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Everything posted by Asha'man

  1. Could someone explain the Same/Plus/Combo rules? I don't understand
  2. Combat 13? I'm at 25 (and I suck) sn is Rienhart
  3. Do any of you guys/gals play Runescape? Guess so. Sorry I didn't see this thread. How about, Do you guys still play? Those posts were last year.
  4. If you didn't get the bromides at the first possible moment can I still get them later? I think I missed Luna's first one. Also, how do I catch a stupid fluff bug?
  5. I saved right before that. I had to play it 32 times to win! I hate blitzball
  6. Just how old are those two?
  7. This is a little off the subject, but I didn't want to create a new thread. Is there any way to increase how often a bard's songs hit?
  8. Is CN Showing it again? Anyway I was wonderin' if anyone had the ending theme(Hiru no Tsuki I think) on a .wav or .mp3 I could download or at least a site that has it.
  9. Just like Cam to like a rat! :D What about this? Cam already knows I'm not very good at finding pics, but I try. [url]http://www.ah.wakwak.com/~kobuta/9ff/cg/chara_f.gif[/url] Sorry kind of a weird pic:blush:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Why exactly would they want to remake it anyway? Unless they just want the graphics enhanced? Because as far as I can tell, it rules the world how it is...and the PS games are supposed to run on the PS2 right?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Who Cares? Yay!
  11. equip fire, elemental, and enemy skill. Then you can learn Beta from the Zolem. hehe... :toothy:
  12. Is there any way to use the treasures you get or go to the places you find through quests? I can look up what they are but I can't use them.
  13. Thanks. Sorry it was a bit vague, but you guys still helped. I didn't know you could gain jp by hitting your own guys. Who learns double swords?
  14. Probably FFIX. I have no idea how many, but I think it takes a lot
  15. Asha'man


    If you waited 'till Ultima weapon went boom can you still get it? When you can walk up.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Hm...yeah it's a nice theory, heh but I played FF3 on SNES when it came out, and altho I think it's the best (for a bazillion reasons), FF7 is still my fav, I would have more fun playing FF7 over than any other one...er...well, FF Tactics...ah that gets messy n/m. I did find that people whose first FF game they played was 7, 8, or 9 tend to not like FF1-6 if they play them after, they're too accustomed to 3d graphics and FMV scenes and such, those people also tend to piss me off, heh not playing FF6 just because the graphics are SNES...grrrr.....well it's their loss I guess, still...grr.... [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think that's true I played FF 7, 8, 9, but I still really like FF3
  17. Me too! I played FF8 first and I think I like that system the best.
  18. Anyone know what nut passes down speed?
  19. No thanks, I've got five gold.:D
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] FF8 had a great storyline and it had a nice twist ending that you can find out if you pay attention, Rinoa is Ultimecia! Rinoa grows up to be Ultemicia, which means that all of the game is done for nohing, because no matter what Rinoa grows up to be Ultimecia, it will go on in a never ending loop forever, what a bitter sweet ending![/QUOTE] Well just ruin it for everyone who hasn't finished it!! Jerk!
  21. Just a quick question. How do you get mime and HP absorb?
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