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retro LOV3

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Everything posted by retro LOV3

  1. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]My hair has been very intently sniffed before, and there have been mutiple occasions in which a girl smelled my hair, told the other surrounding girls to smell my hair, and thereby subjected me to a round of hair-sniffing >_>[/COLOR][/QUOTE] *pats you on the shoulder* I'm sorry you had to suffer through that. It must have been traumatic. :animesmile: [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]For every person who absolutely hates the scent, theres someone who absolutely loves it. I remember once etting a 'oh! you smell like axe!' and I asked f that was good, and they said yes. I know my mom likes the smell sinc my dad says that's the only reason he wears it... i hate it >_>[/COLOR][/QUOTE] It really depends on the specific fragrance and how much you use. Some guys spray it like it's body wash or something. If you just use a little, it's bearable. Still, I think actual cologne -- not body spray -- smells a lot better. But it still needs to be sprayed lightly; not allover!
  2. I like guys who know how to be masculine, but also have a somewhat feminine figure -- and are okay with that! I'm not a big fan of really built up bodies; I know that it makes a lot of girls feel protected, but it can also create the opposite effect. I'm not saying that I don't like muscle, because lean muscle is perfect. I love to see it when guys have toned arms, because it lets you know that he's strong enough to defend you, but not so strong that he might squash you when you hug him! I also have a preference for urban guys. It used to be that country boys were very respectful and gentlemanlike, but they're a dying race. Now it's motorcycles, cowboy boots and dirty language. Plus, a lot of them have no style. It may sound shallow, but it bothers me to be out somewhere nice with [I]anyone[/I] in jeans and a tee shirt. I guess if a nice, respectful Southerner came along, I would be all right with that. But, no such luck just yet. I have no decided preference on hair/eye/skin color. But I'm usually attracted to members of my own race -- caucasian. Sometimes, you get the occasional Asian guy, but my parents are strongly against interracial relationships. Oh, and that's a big thing. I like guys who are respectful towards my family and me. Honesty is also an important quality. I would rather be told the honest-to-God truth than my boyfriend pretend that everything was all right until I found out about a problem. That just makes things worse. Thoughtfulness is a huge key. Just little surprises can let both people in a relationship know that their boyfriend/girlfriend cares. Quick humor and wit is also a favorite among guys, but not comepletely necessary. Guys who can tolerate both my nerdiness and my love for clothes and sports -- plus my silly little quirks -- are a huge turn-on. A girl needs a guy who loves her for who she is. And I love guys who share my stupid habits, or have funny quirkls of their own. The main thing is, I don't like dating clones. I like guys who have their own personality and style.
  3. [quote name='Sojiro47'][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I'm not entirely sure that's something to be proud of...^_~ I'm proud of my Friends. The nerdy ones, the genius, the freak, the rebel. The Sensei, the master, the student. These friends mean more to me than anything I have left. And more recently discovered, I'm proud that I can find emotional strength I never thought I had... [SIZE="3"][B]And I'm proud to be [I]stupid[/I]!!!!![/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] What? Of [I]course[/I] it is!
  4. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Do you have any female friends? You know how they always hug you? That's when they notice.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yeah, we notice it then, but it's not like we hug you with the intention of sniffing up your bodily fragrances (or odors, as the case may be). If you're smelling particularly nice, we're going to notice. But we don't really pay much attention if you just smell like a clean person.
  5. [quote name='silpheedpilot'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="SlateGray"]I'm all about my soaps and shampoos. Ivory soap is the way to go. Its soft, yet rugged enough for all the lumberjacking I do and as for shampoo I use girly stuff cause as all guys know; girls smell better.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Ha! So the truth emerges! We smell better.
  6. TV has a lot of commercials for men's products, so I guess that was an influence on her. I was pretty shocked, too, when I found out that most of my guy friends used Garnier Fructis shampoo. But when I thought about it, all that really matters is that you don't smell like sweat and onions... or something. The scent of sawdust and meat isn't really all that attractive, and AXE can be really heavy and ovepowering. So, yeah, basically -- soap is soap. A couple of squirts of some sport cologne smells good, too, but as long as you're clean, all's well.
  7. Well, I would say that language makes up a small fraction of one's culture, but it does not specifically define it. Confining culture to a country's language is absurd; you wouldn't limit American culture to candy bars and Dairy Queen (although, admittedly, that's basically all we have to our name -- we never really thought of anything else original). Language was just a means of communication when it was first developed; we all spoke the same language until the Tower of Babel was attempted. Then God broke up our languages and scattered them across the earth so that we could not understand one another. So, essentially, language was a part of the different cultures on Earth. However, it would be a shame to define one's culture with language, because so many cultures do share the same language. Thus, culture has not emerged from language, but rather, [I]with[/I] it.
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