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SSJ3 Trunks

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Everything posted by SSJ3 Trunks

  1. What happens to Goku he was only allowed to stay for 24 hrs and what about Vegita what happens to him?
  2. # 1 Chang Wufei # 2 Dorothy # 3 Lady Une # 4 Catherine Bloom # 5 Relena Peacecraft # 6 Heero Yuy # 7 Zechs Marquise/Milliardo Peacecraft # 8 Quatre Winner # 9 Treize # 10 Trowa Barton # 11 Duo Maxwell
  3. Egg nog is good you just throw some whiskey in there and drink up.
  4. I wanna start. I just bought a players handbook I just need ppl to play with.
  5. I think that sucks. Personally I hate the Gamecube and the X-Box and I will take my PS2 over them anyday. They should put it on the PS2 that way they know they are getting thier game put on a quality game system.
  6. What did you drink that burned? Yeah that after feeling is great, which is why I put my pants on my head.
  7. I would have to have my PS2 with Devil May Cry, and my tvand vcr. And I cant forget my anime.
  8. If I smell alcohol I gotta have some,I think I have a problem. ::thinks about it:: Naw I'm fine.
  9. If I got a detention or ran from a teacher I'd have to face my mom, which wouldn't be a pretty site. It scares me just thinking about it.
  10. Mines Chow Yun Fat. He kicked *** in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and the Replacment Killers was great too.
  11. My stories not as funny as everybody elses but here it goes. I got drunk one night and I put my pants on my head and pretended I was Supermanand the I passed out. I woke up the nextmorning but I couldn't find my pants.
  12. SSJ3 Trunks


    I would want to be Deathscythe Hell Custom because it is my favorite. Plus it uses a scythe and has the ability to cloak.
  13. They say when you dream and the dream is about you getting hurt then you will be hurt when you wake up because your brain is sending the things we feel in the dream to our body. So if you dream you get hit in the head you might wake up with a headache.
  14. SSJ3 Trunks


    Yeah but that would be cool.
  15. SSJ3 Trunks


    Thats dumb. They did that to Cowboy Bebop but they put that back on the air. I doubt Osma watches Gundam and i think most kids are taking it better than adults cause they dont worry about that kinda crap cause all they do is watch cartoons
  16. We should all get drunk and pass out that way our dreams won't bother us, even if it is for a little bit. :alcohol:
  17. It's about this guy who wants to be a pilot but he's not good enough so he joins the Royal space Force (or something like that I haven't watched it in a while). The RSF is trying to send a man into space and it's not working. The guy meets this woman who is a religous freak, and she convinces him that they shouldn't give up trying to go into space and he volunteers to go up in a "battleship" type craft. I think thats how it goes but it's been awhile. If I made a mistake or left someething out please correct me.
  18. Yeah I've seen that. I laughed my a** when she died. You know Goku deep deep down was probably happy about it.
  19. I dont really fly, I just feel like I'm up in the air and then I fall stait down and like a millimeter before i hit the ground i wake up. I also dream about showing up at school with no pants on.
  20. My god that sucks. You should move to the U.S. I'm gonna beat up the cartoon network ppl they p*** me off.
  21. I've never had a dream about dying but I have had dreams about me killing ppl. But i don't know who they are or why I'm shooting them.
  22. I dont read the manga cause i dont know where to go and get it. But I do watch Mobile Suit Gundam and the 8th MS Team.
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