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About P014K

  • Birthday 03/12/1988

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  1. 1. Pokemon 2. Fullmetal Alchemist 3. Trigun 4. Cowboy Bebop 5. Hellsing
  2. 1. Ouran High School Host Club 2. Sailor Moon 3. Maho Shojo Lyrical Nanoha 4. Dai Maho Toge
  3. For the record, FMA, best anime? I think so, anyone else agree?
  4. 1. The Philosopher's Stone 2. Alchemy 3. Automail 4. Transmutation 5. Homunculi (pl. of Homunculus)
  5. I started watching DBZ on Toonami, back in the day. I really liked i, so I started watch other animes. Gundam Wing, I think was my second.
  6. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]If you're talking about multi player, I never touched that. Only played it by myself. I have no interest in dueling another player. I find that kind of thing boring. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wow. Having diablo and not playing online, now theres something I could never do. But, to each his own.
  7. I think this list is about right; [url]http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/5937559/the_100_greatest_guitarists_of_all_time/[/url]
  8. P014K


    Funniest movie I've ever seen, and thats saying a lot, because I've seen hundreds of comedy movies.
  9. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"] [B]Diablo II: Lord of Destruction[/B] It's taken me a while, but between the different classes I've played to the end as well as going through normal and the beating it at the Nightmare level and working on the Hell level, which I have yet to actually beat. I've put in a good amount of time on this. Though I got about halfway through on the Hell level and I haven't gone back to playing it. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I, on the other hand, only beat the game once. And instead concentrated on trading and leveling my character through Baal runs, and making it a PvP worthy character. Duels were the funnest part of the game.
  10. P014K

    Guitar Hero

    Any Guitar Hero fans here? I recently got the game (3 months ago) and I got Rock the 80s when it was released. I am disappointed by its lack of new features. Its basically a skin over the GHII with just new songs. I enjoy the songs though, so I like the game a lot. I am about to get GH1, so I will be playing that. I can beat any song on hard and play most songs on expert. In GHII, I am about 80% done with expert, and in GH:R80s I'm 90% done w/ expert. My favorite song is Sweet Child Of Mine from GHII and I Ran from GH:R80s (just because I can play the last half of the song without looking at the tv :animesmil)
  11. [B]Starcraft: Brood War[/B] Ever since I got it, I've been playing this game nonstop. [B]Final Fantasy Series[/B] Every Final Fantasy game I've played, I've devouted many, many hours too. My favorites are VII, of course, IX, and X. [B]Diablo II: Lord of Destruction[/B] I was a Diablo II fanboy, I played it for about 3 years non-stop. It was sad... [B]Tekken 5[/B] Currently, I play Tekken 5 and Tekken 5:DR. I've fought thousands of fights in this game. [B]Medieval II: Total War[/B] This game truly amazes me, I've been playing it only for 3 months, but there are so many different mods and version out, that one can never get quite bored of the game. (For anyone who plays this game, a variety of mods are available at [url]www.twcenter.net/forums[/url]
  12. I like lots of action, the Gundams are my favorite, along with FMA and Trigun.
  13. One of the animes that uses the most superpowers is Naruto IMO. Chakra and hand motions to active powers within. Definitely not part of the ninja arsenal.
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