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Everything posted by Wacko

  1. ... Or is this place kind of boring..?
  2. Hm, my tombstone'll say "Lived fast and crazy, should of slowed life span down."
  3. Me? I'm playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess even though I beat so many times since Christmas.
  4. [COLOR="Purple"]The game I've been playing for ove 100 hours (not to mention, I still am) is [B]Baten Katios: Eternal Winds and the Lost Ocean.[/B] I think that's about the longest 2 disc game ever! >
  5. [QUOTE=desertphoenix]Another for my Halloween theme. Just curious, when do we get to a game about mental scaring? I might have a chance then. [/QUOTE] Me too. It's my favorite past time!
  6. [QUOTE]Wow this thread is spammier than my.. OO A SQUIRREL![/QUOTE] HEY! That squirrel owes me ramen!!!! ATTAAACKK!!!!!!:animeangr Oh, lookie! My new pic! Thank god for Paint... (on the computer.)
  7. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I have the best idea of all time. Forget that Naruto exists. Tear the chapters out of all the shonen jump issues you own and, along with the graphic novels, burn them in a giant bonfire. Next, take your headband and beat dents in it with a hammer. Take your cosplay costumes and unthread them. Finally, get on your computer, go to any streaming or downlosd site available (if you need links I've got them) and watch something that doesn't shame the face of otaku worldwide. Also, NEVER write Naruto fanfiction. You actually [i]can't be random[/i] because [i]anything you think of has been done before[/i] because [i]it's Naruto.[/i] If you insist on wasting your time by creating a Naruto-related cosplay fiction, though, and you honestly want it to be random, open a volume of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo and rewrite one of the chapters to fit with Naruto.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]O_o.... How about I forget what you just said? As violent as I can get a times, I wouldn't do that... exactly... cuz' I haven't bought any costumes of anything yet. And since I'm lazy, I haven't recently bought any mangas yet. Besides, I don't bother writing fanfiction because every idea is already taken, thus pointless. Actually, the reason why I asked so I could get better and do [U]DIFFERENT[/U] coslpays of [I][U]other animes[/U][/I].. :animedepr Sheesh! I thought that much was obvious![/COLOR] [QUOTE]Don't have to be quite so harsh on somebody new DigitalBayo. Mostly what I would look for is something rather unusual, odds are in final form you'll have a plotline for a filler clip. If anything, some of the best ideas might just be the easiest- suppose Naruto and Tsunade switched roles, the kind of chaos you might see in the series. I really don't have a lot of ideas either, it's been too long since I saw the series and don't plan on picking it up again. Just aim for something that you'll have fun with that isn't overly complicated.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="darkorchid"]Hm, that just might work... Thanks for the advice![/COLOR]
  8. I think I ate my cookies... :animecry: NOOO! Mr. Evil Fluff ate a carrot! BAD STUFFED BUNNY! BAAAD!:animeangr Well, time to rule teh world with a candy cane! ^_^ [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]. . .[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] But first, I need an eggplant! (For what? Who cares? ^^; ) In the meantime, I'm going to sleep. Not really.:p I'm actually going to go beat someone with a base ball bat in a video game!
  9. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Much as I like [B]System of a Down[/B], your sig is too damn long >_> Anyway, I'd be careful with that first smiley, since you never know when it's gunna be a personal experience XD catching ire is fun, though. Unless it's my hair >_> (this has happened)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Oh. Ok, I'll rememberthat! ^^
  10. i'm working on a Naruto cosplay script that's meant to be random, pure and simple. But the thing is, I've ran out of ideas and there is just me, My freinds; Jess, Heather, Amber, and Jenny. The parts are in order: Itachi, Gaara, Shikamaru, Deidara, and Kiba. Does anyone have any ideas I could use?
  11. Uh, hi. I'm Wacko, I'm into drawing, random stuff and ALOT of pointless sleep! and oddly, making thing explode and/or catch fire.... O_o... I scare myself sometimes... (very true) Like I said; Random.
  12. That's it? fdkfdiahdi!!!Qngc!!!1!!1 blah! ^_^' Hey, I found my......... uhhhhhh..... uuummmmm.... FWEM! XP Ch-ch-ched-chedda-cheddar CHEESE!
  13. Lmao! I think I found- OH! A cookie!! And a cucumber! I don't like cucumbers. They don't call me Wacko for nuthin'! Besides, everyone knows that Mr Mouse gets crushed 'cuz I fell asleep.
  14. My habit while watching anime is talking to myself. ^^; This is what I end up doing everytime... :modrod:
  15. [QUOTE]Naruto is much bigger and hotter than Bleach, if we were to talk about raw statistics. However, the percentage of coherent fans is significantly bigger for the Bleach circle. Figure, 10 out of a 1000 Naruto fans are not giddy, screaming kids, so that's 1%, and 10 out of 100 Bleach fans will survive an encounter with a sane person, and that's 10%. Pick your friends wisely, although I do prefer Naruto myself. O_O[/QUOTE] I agree. I supposed I half way fall under the annoying, giddy, screaming kids and the 10 of 1000 that aren'y overly hyper. ^^; But statistically, Naruto is larger than Bleach.... [CENTER]Except when it comes to voilence.[/CENTER]:whoops: Then, Yes, Bleach [I]would[/I] be better.
  16. True, a real good thing Naruto doesn't say 'Believe it!' that much, or I probly wouldn't bother watch the anime or even read the manga. :box:
  17. I personally like more of the action-comedey types... More along the lines of Naruto, Inu-Yasha and such.
  18. All of my friends on Youtube keep asking me if I seen it yet, but I've still yet to find time to watch Naruto Abridged. On top of that, my friends at school also say Naruto's or Sasuke's voice sucks... They don't even relize Naruto's voice actor is a girl.. xp. Who woulda thought...?
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