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Everything posted by Salene_Uchiha
She nodded and went to the guest room sitting down. It was a nice room and the lady was nice but deep down she didn't know how long her trust would last.
Salene smiled and nodded but felt she should be doing something to help. "Can I help? I don't want you trouble yourself"
Salene nodded understanding completely. She had many memories that haunted her, escpecially when she least expected it.
Salene nodded but knew it was something related, "What can I do to help?"She said still acting strong. "Please I'll do anything, I want to be of some help"
Canderous entered the village, he looked around. "So its finally starting huh?" he asked himself while walking around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sereniatai jumped as someone landed on the ground behind her. He had jumped off a balcony apparently because the alley was a dead end. She turned around quickly to see who had appeared. "H-hello?" She said cautiously, Even though she was a vampire she still got frightened easily.
Salene's eyes widend when the woman started crying, "Wha-What's wrong?" She asked forcing her legs to move. She got up, every movement hurting but ignoring the pain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. Tell me what I did and I won't do it anymore."
Salene looked at her, she seemed nice and her insticts weren't telling her to run. "Thank you" she said kindly. "I shall leave onceI'm able, I don't want to burden you."
She was confused as well when she heard the fact about another Uchiha. She thought she was the only one. "Nice to meet you" Salene answered then stood up. "I guess I should be going now" she said turning. 'I'll be going somewhere hopefully' she thought. As Salene went to walk her legs gave out bringing her back to the ground. 'Shoot!' she thought trying to get back up but her legs wouldn't move.
Uindo, Japan, A city of great evolution. They are way ahead of the world in technology. Everyone is supplied with whatever job they need or want and pollution is down to a minimum 3%. But little do they know that the government has something in store for the kids in this city. The military has been experimenting on special weapons that can be disguised as anything. They have also set up schools around the city to teach the use of these weapons. The official name of these weapons is Shibai Monogoto. But the military isn't planning for adults to use the weapons. Most of them are designed like toys of all sorts, and they are to appeal to kids. For about 3 years commercials for Dollz have been capturing the attention of 6 year olds and older. Each Dollz is specifically designed for the person who gets it. When people enter the store, instead of picking their very own Dollz, one in general calls to them. After finding their Dollz the abilities of them are slowly discovered by their owners. Dollz Altyo has become a major sport in this city, and the schools not only teach the basic education but also have arenas to practice with Dollz. The middle school and high school are combined for different Dollz Altyo level ranges. Plot: The top sport in Uindo is Dollz Altyo. Each player's weapon is called a Dollz. Each Dollz has a different ability or strength. A Dollz Altyo tournament is coming up, but what the students don't know is that the top 5 players in the tournament will be forced to fight in the military. Setting: Uindo, Japan. Uindo Middle/high School ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign up sheet. Name: Pretty simple, what is their name? Age: 12-18 Grade: What grade are they in? Did they fail and are older for their grade? Gender: You should know. Description: What they look like or a picture. A nice, detailed description. It should be At least a paragraph, if not more. Personality: How they act. Dollz: A description of what there Dollz looks like. Dollz don't have to be a doll they can be just about anything. Powers or abilities: What abilities does their Dollz have? Background: A little about their history, not too long but at least 2 paragraphs. It should include how they heard about Dollz and how they chose the one they have. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Accepted list: Metalcore501
The womans reaction to Orochimaru startled Salene, and the thought of being dead pained her. She then bowed her head in respect, "I should reintroduce myself, I'm Salene Uchiha. I am very thankful for your help." She said still bowing even though it pained her. She tried not to let the pain bother her, she wanted to look strong even though she probably couldn't stay at this village that they were talking about.
Name: Uchiha Salene Age: 13 Gender: Female Physical Description: She has black hair. Her hair is to the middle of her neck in the back and a little past her shoulders in the front. She has navy blue eye's that change color with her mood. She wears a black skirt about 4 in. above her knee. her head band is worn around her leg. She has a red leather tank under a black jacket that is normally unzipped. Well developed for her age. Has the Uchiha symbol tattoo'd to her neck. Weapons: A katana. the hilt is red with black snakes. Windmill shuriken. Fighting Style: Well balanced mixture with Kinjutsu(Forbidden jutsu) Jutsu/Techniques: Shadow Chidori, Reversed sharingan( demon possesed) Short Biography: Salene has a history similar to Naruto's, shunned by the village for the possesion of a demon. She doesn't know her parents. Though the whold Uchiha clan was killed all those years ago, rumor has it that the couple that had her were run away Uchiha's. She was left at the village gates and grew up on her own. She was one of the top students in her class though there was noone to appreciate it or anyone to care. She's never been good around people and doesn't enjoy the Idea of working in three man cells.
the night was quiet, only the sound of the wind howled through the night. Cnaderous looked up at the sky, "Only a few more days till the puppies come out to play" he said to himself seeing the almost full moon. The field he laid in was big, tall grass swaing with the wind. Canderous stood up, his black cloak blowing. His gaze rested on the deer carcus that was fully drained of blood. "That should hold me for a couple days" he said to him self. He began to walk away, his foot steps noiseless, only the sound of the wind howling once again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sereniatai watched a woman walking the street. The woman was very beautiful with brown hair and blue eye's. Sereniatai stayed where she was though, her hair almost the color of her skin. the scarlet ribbon that was laced in her hair blew around the corner as a gust of wind blew down the alley way.
Salene flinched a little then let her knee's give out, sending her to the ground, sitting. 'I guess I have no choice' she thought. "Yes...he did" she said while holding up two fingers, "Twice" She then pointed to the black collar around her neck. "And he put this on so I coudn't escape" her eye's were beginning to return to normal, though they were still a little slited.
She took another step back when the word sound was mentioned. 'Don't think of that' she told herself, 'don't think of that' "I-I'm Salene..." she answered back. "And...orochimaru gave them..." she mumbled though it was loud enough for them to hear. [size=1][COLOR="Green"]Please put more length and effort to your posts, and mind the capital letters as well. Cheers! - Sandy[/COLOR][/size]
Salene was a little overwhelmed at the people wanting to help, not giving a second thought. she took a step back though it seemed ridiculous. 'How many people go out of their way for stuff like this, for people they don't know?' she thought. Her eye's became slits as the wolf's chakra leaked out to keep her from passing out.
She looked at the woman in front of her, "N-no one attacked me" she studdered. Salene knew she could trust the woman stading there, but part of her wouldn't let her. "But I guess you could help" Her eye's became a sky blue as she began to relax.
Salene Stood there, eyes wide in fright. She had no idea what was going on and what just happened, but she did know that she should be thankful. Her eye's flickered to the people left in the clearing but she refused to say a word. Her eye's were darkblue but now they had turned to a pastel colour. They were also slited at the sight of blood which she had seen enough of before this. She continued tro stand there wordless.
Warriors: The New Prophecy (PG-LV) The clans have become one. Thunder, River, Wind, and Shadow, but Starclan has sent a new prophecy. A threat that could kill all, but 5 cats stand alone 4 from the clan and 1 from a valley far away. Can these cats fulfill the prophocy or will they back away? The has come to show true courage and fight till the death. The clans are happy together and Firestar has retired from clan leader leaving Squirrelstar in charge. Leafpelt has become the clans medicine cat and Tawnypelt has had kits.Bramble claw is deputy now. Things are very peaceful and Squirrelstar has had four kits that are four moons old, They are Flamekit, Thunderkit, Icekit, and Grasskit. On Squirrelstars way back from Highstones to speak with Starclan she found a kit barely a moon old. The kit was badly injured so she brought it to the clan. They named the kit Moonkit for her fur being as white as snow and the cresent shape on her head. None of the cats thought it was a good idea to let the cat come into the clan because it wasn't clanborn, but since Squirrelstar was leader and she brought it in the first place Moonkit stayed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The story takes place when Squirrelstar's kits are 6 moons old and ready to be apprentices. You can be one of the cats mentioned in the background story or your own but we can't start the RPG without the main cats, Squirrelstar(Taken), Brambleclaw(Taken), Leafpelt, Silverwind, Blackear, Flamepaw(Taken), Thunderpaw(Taken), Icepaw(Taken) and Grasspaw.(Paw comes after the first part of the name when they become apprentices.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Sheet Name: Moonkit (Must end with paw if appentice, Kit if your a kitten, and star if leader) Gender: Shecat (Shecat is female, tom is male) Rank: (Leader, Deputy, Medecinecat, Warrior, Apprentice or Kit) Kit Description: Is a pure white shecat with a black cresent (Hence the name Moonkit )on her head. She has jet balck paws and a black tip on her tail. Her eyes glow a silvery color and her pelt looks like Silverpelt when the moon shine's down on her. (Also hence the name Moonkit) Original clan: None (Thunder, River, Wind, or Shadow) Personality: She is shy but very enthusiastic. She is also full of energy and gets into a lot of trouble. She is the youngest of the clan right now but could be a bigger mess and handful than all the cats combined. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Brambleclaw Gender: Tom Rank: Deputy Description: Dark brown Tabby with one white paw and ear.Has amber eyes. Original clan:Thunder Personality: Has a bit of a temper but is loyal to his clan. He was very surprised that Squirrelstar had chosen him to be deputy. He is loving and would risk his life for his clan. I'll also play the role of Starclan because I know what the prophecy is. Have fun Roleplaying and remember we are cats so make sure you know and type things that cats.
Name: Canderous Williams Age: 364 (16 appearance) Gender: Male Apperance: [url=http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa7/KujakuMai/Anime%20Vampires/089.jpg]Here![/url] Side: Good Creature or Human: Vampire Pesonality: He is very mysterious but kind. He won't turn anyone unless neccessary and is what you would call a "Veggitarian" he only drinks animal blood. Bio: When he was sixteen his family left him to fend for himself. His father was a preist and his mother a nurse. They both hated his ways, how he never listened and didn't attened the church. They were fed up and moved while he was in school. After his parents left he was wandering a dark alley where a bunch of people jumped him. The bit him then left him in the alley. He knew what he had become but refused to bite and feed off humans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Sereniatai Kasabana Age: 16 (New born) Gender: Female Apperance: [url=http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa7/KujakuMai/Anime%20Vampires/2rmtmit.jpg]Here![/url] Side: Good Creature or Human: Vampire Personality: Shy and stubborn. Bio: She was in the hospital, very sick. She was laying on her death bed, no hope. One of the docters found pity on her and changed her because she was pathetic. She hated the thought of biting people or animals but settled for unruly animals that weren't cute. She couldn't kill dogs or cats so she killed bears and cows. [size=1][COLOR="Green"]Welcome to the Adventure Arena! Please don't put too large images into your posts, since they distort the page width, either resize them to fit or just use links instead, okay? Hope you have a long and pleasant stay. ;D - Sandy, Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator[/COLOR][/size]
Salene was wandering the forest. She had never been here before but that didn't bother her. 'any thing is better than going back' she thought. Her clothes were tattard and dried blood covered her body. Her short black hair was tangled and she was on the edge of starvation. Noised began to fill the air, along with a sharp scent. She ran as fast as she could trying to get away but instead she ran towards the noise and scent. Her eye's widened then narrowed at the fight. She was standing on the edge, half way in the bushes. Her eye's moved to the two glowing figures and she stepped back, accidentally causing a twig to snap.
Name- Salene Uchiha Clan- Uchiha Bloodline trait- Reversed Sharingan, Midnight wolf demon. Age-8 Alias-N/A Side-Nami's Rank- Would be Gennin if she had attended an acadamy, but is almost jonin level. Personality- She is shy at first but then can be very stubborn at times. Appearance- She has black hair that gets longer in the front. Her eye's are a deep navy blue, but get brighter and drker with her mood. She where's a black skirt and a blue shirt. She also wears a black collar that Orochimaru put on as a torture device, only he can remove. Weapons- Katana(She gets later), Kunai, senbon, shuriken. Powers-Fire style, forbidden jutsu, Lightning. Jutsu's-Fire ball jutsu, Flower Pheonix jutsu, Shadow fire, rapid fire, chidori...Sharingan, and Chidoran, (Chidori, rasengan mix-learns later) Bio- She doesn't know much about her past. She vaguely remembers a family but everything else is a blur. All she knows in her life was Orochimaru. She finally escaped, barely and inch of her life left and is now approaching the outside gates of Konoha, starving to death.