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Everything posted by Cleptomatic

  1. I'm like an infant, ive been a member of the boards for a while but i just learned how to speak [IMG]http://images.smarter.com/blogs/baby%20hamburger1.jpg[/IMG]
  2. With 14 days left I can't hold back my anticipation any longer, I have been waiting for this game forever. So many unanswered questions and unfinished stories tied together in a freakin massive end-all Metal Gear Solid game! lest start w/ the questions that the trailers for it have brought up: 1) Will Riden save Olga's child? 2) What relationship with Meryl does snake have this time 3) Does Snake salute Big Bosses grave or The Bosses grave? 4) What is Naomi Hunter's real identity 5) Does Snake off himself? 6) Does Otacon avenge his sister's death? 7) Why is Campbell so old and still asking snake for help when Foxhound was destroyed 8) WTF young snake?!?! 9) Will Riden finally beat vamp? or will Vamp still kick his jaw corrected a** 10) Will snake finally take Liquid down 11) will Snake actually erase his genes? And if he does will people kill Hideo in real life? 12) will they cut it down to fit on one BR disc or will they leave it on 3 so the story will actually make sense. 13) will Gray Fox make another appearance? (I really hope so) 14) Will the VR junkie be playable again? these are just some of the may questions MGS has left in it's wake over the last 20 years and maybe we'll get some answers, but at the cost of a great franchise... [size=1][color=blue]Welcolme, Cleptomatic. I merged your thread with the original Metal Gear Solid 4 thread. There is an [u][b]Arcade Thread Directory[/u][/b] in the stickies, and it's also recommended that you do a search before creating a thread because the thread may have already been created. Who knows, there maybe some answers to your questions already in this thread. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or any other staff member. ~Phenom~[/color][/size]
  3. Peanut brittle? how about Apple Pie! [IMG]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/232/452035308_632110fcdf.jpg[/IMG]
  4. In Appleseed Ex when Deunan and Briareos are looking at the mechs in the Poseidon ship towards the end of the movie when Deunan picks the pink one, in the Japnese version Briareos talks to Deunan about the mech and hits on her almost, but in the English dubbed version he just says it wouldn't suit him. This edit makes no sense and seems to fit the criteria.
  5. [quote name='Aceburner']Yeah, we tight. I admit, I really like all you guys. This place is great. We should totally go out for ice cream or something sometime.[/QUOTE] I'm new here to and new to a forum community but who can turn down ice cream even from a complete stranger?
  6. wow i never put together that it was the namco game... Thats true because in the traps episode it turns the animation into 8bit and they grind through in 8bit then return to normal again, it all makes sense now! :moron:
  7. My friend and I had an argument about the new booby-traps in the Indiana Jones movies. He says that absolutely nothing can ever beat the boulder from the first movie as a booby-trap. But I think that the new Indiana Jones had a good one with the inter-dimensional space portal. He hated the movie with a passion but he went in there thinking it was going to be like the old movies. I watched it knowing it was going to appeal to the movie goers of this current generation where they need aliens and vaporization for the movie to be good and giant boulders or melting just wont cut it anymore. So what I'm saying is: Yes the boulder is a fantastic booby-trap and it's a classic, and yes it completely annihilates the whole new movie just in that scene. But Spielberg tried in this movie to make it interesting [COLOR="black"](there were freakin aliens c'mon)[/COLOR] and it was a good effort because a lot of people did actually like the movie. What's better? Old generation traps, or new? (My first thread btw)
  8. The first episode of this show was fantastic, I watched it when it first came out and I thought it was just going to be a one shot OVA that was funny. After the first episode it got serious but there is still hysterical humor in it + the video game element is cool too. But what really confuses me is that the intro shows them as high school kids in the "real world" so to speak but in the show they never mention it at all like .hack, is it actually a video game or it is just a video game esque show?
  9. I didn't know people still made anime like this! Reminds me of cartoons from when I was a little kid.
  10. The battle areas, which is what they are, seem to be just an arena with a sandbox like appeal. yes you can approach it at different angles but all you're doing is killing the same people differently, not that that's a bad thing. I would like to have seen a true open world sandbox Turok because we have the technology and the resources to do so. That would be the ultimate Turok. On a lighter note, the linear sandbox [I]like[/I] game play is still awesome. The bow and the knife are brutal and the coolest way to kill someone in the game. also watching a dino tear through one of the enemies without you actually havening to do anything is pretty sick, not to mention the kamikaze dinos.
  11. I second everything you have said, this game is a huge improvement over the last Advanced Wars, and they were already great games. The story is more mature but still acceptable for little kids even though they wont understand it and suck at the game. The graphics are great, I love where they went with them. This game is a must have for DS owners because it's finally a game besides Zelda and Ace Attorney, that quite frankly, doesn't suck. But that's just my 2 cents, I'm personally a fan of the PSP.
  12. Box art is enough for me usually, just to have the box is amazing in looks and is awesome to have on display. Mostly I have posters for Bebop, Champloo, and Hellsing because they're awesome. I would like to own figures from my favorite animes but I wouldn't know what to do with them besides have them so they seem like a lost investment especially for the prices. T-shirts are cool tho, I love t-shirts. I only have one but can't wear it out the house because I would socially shunned for having an anime T. The only T i have is the Eureka seveN T from the special edition Vol 1, I never wear it but it holds a special place in my heart because that's my favorite anime so far.
  13. Terry Brooks: The Sword of Shannara would look pretty sweet as an anime. or any of her other series too. unless a cooler version of Lord of the Rings is not original enough to be an anime worthy project. Christopher Moore's: A Dirty Job or Bloodsucking Fiends would make great movies. anime or not I would love to see a movie adaptation of those books. They are hysterical, have a solid plot, the screenplay and script would have to be beefed up or rather dulled down to suit Hollywood's need.
  14. I tried to watch this show but it was really weird and it wasn't for me, but for what i watched it had some good moments. anyway in know this is the easy way out but just go to wikipedia [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tribe_(TV_series)"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tribe_(TV_series)[/URL] But i only watched a handful of episodes and out of order so i I'm not an expert.
  15. I do mostly a lot of what people have already said here... I have to be eating or drinking something while I'm watching. I'll go through a bag of chips, pretzels, Cheese-its, you name it I'll have eaten a box in under a week all thanks to anime. I also have to watch a series in excess. If i like the first 5 episodes i have to watch the whole series, and I'll watch at least 10-13 episodes a day and over the weekends I sit in and watch entire series usually within 24 hours. And if I like it that much then I'll get the manga too. :animestun
  16. Cleptomatic


    I just got the first season on DVD and it's amazing. My opinion is that Dexter is the best show that T.V. has to offer right now. It has a fairly deep story, a wicked twist, and it's literally never a dull moment on that show. Plus Dexter is a BAMF because you don't get much cooler than being a serial killer that kills by his morals. I didn't know there was a book though... I'll have to look into that because if the show is this good then i need to know where it all started!
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