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About Gunslinger

  • Birthday November 15

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  1. umm Halo 1. easily 7k hours on it, and can say proudly i am one of the best! look for me under the name gunslinger Guild Wars again, probably 7k hours on that, have about 9 titles, every char has 15k, all of them have multiple sets top :animesmil look me up in game Lone Warrior Matt [color=darkred][size=1]In future, as a means of creating discussion, try and elaborate on what you have to say about the topic. In this case, don't just state the game and how many hours you have played it, but instead a simple reason/s as for why you played it for so long. -- BlueYoshi[/size][/color]
  2. (PC) Halo 1 + 2, must say i am truthfully im one of the best, look for me in halo 1 multiplayer under the name gunslinger. i play it like theres no tomorrow. if u and i go 1v1, katie bar the door cuz i use rockets. ^^ (PS3) Lair! awesome game, no matter what x play says! the first big boss int he water annoyed me beyond anything else. o and also guild wars! easily one of the funnest games eva. look for me on there Lone Warrior Matt
  3. meh i suppose. why would u use a cane if you could have a claymore or a walter p-38.
  4. yea i dont see canes as a fashion trend... it seems like young ppl these days, (and im not saying it doesnt include me since im only 15...) but the trends have gotten wierder as time goes on!! i mean cmon... unless you need a reason for it.. wtf no need. what is cool about saying"hey look at me i stole grandmas cane so i could walk down the street and look like i have a disorder in my leg." :animeangr hate to hit of subject but for the majority of emos who think emotional pain +steak knife(wrists)=no more emotional pain. for me (if i was emo. which im certainly not.) emotional pain + steak knife(wrists)=wtf did i do that for now i have both!!! sry for the venting. matt
  5. ugh when im sick ill sleep till noon-ish, play games, hit the OB, eat ramen (Oooh Ramen!:animesmil) make prank phone calls, and think of all the homework ill have to do. did i mention play video games?:o
  6. well i think that the woman, yes she should be punished, should she get the DP? probably not. think about it this way folks: if people had you convinced YOU caused a girl to KILL herself, im sure emotional grief would take its toll. as to the girl, im tragically sorry, but every1 reading this need to keep in mind, if u already dont, that not everyone on the internet is gonna be nice and not everyone is going to be your friend. and yes i take into account that she had a mental problem, and that she probably didnt need to be on myspace, because ive seen how mean people can be. and that goes for about everywhere in the world, if you look hard enough :animesigh well i threw my 2 cents in there, and probably said things thatve already been said here before :animedepr
  7. hey, i am just wondering if anyone out there in this wonderful Otaku universe would be able to make me a Cowboy Bebop Sig and Avy. i would like Spike preferably! background mebbe blue? i just want one that looks cool! :animesmil Many thanks, Matt, the Lone Gunslinger
  8. Dial up. I download mods for oblivion/halo/etc. at about 1-3 Kbps. Suxor!:animesigh but i live. rank 2 in Guild Wars, major gamer, and i would do almost anything for teh high speedout here in "the sticks" as my fellow classmates call it. 3 miles outside of town wtf :animeangr
  9. I would have to say the saddest ending ive ever seen in an anime ever was the end of Cowboy Bebop. Spike was my fave :animecry:(avatar) but i still love it to this very day! I had a manly breakdown _> where i almost cried when i saw it end. The ending to Evangelion was also a heart breaker.
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