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About VincentTheGreat

  • Birthday 07/20/1991

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  1. [QUOTE]Go to Fanfiction.net with your fanboy spiel please. Honestly, a place with the words 'anime character' and 'dream match' pr anything of the like is like a sign saying 'fanboy spam here plz'[/QUOTE] ouch, uh i was just commenting on a feature of MYotaku, back in the day. It was taken off without notice or reason. I never said anything about it then , I was just thinking about again and wanted to know if anyone else missed it, But im sorry i didnt know you couldnt voice opinions in a FORUM, frankly this being my first thread and haveing that be the first response, well i guess ill just stick to myotaku.
  2. What ever happened to the arena? Older myotaku members will remember it. It was when you chose 2 anime charcaters and wrote a batte scene telling who you thougt would win. I must say I miss that. it was really entertaining to read.( i remember a Sephiroth and Link one that was pretty cool) :animesmil
  3. ive been smoking reds (marlboro) since i was 12 years old, and know im 16, and belive it or not ive not gone above 3 or 4 a day. When i was in 9th grade there was a period of a cuople of months of like 12 a day, but latly its been 3 or 4, well not really latly, i quit like a week ago, and ive been good, a cuople of cravings and grumpyness but other then that im fine
  4. i lost my virginity at a football party (i play), drunk with a girls whos name escapes me. BUT, the next couple of times were with my ex girlfriend, those were better. But as to feeling ashamed about the first, well im not. i dunno y but i have never felt tru feelings for a girl so i thought "eh y not" NOw that im single again ive had a cuople of "friends with prevlegies" (
  5. Hi, I've been part of MyOtaku for a while now, 2005 I think, but never got around to going to this site. I'm looking forword to getting to know those i don't know already. :animesmil
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