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Everything posted by Vigilance

  1. I been playing my [B]Disgaea DS[/B] for about 144 hours now, because of the stuff I had to do. Going into the item world and leveling up your own equipment times alot of times to reach your desired level. Also leveling up can be a drag because you level up one level at a time and it just times almost a long time >.
  2. I have a few RPG games to suggest if your gonna buy them. You should get [B]Fallout 3[/B] for the 360 because its an RPG which is cool and you can get over 100 hours of gameplay into it so this game should keep you going for a while. If you want sci fi, I got two things I could think of, one of them is [B]Mass Effect[/B] and the other is [B]Dead Space[/B]. I played these two games and their really good to play if you haven't already. If you played Resident Evil 4 before and like it, get [B]Resident Evil 5[/B] because this game is a must buy. Things from RE4 are back and I can't think on what I should say about it. So this is one of the game that is worth it. Get [B]Modern Warfare 2[/B] because that one coming soon and that game is gonna be awesome.
  3. There is alot of games that I am looking forward to coming out this year. I am mostly excited for [B]Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days [/B] for the PSP, because I am mostly a huge disgaea fan and can't wait to get my hands on it. Another one is [B]Dissidia: Final Fantasy [/B] for the PSP, I like the final fantasy series so I'm hoping to add this to my FF collection soon. Thats only a few PSP games that I'm listing for now. For the 360, I am waiting for Bioshock 2 to come out because I have played the first one and thought it was a pretty good game. I hope that when the second one comes out it will be better then the first one. The next game I'm excited to get is [B]Final Fantasy XIII[/B] because one reason is that its coming out for the 360 which is good and another is that I'm gonna get it preorder so that I don't have to wait until it realease in the stores. I'm done explaining what games I'm waiting for to come out, so here's a list of the games that I haven't explain that I want to get. [U]PSP[/U] Dissidia: Final Fantasy Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days Persona PANGYA: Fantasy Golf Crimson Gem Saga Class of Heroes Fate/Unlimited Codes Final Fantasy Agito XIII Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep [U]DS[/U] Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Ragnarok Online DS Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days [U]Xbox 360[/U] Assassin's Creed 2 Final Fantasy XIII BioShock 2 Modern Warfare 2 Mass Effect 2 Halo 3: ODST
  4. Tough wooden towers can be easily destory in a few hits with a sword, spear, or crossbows - Dynasty Warrior 6 Huge iron doors or wooden doors can be destory by a sword, spear, or a crossbow - Dynasty Warrior 6 Horses can flip when they die - Dynasty Warrior 6 Giving money to a hooker doesn't lead to sex - Fallout 3 As someone said eariler animal can produce random item when they die - Fallout 3 Hitting someone car while outside on the street with someone still inside the car, will alwasy lead to a street fight - Grand Theft Auto 4 People can't fight back when your on top of a car - Grand Theft Auto 4 Flying out through the cars window and landing somewhere hard will not kill you or give you serious injury instantly - Grand Theft Auto 4 Running away from the police and getting away is easy as pie - Grand Theft Auto 4 Hitting your cars or trucks into something multiple times will set your ride on fire and explode - Grand Theft Auto 4 Getting hit multiple times in a gun fight and not dying instantly is always fun - Grand Theft Auto 4 When the car explodes while your in it, you will always survive it - Grand Theft Auto 4 Having a random person fight a street fight for you is ok - Grand Theft Auto 4 Shooting against the police and dying, then your alive again mean the police wont file a law suit on you - Grand Theft Auto 4 Stealing a holicopter, a police car, or a black hawk wont get you in trouble - Grand Theft Auto 4 Shooting enemies while they have bottles or a wrench while they try to attack you is a great way to fight - Resident Evil 5 Having multiple girlfriend at once without letting them found out is ok - Persona 4 There's no complaining about T-bagiing when your opponent dies - Halo 3
  5. I have been playing [B]Shin Megami Tensai: Persona 4[/B], and I have to say that this game is freakin awesome. So far I have logged about 126 hours into the game reason that is, is because I have my first time through data with my second through game right now join together. First time through the game I couldn't solve the mystery because I didn't fight against [spoiler]Adachi and the last boss Izanami and her second form[/spoiler] to get the best ending. Right now I'm training to get to lvl 94 so that I can get a few more high level persona, so that would put me into another 4-10 long hours of training.
  6. I am currently reading [B]Skip Beat[/B] vol. 16, and the story is pretty good right now. I have nothing to say as I won't spoil any of the storyline if someone have never read it before. Right now, things in the story of Skip Beat is getting more good as the story advances more. I can't wait until vol. 18 of Skip Beat comes out soon.
  7. Here is an update of my manga collection that I bought recently: Skip Beat Vol 1-16 I just got this series a week ago, and I have to pay back this guy that I know. So I am kinda poor, but I've to pay him back soon and its gonna take time. I'll be sure to update of anymore manga that I have soon.
  8. Currently for now: [B]Final Fantasy Cystal Chronicle: Echoes of Time[/B]: I just bought this game yesterday and I have to say it is fun. The reason why I bought it was because it was either this game or Pokemon Platium. So I just decide to buy this and next time I'll get Pokemon Platium. I like the whole choose your character and stuff like that. So this is what I'm playing currently until I want to play something else.
  9. So far here's what I'm playing for now: [B]Resident Evil 5[/B]: this game got me doing one of the mission over and over. Reason that is, is that I'm trying to up grade most of my weapon. Sometimes I defeat the boss which when facing the first time can be easily killed now with only a few shotgun shots. Throughout the game, I'm doing a treasure hunt where I try to find all of the jewels and gold throughout the mission. So thats what I'm playing lately right now, but once I finally upgrade all my weapons and get all the weapons then I can get to my Star Ocean game where I left off soon.
  10. If you like stuff with old school sword fight, try Blade of the Immortal. If you want comedy try Green Green a funny series. If you like to watch gun battles, watch Black Lagoon. Another one you should watch is D-gray Man.
  11. I went and got the game on the midnight launche for the xbox 360. I already past this game and I have to say that this game is freakin awesome. The game play still maintain from the Resident Evil 4 control but with a slight twist to it. The new side moving is cool along with the directional pad to quick switch your weapon during the admist of battle. The storyline is pretty good. Boss battle are little tough when first play through and I'm not gonna mention which one. The graphic is looking pretty good. So what did anyone else think about the game?
  12. [B]Gears of War 2[/B]: right now I'm only playing the multiplayer with my little brother because I guess he like this game too. For now, I'm just playing the multiplayer mode just when I wait for something to happen. [B]Star Ocean - The Last Hope[/B]: right I have a solid 30 hours into the game. I got this game when it came out and this game is pretty much awesome. Overall this game is fun. Right now I'm on [spoiler]En II where I have to go to the sanctuary and defeat another freakin Grigori again. The last Grigori was a real pain because somehow my attacks were weak and I wasn't doing much damage. Other than that, Arumat kick *** because not only he is a freakin bad ***, but also a strong attacker as well.[/spoiler] [B]Phantasy Star Portable[/B]: This game is awesome and fun. Sometime one of the boss monster cheats and some are easy to kill once you know what to do. Anyone wanna team up local, just PM me. This is the game that I play when I have nothing else to do. Right now I'm trying to kill this [spoiler]two-headed dragon thing with Lucaim Nav[/spoiler] and the boss does a whole bunch of damage. Evil thing >.<
  13. Watching: [B][U]Black Lagoon[/U][/B] - this series is pretty good, and I finish half of the series and can't wait until I watch the other half. Other then that, this series is one of my favorite because you have a hot chick who can kick *** with any gun she got. Yes, Revy is so freakin cool. [B][U]One Piece[/U][/B] - currently I have started to rewatch the series from the beginning again because I think around episode 188 I stop watching it and I keep missing to watch the episode. I just got finish watching episode 71 and on currently watching episode 72 now.
  14. What I'm doing: [U]Watching:[/U] [B]Toradora![/B] [B]Skip Beat[/B] [U]Reading:[/U] [B]Ouran High School Host Club[/B] After I finish watching these anime, I'm gonna start to watch D-Grey Man soon afterward.
  15. I've finally finish the second half to [B]Welcome to the NHK[/B] and I'd say I like the series. I don't wanna spoil anything for someone who haven't watch it yet, so I'll just leave the story alone. Right now I'm gonna watch [B]Skip Beat[/B], but maybe later on. I haven't read the manga to Skip Beat, but I'm gonna watch the anime. When I have time, I'm gonna read the manga of Skip Beat.
  16. Back then for me was playing alot of Final Fantasy XII was hours and hours of gameplay. I got around 128 - 143 hours of gameplay for this because of the summoning I wanted, the armor and weapon, and leveling up everyone too.
  17. One game that made me into tears, not crying, was FFVII with the part where [spoiler] Aeris got pierce and died.[/spoiler] Soon after I got angry and then a few weeks depress afterward. I know it was embaressing for me during that time. Other then video game, another that made me into tears was this one Korean drama I was watching and it was sad from this one scene where the main girl tell about the sad event. It was only that one scene where it made me into tears. [font= franklin gothic medium][color=indigo] Blitz Kid, remember to put spoiler tags around game events, to not give them away. Although this is probably common knowledge, some people haven't played FF7 yet and might not want to know this yet. the BB tag for spoiler tags is (spoiler) (/spoiler) but with brackets replacing the parenthesis. ~Korey [/color][/font]
  18. Yesterday I bought the first two volume of [B]Ouran High School Host club[/B], mostly its because I like the anime and I wanted to know the difference between the manga and the anime.
  19. The only thing I was watching was more [B]Welcome to the NHK[/B] again. Other then that I haven't watch anything else. Right now I'm reading [B]Ouran High School Host Club[/B] the manga version right now.
  20. The only thing I read was finishing reading [B]Hana-Kimi[/B] up until 3:30 AM eariler today because the story got to me and it was good >.
  21. Yesterday the only thing I was watching a series called "[B]Welcome to the NHK[/B]" up until episode 6. Right now it pretty interesting with the story so far. My favorite part would be in episode 1 where the guy name Sato is paranoid in his room and start talking to his furniture when he is trippiing out. It reminds me of how he is on drugs with the ability to talk to furniture and stuff.
  22. A few days ago, I'd just finish watching this series and I pretty much love it. I gotta save up some money to buy the manga because I'm just too lazy to read it online. Some parts I like are so funny on episode 21 where they did the holloween thing and Honey was [spoiler]where a pumpkin head thing and said "I'm the wolfman".[/spoiler] Thats one of my favorite scene because he got it wrong and its was funny. Another part I like was when Kasanoda discovered[spoiler] Haruhi was a girl.[/spoiler] After that when Kasanoda requested Haruhi, the Hitachin brother make the daddy go sit next to Haruhi and Kasanoda. Then for some reason Tamaki was so funny when he was acting like a robot taht it made me crack up so hard, that it was too funny to watch. Gotta love Tamaki's robot act. [INDENT][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]I added spoiler tags, please use them so you don't spoil things for people who haven't seen the show yet. ~Aaryanna[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  23. I just started watching it like yesterday because I thought it was interesting to watch. Right now I just finish watching episode 13 of the Haruhi in Wonderland episode. So far its pretty funny with Tamaki and his weird but funny imagination about Haruhi. I haven't read the manga yet, but soon I will. So far my favorite chracter would be Haruhi and Honey, but mostly Honey because he is adorable and funny when he acts cute.
  24. Yesterday I finally bought the last two volume of Hana-Kimi and can't wait to read them. It took me awhile to save some money because I know I am poor right now and it sucks to be poor. Thats all I have bought recently, but I might have more series in the future.
  25. There are a few games I'm waiting for Feb release and March release. These game I'm waiting for are: For Feb release: 1.Star Ocean - Last Hope For March release: 1.Resident Evil 5 2.Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4: Shippuden 3.Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
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