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Everything posted by Raiden

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herne [/i] [B]Try to look at it from a scientific perspective. I have always been a somewhat angry person so maybe it only works for those of us with a more destructive personality. The wave that you feel is actually a feeling of tension rising to a boiling point and the scream is there to help it along. The same reason weightlifters often scream to relieve pressure before a lift. If you didn't scream, you wouldn't feel the tension, and if the tension wasn't there in the first place you would not need to scream. Neither can exist without the other. Besides which, I'm not talking about a full blown DBZ style scream that lasts for half an hour or anything. 5 seconds should be more than enough to turn a gutteral growl into a deafening scream. Plus it's not so far fetched that in this mental state your body releases a hormone that increases capabilites. Ever heard of muscle potential? Humans only use around 10% of their muscle power. The other 90% is wasted. Almost all animals besides humans use a higher muscle potential. This is why ants for example can lift 100 times their own body weight, yet your average human strugles to lift 3 times. It has been suggested that there may be a way to tap into this remaining 90%. Well, maybe rage and the biological chemicals that are associated with it are the way to tap into that 90%... And BTW - my first "incident" also happened years before I'd even heard of DBZ, so don't suggest that I'm trying to convince myself that I can "power up" or anything. [/B][/QUOTE] screaming does raise your strenth, but thats only if u scream using your hara, so I've read
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]heh.. about all that would do is give you a very bad headache. I took martial arts and teach it now child, Taiji and Kung Fu to be more specific, and they taught me every strength increasing meditation there is. That is most certainly not one. There is no " wave of hatred ." It sounds more like you are trying to say you can charge up like Vejita to me... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Justin is totally right. I take martial arts too, and I no anger only causes violence. I mean puching phone books?:rolleyes:
  3. Whats d difference between subbed and dubbed DBZ episodes, and which is better?
  4. Why r they repeating Water Fight and showing 2nd stage cell?
  5. Raiden


    a cleffa that knew dizzy punch
  6. This is my 2nd time cing this episode. I still think is was cool. How bout u guys? Did u think it was cool. Do u want 2 c it again? Who's gonna watch the next episode?
  7. Who here believes in people flying?
  8. Hide everything u like. When u go 2 school lock your room door. Play hide-n-go-ditch with them. :D
  9. I said I was making sure. N heres a proof that there is no SS5/6/7/8: If there was a SS5/6/7/8 then all the pictures of them would b the same. Now how bout the Mystic Saiyan what is he, and how stong is he. I read about him on Beckett.
  10. So which is better band or orchestra?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majin Gohan [/i] [B]Well umm it [I]says[/I] newbie under my name but I've been here for 7 months and have really posted here about 1200 times so ummm I really wish it didn't say newbie under my name. grrrrr [/B][/QUOTE] HAHAHAHA U haven't been here 4 7 months I've been here the same time u have, 1 month. C u got 92, not 1,500, posts I have 116! N I'm still a newbie. U have 2 get 200 2 bcome a Junior Member.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Hi there.I'm only new, so please don't try and kill me. I think I know how to get [B]Celebi[/B].I did this cheat thing and he just appeared in me party.The only thing was he deleted my Red Garydos.But anyways, this is how I got him: First, get to Mt. Mortar.Once you're there, walk in and out exactly 32 times.Like this: in>out=1 time. Once you've done that 32 times, go to where The Fighting Dojo mate is, or where you found him.If he is there, don't talk to him.Walk around him for a while untill you get into a battle with an [B]Onix[/B] on level 19.Be sure to catch him.If you caught him, you completed the first step. Second, make sure that the [B]Onix[/B] on level 19 is in your Party/Line up.Now go to the Name Rater and rename the [B]Onix[/B] with the new name [B]CELEBIJO[/B].Make sure the name is in Caps.Now go and battle [B]CELEBIJO[/B] (with wild PKNN or trainers).If he is battled enough, he will change into CELEBI.But youwon't know if he changed or not, because it doesn't show him evolving, and he still has the name [B]CELEBIJO[/B]. There you go.If you done all that correctly, you should get [B]CELEBI[/B] with the name [B]CELEBIJO[/B].I knew how to get him by just walking around one day and doing something.then I got [B]Celebi[/B]. Good luck.:D [/B][/QUOTE] This is just SPAM. How many times does it need 2 b stated? U CAN'T GET MEW OR CELEBI WITHOUT SOME SORT OF CHEAT SYSTEM, A NINTENDO OFFICIAL, TRADING, OR UPLOADING FROM STADIUM!!! Altron please close this thread. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  13. Dont get caught up about d future, enjoy how life is right now.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]The shoe thing is bull, think about it practically everyone has a least a 6 inch dick, and shoe sizes go up 13 usually. I have modest 8 (I dont mind giving it out, so what) and I aint got no clown feet! [/B][/QUOTE] That was very informing. We all needed 2 no that.
  15. R boys suppose 2 answer this?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mike [/i] [B]my bro is 19 and he said this: "I like to play wth my belly button." then he continues and says: "I have nipples" then he says: Supposedly if you take your shoe size and devide it by 2, that's your dick size." lol....he's crazy! [/B][/QUOTE] divide by 2... Hey it works!:D
  17. Tall, black hair, brown eyes, not 2 fat, not 2 thin.:D
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stacy_Tramer [/i] [B]:love: :angel: :blush: Ok, I'm REALLY new at this. And I was wondering how you get those pictures under your name? Please, someone help! :blush: :angel: :love: [/B][/QUOTE] Go 2 profile, then go 2 edit options, scroll down, and u should c Change Avatar.
  19. My b-day has gone n passed.:( But my party's a few days from now.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]no more cable!!!!:( no dragonball/z/gt wanhhh!!! *tear* oh well what i was saying is can some one tell me what's been happening on toonami in the us??? [/B][/QUOTE] I feel sorry 4 u. They're showing new eps on Mon.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Just messing around 'cause he was so cocky I 'spose! [/B][/QUOTE] lol, yeah but he looked so stupid
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]it means they're asexual. *stare* [/B][/QUOTE] yeah they r
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