[SIZE="3"]Wolf's Rain [/SIZE]
[spoiler]I literally cried when the main wolves died, one after another. I think I cried the most with the death of Hige and Blue, the two had to watch each other die slowly... Of course I cried over the death of little Toboe, he died trying to protect someone who hated him .___. God, I couldn't stop crying, it took me like 10 minutes to finally calm down -___- I also cried for Tsume, Kiba, Cheza, Cher, Hubb and, yes, even Quint... the only person I didn't cry for was Darcia. Why? Because he got what he deserved -.- jerk... I was glad he didn't make it to paradise.[/spoiler]
Anyways, back to the disscussion, saddest death, I stand beside [B]Wolf's Rain[/B], a great anime that's one of my favs, for the win :animesmil