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About Asha'man

  • Birthday 06/13/1986

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  • Occupation
    Final Fantasy addict

Asha'man's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Could someone explain the Same/Plus/Combo rules? I don't understand
  2. Combat 13? I'm at 25 (and I suck) sn is Rienhart
  3. Do any of you guys/gals play Runescape? Guess so. Sorry I didn't see this thread. How about, Do you guys still play? Those posts were last year.
  4. If you didn't get the bromides at the first possible moment can I still get them later? I think I missed Luna's first one. Also, how do I catch a stupid fluff bug?
  5. I saved right before that. I had to play it 32 times to win! I hate blitzball
  6. Just how old are those two?
  7. This is a little off the subject, but I didn't want to create a new thread. Is there any way to increase how often a bard's songs hit?
  8. Is CN Showing it again? Anyway I was wonderin' if anyone had the ending theme(Hiru no Tsuki I think) on a .wav or .mp3 I could download or at least a site that has it.
  9. Just like Cam to like a rat! :D What about this? Cam already knows I'm not very good at finding pics, but I try. [url]http://www.ah.wakwak.com/~kobuta/9ff/cg/chara_f.gif[/url] Sorry kind of a weird pic:blush:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Why exactly would they want to remake it anyway? Unless they just want the graphics enhanced? Because as far as I can tell, it rules the world how it is...and the PS games are supposed to run on the PS2 right?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Who Cares? Yay!
  11. equip fire, elemental, and enemy skill. Then you can learn Beta from the Zolem. hehe... :toothy:
  12. Is there any way to use the treasures you get or go to the places you find through quests? I can look up what they are but I can't use them.
  13. Thanks. Sorry it was a bit vague, but you guys still helped. I didn't know you could gain jp by hitting your own guys. Who learns double swords?
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