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Everything posted by ZachIsAPanda

  1. [URL=http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q58/Haku890/Untitled-2.jpg][color=blue][u]My Desktop[/u][/color][/URL] [size=1][indent][color=green][b]Boo - [/b]Your wallpaper was stretching the layout of OtakuBoards, so I turned it into an URL. Also, please elaborate a bit more in your posts. Thank you.[/size][/color][/indent]
  2. [quote name='Udon'] But I realy want a nendroid figure of Mikuru,Tsuruya-san, or Ryuk. Im pretty fond of the chibi look to it.[/QUOTE] [url]http://www.hlj.com/product/GSC96311[/url]
  3. I imagine they're both art, though the first does look like a game
  4. Well, currently I play Guild Wars. Looking forward to GW2. But for others, I'm probably going to try Warhammer, though it looks like a WOW rip off. And if it IS a WOW rip off, I'll be very dissapointed. I hate grind fests that center around killing 10 monsters for a quest and doing so many level ups.
  5. I was told that after the credits, it says [spoiler]It's still alive[/spoiler]
  6. Ummm. Well, I've got a Chocobo plush, about a foot and a half big :D I've also got a Death Note shirt, and a model of Eva 02.
  7. [COLOR="DimGray"]Typical mallcrap music. Shitknot, Korn, HIM, Avenged Sevenfold, Marilyn Manson, Nirvana, Cradle Of Filth[/COLOR]
  8. Freakazoid, Dexter, Johnny Bravo. Awesome shows compared to now. Well, Foster's ome for Imaginary Friends is awesome.
  9. My school year has been fine--I got all A's last semester (it is probably because I'm just a freshman, easy stuff D=). I never have to do homework at home; so I get to play as many games as I want, go where I want. The only complaint is that I haven't made a single good friend, and my three best friends go to another school.
  10. [quote name='Allamorph']Concerning Furi Kuri and Bo however-many-it-is: the reason these shows are amazing is that [I]they're not supposed to make any sense at all.[/I] I'd be willing to bet that all you people who hate them don't like Monty Python, either. [/QUOTE] Well,I like Monty Python, I love FLCL, one of my favorite animes-but I still hate Bobo. Maybe its because FLCL has some "adult" humor, whereas...Bobobo is about fighting hair... I don't see any attraction in a ****** with an afro fighting with his hair. Certainly doesn't make the show amazing. I guess its because Cartoon Network has to butcher everything so it appeals to little children.
  11. Oh another I hate-Inuyasha Such a boring series. I used to obssess over it, but then it comes out to have like 300 bilion boring episodes (I really hate long series -_-;). Most of the episodes are Inuyasha and the girl screaming at each other and then the...Nak...Naku something villain demon guy [spoiler]is stealing their broken rocks.[/spoiler]
  12. I absolutely hate Bobox7 and One Piece. Bobobobobobobobobobobobo is such a terrible load of crap that you watch it once and are so completely lost because they are hitting each other with nose hairs--it just makes no sense whatsoever.
  13. Very good film, but, I wish it was related more to the book. I felt the title should be "I'm Another Legend". Well, it was still great anyways, plenty of action and suspense.
  14. I'm currently watching Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, only on episode four, but the series is great. I love how everything is fast paced, and doesn't happen so slowly. It seems so many animes based off visual novels are quite good. And I'm currently reading D.Gray-Man, I can't find the next volume, but so far, I love the art work, and story line (even if it isn't too original).
  15. At first, I thought the monster would be some strange creature from space that crashes into Earth--until I realized that there can't be an earth quake and then a large explosion minutes afterwards. Now I'm thinking tentacles, when they are in the gas station store, it seems like it breaks open the windows (why must they cut out the scenes afterwards!? T_T), and there are three or so windows. So hopefully tentacles, especially if it is from the sea. Maybe it is Cthulhu!? Or a giant squid of sorts.
  16. Psyclon Nine, and NIN are my current favorites
  17. Well, I've been watching Neon Genesis Evangelion and School Days. And reading D.Gray-Man, but can't find the 4th manga anywhere!
  18. [quote name='Panache']They censor cartoons yet they let kids watch/hear horrible graphic things on the news. In my area they spent a whole day talking about how people were brutally mauled to death by tigers that escaped in the zoo.(no joke) [/QUOTE] I think it is a much different situation--parents can easily control what their kids are watching on the news, but I don't think they have a clue what their kids watch on Cartoon Network.
  19. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q58/Haku890/l_9ceefef72f11db73aea3dcafa435ad7a.jpg[/IMG] Bad image :P
  20. [spoiler]Shinku and Suigintou[/spoiler] from Rozen Maiden [spoiler](Even if Shinku comes back to life @_@!)[/spoiler][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][INDENT]Next time use spoiler tags so you don't ruin it for someone who has yet to see the show. Thanks! ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. I think the anime is getting childish, they had Mar, Prince of Tennis, One Piece, all terrible lumps of crap. The girl that does Naruto's voice in Japanese sounds more masculine than american Naruto.
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