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Discuss The Camp [The Dragon's Wail OOC] [PG-V]
SergeantOhashi replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
Let's all assist me in my attempt to thwart the evil that is AP Psychology Homework. :animesmil ... Anyways... I hope to have my next post up sometime soon. That is unless my GPA cuts my throat... anything about 3 is dangerous. -
Zsaul sighed as impatience poked her on the back of the neck. It was only midnoon, but the inn and the conjoined tavern were very dark due to lack of sunlight from the outside. Zsaul heavily prefered to stay out of the sun. The light caused unwanted warmth, warmth that was a rare commodity in the Forbidden Forest, where the canopies swallowed up all but small rays of sunlight. It was for the same reason that the demon stayed a great distance away from the fireplace in the lobby of the inn. She could hear others talking, but their speech was irrelevant to her. Neither was she relevant to them for that matter. The best things about human towns is that they're so ignorant. A figure of any nationality, gender, or motive could walk into a town and do whatever they please without inquisition... that is, if they don't try to harm any of the townsfolk. Otherwise, they'd only attract the local militia and any travelers in want of spreading their name. In the Forest, all occupants who were not of race were instantly prosecuted, usually resulting in the removal of both hands if they did not offer a good enough barter. Of course, outside the stretches of the Forbidden Forest, it was Zsaul's race what was not accepted, therefore she had to wear a cloak to conceal her facial features. Prefering to do otherwise would most likely result in her being hung or similar death sentences utilized by the humans. The air was musty due to the illfully tended wood. The chill of the cold made pinpoints of her skin tingle and solidified her breath in front of her face. The only light that her sensitive eyes picked up was the occasional flickering of the dancing fire. Cold... Little Light... No Humans Bothering Her... this is the environment that she grew up with and adored so much. It would be even better when Heart and Malice returned from their errands. Heart was in the marketplace, purchasing rations so that they may continue traveling towards their objectives. They had gotten the currency to purchase the rations from a defenseless caravan that was running through a forest trail about three towns ago. The caravan was also shipping kerosene, medicines, and other provisions to the local militia in case they ever need to mobilize and set up parties in the forests. Since such items were useless to the three, they decided to leave the caravan with its wares, that way, there would be less of a bounty on their heads, providing fewer complications in the future. But Zsaul was here waiting... [COLOR="Magenta"]Zsaul's delicate hand reached out and clasped the small fruit in her fingers. She inspected it beyond the hood of her cloak and took note of it's characteristics. It was smaller than a mouse, a scarlet colour, and has odd protrusions all around the surface. Such a peculiar morsel... Zsaul guessed that it was one of the tart fruits, like the oval yellow ones. She placed the fruit back in the basket and set the sack of food on the counter in front of the farmer. He began to sum up the net cost as Heart turned to the busy streets. [b]"What's a lonely woman like yourself doing travelling?"[/b] the farmer asked. "'Specially at a dangerous time like this." Zsaul refused to respond to the farmer's question. Eventually he understood this and finished tallying up the cost. [b]"Fifty-two Pences,"[/b] the farmer stated. Heart paid him exactly and walked off with the sack of provisions toward the Inn.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][b]"Caine Solverwind of Dugolma..."[/b] Caine halted his pace and turned slightly and glared at the speaker out of the corner of his eye. [b]"Ah,"[/b] Caine's features perverted into a smile beneath the mask on his face. [b]"I expected this day to come a little sooner"[/b] Standing across the opening in the trees was a woman. Her skin was pale due to the lack of iron in her diet and the neglection of sunlight from her everyday lifestyle. She had donned two small blades, one elegantly placed in both hands. From memory, Caine had remembered that there were six of them total; they were probably hidden in the white cloak that she wore. The hood of the cloak was down, revealing her flowing white hair, which was parted by her horns, and pointed ears; her eyes were a green hue, one not available to the kalaediscope of the human race, and as light reflected off them, they temporarily became topaz spheres. And beneath the cloak, the woman's spaded tail was nearly still. It was these features that defined the woman's race. Tribes and Clans of humans that became so possessed with the occupants of the demonic plane, that they were banished into the Forbidden Forest to prevent the proliferation of their corrupted ideals. Perhaps they interbred or perhaps the influence of the demons had corrupted, but during the assault upon the Forest, it was notable that the residents shared many traits with the icons they so adored; an example was the woman before him.[/COLOR] [b]OOC[/b] Leaving your side of the tussle to you, Matt.
Discuss The Camp [The Dragon's Wail OOC] [PG-V]
SergeantOhashi replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
[quote name='The Protoss'][SIZE="1"]We got a freakin summoner!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YES!!!!!!!!! Really excited cause I thought it would be like weeks before someone took the role.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Hey, when you're such a big roleplay whore like myself, you've got many people who you can make deals with. Plus, now Matt owes me big-time! Isn't that right, Matt? :smirk: -
Discuss The Camp [The Dragon's Wail OOC] [PG-V]
SergeantOhashi replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
Never underestimate the capabilities of Sergeant Oha-GAHK! [b]Ohashi:[/b] Alight, who's the wise guy who put their foot out! :animeangr [b]Matt:[/b] >_> That was your own leg... you tripped over yourself. [b]Ohashi:[/b] You may have gotten me this time, but the next ti-GAHK! [b]Matt:[/b] -
Discuss The Camp [The Dragon's Wail OOC] [PG-V]
SergeantOhashi replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
We just need to find somebody to be the Summoner, correct? Then we can initiate the roleplay and get this thing going? -
[B]Name[/b] [i]Zsaul N'kartha[/i] [b]Age[/b] [i]143 Human Years[/i] [b]Archetype[/B] [i]Blood Demon[/i] ~Free Spot~ [B]Weaponry[/B] [indent][i][u][b]Scylla[/b][/u] [indent]a set of six curved blades approximately six inches long; fit in individual wooden holsteirs on Zsaul's left hip.[/indent] [u][b]Treason[/b][/u] [indent]a buckler shield that fits on Zsaul's forearm due to a pair of leather straps that fasten the gaurd.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b]Physical Description[/b] [indent][img]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs11/300W/i/2006/212/3/5/forest_demon_by_yumedust.jpg[/img] [i]Detailed Description Pending[/i][/indent] [B]Combat Tactics[/B] [indent][i]Trained in the ancient arts of materialism, Zsaul is capable of focusing her internal energy, which is refered to by her people as Ishka, either to manipulate or to create physical matter with nearly limited properties. Zsaul has mastered this art to the extent that she could create multiple entities of herself that are undiscernable from herself. She and her clones often utilize their agility and fast reflexes to overcome opponents. However, her lack of defensive armour renders her vulnerable to physical blows. She is often manipulate of her allies, considering them to only be resources.[/i][/indent] [B]Personality[/B] [indent][i]Zsaul was known around the Zifwae clan for being short tempered and estranged, but after the raiding of the Library of Vt'al, which also resulted in the death of Zsaul's husband, Zsaul began to completely ostracize herself from the clan, only showing herself when she was beckoned forth by the Matron. For social comfort, Zsaul began to talk to her materialized copies, named Heart and Malice. The complicated conversations between the three triggered a development of Multiple Personality in the demon, which is exhibited at all times. Since these three partitions of Zsaul have actually psysicized themselves in the brain, each of the three have their own personality, memories, physical and mental capabilities, and amount of control over Zsaul's Ishka. Even when all three are conjoined into a single entity, the personality that is currently dominant still does not attain the traits of the other two.[/i][/indent] [B]How does your character view the way Dugolma treats Iaesel?[/B] [indent][i]Zsaul cares nothing about the kingdom of Iasel, for she's only worried about personal matters. The tenth region to fall under the rule of Dugolma is the Forest of Zifwae, a forbidden forest where the Blood Demons were forced to live after much prosecution from human nations. The incursion of the Forbidden Forest Zifwae was to gain tomes that bore the secrets of magic from the Demonic Plane. Many of Zsaul's clan was slaughtered due to resisting the presence of the Knights of Destiny. Zsaul has sworn to her matron that she will make sure to erase all traces of their magic in the hands of humankind and to punish the Dugolma for their actions against her clan.[/i][/indent]