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Non Fiction

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About Non Fiction

  • Birthday 04/25/1988

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  • Biography
    if you want to destroy my sweater...
  • Occupation
    lying on the floor...i've come undone.

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  1. According to Jack Thompson, I'm a terrorist because I play video games.
  2. The real question is... ...how many of us [I]are[/I] crackers?
  3. ...in the most polite way possible. [QUOTE] You might recall that last week Jack Thompson offered to come to Electronic Arts assistance in their attempt to try and buy-out Take-Two. (Funny enough, when I first emailed Jack about this he said he didn't care.) Today Electronic Arts told Jack thanks, but no thanks: ----------------- Mr. Thompson, We have received your letter to EA's shareholder site. In response to your offer to assist in the proposed acquisition of Take-Two, we would strongly prefer that you not get involved in this matter. EA is a strong supporter of creative freedom for game developers. We feel that your past statements - including false claims about content in our games - make any collaboration with you impossible. Sincerely, Mariam Sughayer Sr. Manager Corporate Communications Electronic Arts, Inc. ------------------- Wow, that's about the nicest **** off I've ever heard. Now get back to the kid's table Jack, the adults have to talk about important things.[/QUOTE] Source: [URL="http://kotaku.com/364195/ea-tells-jack-thompson-to-get-bent"]http://kotaku.com/364195/ea-tells-jack-thompson-to-get-bent[/URL] All I know is, I lol'd.
  4. [QUOTE='[Sound_Nin];805361'] As for Ron Paul, well, this certainly doesn't constitute his views, but if you check out the Stormfront.com (white nationalist) forum, you see pro-Ron Paul everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. This doesn't make him one of them, and it doesn't mean their political views are wrong. No one's are... well, with few exceptions. Just pointing out that he's the candidate of choice among White Nationalists.[/QUOTE] Funny thing is, Ron Paul didn't even win a state. That should say something about the White Nationalist population in the US.
  5. I'm going to cry all day because I'm a 13 year old emo kid :animecry: No, but really, I'll probably have lunch with some friends.
  6. [quote name='spy46']would any one know why 2 blank notepad files open up every time i restart my computer or just turn it back on? both of them are called "process"[/QUOTE] what processes/applications do you have running at startup? either way, run an anti-virus scan to make sure it's not part of some virus's payload. does it cause any particular errors, or does it just appear at boot for no reason?
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