D. Dark
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Everything posted by D. Dark
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] err.... yeah...... what if he doesn't live near the sea :D ? I don't think a pond will quite cut it... [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, you have to be romantic. Damn, it doesn't work though. Well, it was worth a shot. At least take her to a romantic place
Just be a romantic, and be yourself. She wouldn't want to date you if you weren't yourself. Buy some flowers, roses, red, and another gift... And take on the town, sit on a bench on a cliff overlooking the sea during a romantic sunset...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B] You are loved!! I love you!! It's just...no one loves me!!! I feel alone!!! :runs to room and cries: why me?!!!:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry, someone still loves you! Don't know who, though... But seriously, Valentines is a laugh if you have a date, (Which I don't) Maybe we should call ourselves "Adam's Valentine's rejects" And our slogan? Why, "Nobody loves us" YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
I know I wouldn't choose my name if I didn't like it. It's kinda a silly question
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] I wouldn't count on that. I remember reading his thread in intro. He's thimoc.. so I doubt his IQ is over 60 [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, what's your IQ, you seem smart. About 170?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]D.Dark, to your first 5 questions: Wouldn't they look weird if they were different colors?:cool: And the 6th question's answer: Genes, though they don't help us much these days... 1)If the Universe is infinite how can it be expanding? 2)Who thought up the whole "red means stop-green means go" rule? 3)How come when you download the "latest" AOL version there's always a newer version the next morning? 4)How do people think up these questions? 5)Why do little kids ask "why" all the time? 6)What [B]exactly[/B] is this:freak: [/B][/QUOTE] See! If you ask stupid questions, you'll get stupid answers :D :D Finally, I've proved my point! Your questions: 1/ Because although it is infinite, infinity can expand, such as the case of "infinity +1". It just eats it up 2/ Something very smart, though I don't know who he is 3/ Marketing. Just another for fat cats to get fatter with money 4/ Because at some point they became curious, and needed to find answers to those questions, such as "Why is there suffering?" 5/ Little kids are very curious people 6/ It's an avatar of a cyclops gone wrong
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] haha.... that reminds me.. a very similar story here..... but this happened to a friend. ANYWAY My friend was walking along, minding his own business when this guy popped out of nowhere [i](not literally, for those of you that may think I mean it literally..)[/i] and said 'do you have a g/f?' my friend said 'no' and the guy replied 'do you want one?' ha ha.... this kept our whole little group amused for months.... o.k.. days.... maybe even hours........ .... long enough. [/B][/QUOTE] Right... No, one of the worst questions I can think is when you talk to someone for hours on end, and then ask you: "Yeah, but wait. What's your name?" And, Deus, I know that air makes the sky blue, like it can make ot brown. Might be something to do with the refraction of white light.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cody722_3000 [/i] [B]captain planet, he's our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero... [/B][/QUOTE] ... We are planeteers, you can be one too, by saving our planet is the thing to do, looting and polluting is not the way, here's what Captain Planet, has to say: "The power is yours!" Ah, brings back memories *wipes a tear from his eye*
Worst question: Why is the sky blue? Why isn't it green, or red? AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! How the heck should I know! I'm just a child! Leave me alone! *runs off and cries*
Oh, I did an IQ test a couple weeks back, and I was waiting for someone to put this thread up. My IQ's around 160 No lie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Peregrine [/i] [B]Roosters don't lay eggs... [/B][/QUOTE] True, true, but some people are so picky. Alright, what's a the weight of a lead kilo in space?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]Ah ha ha ha ha haa... Why (on registration forms and such) is there a 'tick the box if you [i]don't[/i] want any info' box? (instead of a 'tick the box if you [i]do[/i] want any info' box) Why does inflation exist? Why the **** does 'the exception that proves the rule', prove the rule? How do manufacturers know the exact day that food goes off? (and it never actually does on that day) OK I'm done.... [/B][/QUOTE] The first is that so if you don't read the fine print, then you get done in for it. Second exists because economists made it that way (I still have yet to fully understand inflation) Third is probably a saying of sorts. Fourth, well, they have to appear to be nice guys. Alright, answer these dumb questions, for I'm getting sick of it: Why is the sky blue? Why is the sea blue? Why is grass green? Why is the Sun yellow? Why is space black? Why do we look the way we look? I'll think of more, but this is starting to get pointless
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] Due to popular demand. (Well.... maybe not [i]popular[/i], but demand nonetheless) Here are the answers to my earlier riddles 1)marriage 2)your shadow [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry to be a sore loser, but what happens if it's a cloudy day, and your shadow disappears:D Or it's dark, or blah, blah Bah. I hate losing And my riddle that I put is well known, and I was expecting someone to get it easily, thank you
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]damn all you americans, why do you have to make school so difficult?! sophmore, vala victorian, proms, blah blah blah, it all just doesn't make sense to me, lol.... [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you for saying that! We English living people have just holidays, and May Day... At least in my school And top break the tide of school, yes, Panny Chan, I'll help you study in the best way that I can (Though I might be slightly limited in American History before the 1920's) PM me if there's anything I can do for you
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]damn all you americans, why do you have to make school so difficult?! sophmore, vala victorian, proms, blah blah blah, it all just doesn't make sense to me, lol.... [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you for saying that! We English living people have just holidays, and May Day... At least in my school And top break the tide of school, yes, Panny Chan, I'll help you study in the best way that I can (Though I might be slightly limited in American History before the 1920's)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]To all who answered the questions (especially Deus_Ex_Machina) You have no life. :p :D Heres some dumb questions 1. If goose is geese, the is moose meese? 2. Why do dogs sniff each other? Or better yet, why do they always sniff people in the crotch? 3. Why is it that most Japanese people (in anime) have normal eyes, while Americans have eyes that take up half of there head? That all I can think of, sad huh? [/B][/QUOTE] How are these questions unanswerable? They just shouldn't be answered in public places, however, dumb questions can get you dumb answers... 1/ English language rule (English has the most exceptions to it's own rules compared to any language I know other than English) 2/ Think about it. What comes out of the crotch that smells if not properly taken care of... That attracts them 3/ Art styling, I guess. And please don't say these are rheotrical questions, for they are, then it is dumb to ask them for your post has no point...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cody722_3000 [/i] [B] argh!!!i saw that so many tims but never the answer!you didnt finish it...its greater than god...more evil than the devil...the poor have it...the rich need it...and if you eat it you will die...I HAVE NO CLUE! [/B][/QUOTE] NO, NO, NO!!!!!!! You've given away too many hints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Ah, it doesn't matter. Geez, it must be frustrating to have seen it, but can't remember the answer
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B]Delain is right...you don't get married except to your father's freind's daughter or someone your dad knows,(not a g/f from school)+her friend got me a gift too,and I'm close to both of them...I feel like it would be meanish not to get her something. [/B][/QUOTE] As the phrase goes, "Just follow your heart" Only you yourself know what's best to do. You know the circumstances, the situations, so rely on your own judgement. Many people on the Boards would be glad to help you in any way they could, but they wouldn't know how, due to your situation. However, if explained a little more, we could lend a few suggestions, or at least I would
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] D.Dark, I really hate to argue with what you posted, but I [i]have[/i] to just say... that all that proves is that the microbe came before the chicken. Not that the chicken came before the egg. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh well, I guess I got too strung up to finish. Damn.... Well, the chicken came first is what I was trying to say! And, tell us your answers to the two riddles you put up. Here's another one: What is "it" The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it you'll certainly perish. Some of you might know this one.
The chicken and the egg? Hmmm... Neither. Chickens are an evolution of something, and all things came from bacteria, which was in the form of primordial soup (In science, so nothing to do with religion). Therefore, if the first chicken's ancestor was a microbe, therefore making the microbe a chicken, and microbes don't lay eggs, as they divide up, so the first chicken was actually first!:D :D And for DEM's first riddle, could it be free will? Second might be hope?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Ok here is one, what is black and white and red all over? Hah I think that is a good one.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] A bleeding zebra? Blood on a zebra crossing?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] DAMMIT! I wuz gon' post that answer! Oh well... Hehehahahaaa..... I am enjoyed by some, despised by others, and some abuse me. I am a sacrament, a gift. I am never-ending, yet at times some break me. What am I? There is a thing that nothing is and yet it has a name. It's sometimes tall and sometimes short, joins our talks and joins our sports and plays at every game? [/B][/QUOTE] I think the first one might be true love? Or at least love of some sort. 2nd one...is an emotion, I believe. But I'm probably wrong.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Well, I hope you are taken. its always more fun that way..... **goes off and cries**:bawl: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] There, there... I'll buy you a box of chocolates, and you can pretend it's from a girl! Then everyone's happy...except me... :bawl: :bawl: Who's gonna buy me chocolates? :bawl: :bawl:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I was listening to the local classical music station, as I do every night while I'm sleeping, and a week ago I heard what I believed to be the music from LotR. It was beautiful :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yay! I'm not alone. At least someone else appreciates good music too! Wait, I'm not the only one that has loud music lull me to sleep? Cool!:D :D
Any of you good at riddles. I've been making, and testing, people in my class. I wonder how you lot take it. Here's an easy one, for it's well known: The riddle of the Sphinx What has four legs in the morning, Two legs at noon, And three legs at dusk Post if you know the answer (If you don't just have a guess. It's all for fun;) )