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About TheIratePanda

  • Birthday 11/29/1991

TheIratePanda's Achievements

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  1. Attempting to be individual is the "in" thing right now, I'm guessing. But since it's the "in" thing, you're pretty much just getting into the mainstream, even though you don't realize that you are doing the same thing everyone is doing..you are. Being individual is doing whatever you want, regardless of whatever the hell anyone else thinks. Think about you, and you only when it comes to your style, taste in music, books, etc. SOme people think that being individual is liking what you want, but making sure other people like it too, and that you're not the poor, outcast sitting in the corner by themself. In my opinion, it's hard to explain the difference between individualism and mainstream. You might guess this only because you may have NO idea what I just said in the above Paragraphs. I myself, am struggling to understand what I just said, but you can all get the general point, right?
  2. If you are reading mangas for ages 13 and below, then of course they may be childish. If you do not care for the childish mangas, then I suggest looking at the ones for ages 13+ or OT. Not ALL of the 13- are childish, but many of them are. And the only reason naruto and DBZ are becoming less for teens and more for kids is because they're on channels like Cartoon Network...kiddy central, as it should be named.
  3. TIP=Nub to the Otaku forums. yah...^^ Don't have much to say... Hi? Anyway...OB seems fun and interesting. Hopefully I'll meet people that don't care how truly annoying I am. =]
  4. Ahhh video games. So many. Laptop-World of Warcraft */Portal/TF2 World of Warcraft being really the only game that I play, unless my computer is acting ghey, I dont have time for much else. But I must say that Team Fortess 2, and Portals are my second and third favorite PC games. PS3- Folklore Simply amazing. Graphics are amazing and the storyline is pretty interesting. PS2- .Hack//G.U. Vol. 3 Been following this series and the one before it like a little anime fan girl on crack would. Mmhm... =]
  5. Well, first off, the idea that I play World of Warcraft is needed in order to understand my..."story". This story has nothing to do with a panda, in fact it was a snowman that began my name. I decided to make my username less festive and more cuddly. Sometimes I sit in the middle of one of the captial cities [in a snowman suit] and...well...just yell at people. I've been deemed the new tourist attraction, although some like to call me "the irate snowman" [or in this case, Panda]. so.."what's with the irate snowman[panda!]?" you might ask? My answer?....I have no clue.
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