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About N/A
- Birthday 06/19/1991
Profile Information
Well I am 16, I really don't do much along the lines of what a normal girl will do. I spend a lot of time playing video games or on the computer, so I am a huge nerd. But that doesn't bother me none.
I am an information Manager.
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New Member (1/6)
[COLOR="Red"]?First thing, I know what I did was not very Gentlemen like and I?m sorry, and second, thank you for not slitting my throat? yet.? He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small stone, ?This is a Power Stone. This is what the ?Dark? Creatures have been collecting for their leader. So this must be what they are killing people for, because only ?Creatures? carry them. It?s what they turn into if they are not... Disposed of properly.? He handed it to her. ?So your telling me that this is what werewolves, vampires and everything else turn into when they are killed?? She handed it back, ?What does it do?? ?Once you have enough of them, I believe that you can use them in a spell that will give you more power. I?m betting that this is what the leader is trying to accomplish. The only problem is being able to prove it. So what I need from you is... well actually when I find the others I can tell you all at once.? He stared at the wall for few seconds before looking back at her, ?I know I am most likely confusing you? I?m good at that, but there are others that I want to talk to. And it?ll be easier to tell everyone at once. I what I want...? She gave him a dark look, ?Sorry. What I would very much like you to do, as it would be most helpful, would be to help me hunt down the rest.? After a few seconds she looked at him and nodded, ?I guess I could.? ?Thank you.? He bowed his head slightly, ?Well I?ll leave you to... I don?t know? compose yourself; there is a werewolf down the block that I promised that I would help. So I can give you ten minutes tops, but then we have to go. Reject has sent some of his warriors out. And if I am not mistaken, they have already attacked a werelion, and it was one that I was hoping to talk to. He is quiet the fighter.? He stood from the bed and took a step forward, ?Or you can wait here and I can go and get the Lion and come back here later. It is up to you. But whatever you chose I?ll be back in ten minutes for an answer.? Elliot stepped onto the balcony and dropped to the street below. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Well y'all will have to bear with me. Lol. I don't think I will ever be able to post as fast as you guys, not that the fast posting is bad lol. :animeknow [/COLOR] ************************************************** [COLOR="Red"]Elliot stepped around the girls doorway, "As much fun as that would be, I really don't want to die. So calm yourself Vampire." She stared at him, "Uh well your probably wondering why I'm standing in your door way." She gave him a look that clearly said 'It had passed through my mind.' He sighed, and stepped all the way into the room. "Listen. My name is Elliot Hans. I am the one that is left tin charge of the creatures. But as it turns out I am not all that good at my job and I need help. So I figured out who it was that fought back against the rebels and well anyways. I want to know if you can help?" He held his hand to her, "What do you say? You want to stop all these creatures?" [/COLOR] ************************************************** [COLOR="DimGray"]Okay my next two posts will be meeting[/COLOR] [U][B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]AT LEAST[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [COLOR="DimGray"]two more people. Depending on how annoying my Advisory (Teacher) is tomorrow. I will most likely post one in the morning. Great job everybody :animesmil [/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Elliot slumped back in his desk chair, his desk was littered with a handful of papers and the one bedroom apartment didn't look any better. His only companion was a coal black cat. "Well Onyx what do you think? Think they are useful? Because you know we could really use the help." The cat hissed. "I'm taking that as a yes. So are you going to come with or are you going to pout?" He asked the cat, while he stood up and grabbed his jacket, and an amulet. The cat glared at him, before jumping off the bed and stalking to his box in the closet. Elliot shrugged and left the apartment. "First I'll tackle the Caster... he is after all the only one." Elliot sighed before grasping the amulet. AS he concentrated the amulet began to glow. And multiples of himself appeared, each holding a different set of papers. Five extras to be exact. "You know that would be considered a waste." Onyx perred from the doorway. "Yeah I know. But now getting to all these different people will be easy. Besides what do you care?" The original Elliot asked laughing at the cat. "I don't. Heck I don't even like you." The cat hissed again, before dissapeaing back into the apartment. Elliot just laughed before snapping his fingers and appering in an unknown, at least to him, field. In front of him was a ranch hand. He stepped closer to the working man carefully, "Terry?" [/COLOR] ******************************************************************** [COLOR="Blue"]Reject glanced around his followers, "Who of you are looking for something to do?" the whole room rasied their hands, "Okay who here is actually useful?" Half the room dropped their hands leaving the vampires, werewolves, and casters. He smiled at them, "I need some young ones. Tolvindia you will do nicely, and to accompany you I will send... Aracne. She is very loyal." He waved his hands at the two, sending them to his office for briefing. Once there he told the two the locations of their enemies. As they turned to leave he muttered a quiet spell over them.[/COLOR] ******************************************************************** [COLOR="Red"]Just as a little note so I don't have to make a hundred posts. The amulet that Elliot had was able to make that he could make so that he was in more than one place at once, so for the next posts it'll be your character interacting with mine. And Cheese Master and Ushima can just pick whenever and go and attack. And when all that is finally done, all the introductions will be over and we can start the story for real. Sorry it is taking so long. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="SlateGray"]Elliot peered around the corner of the alleyway. Done near the end, a small group of Vampires were gathered around a young girl. After a few deep breathes he stepped out of his hiding space into their range of sight. "You know. You guys should pick on someone your own size. And in your league." Elliot said taking his fighting stance, "But then again I doubt you guys have enough brains to figure out what I am even trying to say to you." "You damn punk. Who do you think you are?" One of the Vampires said dropping his hold on the girl. "That doesn't matter now back off." He sneered, "Now who are you answering to?" They are growled and dropped the girl, and stepped through the trash towards him. Fists raised, a wild look in their eyes. After five minutes of fighting, Elliot was helping the girl to her feet. "So... where do you live? I'll help you home." She gave him the address, and he helped he limp home. Afterwards he stared at his watch and groaned. They was still so much work to be done in preparation for the new people. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Reject slammed his fist into the arm of his chair, "How can you stand there and tell me that four of my best men were killed by some little punk?" "Uh yes sir." His servant muttered, "It was that boy." "Damn him." [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]OOC: Okay so once everyone posts once, I'll do another post that meets the good guys with the good guys and vice versa. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]Okay when Tetra of sound writes the rest of her profile I'll start the story. All of the sign ups are great XD good job everybody. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]Wow. I was beggining to lose hope. But great sign ups guys. But since I am at school and don't know if I will get kicked off soon. So I am going to post my sign up in a few, when I know for sure the teachers aren't paying attention to me. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Name: Elliot Hans Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [url]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u149/Thee_Flame_prince/anime131.jpg[/url] Side: Good Creature or Human: Human? Personality: He is very carefree and very optimistic. There really isn’t much unhappiness about him. Although he is very over protective of anyone he sees. Also he good mood always makes him a charmer to girls. AKA he is a HUGE flirt. Bio: He lived with his father until he was twelve. He never met his mother, not that it ever bothered him. On day that he was at the movies with his friends, his father disappeared. But with his personality he didn’t let it get to him. It wasn’t until a few weeks later did he find out what had happened. His father had been killed when the creatures found out that he had been training the new defender. They had been hoping to get Elliot instead. After that he completed his training with a monk, who told him about his position. At 16 he left the monk and started his job as defender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Reject (Real name Unknown) Age: Unknown; appears to be very old… but looks really young. Gender: Male Appearance: [url]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa71/anyelaaleyna/anime%20guy/original_boy.jpg[/url] Side: Evil, Leader of the “Evils” Creature or Human: Creature, Master Caster He has almost unlimited power, simply cause he is the only Master Caster in existence. Personality: He is made of pure evil. He shows no mercy to those that deify him, although he rewards those that do his deeds. Bio: Reject is controllable by all. But he is the big, bad… wolf I guess. The bad guy, or what ever you want to call him. He has several people below him that work for him. They are of any race. It is their job to recruit new people to help in their cause. [/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]For those of you that don't understand the danger of this situation, you had better pay attention. I know that when you read this you will laugh and think that I am just pulling your leg, well thats fine, cause when you die I'll just laugh. Well no I won't cause unless I am there, or it makes the news I wont know that you died. So that plan just got shot out the window. Oh well. Anyways back to my original plot line. You know all those creatures out there that you were told don't exist? Yeah well you were lied to. I know, I know right now your probably thinking, go get the straight jacket he's gone loopy. Well if I haven't yet I may soon. But that, my friends, is beside the point. You see, I'm the only one who knows the truth, I am the only that has been trusted with the secret. But ya know what? I am not superman, I am not batman or any other kind of superhero, so now I need help. Now that I have got the heard part out of the way, I should tell you what I need help with. Well this is the big secret. You know, he one that I am not supposed to tell anybody? Yeah that one. Anyways the secret is... all those horror stories are true. Well I mean, all the Vampire, Witch, and Wereanimals ones. But there are also Demons, Faeries, Elves, Drawfs. All of them are real, and it is my job to take care of them all. But like I said, I can't do it by myself. But there is one other little bitty problem. All the ones that are ?evil? have decided to truly become that. So that means that know I have to try and stop all of them. Oh and added to that, all the ?evil? ones have decided that they no longer want to listen to me. So that means that what ever I say they can't do, they do ten times worse than normal. I'll tell you, I really hate having to exterminate all of them. Because good or bad, there are some amazing people in those groups. Bit going around and kill innocent people is not going to be able to work. Which is where you come in. For those of you that have decided to stick to this to the end, I need you. You have to chose a side. Good or Evil? It's your choice. [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Quick overview:[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Elliot(person who was talking) has been put in charge of keeping all the ?Dark? creatures a secret. But a large group of them decided that he was bad at his job and have started to go against him, and in so doing they are breaking all of their laws and he has to kill them all. The only problem is He doesn't want to so he needs other peoples help on stopping them, so all of the races do not have to be killed off. You can chose to try and stop the "Evils",or you can be an evil.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The races and sign up information:[/COLOR] [B]Immortals[/B]- [U]Vampires[/U]: Everybody knows about these blood-suckers. But the only difference is Sunlight doesn't kill them. It leaves them scarred and dis-formed for life. The only way to kill a vampire is to is either a stake of any kind to the heart or removing their head and heart. They can also suffer from lack of blood. A vampire must feed every few days. If they do not get enough blood they may start to act rather crazy. Such as tense up near really bloody wounds and other common animal reactions. [U]Faeries[/U]: These creatures ranch in size. A fairy can be the size of a pin of as 7 feet tall. They also range in colors. Such as a fairy that masters fire magic may have red wings, lighting will have yellow and water will have blue etc. All fairies have the power to hide their wings and preform minor cover magic. They are harder to kill. It is more often then not a lucky shot. [B]Semi-Immortals[/B]- [U]Werewolves[/U]: There really isn't much to say about them. They can only be killed by silver, and they age slower than most humans do. Oh and I guess the big deal is that they change on the full moon and some are lucky enough to be able to change whenever but it is rare. Their life expectancy depends solely on each individual person. Known Wereanimals types: Lion, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear. Could be others but known have been found. [U]Casters[/U]: These are generally the offspring of a witch or warlock. The are very, simply because their magical parent is almost always jealous of them. Each Caster master three Main magics, and two minor ones. (Example Fire, Mind Control, and Wind with mionrs of Water, and Lighting). There are very hard to kill, it is another lucky shot, although they can die of old age. They live to be about 500, give or take a few years. [B]Human like Creatures[/B]- [U]Warlocks/Witches[/U]: These ?creatures? are the only ones that use spells for their magic Overall they can be rather weak, but sometimes if the master the right techniques. Most they can do is preform simple spells and sometimes cast curses. But they have to be angry enough. Although there have been cases where a witch or warlock has been amazingly strong and done a lot of damage. Since they are humans with magic they can die from anything. [B]And last but not least[/B]- [U]Humans[/U]: I am not going to explain humans... [COLOR="Blue"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]So those are just the creatures that I picked right off the top of my head. The list is not limited to just them. So if you chose a creature that isn't on the list be creative. And the whole point is to seperate the good creatures from the bad ones. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Okay sign-up:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Silver"]Name: [/COLOR](Make it suet your creature or human) [COLOR="Silver"]Age:[/COLOR] (Has to suet your character, preferbly 16+) [COLOR="Silver"]Gender:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Silver"]Apperance:[/COLOR] (Either good description or a picture will work just fine) [COLOR="Silver"]Side:[/COLOR] (Do you want to destroy the Human race, or are you nice and want to save it) [COLOR="Silver"]Creature or Human:[/COLOR] (Put creature here) [COLOR="Silver"]Pesonality:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Silver"]Bio:[/COLOR] (At least two paragraphs please. XD) [COLOR="Red"] So I hope this goes well. Just message me if I did something wrong or if there are questions. I'll put up Elliot's thing in a bit, its not quite done yet.[/COLOR]