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Everything posted by Kaioshin

  1. [COLOR=teal]I think I'll get in on this[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Name: Tetsuo Kojima Age: 16 Digivice info: Gold and Silver Digimon: Patamon, Omnimon, Sorry I'll have to finish this later. I'll edit my post.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=teal]So basically you guys bought toys, but they've been doing some weird things lately. And you think you've seen some digimon, but you're not sure. I agree there are some weird things that happen, but for you guys, those weird things involve digimon? this is getting too weird?:therock: :nervous: :worried: Oh yeah Clowmet, is the banner you have the new series of digimon?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=teal]Losing your virginity is both mental and physical. The physical part is obvious and mental part being that you have lost your virginity with someone, because you have agreed and given yourself to someone. You cant lose your virginity with your hand.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]Why don't you just edit it into your first post instead of double posting and breaking a rule. And sorry If I sound like im being mean I'm just making a point. :) So Majora when are we gonna start. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]Erm.........I didn't know you could do that?:rolleyes: Gees why didn't nobody tell me? I've been double posting like there's no tomorrow![/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=teal]I try and post as frequently as I can, but not having access to the Internet whenever I wnat doesn't help. Whenever I go on the internet, Otakuboards is all I go on! I reckon the pruning thing would be a brilliant idea. Loads of people join up but they never post! I remember I joined Otakuboards ages ago under a different name (I think it was in August or before it) but I couldn't post for some reason! Anyway I'm here now and I'm an active user! AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS![/COLOR]
  6. Kaioshin


    [COLOR=teal]So if I get this: Manga: Japanese comics Anime: Japanese cartoons Hentai: X-rated drawings So that's right then is it?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=teal]1. I dont think they're ever gonna show the movies over here. 2. I haven't heard canadian actors so I dont know if they're good or not. Wouldn't they just be the same as American actors (except they say aboot instead of about - what's up with that maybe someone from Canada could tell me) 3. Who's does the voices of the eps we watch. Are they American actors?[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] that's because they are talking about the episodes shown in the UK.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]That's true![/COLOR]:laugh: [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Z.Z.[/i] [B] That wierd, because where I live, Illinois, the last episode CN was the one when Vegeta blew himself up.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]I thought in America you guys were much further ahead than us UKers?[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=teal]It will be very hard to pick actors/actresses to play the characters. My brother and I always talk about this. They will find a way to do it but it will most probably be substandard. It'll be too hard to do the hair styles especially. I would put up a list of actors I feel would suite the part, but that would take way too long.[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B]you know the wish they made during the frieza saga... to revive all the people killed by freiza... well wouldnt that revive all the people from planet vegeta that he killed?? and everybody else frieza killed?? then everyone would of been on planet earth cause that was there next wish.... instead of just the nameks.. that is a major mistake in dbz... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]That is actually true and I've thought about that before, but, and here comes the big but, as I always say we shouldn't look into it too much. If the story works, it works! (It looks like everybody is digging into you! I agreed with you before I made my point so technically, that's not digging!)[/color]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Name:[/COLOR][COLOR=teal]Rain[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Drives:[/COLOR][COLOR=teal]McLaren F1 (If it's too extreme tell me!)[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Attitude:[/COLOR][COLOR=teal]Cool (I dont mean sunshades cool, I mean calm cool), easy going, serious when it is necessary![/COLOR]
  12. This thread has become soooooooooooooo crap!
  13. [COLOR=teal]Come to think of it, I could do with a good online job that makes lots of money[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]As Shogun only carries two weapons, this allows for incredible speed almost rendering him invisible in the field.[/COLOR]
  15. [B]Name:[/B][COLOR=teal]Rain[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B][COLOR=teal]16[/COLOR] [B]Description:[/B][COLOR=teal]Rain is a normal teenager, intelligent and cool. He's always been into medabots and has been training for a long time. He's fun loving and enjoys himself, but when it is necessary Rain becomes an assertive force ready to do battle with his amazing knowledge of the medabot. He's a tall, black person with a small afro. He wears a red and silver fubu american football shirt with the number 00 on it. He wears black big tracksuit bottoms and basketball boots. His jacket is also black with gold trim and the collar is always up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue][I]His medabot[/I][/COLOR] [B]Name:[/B][COLOR=darkblue]Shogun[/COLOR] [B]Type:[/B][COLOR=darkblue]Gun Samurai X1[/COLOR] [B]Weapons:[/B][COLOR=darkblue]A Samurai sword and a laser gun on his back[/COLOR] [B]Medal[/B][COLOR=darkblue]Samurai medal[/COLOR] [B]Description[/B][COLOR=darkblue]Shogun has exactly the same personality as Rain, allowing a good understanding and frienship, but also great compatability in the battlefield. Shogun is an all-over silver medabot, with gold trim allover his body.
  16. [COLOR=teal]Ok I'm go, but if this is one of those games where people suddenly leave it and forget about it, I'm gone! Other than that, count me in:D [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=teal]Do you guys really have digimon and digivices. I'm a little sceptical, but if this is real I wanna know how to get one. :rolleyes: Why am I writing this, I really look like a nutcase![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=teal]Yep another watcher here! My dad used to watch it, that's how I got into it. I'm 16, but my parents dont dont really care especially my dad cos he knows what anime is all about[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=teal]Ok I'm back and I wanna clear somethings up. 1. As it can obviously be seen, love is determined through a person's point of view. For example Piromunkie believes that love can only be when the persons involved are thinking of marriage. I believe this is true but that is a higher level of love. There are different types and levels of love. If love was only when people were getting married then love would only be hindered to adults (or crazy teens) 2. Age is an important factor. With age comes a greater understanding of love so therefore I will not question anyone older than me. But love can be felt at young age. I'm 16 and I know I'm in love because I would [B]die[/B] for the girl I am with. And Ravenstorture and Harlequin are proof of that, as it is very evident that they are in love (my deepest congratulations to the both of you) 3. Many of those people who have been hurt, it is a normal thing in the journey of life. (And I'm not saying go and get hurt till you find that special someone) It seems those people that have been hurt aren't very warming to the idea, but that is normal as you have been hurt. You will eventually get over it and you will eventually find that someone who will completely change your views, whether you are older or younger. 4. Wrist cutter, [B] LOVE IS NOT ****, GETTING HURT IS **** [/B]. I'm sure you have parents, are you calling them loving you and bringing you to this Earth ****? Are you saying your friends who love you are simply doing a **** thing? There is a deeper meaning to love and it is not ****! Even meaningless love (which I know not of the kind) can grow to become real love. You're attitude is seriously demeaning the reason I put up this thread! (And I'm not having a go at you as I do respect your views, but I'm just saying lighten up a little) And masturbationis a normal thing! not just pervy! 5. Alexander, you need to find out for yourself what you are feeling. If it is just a little crush, explore it and ask yourself 'can this really go anywhere?' Tell whoever how you feel and go on from there if your feelings are really strong. If you are after her because she's a fox, that's ok as no-one wants an ugly girlfriend. 6. Finally, this thread is getting way too negative. Let's look at the good side of love. Off course there will be some bad experiences, but let's not focus too deeply on the negative! LECTURE OVER![/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shystor [/i] [B]I can't wait for my true love, someday someone will apritiate(spelling?) me for who I am. I like love stories, and if true love is better, then I can't wait. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]True love is definitely better, trust me I know. There'll be some bumps like people who will lie and dnot really love you, but when it's real you'll know and you'll love it. It's the best feeling in the world![/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shystor [/i] [B]I'm a lady, well, accually I'm 13. If you think I'm too young to be included, tell me so. I once had a case of puppy love, twice accually. The first time I was in Kindergarden, there was a boy I liked, and that was the only time I ever liked him. The second case can be described as a heartbreaker if you want to, I had a crush on a boy and everybody knew. The next year of school he went to another, nobody cared, but when we finally ended up in the same school again, I had grown to ignore him. Everyone then started to tease me saying that I still liked him and it has stayed that way ever since. Isn't that sad? Really, I don't exactly know what true love feels like, but I sure can write about it. If you want to read what I wrote PM me, it might be better than you think. Be a man a dare to. Sorry if that's inapropriate. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]You're not too young, I wanna hear from everybody - anybody can fall in love! Lemme tell you true love is amazing. Well I gotta go now, so keep falling in love people!:wave: :love2: :heart: [/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B] Actually I kind of ment as though the worst that ever happends is that team rocket appears and takes a pokemon. And after countless episodes there way of stealing doesn't change and they don't pose anymore of a threat then the last time Ash and friends encountered them. So why Ash is worried every time they steal a pokemon is beyond me. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]That's true. Pickachu always ends up thunder shocking them away so why should he worry, and the only time team rocket prosper in anything is whenthey do something good, so they should just become pokemon trainers and do things the right way![/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]I think any male who would make fun of another guy for expressing his feelings (Love in this case) Is an ignorant imbecil. Love is a part of life. Pretty much everybody goes through it. So anyone who makes fun of a guy for being romantic or anything like that is just plain stupid. Once, I was teased for bringing my girlfreind flowers. Teased by 10th and 11th graders over this. Of course it did not bother me, but I did get a kick out of how stupid they are. I do not have a problem showing the girl I love how I feel towards her. They should learn from that, they are still sitting around wondering why they cant get a date. I would just like to say that if you find the girl(or guy) you love, dont give up. No matter what may happen, or what is said. Follow your heart, and make shure they know how you feel. If she can't love you for that, then you dont need her anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal]I'm loving this!! Everybody's opening up and being completely honest and serious. I hope this thread turns out to be reaaly big! Thanks for the advice Amphion! If you're in love - stay there[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]sorry bud, but i only wish. i have a sob story for you if you want it... oh hell, theres no choice now. well about a year ago my family decided to move. about 4 months before the move i went to a party and by some odd stroke of luck (and with some help from my knowledge of the fact i wouldnt be in town a few months from then) i asked a girl out and actually got a good answer. we hooked up and it was the most important relationship for me to date. then right when things in my life seemed better then ever, i was up rooted and had to move. girl friend, no more. contact with girls in general, none. now ive been living where im at and for the last year all i could think of is what i had. i guess i just wanna say... have fun. enjoy it while you can and make it last as long as possible. trust me, if your not one of the select few, girls that honestly care seem to be few and far between. i sure wish i was back with laurie right now. infact, if she was around, i would probally have never taken to the boards and never gotten to my jr. member stat. ive become a geek since i moved and i thought i was one before i moved... [/B][/QUOTE] Wow man I'm sorry. That was deep. Really what you should do is go out there and find another 'Laurie' you'll be lucky once again! Thanks for being honest, and thanks I will enjoy it while it lasts. I've never felt like this for anyone before - its amazing. Keep your head up gokents you'll find the one again.
  25. :love: :excited: :love2: :heart: [COLOR=teal]Pardon the extreme mushiness, but I'm in love and I want everyone to know. As a male I know how hard it is for us to speak about this subject and I must look like a real wus right now but hey - we all look like wusses sometimes! (All males step up and right how u fell about the subject if you're really man enough! Females, I know this will be easy for you!) So I guess the question is :[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][I][COLOR=deeppink]Who else feels like me, is in love, or in a steady relationship and happy to tell everybody![/size][/I][/color]:love: :excited: :love2: :heart:
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