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SSJ3 Trunks

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About SSJ3 Trunks

  • Birthday 06/20/1985

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm short (which really sucks)
  • Occupation
    I work at Suncoast

SSJ3 Trunks's Achievements


Member (2/6)



  1. What happens to Goku he was only allowed to stay for 24 hrs and what about Vegita what happens to him?
  2. # 1 Chang Wufei # 2 Dorothy # 3 Lady Une # 4 Catherine Bloom # 5 Relena Peacecraft # 6 Heero Yuy # 7 Zechs Marquise/Milliardo Peacecraft # 8 Quatre Winner # 9 Treize # 10 Trowa Barton # 11 Duo Maxwell
  3. Egg nog is good you just throw some whiskey in there and drink up.
  4. I wanna start. I just bought a players handbook I just need ppl to play with.
  5. I think that sucks. Personally I hate the Gamecube and the X-Box and I will take my PS2 over them anyday. They should put it on the PS2 that way they know they are getting thier game put on a quality game system.
  6. What did you drink that burned? Yeah that after feeling is great, which is why I put my pants on my head.
  7. I would have to have my PS2 with Devil May Cry, and my tvand vcr. And I cant forget my anime.
  8. If I smell alcohol I gotta have some,I think I have a problem. ::thinks about it:: Naw I'm fine.
  9. If I got a detention or ran from a teacher I'd have to face my mom, which wouldn't be a pretty site. It scares me just thinking about it.
  10. Mines Chow Yun Fat. He kicked *** in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and the Replacment Killers was great too.
  11. My stories not as funny as everybody elses but here it goes. I got drunk one night and I put my pants on my head and pretended I was Supermanand the I passed out. I woke up the nextmorning but I couldn't find my pants.
  12. SSJ3 Trunks


    I would want to be Deathscythe Hell Custom because it is my favorite. Plus it uses a scythe and has the ability to cloak.
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