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DaRk DrAgOn

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Everything posted by DaRk DrAgOn

  1. I don't know, but the screen shots that i saw aren't that good. I might not buy it. If my friend gets it i might just play it as his house. I'm not sure if it's worth buying, but i'm buying Tactics Orge. That game looks tight:)
  2. Yeah, i don't think they are out yet either, but you can probably go to e-bay. They probably only ahve Japenese though, oh well.
  3. Ok, i appreciate all of ya'lls reply's and help. I'm not necessarily looking for games, but a couople of games wouldn't be bad. Well, next time i go to a computer store i'll just have to see what i think about Macs. Thanks a lot for ya'lls help.
  4. ok, i was wondering. Do any of ya'll otaku members use a mac?. I'm thinking of getting one, but i don't want to regret it later on in life:( . Anyways, so, do you think mac's are tight. I mean, just overall cool. I hope ya'll can help me. Mac, Windows, or Linux? Thanks for anyone that helps me:D !!!
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jlow [/i] [B]I have just returned from Japan and the rumors are flying high in video stores and arcades that there is going to be a new Dragonball series but the people I talked to had no idea what the name would be and it is fairly popular there especially the cards(many of the kids and some adults have them and they even have tourneys there in the parks) [/B][/QUOTE] Dude, i HOPE you're not lieing. Why would you lie in the first place. Like me and TN said, Dragon Ball is old news in Japan, they only play it Saturday and Sunda and plus Mr.Toriyamu didn't even make Dragon Ball GT why would he make the "new" series:worried: ? Anyways, i'm out, peace:devil:
  6. I aslo doubt that they will create a new series of Dragon Ball, yet i could be wrong. People probably don't even care about Dragon Ball in Japan. I eman, if they do create a new seires some people won't remember it or care to much abouyt it. DRagon Ball is like years old in Japan. Anyways, i probably am wrong! WEll, i'm gonna go now, bye :)
  7. no, it's coming out in May. The card game is June :)
  8. I have movies1-13 and i have some speacials, too. Which one's ahve i seen, I don't remeber :D
  9. I've been waiting for a DBZ movie...it better be good. If it's not i'm gonna be pissed. It should hve good special affects too, not no bungee rope looking thing, so they can fly. And they should get someone really fine toplay the girls....:D
  10. Yeah, it does suck becazsue it's supposed to show Bulma and Vegita having Trunks. It's kinda cheap that they don't show anything. I eman kids already know what sex is and all that, so kids need to learn more about that kind of stuff anyways, g2g...bye:devil:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]He was trying to say that the game was merely violence and had little substance underneath. :) In any case, what you said doesn't surprise me. That is why the [i]majority[/i] of Xbox owners are under 18 -- it's actually kids who tend to go for the more "adult" games. I guess adults are mature enough to generally see that good games can be good games without violence.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] MAn, that is so right. I never thought about it like that. I mean i'm 13 and at school they always talk about the GCN being a kiddy system. TRhey just want violence and no adventure. I mean all GTA3 is shooting. Wait till MEtroid comes out. Everyone will be surprised at the graphics...WHOO HOO. I can't wait
  12. I don't think Nintendo helped PS in any way. PS is made by Sony and only Sony, but i could be wrong. I hope Nintendo didn';t help, every system for there selves, right?......lol
  13. [B]Happy birthday Akira. what would we have done if he hadn't created DBZ...amen[/B] [FONT=times new roman][/FONT] [COLOR=blue][/COLOR]
  14. B]I never really payed attention to that, but somehting that does get annoying is when they turn super saying and all the rocks go flying and then they show there faces and do this for like 5 minutes and it takes up like 10 minutes of the show. Do ya'll know what i mean?[/B]
  15. Well, I heard there is two DBZ games actually.One is called Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku which is said to come out on 5/12/2002 and there is Dragon Ball Z Card Game which is said to come out on 6/21/2002.I hope the Legacy of Goku is going to be good:D because I can't wait I have Golden Sun and Advance Wars, but that's not going to hold me back long enough:devil:
  16. Yeah I also go with the Cube.Why?Because it's different.The cube has smaller discs then PS2 and X-box.It has better games and the controller:D [SIZE=4]Gamecube rules[/SIZE]
  17. I don't know what kind of karate they use,but why do you want to know????:D
  18. Does anybdy know a site where you can get the movies dubbed.Or any websites with the movies subbed????
  19. We go crazy over anime girls.You're the one going crazy over anime guys....:D
  20. I found it by a friend i was like awwwwwwww...they talk about DBZ,and so I joined i was like must know more......LOL:laugh: :wigout: :D :devil: :( :) :p :confused: :babble:
  21. argggggg.I want to see the movies so bad arggggggg:demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
  22. LOL Gohu:laugh: That was funny *achoo* LOL:D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  23. It was cool and funny all in one.Simple ,yet awsome.IO want more!!!Make more.....now!What are you waiting for quick....LOL.Just messing with ya:D
  24. Gamecube or the GBA????Hmmmmmmm....hard choice.It really depend do you travel a lot and are you bored when you travel or do you stay at home and watch t.v.????So,just make a really wise dicision because they are so cool*leaves to go play the gamecube*
  25. Yeah,the movie is very funny,but i don't remember them saying kame hame ha.Well anyways I only saw it once :D
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