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SSJ3 Trunks

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Everything posted by SSJ3 Trunks

  1. Try wal-mart.com. I dont know if they ship to the UK but you can try. You can also try gundamoffical.com.
  2. SSJ3 Trunks


    They used to show Mobile Suit Gundam on Toonami but I heard they cancelled it. And I think they just stopped showing 8th MS Team and are showing outlaw star.
  3. I like metal because it gets me pumped up. And I like country because it reminds me of my family. I hate rap it shouldn't be considered music, it's all about the same thing some guy thinking he is a pimp when he really isn't. I also hate it because it's not the greatest thing to hear blasting from someones speakers at 2 in the morning. :flaming:
  4. Yeah I have it. I like it to, though it's not my favorite.
  5. I think the death of that little girl had finally got to him and when he seen Marimaya had been shot he knew he didn't have to do anything.
  6. I've had a dream kinda like that. It feels like I'm flying then all of a sudden i fall strait down but I wake up before i hit the ground. :alcohol:
  7. Yeah theres a sign outside a church were I live that makes a comment about Harry Potter. Ppl need to get thier heads outta thier butts.
  8. I really like books by Tom Clancy you could try those out.
  9. Thanks it sounds really good, next time I get some money I'll go out and buy it. :)
  10. I like Trieze a lot and was angry when they killed him off. He was a great leader and his troops were very loyal to him.
  11. I'll beat both of them up so freaking bad they'll wish they'd never been mean to you.
  12. That really sucks nothing like that should ever happen to somebody. I'll be praying for you. You want me to beat him up cause I will?
  13. Slipknot Metallica AAF System of a Down Blink 182 Disturbed
  14. No problem. I didnt know it was showing again till i turned it on and seen Goku and King Ki gettin on the plane.
  15. I was just answering his question since he didn't understand why they were showin it over.
  16. Toonami had a commercial on saying they were showing 43 new episodes and they did. So now they are gonna start over till they are ready to show more new ones.
  17. Yeah you have a point, showing the older episodes would kinda be like watching them for that first time, but after a while of re-airing them it gets old real fast,
  18. Thank you. I had a feeling someone else out there could see past gundam wing.
  19. Cool I wanna look at ink blots!!!
  20. WOW really? And I thought it was a world wide conspiracy against me.
  21. I know, i think the ppl at funimation know too and thats why they want to torcher me.
  22. o would do that but my computer dosent have any sound and the video would run frame by frame instead of flowing together.
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