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About Gozu

  • Birthday 02/07/1988

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  1. I don't care I'm just not going to go in this thread anymore and just keep things plain and simple now, but I do have a tendency to not read things that contribute to the topic at hand so sorry to anyone who I got worked up over my post and hope that we can push this behind us and colleagues.
  2. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]The only reason why we're all trolling you to different extents is because that when a band goes off into nu-metal or screamo territory, they're not a metal band. They may be inspired by actual metal music or whatever, but that's like saying Opeth is a jazz band because they introduce some jazz influences in their music. We're all kind of tired of this constantly coming up. Isis, Baroness, and Kylesa are pretty much the only metal bands I listen to. I don't even know what I'm doing in this thread half the time. We're all just passionate about music here and when someone as uncaring as you apparently are comes around, it gets us a little angry.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] Listen man I'm not trying start any trouble I'm just expressing my opinion, that's why people go to forums is to express their opinions about a subject whether it's positive or negative.And I'm not saying that a band that is apart of the metal genre strictly plays metal music I'm saying I like it when bands like Opeth and Meshuggah play metal with jazz influences it just seems to me that all the real good bands are mostly underground and that there is only a handful of good mainstream bands.So like I said before I'm not trying to start any trouble, and sorry if I got anyone worked up over what I said.My apologies.
  3. I plan on having a Neon Genesis Evangelion marathon this weekend which is going to be epic, and as of right now I'm reading Blade of the Immortal.
  4. [quote name='Jakehammaren']You obviously don't listen to metal, or you'd know that wasn't true at all. It's called the [I]underground[/I]. Hell, you don't even have to search the underground for great metal - there are some awesome mainstream bands as well (Opeth, Blind Guardian, and Finntroll are a few great ones that have been brought up in this thread). Anyone who says metal is dead or dying is only watching MTV and reading Revolver. And Premonition, I'm sure you can find Agalloch at FYE. They sell Agalloch albums at Best Buy, so they aren't that hard to find, man.[/QUOTE] You don't need to get all worked up over this man.In my eyes metal is dead, because not too many metal bands these days bring something new, but there are definitely some out there, I'm not going to go into details, but there are some that are original.But for your information I do listen to metal just not like I youst to because I think it got boring and I got introduced to different types of music and also for the record I hate MTV and Revolver, so don't get going saying things when you don't know what you're talking about.It's just an opinion man, so just relax lol.
  5. This is indeed a tragedy, a moment of silence in memory of Geneon.
  6. That is quite a surprise, they had a lot of good anime series that they put out which are some of my favorite like Soultaker, Texhnolyze, Samurai Champloo, and Trigun.What is the reason to why they have shutdown, if anyone knows?
  7. At this very moment I am listening to the Boris/Merzbow collaboration CD Sun Baked Snow Cave which is a great CD to relax too.
  8. I'm just going to give you guys my top 10 then explain each one to the reason why I like them, here it goes. 1.Boris 2.Earth 3.King Crimson 4.Led Zeppelin 5.Miles Davis 6.Isis 7.Clint Mansell 8.Omar Rodriguez-Lopez 9.The Mars Volta 10.Agalloch First is Boris, their a band who hail from the land of the rising sun, Japan.They are very experimental with their music but staying in the realm of drone/ambient most of the time while also putting out a stoner rock album here and there.They do many collaborations with many different artists in different genres (ex. Merzbow, Sunn O))), Michio Kurihara).But one of the things that impress me the most about Boris is that their guitarist is a woman, and is very impressive.Second is Earth almost like Boris with being a drone band, but stick solely with drone/doom with some songs lasting up to an hour long.It's more meditative, but is very heavy.Earth's early days consisted of only two guitarist, but now a three piece band with guitar, bass, and drums.Third is King Crimson, who are the Fathers of Progressive Rock, and influenced Tool greatly.They are also very experimental using very different instruments other than the typical vocals, guitar, bass, and drums.They also gone through many line-up changes which I think is why every album is so differebt in a way with Robert Fripp being the only consistent member really.Fourth I think needs no description really since they are one of the greatest bands of all-time, if not the greatest.Fifth is Miles Davis, which is probably one of the greatest jazz performers in the history of music itself.He is the founder of jazz fusion which is a combination of jazz and rock, and with his greatest record ******* Brew shows the genre at it's greatest, I think, which will just make you melt in your seat.Sixth is Isis who also fall under the doom genre, but are progressive and have more structure in their music rather than most doom metal.If anyone has ever listened Neurosis, they were one of Isis's biggest influences along with Godflesh which you can tell in their music and all musicians in the band play their parts well with each showing their abilities in just about every song.Isis is definitely one of the greatest bands to emerge from the 21st century.Seventh is Clint Mansell who is a film composer.He has scored films for Requiem for a Dream, The Foutain, and Pi.All his music is very atmospheric which is how it is with all film scores, but his music just sets the mood for a particular scene as well as the film as a whole.Eighteth is Omar Rodriguez-Lopez who is member of The Mars Volta.His solo work sounds almost like TMV, but what makes them different is that he's way more experimental in his solo work than in TMV and it is also more jazzier, and is also mainly all instrumental.Nineth is The Mars Volta, who is also another great band out of the 21st century, like Omar's solo work, they are very experimental but have more structure to their music, and I think every band member plays their part in the band very well, and I like how they integrate some mexican folk music into their music as well.And last but not least is Agalloch.One of the few progressive black metal out their as well as being original.I like the folky sound to Agalloch as well as the atmosphere that they create with their music as with a lot of black metal, that they make you feel like you are in some cold, dark, desolate place.These are my top 10 favorite bands and I hope I gave everyone a good to decent description of all 10 of them.
  9. To tell you the truth I don't really like the direction metal is heading in.With all these hardcore bands that sound pretty much the same to me, and once one band does something new all these other bands just start to emerge and sound the same having a cookie cutter effect.As the days go by I find myself each day listening to other types of music other than metal itself.I hope in the future this will soon all change, but for now there seems to be no hope for the genre of metal.
  10. My first anime as with a lot of people was DBZ, then Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, and Tenchi Muyo.Then my cousin introduced me to Ninja Scroll, which I had no idea that they even made anime movies at the time, but it put me in awe and opened me up to things I never knew existed like Akira, Perfect Blue, Ghost in the Shell, as well as series like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Berserk.And it just continued from there.
  11. My favorite soundtracks to animes I would have to say Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, and even though their music isn't on any anime that I know of but sounds like it should Abingdon Boys School.But as far as video game soundtracks I don't have any.
  12. Techno is good, probably one of my top 5 favorite genres.But I'm more into ambient and industrial techno and stuff like Aphex Twin
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