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Everything posted by Raiden

  1. Has any1 here played Zoids Saga 2 for the GB Advanced. If you have tell me about it.
  2. oops it wasnt suppose to b a link
  3. Please post what you think the best Zoid RPG is.:demon:
  4. Hi does n e body here have a cool pic of Sai Saishi, if u do could u post it here...:demon:
  5. lol wouldnt it b funny if the flying and ki attacks looked as fake as those from the old chinese kung fu movies/series [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B]I could see Jet Li but I think that Jackie Chan looks a little too old to play Goku....besides...Jackie doesn't even have the face...or really the built for it.....Sure he looks big but where are the muscles upon muscles.....and so on!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] lol, vegeta with that accent, 2 tell u d truth wouldnt mind if the movie turned out like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
  6. vegeta is actually the most caring person in Z n GT if u really think about it, he still cares 4 people under babidi's spell
  7. dont cell n freiza fuse?... n e ways, no they dont ever argue
  8. the funny thing is I have most of those eps on my cpu
  9. I like Vegeta's spandex, blue, Saiyan Combat Suit.
  10. i read that there was 500 pkmn
  11. Raiden


    It's one of the items that came out in Japan but not in the U.S. like Pokemon Green
  12. [url]www.theotaku.com/images/dragonball_037.jpg[/url] this proves it all the weapons n clothing u c here r from Journey to the West. Goku's suppose to be the monkey. Krillin's suppose to be the monk. Gohan's the pig. And Piccolo's the demon.
  13. Did u know that DragonBall is based on an old chinese story called Journey to the West. Its about a Monkey... n e who deres a list of things Akira Toriyama copied from JTW Goku Power Pole Flying Nimbus Oolong thas pretty much all i know so far
  14. thank u koolkam i have seen that b4 n i was looking 4 it heres some funny stuff dbze.xtremgaming.com/truefan.jpg [url]www.brain-damage.net/sounds/events/start/windofail.wav[/url] www1.surfsouth.com/~sgilst65/funny_laugh.wav not all of these r dbz but they r funny I have more if u want
  15. Raiden


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B][color=darkblue][b] Listen... Buu is a baby, later on Buu splits into 2 forms. Good and Evil. the Good one befriends Hercule of all people. The Evil one is the true evil in Buu. There are also Kid Buu and another one, i call Thin Buu. He is just like the other Buus. But he has sorta of a human face. He wears clothes similar to Gokus. He is evil. He is made of the same substance as the other Buus are.[/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah a baby thats a couple of thousands years old
  16. here this should work its not really a pic though [url]www.angelfire.com/ut/dbzelite/gifs/gokuhitnut.gif[/url] i thinks that Ii Shenron
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dbzman [/i] [B]link dosen't work [/B][/QUOTE] thought so its geocities soes it say something about geocities
  18. try this site [url]www.geocities.com/trunksanddragon[/url] check out, humor n censored dont worry d censored aren't bad they just havent been shown in america this link mite not work all d time
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]People listen....You dont have to wait for it to come on TV. Get off your lazy fat *** n go to DBZ sites and download episodes from DB,DBZ,or DBGT!!!!!!! Always guessing whats gonna happen. I have seen everything. Every single episode.......From all 3 series [/B][/QUOTE] So, if I ask u a ? u could answer it
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]Uhhh, right. I kno stuff!!! Anywho, they do fight. *rolls eyes*. If u keep watching, Vegeta will go Majin and fight Goku with \out his "conscience". They fight with Goku ssj2, and vegeta ssj2 from the power given by buu. It is an even fight until vegeta tricks goku to thinking the fight is over and kicks his @ss. Yup, it is an awsome fight. probably one of the best mini ones. Can't wait till i c it... [/B][/QUOTE] pointer is saying d next epsd, that would mean in the WMT:smirk:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Well, you know the Tenkachi Boudaki after the Buu Saga, you know that big guy with the Majin sign on his head? Well, do you guys know how he gets it, I was just wondering becuase my little brother had a party an hour ago and got this set of DBZ figurines with that guy in it. And do you know who the girl is with long, light brown hair and green/blue skin, he got that too.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] probably is that prostitute that follows Bojack, but is killed by him
  22. Acting like u seen d new epys here doesn't work here. U no why? Cause people who act don't have info! :smirk:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkerSephiroth [/i] [B]I was thinkin sense some people are rookies at pokemon and dont know much about the games just ask any question about Crystal right here.I recently bought a pokemon crystal book and i can tell u when a pokemon learns a move,where to find a pokemon,what tms/hms it can learn what the move tutor will teach it,where to find certain tms/hms,a complete walk through, battle technics,what pokemon are always male or female,breeding instructions and much much more. Just ask and u will receive the imformation. P.S. u dont have to be a rookie to ask questions.:) :) :) :) :) [/B][/QUOTE] What's the mystery of the unown?
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