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DaRk DrAgOn

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Everything posted by DaRk DrAgOn

  1. Yeah,I also have to admit android 18 is the hottest.I also think Launch is pretty hot:D
  2. Yeah,I don't thinkthey knew about the great Gohan.hey just came to see who is strong enough to resurrect Buu.Well,then tey saw Gohan power and they took his energy with a magic lamp looking thing.The Z fighters wanted to stop them,but the supreme kai said no wait.I think because he wanted to follow them to see where Babidi was.So they can stop Buu before he was resurrected.But then those dudes(I also for got there name, but I know one of their names starts with an s)die!!!!!:D
  3. Yeah,TN is right.If they did have a dbz show Americans would only want only one show or something
  4. Yeah,that is true>All these kids cuss
  5. Tears....awwwww,yes ....TEARS. Tears are everywhere.Everyone has them and everyone uses them.I think tears are a sign of sad/emotions.I cry during a movie when something emotional happenes.Like in the movie The Green Mile I cried when the black guy dies at the end *sniff Sniff* it was so sad I mean they wet his head and watch him die
  6. I know right.Who cares if we burn cds,and all that crap>The cops try to stop drugs,but it's to big to be stopped.Man they should just make drugs legal.Hey,maybe more people will stop since it's illegal because some ppl might just do it because it's illegal and try to look cool:devil:
  7. It's only on cable,but my friend says he has the I-channel;,but the cable company keeps on moving the channel arund.Well,I don't ahve it:confused: .I want it,but since it's in Japenese I don't really mind:)
  8. Yeah it is illegal but that is gay
  9. Well,what i meant is.When they go like ewww when they see a girls breasts or something im like man one day your going to want that.LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  10. I don't know,but if you go here [url]www.finalfury.com[/url] they have some pictures,some rare pictures,and some messed up fusions.They also tell you everything about dbz.Well,not everything,but you know:devil:
  11. I know right>When they do that im like man on day your going to want that .LOL:laugh: :laugh: :devil:
  12. That's funny Brolly.Goku and Bulma??That wouyld look crazy Goku with Green or turquise hair.ewwwww.LOL.I don't even wqant to imagine that.LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  13. Yeah,I understand.The kids that are 11 or 12 they are like oh my god that magazine shows tits.They are all pointing and saying ewwww.They also start laughing.OMG.
  14. Um....I watch midnight run and I don't see un-cut>Well it wasprobably on the I-Channel,but I might be wrong>If you are sure it was on Cartton Network then I need to pay more attention
  15. Yeah i agree with Sweetreyes I mean like who cares it's just nudity or violence
  16. Tight pic Brolly.Yeah Goku looks kinda wierd with the long hair:toothy:
  17. It's funny i guess.but not that funny>I understand though:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  18. Yeah I know what you mean Brolly, but oh well.What kam said is true,but it's just gay that they think we can't handle cussing.Even if the children watch it, what are they going to do>Kill themselves?
  19. Yeah my favorite fighting game is probably Marvel vs. Capcom(and of course SSBM & SSB)I hope Marvel vs. Capcom is on the cube it will be so tight:mrt: .Well,yeah I think it would have been tight if Krillinoku had gold spiky hairit would be tight
  20. Yeah what you said is true,but my opinion is Nintendo:toothy:
  21. [COLOR=royalblue]yeah that comic was funny although I didn't get it*scratches head tryin to mek out what ShadowGohan meant*It was tight:D [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=royalblue]Man Funi should just leave the episodes alone.The only thing they should do is translate the words.It only a cuss word, or its only nudity.I mean like we see nudity almost everyday.Well,I think they should just leaver the episodes alone [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]Yeah Sega is good too.But Nintendo will always rule every system .What do you think the new system after the cube.box,and ps2 will be like?I was thining that your room will turn into the game.Like your furniture or something will come alive or something>It should be like the characters actually touch you that will be cool.Don't you all think???Well I think so.So post your ideas what you think the next system will be like...since were onthe topic of gameing:D [/COLOR]
  24. Yeah that is g*y because it is not backlit.You know what I hate?That theykeep on coming out with better and better gameboys/systems then you have to buy them and then a couple of years later they come out with another.It gets annoying sorta,but I don't mind I just buy them and ....ENJOY:D
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