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Everything posted by Vigilance

  1. Excel Saga huh? So can you tell me more bout this series? i heard from someone that it was also a good anime series.
  2. now since you metion La Pucelle Tactic and Phantom Brave, I have already played those game on the Ps2 already, but i never played Makai Kingdom before. its just that i didn't have enough money back then to buy it and Tales of the Abyss, i saw that game at the store, but i never played it before. I haver played Tales of Legendia and that was a good game. The Tales of Legendia has anime cut-scene which was awesome to the game. I might considered Makai Kingdom, since it sound like a good video game to play.
  3. when i was at least 6 years old i remember that on the KidsWB they play Pokemon on saturday. then from there they play the first season of Digimon which i though was cool. then when i move to a new house , i remember they played Sailormoon and i thought wow its interesting. yeah i remember watching them when i was young. right now thats all i can remember and i forgot one, i remember watching Yugioh too.
  4. What video game you have played for at least 100's of hours? on the PS2 its: [B]Final Fantasy X[/B] It has a great story line to the video game. I level up all of my character and try to get all the best armor and weapon. [B]Disgaea 2: Cursed memory[/B] I was playing through the side story line and try to collect the rare and powerful items. I was also leveling up my character to get their new title. It has a good story line to it and from the first Disgaea you get you meet the old main character. [B]Final Fantasy XII[/B] Currently playing that game right now. Just leveling up and doing some hunts. i'm also trying to get the final weapon for the gun, and bow. One of the good story line I know so far. So that the only video game I played so far that reach the 100 hour mark, which mean that the video game was excellent to play.
  5. i want a game with an anime-character design to the video game and the gameplay to the video game is gotta be at least fun. so i'm currently looking for that kind of anime video game.
  6. i can't decide what anime series to watch or to buy in the DVD video. i heard that Tokko was good. they said that Tokko is very volence and that fans of Gantz should watch it if you like bloody anime series. i also heard that Noein was good too. they said that it was this girl name Haruka who was this dragon torque possessor that she has the ability to change the future while Haruka had a protector. so does anyone have any idea for me?
  7. i need help with my computer, first of when my mom was signing up for People Pc they told her that it was ok to go online. but i had one problem. the computer wouldn't let me or my family go on the internet. so does anyone have any idea as to why that happen? my guess is that the phone modem doesn't work.
  8. does anyone have an opinion on what anime game should i play that i already didn't played yet ? i played Xenosaga, it has a good story line to it and gameplay is fun. i also played the naruto games and the ghost in the shell game. i also played the disgaea series which is good. so i'm hoping to play something different that is in a anime video game.
  9. anyone i want your honesty, what video game console you currently have? Currently: Xbox 360, ps2, GBASP, ps1, N64 right now i'm saving up some money to get the expensive Ps3 or the fun time nintendo Wii. i heard that the nintendo wii is hard to get right now so i'm hoping to find one in some store. so those two next-gen console am i hoping to get soon. so i hope to hear what you currently own and what console you might get soon.
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