D. Dark
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson]I want it, but when I was CD shopping around Christmas...it's rare for me to buy CDs anymore..I just bum off of others...I saw the soundtrack and I wanted to buy it but I couldn't find a cover that had Legolas on the front. So instead I got a doll of Legolas..which I love and adore and I wont even take it out of the box...but yeah I saw the movie twice and I loved it, so I bet the music is great...*sigh*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I haven't seen tha album yet, but I really wan to buy it. I saw like a video, and it had clips from the movie, but the music was brilliant. And no, it is not rock, hip-hop, jazz, etc. (I'm more of a hip-hop kinda guy) However, I know I liked that song. And the end tune to FFIX is also quite decent. I liked it, but that's just me. Anyone else heard it?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]Wow...Valentine's only about 3 weeks away...And I thought it was on Feb 28!:whoops: Well, at least I can say that I became wizer today... [/B][/QUOTE] HEY, YEAH! Thanks for pointing that out. I was like "Yeah, 5 more weeks to find me a Valentine!" Wait, now my chances are slimmer. Damn... Wait, doesn't something important happen on Feb 28th?
Mmmmm Has anyone heard the music from Lord of the Rings? That's one of the most soulful pieces of music that I've heard. It makes me tingle with delight!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B] YES and we can send oursleves Valentines! [/B][/QUOTE] Now there's an idea. OR we could get cousins and relatives to send us Valentines! Now there's an even better idea!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B] I am the original D-12 fan!!! They are so cool!! They're the black group version of Eminem!!! I recommand them to anyone as insane and demented as me!!!!:whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] I liked "fight music"... And they're the black version of Eminem because Eminem was part of D-12 before he went solo. That's for yo out there who don't know, but I bet Panny C; does Oh, yeah, and Gorillaz do rock. I got their album Russia, who sold me a REAL copy (Very rare for the market dealers I bought it from, and a snip at £2)
Ah, nothing... At the school I go to, you don't meet many girls... A real darn shame... Though I was once married to 3 girls and one guy on the same night!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]ack!!! I hate my junkmail folder from hotmail! I mean, I have to go through it to find emails from my friends (i have it set to exclusive) an i always get sucked in by stuuuuuuupid nasty icky emails that look like they came from friends ie: subject: hey Liam, whats up? email: something or other that has a friends name in [email]it @ blabla.com[/email] man! this really annoys me! I can't even block them 'cos my hotmail block sender list is full!!:flaming: :flaming: my point is, does anyone else have this annoying nasty problem? [/B][/QUOTE] No. I dpn't subscribe to any rubbish out there on the Internet. Except in my hotmail folder I have 250+ messages from the Boards. Never read them, so they just pile up...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]Don' worry everyone on otakuboards has a free place on the Deus Ex MAchina Protection Plan, DEMPP... yeah... basically I ship you all off to an exotic far away island where we live a liife of luxury while the rest of the world faces my wrath:devil: :devil: :devil: ... bwahaha an' all that, u know.... back on topic.... CuO? I do believe that that would be copper (II) oxide, or maybe copper (III) oxide, but that'd be CuO+ :genius: :genius: :genius: [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, it's copper (II) oxide. Hey, as I aspiaring biochemist, when you make your bacteria bombs, can I help you? I'd be like your sidekick, and giggle evilly at all the right times...:devil: :devil: As for C2 H6 O. Hmm.... Sounds like a hydrocarbon, though I'm not very sure (Still have a limited Chem. knowledge) Looks like eth(1)ane I bet I messed up
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] :excited: :excited: :excited: AAAAHHH!!! You so friggin RULE!!!! *points to sig* I LOVE Song 2 [i]and[/i] I just so happen to be listening to Cadillac right now!! Wow, how awesome...... sorry, I had to reply to that. :D [/B][/QUOTE] YEAH! That is one of my favourite songs! Thanks for reminding me! I remember it from Fifa 99! It is classic...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] I don't think anyone was intentionally trying to say that all churches are bad... the problem is, some of them are... it's like wars... two whole countries fight because a few people in charge don't like each other, but the majority population is innocent. It's stupid. I prefer to think of the bad churches as extremist churches that seek to control. At the end of the day.. control is what religion USED to be about (see, I said USED TO BE, tbut things have changed since, well, 500 odd years ago) [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. The only people I said burned books where the fanatics who think that witches should still be burned at the stake! No, but really, I disagree that they seek to control in some aspects. They seek to control some parts of your life in the past, but they could not control it all. However, they tried their utmost. Anybody who argued was branded a heretic, and either burned, or was with (I think) Galileo, they would be under house arrest until the end of their days. They controlled information. After that, by keeping people ignorant, they would come back to the church, and not question it, as they did in the Reformation.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] I don' remember doin that... EVER! But still, I guess I can make up for it with the fact that in Biochemistry, at the moment I get to play with lil' Bacterias like E.Coli.... hehehehehe :devil: time to make a bacteria bomb.. err.. you didn't hear that... [/B][/QUOTE] I don't mind, as long as you give me a way to protect myself, and a nice holiday in a very sunny place
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]oh...it seems like your friend's friend is screwed. This is a very wierd position to be in. Personally I would get this girl away from your friend, as she certainly seems to be a negative influence. I would try and help her out. But it's your choice...What do you want to do about you situation?:) [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, whoever your friend's friend is, she should be kept away. She could be manipulating your friend in this time where she needs a friend, and needs someone to look up to and believe. Try helping her. She's obviously very sensitive right now...
I like too many songs. I would find it so much easier to talk of: "Most annoying song of the moment" Which would be Aqua: "I'm a brbie girl" That is the only song that makes me want to throw my radio way outta the window, and shoot the DJ for putting it on (There are way too many people carrying out "shootings" on the boards)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] Well to be quite honest, even though i'm straight, I'd find it quite flattering if a girl looked at me like that....but that's about it:D [/B][/QUOTE] It's slightly different for guys. They get the wrong image. Actually, I DON'T wanna think about that. It makes me uneasy. I've read some replies, like Cloud's, and seems to me he's really indecisive about it (He keeps reassuring himself). You don't know what to think in that kind of situation. Would you follow the pack... ...or would you follow your heart? I don't know at the moment. It's very psychologically challenging. I probably wouldn't mind, but I'd feel akward around them? It's just the stigma that title has... I still need to think.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]She screwed in the head.. her freidns consist of her one human friend (though I doubt she is really that) and her G.A's as the like sto call them.. they all consist of anime characters.. I would like to see one of her anime characters beat the crap out of me!! [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe she'll get a cardboard cut out of one of them to fight you. Ah... *everyone stares* Damn... As it's already been said, this girl must have something seriously wrong with her. Does she, like, talk about anime all the time? That would be very worrying...
Sexuality is not important, thoguh I can understand if people feel uneasy if they look at them in a certain way, but no, I wouldn't mind, for as you all say, it is trivial and pointless. What knind of long-term friendships would they be if you abandoned them at the first turn? In time, you'd get used to it, and see them for the friend that they really are towards you. If you can't face that, then damn, you're very shallow...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by july [/i] [B] where did this happen? you'd think with all the changes in the world today there wouldn't been as much ignorant folks but it goes to show that change takes a LOT of time and there are some who are stuck in there ways even though they fight the times. [/B][/QUOTE] Why would you burn a book? 1/ Your ruining the enviroment. 2/ You've just ruined good paper made from good trees. 3/ People might start to think there's a conspiracy to stop people obtaining knowledge from books, for it might be "Sinful". Damn, religious fanatics make me sick to my stomach
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] C8, H,errr,16 i do believe, yes, C8 H16 PS. You're all kind of on the wrong linesw with the stuff in my question, it's quite simple..... CHLOROFORM! OK if any of you havent heard of chloroform that may be why, but i kind of thought someone may get it cos chloroform is always popping into the conversation in the Simpsons and other such shows... [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yes, I remember it from the Simpsons now. It's the liquid you soak in a cloth, and put it over someone's mouth. That's all I know. What the hell does it do? Oh, and you are right. Okay. What is the name for CuO (Think about it). Why don't you ask another question, Deus?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]OK, a [i]real[/i] lame one that made me just cry: 'Two peanuts were walking down a spooky road at night... One was assaulted' and the funny one: 'There was a lawyer that was talking to his client who just committed murder. He said: "I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is that you're getting the electric chair." His client said: "That's terrible!! Well, what's the good news? " The lawyer said: "I got the voltage lowered." ' Now [i]there's[/i] a joke, lol[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] The first one's really cheesy, but the second one's cool. Here's another lame joke: A man walks into a bar with a piece of tarmac under his arm He walks up to the bartender, and in reply to the question "What would you like?", he answers "One pint, and one for the road". By the way, that's like the most popular in Denmark or something (Anyone who's read the Metro should know)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]I had something happen to me like this 2 years ago. I thought we were friends and we were cool and she started spreading this horrendus rumors about me. i found out it was her and called her on it. she started talking about me being fat and ugly and about black people in a all white school( she's white too). i got tired of it and pulled her blonde bleached hair and slapped her around a couple of times. her friends tried to help her but i beat them up too. at the end, i didn't talk to her anymore. and she learned not to underestimate a black angry woman in America! :) [/B][/QUOTE] I see your point. I feel like I wanted to hit my friends sometimes too. People like that aren't really your friends, they're just using you. Now, to be more positive, she's someone you'll always be around, so if she carries on, either: 1/ Beat her, so she won't do it again (Though you might be in trouble. If you care or not is your point of view); 2/ Create nasty rumours about her; 3/ Ignore her, and laugh when someone mentions it (It makes you feel better, and gives off a view of confidence, making people believe that she is lying, and they'll stop). Of course, what you do is your choice. These are just suggestions for the future
Here's a question (Not that difficult). What is the the chemical formula for octene?
Yeah, Mystical Pan, I've read that in my classroom at school. It does make you appreciate how lucky we are, and rethink the way we think. However, for me it was the fact that I can't even begin to imagine those numbers. I can't even imagine how many people 6 billion is. It's because the people are so far away, and so distant, that I can't even contemplate the numbers. After an amount, it's just too much. I still feel like I don't deserve what I have, what is mine, when there are so many unfortunate people, who worker harder, but get a damn lot less. The compression, I believe, is to help people understand those numbers, and how priviliged they are, compared to the other 99 or 98 in that village of 100. It is very thought provoking
What's the scariest thing that's happened to you?
D. Dark replied to D. Dark's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]I have 2 things that scared me the most: 1. When I saw the movie 'IT'. you know the clown killing people. *shudders* i still have nightmares. 2. When I saw my first porno, 'Where the boys aren't'. that scared the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me. i didn't know that *they* looked like that! And those women, god! They were all bended like rubber and stuff. Pure mortification!:nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] Now, now, pornos are enjoyment for some people (Not me. I don't have access, so nobody get the wrong idea). Just imagine how scary iy would be if you had to run to a bomb shelter, since it was being bombed every day. That would be incredibly scary, and it was for the Serbs in 1999 -
On the subject of bad guy leaders with interesting lives, how bout Mussolini? And don't forget Trotsky either...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]That joke rocks!!!! Omg i can hardly contain myself. hey i got one. there weree 2 snails talking and they saw a car speed by. the first snaill said, "Wow! Did you see the escargot?" get it? es car go? Tough crowd [/B][/QUOTE] Which joke would that be then? Just out of interest. I take it's not mine, cos I haven't put a joke up yet