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Everything posted by kitsora

  1. how dare you vampires are in not all loners anyway vampires have been known to controll werewolves not the other way around!:animeangr "Before I read various werewolf and vampire stories, I would of said vampires all the way. I still do, but I like werewolves now too. " Okay i can handle that i like werewolves to, but i would still side with the vampires if a war broke out.;)
  2. :sleepy:I can predict things but only when i'm sleeping i onced had a dream i got an "F" on my homework because it had no name and when i woke up i was absolutely write but i could have uncounciosly remembered and my brian involentarilly brought it to light. Other then that i can't even figure out what's for dinner.:sleepy:
  3. When i watch anime i always turn the tv off if someone does something serouisly stupid, that and i always end up yelling at them espiacially when their boys who know nothing about wether a girl likes them or not, boys are such idiots even made-up ones on tv.
  4. Some say werewolves but vampires always kick but in my book. Any way what other moster is as hard to kill, not includingbrother abel from Trinity Blood Because he does rule!:devil::devil:
  5. my Favorites are supernatural with lots of weird creatures and one guy who a romantic idiot or just plian hot and hard to get! :luv:
  6. Hey i'm new to the Otaku Boards but i'm an animeniac and if any one luaghs at animeniac their so dead got that.:animeangr
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