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SSJ3 Trunks

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Everything posted by SSJ3 Trunks

  1. Yeah I read episode summaries on some web sites but I gotta see it too.
  2. i get dicounts on all the movies I buy so I wont be spendin much money, plus I'll get to see what happens to Buu.
  3. I'm just gonna buy the rest of it so i dont have to wait.
  4. I know it's great. If I had to watch the Frieza saga one more time i think I'd pull all my hair out.
  5. It sucks they make us wait so long. And whats sad about it is I can go out and buy the entire Buu saga watch it and see what happens. Plus I can go get the new db episodes with the Red Ribbon army.
  6. It's awsome. I really liked the storline and the animation. :naughty:
  7. Well I like Heero but my favorite gundam character would have to be Shiro from the 8th MS Team. He would go outta his way to help somone even if it meant disobeying orders.
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