D. Dark
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Everything posted by D. Dark
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]I don't sing in the shower, nor out of it, because singing is something that I do not do. You could compare my singing abilities to a stray cat. On drugs. Being chased. By a car. In the rain. Oy, that sounds bad. [/B][/QUOTE] Just like me...I usually hear dogs howl when I sing though... At least I sing as well as dogs!!!! ...:therock: ...
Anime Were Goten, Trunks, and Bra born without tails?
D. Dark replied to Geist's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueGender [/i] [B]I guess they would bring him to a doctor who has knowledge of the animals body I guess but that is kind of weird though having a doctor's card who speciallizes in removing tails from Sayajins. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe he was a "Sayigern"? Hahahahaha... Ha...ha... Oh, never mind -
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
D. Dark replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B]That's what I thought. Maybe it's because they're not full saiyajins. Wait, what about Goku and Gohan, why could they do it? I is confoosed. :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] Goku is a full sayian. Just a reminder... I don't know. If the rumour is true, then the story makes no sense as Trunks and Goten should advancebeing SSJ, lie Gohan. However, it DOES make sense if it were to say Goten and Trunks DON'T advance. That is true enough. -
Anime Were Goten, Trunks, and Bra born without tails?
D. Dark replied to Geist's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B]Maybe Bulma got him to have it cut off because she wanted her son to look human. But who would you bring him to, to do that? A veterinarian(sp?)? [/B][/QUOTE] Nah, you just pull it off. Remeber when Gohan and Piccolo were training for the the arrival of the saiyans, and Piccolo had to take Gohan's tail off by hand. -
I can't sing to save my life... The shower would probably chuck me out, and then commit suicide. It has torture issues...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] The Italians for one... but it's not really hate... it's more a strong dislike of.... British aren't much fond of them either They had a uhh... riot protest thing today... 10,000 people came out to support Le Pen... about 1.7 million came out to be against Le Pen.... [/B][/QUOTE] So basically, Le Pen's not gonna do it. It's shocking though that in this day and age, there are still people like him. You would have thought society learned from their mistakes. He also said that he will ship off all immagrants to Britain (He doesn't like Blair)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Absolutely nothing.... :D Simply because it's winter here... I'll be just curling up in a blanket.... on the floor of the living-room... :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm gonna go to camp, and hopefuly not be caught in the girl's toilets (Long story involving a bad piece of food, and having to wait for seven hours to get to a toilet:bawl: :bawl: ). Hopefully, it will more fun than last year (So best fun ever) Going to a seaside resort, and my home city... I'm never in London for the six weeks of holiday. I like the "Jet-set" lifestyle.:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Yep, everything would change. An FF theme would probably be darker colours though...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah...something like dark or aquamarine kind of colour...I can't imagine FF in red, though... Or how about...white. They use it on the cover of all the FF games! (Though a white skin might be...bland)
Here, I'll link to a page on the Otaku.com. It says it there [B]SPOILER ALERT[/B] [url]http://www.theotaku.com/dragonball/sagas.shtml[/url] I hope this clears it up, but I know now a few things I didn't know before
Anime Were Goten, Trunks, and Bra born without tails?
D. Dark replied to Geist's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueGender [/i] [B]I believe they were born without tails because I remember seeing Trunks as a baby and he did not have a tail. But then again that was about 2 - 3 months after his birth so it could have been cut off when he was born. [/B][/QUOTE] But wouldn't it make sense if they were born without one, as Vegeta would never allow such a thing to happen due to his pride. I never really thought about it... -
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
D. Dark replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]It's true. Alone they don't go above the first SSJ stage. But together as Gotenks, they go to SSJ3. [/B][/QUOTE] Slightly off topic, but why not? Shouldn't they be able to, like all the other saiyans? -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B] You think Dubbo's bad? Adelaide is a hole! nothing ever happens in SA, I think you and James are lucky cause at least you both have a lunar park in your state. Man I wish we didn't move here... back on topic... I'm 13 and I live in Adelaide which is very much dead, you know what Adelaide used to be famous for? Churches, we used to be the city of churches [/B][/QUOTE] I know loads of cities famous for churches. Like Kiev... Man, all we did in Kiev was go and see loads of churches and monastaries...Now that's a load of churches... Lol, no offence Squahed Snail, but I think you freeze in Alaska. Might go there with like...20 coatd on...chilly...
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
D. Dark replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic_SSJ2_Goh [/i] [B]I am the gohan master any questions ask me Gohan Does not become weaker in the buu series because you cannot lose power you have already gained got it good... and the only reason everyone THINKS hes weaker is because hes lost his fighting sence (if you recall the episode where gohan fights Debora Goku says that gohan should know the a direct attack shouldnt work on debora, and then Vegeta says He completly lost his fighting sence. make sence to all of you good... [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, in the tournament, Vegeta remarks that Gohan was stronger when he fought Cell, showing that he has less power at the beginning of the Buu saga... Gohan is still the best, though. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]Here in the city it fluctuates between cold and hot. On another note I just saw a pigeon with a broken wing on the side walk, it couldn't move and could only sit there blinking, so sad:(. I wish I could have helped it. -Adam [/B][/QUOTE] Poor pigeon...it is quite sad that the pigeon was so helpless... But even worse was a case of "Pigeon bullying". I saw these 3 pigeons attacking one pigeon when I was 6 years old...I couldn't help as the pigeons kept coming back to peck at it. I felt really sorry for the poor pigeon... Meanwhile, back on freaky weather, here in London there was hale (Sp?) last week, just after a hear wave... Things aren't looking promising (So sayeth the weatherman)
Well, my name is [Removed by Request], and I live in London, but I have roots elsewhere, in Serbia. Turning 14 on the 11th May. Anybody else born on the 11th May?
Hah, here in London it's...bearable. It's actually quite nice, although I've never seen the temperature go form 20 degrees Celcius, to hail in an afternoon. There we go. The other day, in another city, it was 30 degrees all day. Then the next day it snowed. :freak: , huh? Anyway, you lot don't need to worry as much as I do. If global warming happens, britian will be gone. Those of you in Texas should count yourselves lucky. Also, has anybody felt the sun was roasting them at 20 degrees Celcius? It's not normal. :freak: :freak: :freak: :freak: :confused: :confused:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Why don't you stop TRYING to sound smart? When Frieza slashed himself with the discs, that was a good two week's worth of episodes between from when he did that and when the wish was made. Some people just never stop being newbies... This one is easily answered. Since Earth's DragonBalls can only revive someone once, and Kakarot was already brought back, Kakarot did not die. "What about the Namekian DragonBalls?" Simple. Let's lay out the wishes. First Wish: Bring Piccolo back to life. Second Wish: Bring Piccolo to Planet Namek. Third Wish: Transport everyone on Namek to Earth. See? Since the Earth's DragonBalls were used to wish all that had been killed by Frieza back to life, Kakarot couldn't've been wished back, due to the fact that he had already been brought back. Summary: Kakarot did NOT die when Fireza pummeled him into that lava pocket underground, merely regaining some energy. [/B][/QUOTE] That is what I thought from the beginning (Stupid that I made this thread then), but doesn't it seem a bit of blunder? I mean, everybody thought he was dead, but magically came back, especially since he came from a place far away from where Freiza slammed him. Hmm, it is odd, but that is the obvious thing, I guess. They could have it explained it better. Never mind, weird stuff happens...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Uhh... you can't committ suicide and live.... That would defy life in itself. [/B][/QUOTE] True, and I liked the fact that you were the first to point out that nobody informed the authorities. I would have said that, if I thought it was relevant to my arguement. But you are right, somebody should of told someone, but didn't. There we go, but who knows if it would have stopped it. I hope it would have. Usually suicidies don't rely on others, as they do't believe they can't be helped. *sigh* I don't believe that innocence is the same as imaturity. After all, you can remain innocent, but be old. I would say innocence is more akin to inexperience, but there is room to be proved wrong... But yes, suicide is a mixture of arrogance, fear, stupidity, and selfishness, all linking to stupidity. But don't forget this point: Young people commit the most suicides, and are teenagers. Teenagers haven't fully matured by 14, 15, and even older some times. Therefore, they are IMMATURE, and won't understand these things, not having matured. Anyhow, nobody said the guy did the mature, or the right thing, so why is it being argued that suicide is an immature thing, and the guy and people involved were immature, when no one was said to be mature, and one should expect them to do the mature thing, as they do not have the experience to do so.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]Hmm i heard that after Freeza got chopped up an Namek blew up his father found him and rebuilt him into a cyborg. If this is true Freeza never died on Namek. I don't remember where i saw this so it could be false. [/B][/QUOTE] No, it's true and your right. You can see this at the first appearance of Trunks when he fights Freiza on earth. PiroMunkie is right,that's what I'm talking about. Oh, and Freiza [I]nearly[/I] killed himself, but he survived, thanks to Goku's energy...
When Goku SSJ fights 100% Freiza, and is "Supposedly" killed, does he really die, or not, for he is stronger when he comes back. If he did die, how was he wished back if he had already been revived with the earth's dragonballs before? This is something I've never understood well. Is it a major plot-hole?
I thought the "Higher levels, higher level bad guys" approach was first used in FFVIII, as I've read in an interview (This is for the PSX FF games). Hmm, I beat safer sephiroth at level 65 without heroes, and got all the statuses attacks from Super Nova, and without KotR. Now that was a incredible challenge. I hated super nova summon
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Taking your own life is selfish, and thats something childish. But I was more so pointing to the bully who was being childish. I don't care if his mentality was different, committing suicide is cowardly, selfish, and only prooves you care about no one but yourself. I will think that if you were beaten up or if you were the best looking person in the world. You also need to read my post again. I stated that I wasn't talking about children... I was talking about being childish. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I won't argue with you any further, for though interesting, it is tiring to convince you. I do agree that doing it is selfish and wrong, but still not childish. What is your definiton of childish? I know your not talking of children, but being childsih as well. I just used "Children" to back my point up. I am not to say whether suicide is right or wrong, but it should be prevented in hope of a better solution. I just understand why he has done it, and I believe sympathy should be shown to the kid who commited suicide. However, I will not aim to sway your beliefs. That is something you will have to do for yourself, if you so wish (I know you didn't mention it, but never mind)
Smoky Joe is right about evolution. Through evolution, we would probably learn more and more of how to use more of our brain. But you are wrong, for tests have been conducted to see how much of our brain we use, and which parts of the brain are concentrated to which parts of the brain. Things like rioting, reading, and so on, were tested out, and the parts of the brain that were more active were noted as the ones that were necessary to complete that task. When all activities were exhausted, the scientists concluded that only 10% of our brains were active. I am not so sure of our un-concious, although a different part of the brain deals with that area. Overall, only 10% of the brain was used. So we have determined that different parts of the brain deal with different skill areas. A way of making an this grow would be a minor evolution as a species, say, a longer lifespan, as we wpould have a longer childhood to learn skills already known, and then more and more time to develop new skills, resulting in a small increase in brain usage. However, I will see if I can clarify this from a web-site or another source. P.S.: This thread was meant for fun, you know, not just being serious.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shampoo [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]I just want to know how they figure that we only use 10 percent. I believe that if that is the case, then extremely intelligent people or mathematicians or something must be using more than that. I want to know what the studies specifically have to say about that fact.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] They monitor brain activity in the brain. A genius only has access to 10% of their full potential of 100%. Why does everyone think our heads would explode? This isn't a cartoon, and our brains would still be the same size if using 1% or 100% of our brains.
Now, it's a well proven fact that even the greatest geniuses of modern times only use 10% of their brains? Thinking of our sub-concious, or just being plain creative, what do you think would we'd be able to do if we could use 100% of our brains? May we could become soothsayers, or fly, or do stuff like from DBZ...