[COLOR="Red"]I have a couple of nicknames, n_n. [Hi, I'm new...]
Emils--This is my most common nickname, since my name being Emil [a very common name since like, 1920] my friends created 'Emils' to separate me from other Emilys.
Shika--Since I cosplay mostly as Nara Shikamaru [But I AM a girl, I just have the attitude of Shikamaru and his ponytail...] my friends refer to me as Shika, I even have a jacket that I painted the symbol for deer on its back. And I got a deer necklace from KamoriCon that I'm wearing right now.
But yeah, that's about it....[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Orange"]Oh, just remembered some more...
My RP name is hanshouuo 'cause it's the last name of one of my characters and it means Salamander. The reason why I chose Sanshouuo/Salamander as a name is because I'm like a huge pyro. Lol.
Tex--People called me by this on a forum cause I'm a lot like Tex from Red vs. Blue. Enough said.
Starburst--My forum name was Star, and whenever I got mad or high, they said it was a starburst.
Nova--another name for Star
N00b Pants--I dunno why the hell anyone called me this. 0.o[/COLOR]