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Chibi Love

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Everything posted by Chibi Love

  1. [SIZE="3"]Wolf's Rain [/SIZE] [spoiler]I literally cried when the main wolves died, one after another. I think I cried the most with the death of Hige and Blue, the two had to watch each other die slowly... Of course I cried over the death of little Toboe, he died trying to protect someone who hated him .___. God, I couldn't stop crying, it took me like 10 minutes to finally calm down -___- I also cried for Tsume, Kiba, Cheza, Cher, Hubb and, yes, even Quint... the only person I didn't cry for was Darcia. Why? Because he got what he deserved -.- jerk... I was glad he didn't make it to paradise.[/spoiler] Anyways, back to the disscussion, saddest death, I stand beside [B]Wolf's Rain[/B], a great anime that's one of my favs, for the win :animesmil
  2. How many of you all remember Outlaw Star? I have to say, Outlaw Star ranks on my top fav list of anime. Who was your fav character? Why did you like the show? Well, for me, I've always loved the adventures the crew had, the [I]Great Space Race [/I]and the [I]Strongest Woman Tournament [/I]were some of my fav episodes. Great Space Race was a well planned out ep, and, the Strongest woman, well, let's just say that was one of the most entertaining eps, well, that and the Hotsprings ep :animeshy: *clears throat* So, what was yours'? [size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Keep topic specific discussions in one thread please. - Ikillion[/COLOR][/size]
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