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About neko Misty
- Birthday 03/24/1979
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DVDs. lots of them. I'm so tired of having to wait 3 or 4 days to get a movie from Netflix when, but for my lack of finances, I could have the DVD in my collection. I wouldn't even have to walk to the mailbox. :catgirl:
hey, you guys should know you're not supposed to kill the cute animals, just the butt-ugly ones! lol... j/k a thought though... did anyone else hear about the pod of dolphins that saved a surfer from a shark? happened off the California coast, I think. if dolphins behave in such a noble and selfless way toward us, shouldn't we consider returning the favor?
I agree with several other ppl in here-- anything beyond a hug and a kiss on the cheek is over the line. but mental or emotional cheating is possible too, like if you have fantasies about someone other than the person you're with, or if you discuss personal matters with someone that you really should've spoken about with your significant other. unless of course, they've made you feel uncomfortable about confiding in them and it's honestly easier for you to talk to someone else. then it's their fault for alienating you, and any accusations of cheating they may throw at you are just an attempt to divert attention away from their own guilt. by the way, does anyone else feel that their personal space has been invaded when someone kisses you on the cheek and thinks it's just a casual greeting? I mean ppl you don't know well. it grosses me out when ppl do that... I can understand that it's part of their culture, but I expect them to realize that I don't come from that background myself, so thay should be respectful and it should dawn on them that maybe I don't particularly savor the idea of them planting whatever viruses or bacteria they may be carrying on my face. gross. :sick:
Writing Favorite Book When You were Young
neko Misty replied to Aberinkula's topic in Creative Works
took me a while to choose favorites. I've always loved books. :animesmil in elementary school, it was The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. in junior high, it was Colors in the Dreamweaver's Loom, I forget who wrote that. and in high school, it was whatever I actually had time for, usually just my English textbooks. I really enjoyed Shakespeare, and Poe. -
I love The Matrix- it's one of my favorite movies- so pretty much any fight scene in that. " Lobby shooting spree" is my favorite though. :cool:
leaf blowers. I hate them with a vengeance. I think they should all be gathered up and hurled off a cliff. I live in an apartment, and for some inexplicable reason, the landscape ppl think they have to start up with the leaf blowers at 7 or 8 in the morning. I'm not a morning person, so my night's sleep is far from over at that time. so I lie awake and throw dirty looks at the window as if the landscape dude is somehow going to feel my indignation and go away. just when the sound of the leaf blower starts to recede into the distance, then the garbage truck comes rumbling in and the driver begins a long and complicated process of seeing exactly how many times he can make smashing and banging sounds with each individual dumpster before moving on to the next one and starting all over again. and just when that stops, the next door neighbor's kids decide it's time to go outside and play with their dad's hammer and nails. as I'm wondering when the guy's going to tell them to quiet down, he comes outside and joins in with his circular saw. at that point, the downstairs neighbor's dog comes completely unglued and starts howling. and the other next door neighbor decides it's somehow a good idea to come out on her deck and have a loud and extended phone rant at her ex-husband, during which the entire neighborhood finds out things that they never wanted to know. :twitch: this is pretty much what my neighbors are like...
[quote name='Japan_86'][COLOR="DarkRed"]Compared to then, it is kind of...too formal. Nothing is flourishing unless you are obsessed with games, anime or roleplaying. If you are casual fans, you'll find yourself interested in posting once in a blue moon. I miss the old days and the old times. I miss Syk, Shinmaru, OtakuSennen, KKC, Deathknight you know, those guys...who...you know, used to post a lot. Now, nothing fun, nothing interesting. B-O-R-I-N-G Why do I find myself coming back? I cannot even answer that. Oh well. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I've noticed there's not a whole lot going on with these boards... the last messg. board I was on regularly would get swamped with new posts and threads every day. if you missed a day, it was almost impossible to catch up. I come in here and nothing much has changed. then I sit here listening to pins drop... :rolleyes:
[quote name='Panda']Having Rheumatoid Arthritis makes me feel really old. Seeing how arthritis is one of those diseases that people associate with geriatric people it kind of lumps me in with all the oldies. To top it off since I donate to the arthritis organizations I get junk mail for wheelchairs, medicare and the AARP even sent me membership information. :animecry: On a bit of a funny note the first time I felt old was when I was at my first job and a little boy, must have been around 5, called me ma'am. I know he was being polite but I was only 16! Miss would have been fine or even Ms., but ma'am. Oi, that was a depressing day.[/QUOTE] my grandmother had rheumatoid arthritis really bad. you kind of expect that someone in their nineties is going to have health concerns like that, but when I was about 14, all my joints siezed up and I could barely move! :o I know about being too young to feel that old, lol. I didn't know what on earth was going on, and to top it all off, the doctors didn't either. don't you just love it when you go to them for answers, and they sit there and shrug their shoulders and shake their head and tell you they don't know? I'm not too impressed with my HMO... :animesigh fortunately, the problem went away on its own. I still don't know what that was though. :confused:
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Of course the punishment didn't fit, I do agree with Rach though. Since I think he was saying that if she hadn't been stealing in the first place, she wouldn't have gotten caught. I do wish they'd try to be more reasonable about it though. I understand the need to put an end to that sort of thing, but overzealousness like that isn't going to help things. And laying down such a heavy fine only makes them look stupid in my opinion. Though downloading illegal stuff doesn't make one look very bright either. Also, I looked at the article, if what it says is true about her receiving a warning first from the six record company's who sued her... then she got what was coming to her if she ignored that warning about being in copyright violation of the laws and simply continued to share the music illegally. Also, sharing up to 1,700 different songs by uploading them for others to use? That's more than a simple case of downloading a few songs and then turning around to share them. Since you can be fined up to $9,250 per song, they only fined her for 24 of the songs she illegally uploaded and shared. In which case, she got of easy since they could have totally stuck it to her. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] 9,250 bucks per song?!?! :faint: wow... :o I hadn't heard that they gave her a warning... see, you did your homework. I was just going on what I heard at the "watercooler". you're right, that wasn't very bright on her part... :nono:
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]This has certainly been one of the dorkiest threads I've ever done though. :blulaugh:l[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] a little dorkiness never hurt anybody... it has, however, led to quite a lot of grumbling and dirty looks from ppl who are fun to mess with. :naughty:
[quote name='tachiKC']Hmmm. Well everyone is different, but like I said, if you place a person to high, you are bound to be crushed. Were you already dating or did you ask them out and they refused if I may ask. And you SHOULDNT feel bad. Well sure you can be hurt, but dont beat yourself up over it. You cant do anything about it, you tried your best and hardest and its the other person who is having the issues, not you. And it obviously wouldnt have worked out, so just feel good that you finally know, if need be pull yourself together, and then move on. Unfortunately its all you can do. But in the long run its for the best because it frees you to be able to form new relationships. You live you learn.[/QUOTE] it was totally pathetic: I liked him from afar, didn't have the guts to ask him out, but was so pitifully obvious about my feelings that he finally felt obligated to tell me he wasn't interested just to put me out of my misery. :animedepr it's worth mentioning that this happened a while back, and I don't do the whole not-enough-guts-to-ask-him-out thing anymore. now, if I like a guy, I go for it, and before I get so emotionally involved. there's that window where you know you like somebody and want to ask them out, but you're not so hopelessly into them that you'll be crushed if they say no. I aim for that window. it's worked out so far... :animesmil I don't beat myself up though. some girls get rejected and go, "what's wrong with me??:animecry:" I'm more likely to think there's something wrong with the guy, lol, to go, "what do you mean no?? there's nothing wrong with me! I'd make a fine girlfriend! what is the matter with you?" :laugh: I'm kinda full of myself that way... :rolleyes: but what good is it to look for a relationship with someone else if you're not satisfied with who you are yet? I am pretty satisfied... and will continue that way until some guy sets me straight. lol. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi'] Today marks 6 months that Momishin and I have been together, and I hope for there to be a lot more.[/QUOTE] happy 6 month anniversary!! :animesmil
[quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Well the idea was to talk about things that happened when you yourself were a teenager, things that at that point made you feel old or older. :p I'm not talking so much about physical age as I am more of a mental perception of growing older. ^_~ That's why I titled the thread: Things that [I]make [/I]you [I]feel [/I]old. Since I'm sure for each decade, from the teen years, to the twenties to the thirties, etc. They all probably have unique things to them that might make one feel old. lol[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] hmmm... ok, well, when I was a teenager, my parents splitting up made me feel old, realizing I'd have to choose which one to live with, and then realizing , much to my chagrin and dismay, that I was in no way mature enough to make a decision and stick with it. so began my years of bouncing back and forth between cities... thank goodness that's over. :animestun actually, everything that made me feel old when I was a teenager was unpleasant and unwelcome. :animesigh
[quote name='Aaryanna_Mom'] [LIST] [*]A negative attitude towards imperfect grammar and spelling, even just simple mistakes. [*]A negative attitude towards repeat threads even though they aren't a repeat for the newer members, and failing to realize that even your own views may have changed since the last thread. [/QUOTE] wow, right on! *eyes mods suspiciously* communists... :grumble:
hmmm... good advice. :animesmil except the part about if someone rejects you, don't feel bad. that's not even possible is it? :animedepr I just got thru picking up the pieces after a really crushing rejection... actually, I think I've still got some shrapnel stuck in me from when my heart shattered into a bunch of little tiny fragments... :( :rolleyes: oh, well... lol.
:laugh: wow, look at all the teenagers who think they're getting old... lol. I ran into an old friend the other day. her son is 15 now. I was at that kid's baby shower, and I was a teenager back then. I'm an absolute geezer! :p