dramatically. Very few of them remain in their original habitats nowadays, though quite a lot of them have blended into human society, living in the cities like normal people. Anyway. All of these actions, no matter how much people said it would be impossible, or that they could change what they did, in time to prevent something, could only bring about one result; the slow decaying death of the planet. The demise of Earth began slowly at first. Most of the ice caps melted, causing the seas and oceans to rise and spread across some of the lands, drowning hundreds of thousands of lives on the shorelines of the lands, as random large forests and jungles died suddenly for no reason, causing several hundreds of species of creatures to disappear from life, in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Regardless of this, mankind carried on as normal, as if nothing was wrong. They thought the phase would soon pass, and the planet would return to how it was before all of this happened. They continued as normal, and carried on hurting the planet in their own way. Of course, things only got worse. Eventually, the weather became an untamed and unrestrained version of itself before this all happened, creating storms of hail large enough to tear through most buildings with ease over several cities, whilst others experienced heat waves so burningly hot and unbearable, that it caused even the roads to bubble and begin to melt, whilst the unfortunate few cities left suffered blizzards bitter and freezing cold, enough to turn once great cities into artic wastelands. Somehow, humanity convinced themselves that their actions were not to blame for all of this, that this was all natural in some way, and continued like everything was normal and fine. Then, the disaster known as the ?Calamity? happened one day. Reports spread rapidly throughout the world, of something unbelievable happening right then. In several third world countries, several things happened that would change the world?s view forever. The land died suddenly, unable to sustain any more forms of life at all, whilst the atmosphere became toxic and contaminated, killing almost anyone or anything who breathed the air slowly and painfully. Hundreds of thousands died within the first week. Those unfortunate enough to survive breathing the toxic air reacted differently, depending on the person. Some became mindless and insane, killing anything alive and unaffected by the gas that they came across, whilst others morphed slowly into monstrous beasts, more primal in appearance yet capable of intelligent thought as they violently hunted down anything and everything for fun and sport. The death of the land came to be known as the ?Corrosion?, while the gas came to be dubbed as the ?Contagion?, whilst those mutated by the Contagion were referred to as the ?Skrald?. The beginning of a man made apocalypse, as it was only a matter of time before this epidemic would spread across the entire planet. Once humanity finally realised what destruction they had brought upon themselves and the other races, they struggled against time to try to save as much life as they possibly could. That was several decades ago when they began, and the result of their efforts was six large cities, one built in each continent, each one large enough, and with enough living space, to hold several hundreds of millions of people easily. Each city has a large and thick dome covering it, to prevent the venomous air from reaching the city and to protect it from the strange weather on the outside. Each one is referred to as ?Haven?, and they are numbered based on their location. The money used to pay for the building and construction of these cities came from some of the biggest known companies and franchises known, who had also been some of the leaders in causing the destruction they were now experiencing firsthand. Most think it was their way of redemption for their past misdeeds, as everyone was grateful for the help they companies had given. Looking on it now, it seems strange how quickly those companies are willing to pay for all of the cities? manufacture without any other financial help at all?. Unfortunately, the Calamity at this point has spread halfway around the world, killing off over half of the entire population of Earth. Panic and chaos has spread throughout the public, as they all rush towards the new cities, hoping that they were some of the lucky ones that manage to make their way into the safe havens. In the once great country of America, the Calamity had finally reached its way into the land, having completely engulfed Mexico and leaving nothing behind in its trail of destruction. Already, it?s slowly spreading through the south of the country, showing no mercy to those it comes across. Of course, Haven 6 is built in the north, near the edge of Canada, to give them more time to prepare for when the Calamity does reach it, and to get as many people as possible in. The government, or what?s left of it at least, has decided that all of their efforts and resources should go towards helping to evacuate, and relocating, those in the northern and central areas of the country to Haven 6, as they had the largest chances of surviving, and everyone in the southern section is already dead, or so they say. I know the truth. Those still alive, and residing in the south, are left to survive on their own. Whether they try to make it up the country to Haven 6 on their own in the 2 months before the gates to the Haven close, or attempt the impossible and survive the Corrosion outside of a Haven, is up to them. If you are in the south and are reading this right now, then may God show mercy on you, and those you love and care for.? [/quote] [quote= ?Terminology of Rathe?, By Richard Tionary] Calamity- The term used to refer to the current disaster of the world. Calling- The term used for when someone searches for nearby Leylines, to use their power for magic. Corrosion- The term used to classify the stage of the Calamity, in which the land and flora are killed off. It is also used to identify land that has been affected. Contagion- The term used to classify the second stage of the Calamity, in which the air becomes toxic and kills off all fauna, or mutates them. It is also used to identify the affected air. Dynasty- The companies that paid for the construction of the Havens, and who are now in control. Haven- The term used to call the cities built to save life from the Calamity. Only six were built, one in each continent. Kuronite- A name for the type of energy source that is used to power most of the advanced machines and weapons. Leyline- They are metaphorical lines that run through the air, seas, and ground, and are of supposedly endless power. Although it was once believed to be the source of magic, this is no longer thought of as true. Rathe- The name of the planet, as used by most people. Others may call it by other various names, but Rathe is the most common name used. Sanctuary- The word given to areas of land that are immune to the Corrosion for no known reasons. Skrald- The term given to those mutated by the Contagion.[/QUOTE] [quote= ?Notes on the Calamity?, by Lucy Fer] ?A small, though overall pointless now, discovery was the pattern the Calamity went in when spreading. First, when striking a new place, the Corrosion would spread through the land, before the Contagion would smother it and either turn the people into Skrald or kill them. These Skrald would spread out, and usually arrived at a place after the Corrosion killed the , but before the Contagion would reach it. Those left alive by the hunting Skrald would then be at the mercy Contagion. The Corrosion kills the land, making it unable to sustain plant life. It is possible to sustain plant life in land affected by the Corrosion through a mix of chemicals, though this usually has side effects on the plants, like making them venomous to eat or touch. Sections of land that aren?t actually part of the ground, IE surrounded by concrete in the ground, or in pots or baskets in a building, are unaffected by the Corrosion. There are normal sections of the , usually small forests or lakes, that remain unaffected by the Corrosion, for unknown reasons. These have become to be known as ?Sanctuaries?, due to their safeness from the Corrosion, and abundance of flora. It is unknown how they fair against the Contagion, though it is apparent they are not safe from Skrald. How long it takes for the Contagion to morph a living creature into a Skrald is random. The main things that will affect the time are how much of the contaminated air the victim has breathed in, and the person itself. If someone was to only get one quick breath of the air before managing to make it into a place with clean air, it may take about several hours to a few days for them to morph. There is no way to prevent the transformation. Animals are rather curious. They too seem to react like humans to the Contagion, either dying or mutating into something more primal, but they seem to be able to sense it beforehand. It is unknown how creatures of a magical nature react to it, but certain evidence suggests they may be no different to the effects. There are two types of Skrald. There?s the first kind, which are just normal people that are no longer capable of intelligent thought, and are just violent and bloodthirsty. These are called Skraldrings. The second type are people that physically morph into primitive and monsters, of which there are many kinds. The only average things connecting them are their brown or green rough and blotchy skins, their bone based claws that can sheathe and draw out from their forearms, their large black eyes that have no irises or pupils, and their unnatural speed and strength. These are usually called Skralden. Skralden seem to have some kind of control over Skraldrings, as Skraldrings do appear to attack those the Skralden are after as well. It?s unknown how, though it may be chemical in nature? Skrald are not like zombies. They will die after receiving several wounds, or enough damage to vital organs to render them useless. Despite common myth and urban legend, people do not mutate from a Skrald wound or bite. Only the Contagion is capable of this. The common method of being affected by the Contagion is to breathe it in, though skin contact may be enough for it to work. Al-?[/quote] [quote= ?The various types of Genus and Races of Rathe?, by Reno Alr Eady] ?Mortal- The humans of this world. Nothing special about them as a group, though some have special abilities that separate them from the rest of the mortals, and each one is different from the last human, making them a very unique Genus. They?re a very versatile genus. Race: Human Fantasial- The mystical ones, living on the long before the Mortal race even began. Majority of Fantasials are separated from the other races in their own areas, though same have integrated into the human society easily. Fantasials generally prefer the old ways, and are wary of technology, though there are exceptions within each of the races. Using magic is also second nature to them. Races: Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Trolls/Jotuns, Goblins. Etc. Noko- Genetic man made weapons. The various countries researched into how to improve their soldiers, and came up with the Noko; a Human, or the odd Fantasial, injected with animal DNA. This boosts their physical attributes, and heightens their senses, according to the animal DNA they receive. The main side effect is that the person also becomes more animal mentally, though those with strong minds can resist this. They came in various levels based on how much DNA they take, though the main difference between the levels is appearance rather then the side effects. Although once only available in the military, private groups and companies are now able to give a ?Noko procedure? to those with enough money. The most common variety of Nokos is the mammal type, though fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds are quite common. Races: Level one: Eyes and teeth are fully affected. Hands and feet slightly become more animal like, resembling claws or paws. Level two: Same as Level one, except hands and feet fully change, ears also change and they gain a tail. Level three: The person basically becomes a humanoid version of the animal they?ve taken their DNA from. Their skin even becomes covered in the fur or feather or scales of their chosen animal. Nokos generally make a note of which animal they?ve taken their DNA from as well. Nightmarian- The genus from which the old legends of the creatures of the night come from. Although they once began as fully separate creatures within their own race, with their own societies, nowadays the term Nightmarian is used to refer to those cursed in some way to become one of these old races, as the originals have disappeared from Rathe. The legend about vampires needing to drink blood to survive is somewhat true. Some do require regular doses of blood to survive, whilst some just become about as strong as an average human if they do not drink. However, they become stronger shortly after taking a small amount of blood, though the effect of this typically wears down after a while without regular blood intake. Werewolves are often confused with wolf type Nokos, though there is one big difference. Where as Nokos are constantly stuck in their form, unable to change shape, werewolves are able to change between three forms; whatever race they were before becoming a werewolf, a full wolf, and a cross between wolf and their previous race. Though they gain a lot of strength in their hybrid form, they too gain some wolf like habits, with some even completely losing control of themselves in this form. Despite their appearance and the myths around them, Nightmarians are intelligent beings. A common trait amongst Nightmarians is their supposed immortality, though research into vampires and werewolves has shown this is just a stronger regeneration then the other races, as they do die of old age and from several very serious wounds. Only ghosts and zombies are immortal, though as they have already died and are just reanimated bodies or spirits, stuck between life and death, they are technically not immortal. Races: Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Zombies. Etc. Automaton- A combination technology and mortality. Automatons come in three varieties. There are androids, which are any of the above races that have a robotic limb or body part replacing a lost piece of their body. There are also Mechanoids, beings composed entirely of machine parts and technology, usually in the model of a human of Fantasial, whose thoughts are nothing more then the programs of advanced artificial intelligence residing in the processor within its head. The largest problem with using Mechanoids as weapons is their lack of magic, due to the fact they are not living creatures. Bio-Mechanoids are a more recent invention, as they are Mechanoid shells with living organs inside of them, capable of living thoughts and feelings, using the organs to power themselves. Unfortunately, as most Bio-Mechanoids go insane once they realise the truth of what they are and kill themselves, they are rather rare. Due to the organic parts within them, Bio-Mechanoids are able to call upon magic, thought they are somewhat limited in the magic they can cast. To disguise themselves, both Mechanoids and Bio-Mechanoids will either use a holographic projection to make themselves look like organic creatures, or cover themselves with a material made to replicate flesh. Races: Android, Mechanoids, Bio-Mechanoids. Skrald- Those unfortunate enough to breathe in the Contagion, and survive. They morph into one of two creatures; Skraldrings and Skralden. Skraldrings are just normal people that are no longer capable of intelligent thought, and have a never ending bloodlust and hunger for meat. They only follow their instinctual thoughts and needs, and are fairly easy to outsmart and distract. Aside from their skin morphing, there?s no physical difference between Skraldrings and normal races. Skralden, on the other hand, physically morph into primitive and monsters, of which there are many kinds. The common things between each type of Skralden are their bone claws, their large blank black eyes, and their heightened speed and strength. They are more intelligent then their lesser versions, though this intelligence does vary from Skralden to Skralden, as some seem able to set up very simple ambushes to get their pray, whilst some even attack in formations and can operate simple tools or machinery. The only average things connecting both of the races are their brown, green, or grey rough and blotchy skins that seem to cling tightly to the muscles and bones. Races: Skraldrings, Skralden. Hoka- Those that don?t appear to belong to this world, even in this day and age. There are many things that may be classified under the term of Hoka; They usually have powers or abilities not usually seen by those residing on Rathe, though these powers generally come at a large price. There are supposedly something call Omni-Hoka, beings that either rival the gods in power, or are the gods of old. Of course, this hasn?t been proved and wouldn?t be possible. Races: Alien Etc. Of course, there are half-breeds, the results of intergenus and interracial breeding. They typically look like a crossover between the two races, and have weaker versions of both race?s abilities, though there is usually a more dominant race that appears in a half-breed. [/quote] [quote= ?Technology of Rathe?, By Mr Rob Otto] ?The most common variety of technology available to the public nowadays is that of the type of the 20th and 21st century, namely machines that are run on fossil fuels and machines that make use of chemical reactions. The reason for this is that whilst newer technology is, and always has been, available, the costs of building them, and the materials needed, makes them highly unpractical to mass produce. Certain variations of the older technology sometimes replace the need for fossil fuels to power them, with alternative sources of energy, like solar panels attached to the vehicle to make use of solar power, whilst much larger contraptions may even make use of nuclear type materials to power them. The newer technology, however, makes use of an extremely rare type of gem known only as ?Kuronite?. Although it is unknown how this is formed naturally outside of certain groups, rumours suggest it may be a crystallized fragment of a Leyline pushed to the surface. Kuronite is limitless in use, never running out of power, though very extensive overuse of Kuronite in a short amount of time has been known to cause explosions, with the larger ones being strong enough to wipe out a city block with ease. Artificially produced Kuronite, called ?false Kuronite?, can be produced, but only by a certain method, and requires a gem that has not been used for the process before. The method first involves finding an area with an abundance of Leylines around it. The gem is then laid at the area where most of the Leylines either meet or crossover, before someone draws the power from the Leylines that lay there, and sends the power into the gem. The time taken varies according to the size of the gem and the amount of Leylines. False Kuronite are far more common, though they lack the limitless power and use of true Kuronite. However, their lifespan easily surpasses all fossil fuels, and if they do discharge from overuse, the explosion is nowhere near as strong as one from a true Kuronite. Kuronite, both types, vary in sizes, and their size determines their use. For example, a shard of Kuronite the size of a bullet may power a photon particle pistol, whilst a Kuronite gem the size of a human fist would easily power a tank, or even a small mech. They are terribly expensive to buy, whilst the production of false Kuronite costing a lot to produce, thus the reason why Kuronite type technology isn?t seen often outside of the military and public services. The most recent advancement in technology using Kuronite, is the creation of vehicles that hover a few inches in the air above the ground, via something similar to the old jet propulsion of the 21st century technology, except it?s the power of the Kuronite sent through small thrusters that is pushing it off the ground, rather then very strong flames. Though these vehicles are usually safe and work most of the time, when a miscalculation is made, it can be grave. The best example of this is when someone made a mistake with the thrusters on one Vehicle whilst calibrating it. When it was started off, it shook violently for a moment, before shooting off several hundred feet into the air. They never did find it afterwards.? [/QUOTE] Any questions about the RP are to be put in this topic here. Discussion about the RP also takes place in here. -
Rei yawned as he opened his eyes slowly, finding himself staring at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room. He suddenly sat up straight as he glanced anxiously around him, before it took a few seconds for him to remember that he had been sleeping safely at the inn, and not at somewhere like the holding rooms in a camp. He got onto his feet and off the bed, pacing around the room as he gathered his clothes and the various items of his scattered across the floor, making sure he had everything packed as he slipped his jacket back on before leaving the room and heading back downstairs. [I]?Well, at least this didn?t end up like the last time I stayed at an Inn??[/I] He dropped a small bag of coins in the inn keeper?s hand to pay for the room and food as he walked over to the door, walking back onto the streets of the town.
Ok. That's good now Entity. Sorry I've been gone a while. Busy with College. I've been waiting to see whether anyone else will sign up, and this looks like it. I'm wondering whether you two are still wanting to go ahead with this, seeing as it's just the three of us?
"Well, I'm pretty sure the inn will still be open, so I'm off. See you all in a bit." Rei glanced over his shoulder briefly, looking back towards the group, before turning around and heading off to the town, putting both of his hands into the pockets of his trousers as he walked along the weather beaten path that led to entrance of the town. [I]?Hmm?I hope I don?t run into someone who recognises me?.Otherwise, I might have to break my promise to Kaiyi??[/I] He sighed as he walked through the gateway of the town, keeping his head bowed down to hide his face from those still walking along the streets. He only raised his head now and then to turn it to either side and catch a quick glimpse of how the town looked, before looking back towards the ground. [I]?So?This is how a town of the east looks?I must say, it?s different from what you hear in the west?I almost believed some of the tales and rumours about them?Now, where?s that inn??[/I]
[B]Alright. Looking good MoyakuKeramushe[/B]. Name: Roberto Frois Nick Name: Rob, Dr Zombie by the kids he works with. Gender: Male Genus: Nightmarian Race: Zombie Age: Was 30 when he died and was revived. He’s now somewhere in his 50s. Appearance: Roberto looks like an average 30 year old man, aside from the grey skin covering him due to the lack of blood flow, which sometimes makes him resemble a Skrald in certain lights. His body is covered with stitches from the times he’s had to reattach his limbs himself and sew up his wounds, as his body can’t heal itself. Due to the fact his eyes lack irises and pupils, which generally scare people quite a bit to see, he often wears jet black sunglasses to cover them up. In terms of clothing, he wears the standard white long coat of an attending physician over black trousers and a light blue short sleeved shirt, with black shoes to complete the look. The only accessories he adds to the overall look are a gold wedding ring that is still on his right hand, even after all of this time, and a bag on his back that contains his first aid kit. Personality: Roberto, when put simply, is rather bitter and resentful about having been left for dead by almost everyone he knew. The only thing that made his mood worse was when someone made the effort to bring him back for their own needs, after he’d gotten used to being dead. His main problem is that he wants to die, as he found the afterlife quite pleasant and his family is already there, but can’t due to his ‘condition’ as he calls it, which brings him to the point of utter depression and suicidal tendencies when he thinks about it. When talking to people, he’s rather sarcastic and cynical, and very rarely shows anyone any kind of respect, even people who supposedly save him from danger. Whilst often seen as harsh and cruel when talking, he’s often just realistic and sensible about current situations. Although it seems like he’s constantly angry, he very rarely loses his cool and hardly cracks under pressure, due to his time spent at the hospital working with every kind of ‘nutjob’ there is and facing dire situations daily. Due to the fact he can’t technically die, he fears nothing, not even Skrald, and has little regard for his own safety, though he does dislike pain and the idea of being eaten by Skrald for lunch. He rarely made friends with his patients and co-workers when alive, though this stemmed from his realisation that it was incredibly painful to become friends with a patient that would possibly die on him later on. This has carried on over to his current situation, as he acts coldly to people he treats, though he still does take the time and risk to help them. Previous job: Doctor, which he carried on shortly before the attack on the city. He started out training as a surgeon when he began, before changing his mind and switching over to the Physician course halfway through his training, rising to attending physician just before the calamity. Weapon/s: He doesn’t carry one, though he will rip an arm or leg off of himself and use it like a club or launch it like a spear if he’s forced to fight something. Vehicle/Animal: A modified version of a standard fossil fuel using ambulance, fitted with all of the standard equipment one would find in an ambulance. The only modifications are a large bumper attached to the front and back of the ambulance, used for ramming things down without damaging the vehicle. Skills: Roberto is a very skilled medic, and can usually help anyone out with whatever injury or disease is plaguing them, though he does require the specialist tools for the complicated things. Thanks to being reincarnated, Roberto can not be killed by anything short of complete and utter destruction of his body. Though he can survive almost anything, he usually uses function of a body part when it is cut off until he stitches the limb back on, or gets someone else to do it for him. He’s also pretty good at needlework thanks to his time spent reattaching his limbs with his sewing kit. Abilities: None. Roberto prefers to hide during fights, and stay out of the way, due to the frequency of him getting hit by stray bullets. Magic: He has a limited use of magic for healing, though this usually requires a lot of preparation time to perform, which is something he doesn’t usually have time for. History: History: Roberto had a pretty normal life. He did well at work, was in line for a promotion to head Physician, had a wife and two kids. He went out with friends at the weekends, saw the rest of his family over Christmas, the usual things a man does in his early thirties. He was happy and content with how his life had turned out, and was looking forward to the future. Unfortunately this didn’t last long, as one day whilst driving down the highway with his family for their annual holiday; their car was viciously smashed into by a truck driver, killing Rob and his family. It later turned out the driver had been drinking at a nearby bar before getting behind the wheel, and when he realized that he’d killed a family and their kids, he killed himself. Little late for that to do any good for anyone. This should have been the end of Roberto’s story, except a friend of his thought that it was far too early for Roberto to die, and sought out a way to bring him back from the dead. After a few years of research into various techniques, in which Roberto’s body was preserved via cryogenic methods, his friend hired a team of surgeons, and performed an experimental surgery involving the power of the leylines. The surgery was a success after several hours, and Roberto was brought back to the world of the living. Regrettably, Rob wasn’t exactly pleased with having been revived, especially as a zombie, and being torn away from his family in the afterlife. It was when he tried to send himself back there to rejoin them, he found that he couldn’t due to the slight side effects of becoming a zombie. Although he rejoined the medical staff after some convincing from his friend, he eventually became bitter over the long hours helping people, somehow convincing himself that only he’d been brought back because he was to be used. When the Calamity hit, he wasn’t too bothered or affected by it. his only hope that keeps him going is that the Calamity will either kill him at long last, or that there may be something worthwhile to hang on for in the Haven up north. Other: Roberto usually carries a first aid kit around with him, which has the usual things needed for everyday situations.
Rei patted the top of Silver?s head as the dragon laid down on the ground and closed his eyes, beginning to fall asleep already, whilst Rei thought about what Kaiyi had said, contemplating what he was to do now as Demi flew over and sat down on his shoulder. ?Well, as much as I?d like to stay here with the dragons, I?m rather hungry, and I need to replace some things, so I think I?ll risk it. Don?t worry; I?m not the kind to draw attention to myself in public...Though I could name a few people who do.? He glanced over at Demi on his shoulder, who returned the look and sighed loudly as she realised who he was talking about, jumping off and landing on the back of Silver as Rei turned to look back at the group. ?Besides, it?s not like I?m going to have any problems defending myself if something does happen whilst I?m out there.? He sat down on the ground leaning against Silver, removing the gauntlets off his hands and the greaves off his feet, placing them in a bag on the side of Silver whilst looking up at them. "....Unless someone's willing to buy the stuff I need and bring them down to me?"
Discuss Revelations of a Rebirth: Discussion and Information
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[B]He sighed as he slowly rose from his chair behind the desk, and strolled over slowly to a book case leaning against the wall behind him, his finger sliding along the spine of each book on the middle shelf before stopping on a battered old book. He eased it slowly out of the shelf, and began walking back over to his chair, leaning lazily back as he opened it at a book mark and skimmed through a page once he sat back down.[/B] [QUOTE= ?Terminology of Rathe?, By Richard Tionary] Calamity- The term used to refer to the current disaster of the world. Calling- The term used for when someone searches for nearby Leylines, to use their power for magic. Corrosion- The term used to classify the stage of the Calamity, in which the land and flora are killed off. It is also used to identify land that has been affected. Contagion- The term used to classify the second stage of the Calamity, in which the air becomes toxic and kills off all fauna, or mutates them. It is also used to identify the affected air. Haven- The term used to call the cities built to save life from the Calamity. Only six were built, one in each continent. Kuronite- A name for the type of energy source that is used to power most of the advanced machines and weapons. Leyline- The most common term used to call the source of magic. They are metaphorical lines that run through the air, seas, and ground, and are of supposedly endless power. Rathe- The name of the planet, as used by most people. Others may call it by other various names, but Rathe is the most common name used. Sanctuary- The word given to areas of land that are immune to the Corrosion for no known reasons. Skrald- The term given to those mutated by the Contagion.[/QUOTE] [B]He closed the book and rose from his chair. He walked over to a corner of the cramped room, and began shuffling through a pile of books resting on the corner of the rug, pulling out a group of identical books from the bottom of the pile. He walked back over to the desk and sat down as the pile fell over and spilled over the floor, knocking over several other piles of books in the process. The man sighed as he took in the sight of the mess, before opening the first book in the line.[/B] [QUOTE= ?Notes on the Calamity?, by Lucy Fer] ?A small, though overall pointless now, discovery was the pattern the Calamity went in when spreading. First, when striking a new place, the Corrosion would spread through the land, before the Contagion would smother it and either turn the people into Skrald or kill them. These Skrald would spread out, and usually arrived at a place after the Corrosion killed the , but before the Contagion would reach it. Those left alive by the hunting Skrald would then be at the mercy Contagion. The Corrosion kills the land, making it unable to sustain plant life. It is possible to sustain plant life in land affected by the Corrosion through a mix of chemicals, though this usually has side effects on the plants, like making them venomous to eat or touch. Sections of land that aren?t actually part of the ground, IE surrounded by concrete in the ground, or in pots or baskets in a building, are unaffected by the Corrosion. There are normal sections of the , usually small forests or lakes, that remain unaffected by the Corrosion, for unknown reasons. These have become to be known as ?Sanctuaries?, due to their safeness from the Corrosion, and abundance of flora. It is unknown how they fair against the Contagion, though it is apparent they are not safe from Skrald. These areas appear to have a large amount of Leylines though?perhaps they are the key? How long it takes for the Contagion to morph a living creature into a Skrald is random. The main things that will affect the time are how much of the contaminated air the victim has breathed in, and the person itself. If someone was to only get one quick breath of the air before managing to make it into a place with clean air, it may take about several hours to a few days for them to morph. There is no way to prevent the transformation. Animals are rather curious. They too seem to react like humans to the Contagion, either dying or mutating into something more primal, but they seem to be able to sense it beforehand. It is unknown how creatures of a magical nature react to it, but certain evidence suggests they may be no different to the effects. There are two types of Skrald. There?s the first kind, which are just normal people that are no longer capable of intelligent thought, and are just violent and bloodthirsty. These are called Skraldrings. The second type are people that physically morph into primitive and monsters, of which there are many kinds. The only average things connecting them are their brown or green rough and blotchy skins, their bone based claws that can sheathe and draw out from their forearms, their large black eyes that have no irises or pupils, and their unnatural speed and strength. These are usually called Skralden. Skralden seem to have some kind of control over Skraldrings, as Skraldrings do appear to attack those the Skralden are after as well. It?s unknown how, though it may be chemical in nature? Skrald are not like zombies. They will die after receiving several wounds, or enough damage to vital organs to render them useless. Despite common myth and urban legend, people do not mutate from a Skrald wound or bite. Only the Contagion is capable of this. The common method of being affected by the Contagion is to breathe it in, though skin contact may be enough for it to work. Al-?[/QUOTE] [B]He slammed the book shut, always feeling deeply disturbed when he read through it, especially at how the page and book suddenly ended right there, except for the few ink and blood stains covering the next couple of pages. He threw the book over his shoulder into the bin behind him as he stood back up. He wouldn?t need it anymore. He brought the next book in line in front of him, and began reading the first page.[/B] [QUOTE= ?The various types of Genus and Races of Rathe?, by Reno Alr Eady] ?Mortal- The humans of this world. Nothing special about them as a group, though some have special abilities that separate them from the rest of the mortals, and each one is different from the last human, making them a very unique Genus. They?re a very versatile genus. Race: Human Fantasial- The mystical ones, living on the long before the Mortal race even began. Majority of Fantasials are separated from the other races in their own areas, though same have integrated into the human society easily. Fantasials generally prefer the old ways, and are wary of technology, though there are exceptions within each of the races. Using magic is also second nature to them, as they seem to require little to no effort to use it and call out to the Leylines. Races: Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Trolls/Jotuns, Goblins. Etc. Noko- Genetic man made weapons. The various countries researched into how to improve their soldiers, and came up with the Noko; a Human, or the odd Fantasial, injected with animal DNA. This boosts their physical attributes, and heightens their senses, according to the animal DNA they receive. The main side effect is that the person also becomes more animal mentally, though those with strong minds can resist this. They came in various levels based on how much DNA they take, though the main difference between the levels is appearance rather then the side effects. Although once only available in the military, private groups and companies are now able to give a ?Noko procedure? to those with enough money. The most common variety of Nokos is the mammal type, though fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds are quite common. Races: Level one: Eyes and teeth are fully affected. Hands and feet slightly become more animal like, resembling claws or paws. Level two: Same as Level one, except hands and feet fully change, ears also change and they gain a tail. Level three: The person basically becomes a humanoid version of the animal they?ve taken their DNA from. Their skin even becomes covered in the fur or feather or scales of their chosen animal. Nokos generally make a note of which animal they?ve taken their DNA from as well. Nightmarian- The genus from which the old legends of the creatures of the night come from. Although they once began as fully separate creatures within their own race, with their own societies, nowadays the term Nightmarian is used to refer to those cursed in some way to become one of these old races, as the originals have disappeared from Rathe. The legend about vampires needing to drink blood to survive is somewhat true. Some do require regular doses of blood to survive, whilst some just become about as strong as an average human if they do not drink. However, they become stronger shortly after taking a small amount of blood, though the effect of this typically wears down after a while without regular blood intake. Werewolves are often confused with wolf type Nokos, though there is one big difference. Where as Nokos are constantly stuck in their form, unable to change shape, werewolves are able to change between three forms; whatever race they were before becoming a werewolf, a full wolf, and a cross between wolf and their previous race. Though they gain a lot of strength in their hybrid form, they too gain some wolf like habits, with some even completely losing control of themselves in this form. Despite their appearance and the myths around them, Nightmarians are intelligent beings. A common trait amongst Nightmarians is their supposed immortality, though research into vampires and werewolves has shown this is just a stronger regeneration then the other races, as they do die of old age and from several very serious wounds. Only ghosts and zombies are immortal, though as they have already died and are just reanimated bodies or spirits, stuck between life and death, they are technically not immortal. Races: Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Zombies. Etc. Automaton- A combination technology and mortality. Automatons come in three varieties. There are androids, which are any of the above races that have a robotic limb or body part replacing a lost piece of their body. There are also Mechanoids, beings composed entirely of machine parts and technology, usually in the model of a human of Fantasial, whose thoughts are nothing more then the programs of advanced artificial intelligence residing in the processor within its head. The largest problem with using Mechanoids as weapons is their lack of magic, due to the fact they are not living creatures, and are thusly unable to draw from the Leylines around them. Bio-Mechanoids are a more recent invention, as they are Mechanoid shells with living organs inside of them, capable of living thoughts and feelings, using the organs to power themselves. Unfortunately, as most Bio-Mechanoids go insane once they realise the truth of what they are and kill themselves, they are rather rare. Due to the organic parts within them, Bio-Mechanoids are able to call upon the Leylines, thought they are somewhat limited in the magic they can cast. To disguise themselves, both Mechanoids and Bio-Mechanoids will either use a holographic projection to make themselves look like organic creatures, or cover themselves with a material made to replicate flesh. Races: Android, Mechanoids, Bio-Mechanoids. Skrald- Those unfortunate enough to breathe in the Contagion, and survive. They morph into one of two creatures; Skraldrings and Skralden. Skraldrings are just normal people that are no longer capable of intelligent thought, and have a never ending bloodlust and hunger for meat. They only follow their instinctual thoughts and needs, and are fairly easy to outsmart and distract. Aside from their skin morphing, there?s no physical difference between Skraldrings and normal races. Skralden, on the other hand, physically morph into primitive and monsters, of which there are many kinds. The common things between each type of Skralden are their bone claws, their large blank black eyes, and their heightened speed and strength. They are more intelligent then their lesser versions, though this intelligence does vary from Skralden to Skralden, as some seem able to set up very simple ambushes to get their pray, whilst some even attack in formations and can operate simple tools or machinery. The only average things connecting both of the races are their brown, green, or grey rough and blotchy skins that seem to cling tightly to the muscles and bones. Races: Skraldrings, Skralden. Hoka- Those that don?t appear to belong to this world, even in this day and age. There are many things that may be classified under the term of Hoka; various types of aliens, the angels, and the demons. They usually have powers or abilities not usually seen by those residing on Rathe, though these powers generally come at a large price. There are supposedly something call Omni-Hoka, beings that either rival the gods in power, or are the gods of old. Of course, this hasn?t been proved and wouldn?t be possible. Races: Alien, Demon, Angel. Etc. Of course, there are half-breeds, the results of intergenus and interracial breeding. They typically look like a crossover between the two races, and have weaker versions of both race?s abilities, though there is usually a more dominant race that appears in a half-breed. [/QUOTE] [B]He placed the book on the side of the desk once he finished reading it, before picking up the next book and opening it to a page covered with a book mark.[/B] [QUOTE= ?Technology of Rathe?, By Mr Rob Otto] ?The most common variety of technology available to the public nowadays is that of the type of the 20th and 21st century, namely machines that are run on fossil fuels and machines that make use of chemical reactions. The reason for this is that whilst newer technology is, and always has been, available, the costs of building them, and the materials needed, makes them highly unpractical to mass produce. Certain variations of the older technology sometimes replace the need for fossil fuels to power them, with alternative sources of energy, like solar panels attached to the vehicle to make use of solar power, whilst much larger contraptions may even make use of nuclear type materials to power them. The newer technology, however, makes use of an extremely rare type of gem known only as ?Kuronite?. Although it is unknown how this is formed naturally outside of certain groups, rumours suggest it may be a crystallized fragment of a Leyline pushed to the surface. Kuronite is limitless in use, never running out of power, though extensive overuse of Kuronite has been known to cause explosions, with the larger ones being strong enough to wipe out a city block with ease. Artificially produced Kuronite, called ?false Kuronite?, can be produced, but only by a certain method, and requires a gem that has not been used for the process before. The method first involves finding an area with an abundance of Leylines around it. The gem is then laid at the area where most of the Leylines either meet or crossover, before someone draws the power from the Leylines that lay there, and sends the power into the gem. The time taken varies according to the size of the gem and the amount of Leylines. False Kuronite are far more common, though they lack the limitless power and use of true Kuronite. However, their lifespan easily surpasses all fossil fuels, and if they do discharge from overuse, the explosion is nowhere near as strong as one from a true Kuronite. Kuronite, both types, vary in sizes, and their size determines their use. For example, a shard of Kuronite the size of a bullet may power a photon particle pistol, whilst a Kuronite gem the size of a human fist would easily power a tank, or even a small mech. They are terribly expensive to buy, whilst the production of false Kuronite costing a lot to produce, thus the reason why Kuronite type technology isn?t seen often outside of the military and public services. The most recent advancement in technology using Kuronite, is the creation of vehicles that hover a few inches in the air above the ground, via something similar to the old jet propulsion of the 21st century technology, except it?s the power of the Kuronite sent through small thrusters that is pushing it off the ground, rather then very strong flames. Though these vehicles are usually safe and work most of the time, when a miscalculation is made, it can be grave. The best example of this is when someone made a mistake with the thrusters on one Vehicle. When it was started off, it shook violently for a moment, before shooting off several hundred feet into the air. They never did find it afterwards.? [/QUOTE] [B]He placed the book down, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands, before moving on to the final book in the line, opening at the pre-designated as indicated by a small sheet of paper lodged between the pages.[/B] [QUOTE= ?Magic of Rathe, and Leylines?, By Mr Cal] ?Magic, when put simply, is the art of one breaking the laws of reality, and bending nature and its elements to their whim. Whether the person uses magic to heal damage, or cause the damage, is down to them. The source of magic is the Leylines. They run throughout the entire planet, through all of the seas, through the ground beneath our feet, and through the air we live beneath. The Leylines are spread erratically, with some areas having little to no Leylines at all, whilst some have numbers ranging in the hundreds. The power of the Leylines may even run through each living thing on Rathe. They are completely invisible to the naked eye, though certain types of Genus, like the Fantasials and Nightmarians, are able to see faint auras of where the Leylines are lying. There is much we don?t know about the Leylines, and most things we suppose we know are nothing more then guesses and speculations. What does seem sure is that the Leylines have infinite energy and power. Even if mankind, in their rashness and ignorance, were to somehow tap directly into a Leyline and attempt to drain it of all its power, they might not even make a dent in its energy supply. Of course, this would still have disastrous consequences that are unimaginable to any mind. Simple low level magic, like small fireballs or a tiny bolt of thunder does not require the power of a Leyline to use and wield, and simply tires out the user, draining a small amount of their stamina When using higher level magic, the user attempts to find and draw power from the nearby Leylines around them. The act of finding and using the power of Leylines, also known as ?calling?, can be quite draining on those not experienced in the art. The user still has some of their stamina drained, of course. The number of Leylines around will affect how much easier the user has of calling to the Leylines. The more there are, the easier it is to call upon. However, users may sometime call upon more power then they originally wanted if there are far more Leylines nearby then usual, and may even lose control of their magic. Alas, great skill is needed to call upon the Leylines. Very few people outside of the Fantasial Genus are able to call upon Leylines. Skill also determines how well people may call upon Leylines. Lower level users sometimes need to be physically touching a Leyline, or be very close to one, to use its power, whilst higher level users are sometimes able to call upon a Leyline?s power even if they were the same distance as a city block away from it. There are always exceptions to these kinds of rules though. Some people seem to be able to use higher level magic without needing to call upon a Leyline, though this does drain them terribly of their strength.?[/QUOTE] [B]He sighed loudly, smiling as he leaned back on the chair, happy that he?d gone through all of the information one last time. He was about to put the books away, and clean up the mess, when he noticed a sheet of paper resting on the desk. He frowned as he leaned forwards and grasped the paper gently between two fingers. He didn?t remember putting any paper down on the table. He raised the paper in front of his face, reading the writing on the paper.[/B] [QUOTE= Sheet of paper] Any questions about the RP are to be put in this topic here. Discussion about the RP also takes place in here. [/QUOTE] -
Small warning: This will contain a little mature content, only violence, strong language. Have a nice day. [quote=Article from the Newspaper ‘The Daily Time’, 12th March, 2253] “It finally happened. Despite the warnings they received, in spite of the protests of all the other races, and even with the signs of it already starting, mankind continued its slow downward spiral of self destruction, taking everything from the earth that they could. whilst giving nothing in return to the planet. Whilst all of this was happening, they even had the nerve to wage war and conflicts with each other, causing grief and strife that remained with the people till the day they died, for seemingly no reason other then boredom and to show off their power. Even the other races were dragged into this, cutting down their already dwindling numbers dramatically. Very few of them remain in their original habitats nowadays, though quite a lot of them have blended into human society, living in the cities like normal people. Anyway. All of these actions, no matter how much people said it would be impossible, or that they could change what they did, in time to prevent something, could only bring about one result; the slow decaying death of the planet. The demise of Earth began slowly at first. Most of the ice caps melted, causing the seas and oceans to rise and spread across some of the lands, drowning hundreds of thousands of lives on the shorelines of the lands, as random large forests and jungles died suddenly for no reason, causing several hundreds of species of creatures to disappear from life, in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Regardless of this, mankind carried on as normal, as if nothing was wrong. They thought the phase would soon pass, and the planet would return to how it was before all of this happened. They continued as normal, and carried on hurting the planet in their own way. Of course, things only got worse. Eventually, the weather became an untamed and unrestrained version of itself before this all happened, creating storms of hail large enough to tear through most buildings with ease over several cities, whilst others experienced heat waves so burningly hot and unbearable, that it caused even the roads to bubble and begin to melt, whilst the unfortunate few cities left suffered blizzards bitter and freezing cold, enough to turn once great cities into artic wastelands. Somehow, humanity convinced themselves that their actions were not to blame for all of this, that this was all natural in some way, and continued like everything was normal and fine. Then, the disaster known as the ‘Calamity’ happened one day. Reports spread rapidly throughout the world, of something unbelievable happening right then. In several third world countries, several things happened that would change the world’s view forever. The land died suddenly, unable to sustain any more forms of life at all, whilst the atmosphere became toxic and contaminated, killing almost anyone or anything who breathed the air slowly and painfully. Hundreds of thousands died within the first week. Those unfortunate enough to survive breathing the toxic air reacted differently, depending on the person. Some became mindless and insane, killing anything alive and unaffected by the gas that they came across, whilst others morphed slowly into monstrous beasts, more primal in appearance yet capable of intelligent thought as they violently hunted down anything and everything for fun and sport. The death of the land came to be known as the ‘Corrosion’, while the gas came to be dubbed as the ‘Contagion’, whilst those mutated by the Contagion were referred to as the ‘Skrald’. The beginning of a man made apocalypse, as it was only a matter of time before this epidemic would spread across the entire planet. Once humanity finally realised what destruction they had brought upon themselves and the other races, they struggled against time to try to save as much life as they possibly could. That was several decades ago when they began, and the result of their efforts was six large cities, one built in each continent, each one large enough, and with enough living space, to hold several hundreds of millions of people easily. Each city has a large and thick dome covering it, to prevent the venomous air from reaching the city and to protect it from the strange weather on the outside. Each one is referred to as ‘Haven’, and they are numbered based on their location. The money used to pay for the building and construction of these cities came from some of the biggest known companies and franchises known, who had also been some of the leaders in causing the destruction they were now experiencing firsthand. Most think it was their way of redemption for their past misdeeds, as everyone was grateful for the help they companies had given. Looking on it now, it seems strange how quickly those companies are willing to pay for all of the cities’ manufacture without any other financial help at all…. Unfortunately, the Calamity at this point has spread halfway around the world, killing off over half of the entire population of Earth. Panic and chaos has spread throughout the public, as they all rush towards the new cities, hoping that they were some of the lucky ones that manage to make their way into the safe havens. In the once great country of America, the Calamity had finally reached its way into the land, having completely engulfed Mexico and leaving nothing behind in its trail of destruction. Already, it’s slowly spreading through the south of the country, showing no mercy to those it comes across. Of course, Haven 6 is built in the north, near the edge of Canada, to give them more time to prepare for when the Calamity does reach it, and to get as many people as possible in. The government, or what’s left of it at least, has decided that all of their efforts and resources should go towards helping to evacuate, and relocating, those in the northern and central areas of the country to Haven 6, as they had the largest chances of surviving, and everyone in the southern section is already dead, or so they say. I know the truth. Those still alive, and residing in the south, are left to survive on their own. Whether they try to make it up the country to Haven 6 on their own in the 2 months before the gates to the Haven close, or attempt the impossible and survive the Corrosion outside of a Haven, is up to them. If you are in the south and are reading this right now, then may God show mercy on you, and those you love and care for.” [/quote] The man sighed as he put the crinkly old newspaper down on the large oak deck resting in front of him, after he finished reading through the article for the third time that day, before rising slowly from his seat and beginning to walk around the desk. The newspaper was almost two months old, and there was only two weeks before Haven 6 closed its gates, forever shutting itself from the outside world. He walked over to the window and opened it slowly, leaning over the edge to look down on the city below. The city was at the southern end of the country, right near the border of Mexico. A few weeks ago, the land and plants city had died. It was an obvious sign of the Corrosion that had spread through there. As most people had begun to pack their things, in preparation to leave the city and head north to the Haven there, the Skrald then suddenly attacked the city. As far as he could tell, they were once the people who’d lived in the country that had been Mexico, or at least what had been left of it after the Calamity had reached them. The Skrald killed all they came across, with no discrimination towards any who died by their hands. The Skrald alone had cut down the population of the city from several hundreds of thousands, to about five hundred to six hundred people. After that, most left Skrald left the city, following the path of the Corrosion. Some stayed behind, unable to resist the near endless amount of food that still lay around them. The buildings of the city still stood, though it was obvious they were in dire lack of care and attention, with some of the older ones beginning to crumble and fall apart at the edges. Cars, rubbish, and torn bodies littered the streets, with no movement to indicate life, other then a small group of the Skrald stalking something through the streets, before they broke into a sprint around the cars and trucks, hunting their target down relentlessly. His eyes widened when he realised it was another survivor they were chasing, someone who had decided to risk leaving the safety of their hideouts to gather supplies, without any weapons on them. He winced as the survivor below sprinted with food in their arms, shouting out in panic as they tripped up and fell. The Skrald instantly swarmed around the poor person, their bodies covering them completely as they tore at the person’s body with their bare hands. He moved away from the window and closed it after hearing the victim’s screams for help and mercy, rubbing his temples to relieve the stress. There wasn’t anything anyone could do for them now, other then clean up the mess later. He casually pressed a button on a laptop hooked up to a radio transmitter on the edge of the desk as he walked past it, already leaving the room and closing the door behind him as an endlessly looped transmission spread over through all frequencies in the city. Meanwhile besides the transmitter lay a strange contraption, containing a crystal and an unusual metal relic at its core, that spread the message through the magic leylines in the air and ground, contacting those using said leylines for any messages spread through them. “This is Axel…Those of you alive, and able to understand this message, meet me at the cross road intersection of block 16 if you are looking for the salvation we all need…bring all your weapons and supplies, and a vehicle if you still have one…we’re heading out to Haven 6.” Sign Ups/Bios [B]Name: (Last names are optional)[/B] [B]Nick Name: (Optional)[/B] [B]Gender: [/B] [B]Genus: (See explanation in the Backstage topic for more info)[/B] [B]Race: (Same as above, varies according to the Genus)[/B] [B]Age: [/B] [B]Appearance: (Image or a short paragraph)[/B] [B]Personality: [/B] [B]Previous job: (The occupation they had before the Calamity)[/B] [B]Weapon/s: (This ranges from swords to metal chains to guns to sticks to a small animal. You can either have a few small weapons, like a sword and pair of guns, or one large weapon, like a rocket launcher or heavy machine gun. Optional)[/B] [B]Vehicle/Animal: (A short paragraph or a picture will do. Vehicles must be land based. Those that can float can only hover a few feet off the ground. Vehicles can have mounted weapons, with larger vehicles having more room for larger mounted weapons. Animals serve the same purpose as vehicles. Same rules apply to animals as vehicles. Optional, though if you don’t have one you will need to be able to hitch a ride off some of the others, after asking their permission first)[/B] [B]Skills: (Generic abilities that aren’t only for combat, like being a good mechanic, or medic. Optional)[/B] [B]Abilities: (Combat based skills, physical types. Optional)[/B] [B]Magic: (Combat and non-combat based skills, magical types. Optional)[/B] [B]History: (What was their life before the Calamity, what have they been doing up to this point.)[/B] [B]Other: (Anything else you may want to add)[/B] [B]You don’t need to go into detail about anything like weapons and vehicle. Any questions bout the sign up, just PM me, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.[/B] Name: Axel Nick Name: Silver Blade Gender: Male Genus: Mortal Race: Human Age: 23 Appearance: Axel stands around six foot one, and has a somewhat muscular build. He has medium length snow white hair, which he wears spiked backwards along his head, and his eyes are a dark green in hue. His usual attire consists of a red sleeveless undershirt, a black hoody, and baggy dark blue jeans, along with a pair of fingerless gloves on both hands, a black belt around the top of his jeans used to hold ammo and his weapons, and a silver necklace around his neck. Personality: Axel is calm quiet, calm, and composed. He rarely loses his temper with people, and is patient enough to wait for someone even if they’re an hour late for their meeting. He doesn't often plan things far ahead, and decides on what he should do at the last minute. When other people's fates are involved though, he will take the time to sit down and think of the situation. Due to a lack of him showing his emotions in the public, he can be mistaken for someone cold and uncaring. Even though he believes it about himself as well, deep down he does care deeply for those he knows and would be willing to put their safety above his own most of the time. In combat, very little changes about Axel, aside from a quiet determination that makes him work hard to survive the fight and be able to walk away from it once it's over and done. Previous job: Bounty hunter Weapon/s: A pair of twin silver Magnum revolvers, holstered on his belt at either side of him when not in use, and a double edged chokuto sword that lacks a hand guard, with a silver blade that measures roughly four feet in length. Engraved on both sides of the blade is a tribal design, representing a clawed hand. The scabbard to the sword is usually attached to the belt at his waist, with the scabbard hanging a little below the right gun holster. He prefers using the chokuto over the guns usually. Vehicle/Ride: A custom made naked style motorcycle, based on the old BMW R1200 C model, intended more for speed and distance, then carrying supplies. It has a slot built into its right hand side for Axel to place his sword when riding it, that keeps it out of the way yet within reach for him to draw if he needs to. Skills: Axel is in top physical condition for a human, and has a good understanding of computers due to the amount of time spent using them in his previous lines of work, and magical objects, often combining the two for his own purposes. He also has quick reaction speeds, close to the point that it looks like he predicts it. He also has a strange calming effect on the people around him. Abilities: Axel makes up for his lack of magic with his skill in swords and guns. He’s a very accurate shot with both of his guns, enough for him to use both at the same time without a drop in his accuracy, and is skilled enough with his sword in close combat for him to take on several basic Skralden at once. He’s also a pretty good strategist, even in the heat of combat, and is quick to work out or find an opponent’s weakness, before using it to his advantage to end it. Magic: None at all. History: Axel was born into an average family in Northern America, who moved down into South America early on in his life. He had a pretty normal childhood, he went to school, he made friends, he had fun, and he worked hard. Things went normal for him until the age of fourteen, when both of his parents died after an attack by Skrald on the city they were residing in at the time. After that, Axel was forced head up north, and to fend for himself and his little sister, who had no other relatives except for each other. Eventually, after finding no work in his area, Axel turned to his only available option; legal bounty hunting. It was then that Axel found out he had a natural talent for fighting and hunting people down, using his newfound talents for his line of work, though he only went after the small time bounties, due to their safety. The money he earned from this was enough for him to pay for both his sister’s and his own upbringing, though only just. Wanting the best for her, Axel began training himself in the use of weapons, and began going after the much larger, and more dangerous, bounties, with varying rates of success, ranging from capturing them without any problems, to him winding up in hospital on numerous occasions. After a few years of saving up, Axel moved the two of them out back to North America, planning to retire early from his job and take up a normal line of work. However, whilst entering the city they were both about to move into, the Skrald swept through the city. Whilst Axel helped fight them off and protect people as they escaped from the onslaught, his sister disappeared in the panic and confusion. He searched throughout the city after the attack whenever he could, unable to find any trace of her anywhere no matter how hard and thorough he looked. After hearing about the Haven up north, Axel decided that it would be worth heading up there, in the hope that his little sister may still be alive and already up there. Other: [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58620l][u]Revelations of a Rebirth: Information[/u][/url] You'll want to use this for some of the info you'll need for your signups by the way. Sorry about that.
Yeah. I'm still working on the story. I hadn't really decided on what to do yet storywise. Unfortunatly, I've hit a few deadends, as in I'm running low on inspiration for the story. I just can't seem to think anything up for the story. For now though, I've got an RP based on the first quote, giving an insight into what it was like for them during the disaster. Storywise, this one is pretty simple. A group of people are trying to reach a city, before the gates close, whilst coming along a few roadblocks on the way in many forms. Same universe, different time and setting. A century before this RP, and outside of the city.
Rei sat up straight slowly as he watched the rest of the group, Demi grunting as she rolled off quickly from his stomach and onto Silver?s back, whilst he began sighing loudly as he observed the rest of the groups? actions and what they were up to. ?So immature?I?m surprised I?ve had the patience to stand being around you lot this long?? He spoke it just loud enough for the rest of the group to hear, a small smirk spreading across his face as he lay back down onto the dragon?s back, staring up at the sky above them as they carried on through the air. ?So, how much longer till we reach this village??
Soul Calibur is my favourite fighting game, other then super smash. I just love the idea of a fighting game with weapons, and Soul Calibur does it quite well, with most characters having unique weapons or styles, and each character having multiple weapons to use, which can be either for looks or for certain statistical advantages like more defence or attack power. Gotta love those joke weapons though. Soul Calibur 3 is my favourite out of them. The story was pretty good, being able to choose your own path, with a few secrets hidden out there, and the two end bosses are just amazing. Their moves, their stages, their appearance, and even their weapons are mindblowing. It?s a shame only one of them is playable though without a cheat device. Create a character was nice, but it felt sort of tacked on as an afterthought, especially not being able to set your guy?s personality yourself except by your clothes. Also, it slightly annoyed me that female characters had so much more to choose from. Seriously, they had like two to three times the amount male characters got to choose from. Chronicles of the sword was really fun. It felt like an RPG mixed with a strategy game, choosing which characters were to join you at the beginning of each chapter. You had to use a created character, and all the people who could join you weren?t the original characters, and were made in the create a character mode. Matter of fact, everyone in Chronicles of the sword was made in create a character. It was basic and simple, but it was fun. Me and my friends played that through quite a few times, using only our three created characters. My favourite characters were Mitsurugi and Siegfried. Siegfried had quite a few sword stances, and I had a few combos where he?d swap between them, making him quite hard to predict. As for Mitsurugi?he?s a fricking samurai. Enoguh for me. And it felt natural to use him. Can?t wait for Soul Calibur 4. Only problem with 3 was there was something with the AI. They?d block every attack except the cheap ones, and gave you no chance at all. Here?s a new trailer for the game as well. [URL="http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29535.html"]http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29535.html[/URL] Now?what do you lot think of the two playable characters shown at the end? I wasn?t ever expecting those two in Soul Calibur to be often. Personally, I was excited a little at first, but now I think they?re out of place to be honest. Whilst their fighting styles would fit in the Soul Calibur universe, they?re just out of place in everything else. Plus you just know Yoda?s going to be very awkward. He?s either going to be the leaping around type when he attacks, making him hard to hit without being hit yourself, or he?s going to be a low attack only guy, going to be hard to hit unless you use a lot of low attacks and vertical slashes that can hit people crouching as well. Though it would be interesting to see if they can use the force and how it'd work in the game...
Rei yawned loudly as he lay back on the back of Silver, Demi flying over and sitting on Rei?s stomach when she landed, the buzzing noise in his head having died down once the fight had ended. The three of them stayed at the back of the group, bringing up the rear as usual. [I]?Well, that was amusing. At least I got to see what the others are capable of, and Silver seems to be in a better mood for now??[/I] ?Rei?? ?What now Demi?? ??What was wrong with you earlier, other then the cuts and bites from the big puppies? You were clutching your head really tightly?? A frown spread across his face as he raised his head up to stare at her, the look softening slightly when he saw the look of concern in Demi?s eyes. ?I?ve told you about it before. That buzzing sound that keeps bugging me?You know which one I mean?? ?Oh?That one?Did you-? ?No. Don?t worry about it. It won?t get as far as last time again, for a while. I promise.? He placed his head back down and closed his eyes as Demi smiled and curled up on his stomach, unsure of whether he would actually be able to keep that promise he'd just made now.
Rei watched as Wolfie and Silver fought off the hounds that surrounded them, with Rei kicking away any that got past the other two quickly, before he fell down onto one knee, gasping quickly for air as he felt his body begin to go completely numb, closing his eyes to try and get a better grasp on his condition. It wouldn?t have helped if he?d kept them opened, as his vision had begun to blur. [I]?Man?these wounds are beginning to get annoying?I can?t even think straight or fast enough, and the dizziness isn?t helping at all. As for that loud buzzing noise in my ears??[/I] He?d begun to accept that it might have been his time, when he suddenly felt his whole body begin to feel warm and relaxed, as if he?d been lazing around in front of a fire. He opened his eyes steadily, and was astonished to see the gashes and cuts on his body begin to heal over faster then normal. Rei looked around him, as his vision began to clear up, trying to find what was causing this, and could only make out the hazy outline of a cat near him. [I]??Like a cat can use healing magic. Don?t even be silly for a moment thinking that Rei??[/I] He sighed loudly and allowed the healing of his wounds to continue, whilst raising his working arm to the side of his head and grasping it gently, as the odd noise in his head began to get louder and clearer with each passing second.
This will be my first RPG on this board, which I hope will go a lot smoother then my first try at doing my own RPG that was on another board, which ended horribly wrong:animeswea. Anyway, this RPG will be mainly a cross between Sci-fi and fantasy, in genre of course, with a few other things thrown in along the way, assuming it lasts long enough. It’s set in a futuristic version of a fantasy type Earth, roughly around four or five centuries ahead of something like our current timeline. As for the back story: [QUOTE]“It finally happened. Despite the warnings they received, in spite of the protests of the other races, and even with the signs of it already starting, mankind continued its slow downward spiral of self destruction, taking everything from the earth that they could whilst giving nothing in return, while many were waging war on one another, and causing conflicts that remain lodged tight in the minds of some people, even today. All of these actions, no matter how much people said it would be impossible or that they could change it in time to prevent it, could only bring about one result; the slow decaying death of the planet. The demise of Earth began slowly at first. Most of the ice caps melted, causing the seas and oceans to rise and spread across some of the lands, drowning hundreds of thousands of lives on the shorelines of the lands, as random large forests and jungles died suddenly for no reason, causing several hundreds of species of creatures to disappear from life, in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Despite this, mankind carried on as normal, as if nothing was wrong, thinking the phase would soon pass, and the planet would return to how it was before this happened. They continued taking what wasn’t rightfully theirs, and carried on hurting the planet in their own way. Of course, things only got worse. Eventually, the weather became an untamed and unrestrained version of before this all happened, creating storms of hail large enough to tear through most buildings with ease over several cities, whilst others experienced heat waves so burningly hot and unbearable, that it caused even the roads to bubble and begin to melt, whilst the unfortunate few cities left suffered blizzards bitter and freezing cold, enough to turn once great cities into artic wastelands. Somehow, humanity convinced themselves that their actions were not to blame for all of this, that this was all natural in some way. Then, the calamity referred to as ‘The Corrosion’ happened one day. Reports spread throughout the world, of something unbelievable happening right then. In several third world countries, several things happened that would change the world’s view forever. The land died suddenly, unable to sustain any more forms of life at all, whilst the atmosphere became toxic and contaminated, killing almost anyone who breathed the air slowly and painfully. Those unfortunate enough to survive breathing this air were gradually morphed into monstrous beasts, reacting on pure instinct as they killed all life they came across. Millions died within the first week. The beginning of a man made apocalypse, as it was only a matter of time before this would spread across the entire planet. Once humanity finally realised what destruction they had brought upon themselves and the other races, they raced against time to try to save as much life as possible. The result was six large cities built several years later, one built in each continent, each one large enough, and with enough space, to hold several million people easily. Each city had a large and thick dome covering it, to prevent the venomous air from reaching the city and to protect it from the strange weather on the outside. The money used to pay for the building and construction of these cities came from some of the biggest known companies and franchises known, who had also been some of the leaders in causing the destruction they were now experiencing. Once each city had opened and had taken in as many people as it could possibly hold, every entrance and exit to each city was sealed off, leaving those left outside of the cities to fend for themselves against the effects of the corrosion, as those on the inside adjusted to their new lives that lay ahead of them. Looking back on it now, it seems strange how quickly those companies were willing to pay for all of the cities’ manufacture without any other financial help at all….”[/QUOTE] The main location will be in the city built in North America and the various parts of it; roughly set a hundred years after the cities were sealed off. [QUOTE]“The once fair council instigated when the city was built, has been replaced with a representative from each of the companies that had paid for the cities, via various methods ranging from blackmail to bribes. This group had become to be known as ‘The Corporation’, and decide the fate of many lives each day with their choices, all of which seem to benefit them more then the people they are meant to be leading and thinking about. Meanwhile, those living inside the city were split into two types; those with enough money, which live in the best parts of the city, with the greatest pleasures that the city had to offer available at a moments notice, and those without enough money, struggling to survive each day in what has been referred to as the slums of the city.”[/QUOTE] This is a very rough insight to the current state of the city. As you can see, it’s not too nice. Course, I’m still writing out the rest of the story, tinkering with a few details of it, and planning what to do for the plot if I do go ahead. Nothing set in stone yet, but that’s the main idea so far. As you can probably guess, it’ll be a group of stragglers and renegades against The Corporation. However, people can instead decide to join a special forces group belonging to The Corporation, brought together to bring down those who would dare oppose The Corporation that leads them. Any questions? And what do you think of the idea so far?
Rei grunted as he leapt backwards, whilst simultaneously delivering a strong right hook to the side of the head of a hound that had lunged at him. A small smirk spread across his face as he felt the skull of the beast begin to shatter from the blow, before Rei activated the mechanism in his gauntlet and popped the blade out, stabbing through its head easily. He sighed loudly as he tugged the blade out of its head and let the body fall to the floor, before he grimaced as he felt a set of jaws dig deep into his leg, trying to tear a chunk out of him. Rei lashed out with his other leg and caught the hound?s side with the greave, knocking it hard enough for the hound to release its grip with its jaw and knock it away from him. [I]?Dam?that?s going to be sore later.?[/I] He glanced down to check himself and the damage he received as he waited for the next attack from the hounds. After a while of attacking one at a time, the hounds had begun to attack in small groups at the same time. Although Rei was able to hit most of them in time to save himself from being hit, one or two would manage to slip by his attacks and land a slash of their claws, or bite from their jaws, on his body. The wounds weren?t too serious on their own, but altogether Rei could feel them begin to take their toll on him as the blood flowed freely from them. He looked up suddenly as he heard the sounds of something large begin to smash its way through the trees nearby, before Silver appeared through the trees and ran towards the groups of hounds, clawing and biting at any he could reach. The hounds, confused at what was happening, broke their formation as they all ran at the dragon. Rei smiled briefly as he watched Silver tear through them easily for a few moments, before glancing over his shoulder when he heard Demi fly over towards him, staying far enough in the air above them to be out of reach of the hounds when they leapt up at her. ?Rei! Thank god you?re still alive! I was so sure you might have been hurt badly or killed or-? ?How are the others?? ?The three that were in the river managed to escape, not sure about the other?but there?s something you?ll want to know, that?s kinda important?.? ?What on earth could be so important that you have to tell me right now?? Before she could answer his question, Rei heard a sound that made his blood run cold for a minute. He slowly turned around to see what the cause of the sound was, and was shocked to see another group of hounds behind him, with far more then the group he was currently fighting. ?Yeah?they didn?t quite finish off their group?? Rei examined the new group for a moment, contemplating his situation quickly, before he sprinted into small gap between the group of hounds, whistling twice loudly as he ran past the trees and neared the edge of the river. Silver looked up from the hounds he was killing, before snorting loudly and leapt into the air, soaring in the sky above Rei as Demi followed them as fast as she could, whilst the two groups of hounds turned around and chased after them. [I]?Dam dam dam! Even with Silver, I?m not sure I could take them all on without me or Silver getting injured badly or worse. The river?s my last chance??[/I] He dashed into the river and ran through the water till it reached around his waist, spinning around to face the beasts as they too entered the water, charging at him with the vast bloodlust still strong in their eyes. [I]?Here goes nothing??[/I] Rei clutched his right arm tightly with his left hand, a look of concentration spread across his face as he began focusing only on the arm. A small grin spread across his face as the skin began to crackle with electricity, bolts of lightning shooting across and around his arm rapidly. He waited until all of the hounds had gotten into the water, with those at the front of the group mere feet from reaching Rei, before he placed the palm of his right hand on the surface of the water. The lightning flowed smoothly down his arm and shot through the water swiftly, surging strongly through each hound in the water when it reached them. Rei panted for air as he removed his hand from the surface of the water, watching as just over half of the hounds stopped moving and floated down the river, their bodies unable to cope with the lightning, whilst the rest shook after receiving the large shock, before carrying on charging at him, though slightly slower and more cautiously then last time. He took one last deep gasp of air, before slowing his breathing down and re-entered his stance as Silver landed besides him once again, ready for one final struggle against the hounds to determine who walked away alive.
I've finished almost every single game I've bought, no matter how long it takes me. I have no idea why, but I sort of have to finish a new game before I begin playing my other games agian. Sometimes, I'll give up and return to it later. I think it took me about 3 years to actually finish FF 7 the first time I'd bought it though. Also, by finish, do you mean just finish the story, or finish as in get 100% completion? If you mean the second one, then I've not finished any of my games at all. It just sort of bores me trying to get 100% unless they are amazingly fun. In terms of ones I've not finished story wise, these are the few I've not been able to complete. Final Fantasy VIII, X-2 and XII: These three were just so different from the others that they didn't seem as much fun as the rest of the series. And their stories weren't as gripping to me as the others, thus losing one of the main motivations for me completing them. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, and Lucifer's Call: Great games. Absolutely loved them, as they were quite fresh and original. Possibly the best games I've played for a few years. I really wanted to finish them, but couldn't. As my PS2 broke, and I haven't been able to replace it since then. :animeangr
Rei began moving when he became aware of someone else in the river besides Demi and Kaiyi, before he realised it was just two others out of the group as well. He closed his eyes and slumped down against the trunk, his hands fiddling with the gauntlets on either arm to pass the time. Rei opened his eyes slowly when he heard the low pitch of growling nearby, and almost groaned when he noticed the group of jet black hounds that were now surrounding him. He gradually rose to his feet, the hounds advancing towards him unhurriedly as Rei moved his back away from the tree. ?Out of all the things that I could be fighting now, I?m stuck up against a bunch of angry little puppies. Guess I?ll play with you lot though.? He said as he spun around slowly to see just how many there were. All of the dam hounds around him looked ready to tear his throat out at the first chance they could find. Rei sighed loudly as he raised his arms in front of him, the gauntlets and greaves twinkling under the light of the moon, as he entered a casual stance. His eyes darted quickly as he examined each hound briefly, before his eyes rested on a larger and crimson red hound that stood out from the rest. He become aware of the fact that the red hound was right in front of him, stood a little in front of the circle of hounds, and that all of the pack?s heads were leaning a little towards the red one, keeping their eyes on both Rei and the red hound at the same time. Judging from that, Rei guessed it was the leader of the pack. The leader howled deeply in the air for a moment, before a black hound dashed out from the side and leapt suddenly at Rei, its teeth bared as it aimed to bite into his neck. Rei let out fake gasp of shock when he saw the hound, before he pivoted himself around on his right foot, watching the hound begin to soar past him. He raised his left leg rapidly and smashed his greave into the chest of the hound, feeling the ribs of the beast cracking easily from the blow. The strike sent the hound flying up into the air, its back colliding into a branch. The hound fell back down to the ground besides Rei?s feet, its limp body not moving anymore. ?Looks like I?m playing a little too rough for you lot to handle. Now isn?t that a shame?? He whistled shrilly into the air, to get Silver?s and Demi?s attention, as he re entered his stance again, trying to keep track of all of the hounds. They didn?t seem too please at what he?d just done, and Rei could feel their bloodlust intensify as they stared at their fallen comrade. [I]?One down, a few more to go. No doubt the others are in pretty much the same situation. They better not be in over their heads already.?[/I]
Rei slowly ate the last few pieces of his meat as he closed his eyes and contemplated his current situation, his back leaning against the thick trunk of the tree behind him. He shifted uncomfortably as he felt Demi budge around constantly on top of his head, to peek around the corner of the tree, trying to get a quick glimpse of the river, every few minutes or so. ?Rei.? Rei sighed loudly as Demi stopped his train of thought yet again. It was one of the many things that annoyed him about Demi, and yet he decided it was worth keeping her around. He still hadn?t found his reason why he continued to do so. ?What now?? ?Um?she?s sorta stopped moving and stood up straight. She looks like an animal when they realise something else is there.? ?Then she?s aware that you?re watching her probably. I suppose you?d better go tell her what?s happening and explain.? Demi nodded slowly, leaping off Rei?s head and hovering in the air for a moment. She began to head towards the river, stopping near the edge of the tree to look back at Rei, who hadn?t moved a muscle. ?Aren?t you coming down to speak as well?? ?It wouldn?t help. I think she would freak out if a guy began walking towards her whilst she?s like that.? [I]?And there?s the fact I don?t want to look. Which was why I made Demi do it in the first place...?[/I] Demi shrugged as she turned back around and carried on towards the river, waving her arms in the air when she came into view. ?Hi! Don?t panic! Please don?t! It?s just me!? She smiled as she flew rapidly towards Kaiyi in the river, stopping when Demi was a feet away from her, floating around head height in the air as her wings flapped rapidly. ?Rei thought it would be a bad idea for you to go out here by yourself, though I can?t quite remember his reasoning behind it?Oh well! He thought it would be best to keep an eye on you, and make sure nothing happened?Though I?m not sure how he planned on doing that when he keeps his eyes closed, and back towards you, and stays behind that tree over there?? She indicated with a hand briefly towards the tree Rei was behind, whilst placing another hand on her own chin, as Demi tried to remember what else Rei had said or if there was anything she missed, before giving up quickly and carried on smiling at Kaiyi.
Axl sighed loudly as he watched the man they had saved earlier sprint off full pace down the nearest street, whilst glancing over his shoulder to see a one eyed monster, like the one from earlier, use a dark and bizarre magic attack to completely destroy a monument. Whilst all this was happening, Axl became aware of yet another swarm of the little black monsters that were spreading through the town. [I]‘Some days just wouldn’t go well no matter what, even if you bribed them with all the money in the world.’[/I] Axl scratched the back of his head slowly, contemplating what he should do now, as he watched a small group of the monsters slowly begin to head towards him and the girl that saved him. [I]‘I don’t really enjoy running from fights, but I can’t really seem to hurt these things with my weapon…and the fact we’re horribly outnumbered isn’t helping at all.’[/I] He grasped tightly onto one of the handles of his kusarigama, and removed the weapon from around his waist whilst throwing one end towards the nearest monster to him, watching it bounce harmlessly off the monster’s chest and clatter loudly onto the street. Axl and the monster stared down at the end of the kusarigama that lay still on the floor, before he sighed again and pulled the end of it back towards his with the chain. Once he got it back, he slowly began spinning it at his side, whilst looking over his shoulder at Hana-Ame. “Hate to be a pain, but could you use your magic umbrella again? My weapon doesn’t seem to be able to hurt them, and my magic is pretty much pointless in this storm.” He asked, a small grin etched into his face as he turned his attention back towards the monsters. [I]‘Everyone else’s weapons has those little indents, and seems to be able to hurt those things. Mine did, but seems to have gone back to normal, and I have no idea how to make it do that thing again…such a pain in the ass!’[/I]
Hmmm... I used to ask for just games, though the last few years my family just gives me money usually, so i can get what i want later on when I've finally decided.:p Anyway, this year I've asked for: -Money (for a laptop I need for my ICT course) -A Rise Against Album (I need more music!) -Clothes in general (My Parents are aware of my clothing tastes, so I can trust them to buy me stuff :animesmil) I don't ask for much, as it's not really about the presents for me. Always get more then what I ask for anyway. ...There is one other thing on my Christmas wish list, that people can't buy for me :animeshy: -To meet the girl of my dreams beneath the mistletoe at a party. Cheesey, I know. :p