Name: Sue Momishin
Age: 17
Class: 3-A
Occupation: Works at Misa's studio part time after school.
Appearance: Sue likes to wear rather dark clothing since she isnt a big fan of bright clothing. She usually wears a black T-shirt and navy-blue cargo pants. Her hair is a chocolate brown colour and so are her eyes. Her hair is usually brushed but it gets in her face alot because she doesnt really like to be seen. She is a rather cute girl, but doesn't like to be seen.
Personality: Sue is a shy girl, likes to be by herself most of the time because of her shyness. She loves drawing and being artistic. When people ask her questions or talk to her she usually says very little because she isn't used to talk to people. Most of the time she looks rather depressed with a sad look in her eyes if you can see through the hair that goes over her eyes.
Bio: At a young age Sue's parents had died in a car accident, or so she has been told. For years she has been changing home's since everyone she has ever gotten close to has either died naturally or horrifically. A few months ago she got hired at Misa's studio to assist them, she mostly transfers things around the studio so she does alot of running around. She doesn't have any friends because she doesn't socialize and likes to be by her lonesome. She loves to read books aswell as write her own books, infact she had published her own book about a year ago called 'The Cursed' about cursed boy which turns out tragic. After going through many horrible experiences the boy dies a horrible death. Her book had hit best sellers list for a while.
Additional Info: Sue's book, 'The Cursed' had made millions of dollars, but she doesnt look rich. Infact, she looks rather poor no one really knows why she doesnt spend it some people just figure she's saving it. Also Sue loves to eat chocolate pancakes, they make her go absoletly crazy over them.