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D. Dark

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Everything posted by D. Dark

  1. Happy b-day to everyone here. Mine's May 11. 15. I'll be 15! And yes...too young to worry about anything like you guys. YES!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] That's happened to me before. It's the same feeling as a deja vu, except you [i]haven't[/i] experienced before, and yet you know you've at least seen it before. I've had tiny experiences here and there, usually when I'm in a completely new environment. Like last Saturday for example, I went to a prom. Well, I looked over at this door, and I swear I had had a dream about it. Even the two girls walking by had the exact same hair and color dresses as what I had dreamed. It's like I had seen it before, but it isn't poosible 'cause it's the only time I've been there. Weird, huh?:freak: [/B][/QUOTE] I've had loads of things like that happen. I used to see it in a dream, and then a few days or whenever later, I would see it again. I think it's a slight "Foresight", if you believe in that kind of thing. But now I've lost touch with that, and now I go somewhere, like you, and I'd swear I've been there or seen it before, but I just can't remember from where. It is freaky, especially if people could learn to use "Foresight":freak: :freak:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mystfalcon25 [/i] [B] You must be joking if you say that the final sephiroth is the hardest... The one where it's Cloud Vs. Sephiroth... An omnislash kills him... if you mean the weird purple-blue thing with 5 parts (Bizarro-Sephiroth or something like that...) yeah a Knights of the Round will do the trick... And when you talk about Diamond and Ruby Weapons in ff7, do you actually mean Diamond and Ruby or Emerald and Ruby? Because Emerald Weapon is the hardest creature that I have ever fought (the one underwater if you dont know)... Diamond Weapon was sorta easy, and Ruby weapon was a challenge, but it's not as hard as Emerald... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I meant Emerald (Silly me...), but not bizzaro- Sepheroth, but the angel Sepheroth (Safer Seph.), the one which casts the sun blowing up summon (I haven't played FFVII for a long time) And when I mean Omega weapon, I mean the silver one in Ultimecia's castle. If you've beaten him, then I'm proved wrong.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I can't remember.... because.... I was sleeping. [/B][/QUOTE] Ha, ha. Just means no-one saw you do anything.:D Nah, once when I was extremely tired in a camp, I just fell asleep in my friend's room (At around 6:30 a.m.). When I woke up 10 minutes later, I had no idea of where I was or why I was there, and thinking that it was my own room. Noticed something was wrong though, when I recognized nobody in there...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megabakin [/i] [B] WTF. I was talking about TN talking about children and discrimination against them. I wasnt talking about the boy. So maybe YOU should wait before you present your argument. [/B][/QUOTE] My arguement with TN has nothing to do with your arguement with him. And I was talking about the boy, regardless of your arguement, so just chill. We're both on the same side, and if you look at my first pose, you would notice I wrote against TN talking about children and discrimination. And TN, I do agree that suicide is not the right way to go, and that he acted like a coward, but some people are just like that. I don't believe that suicide has anything to do with being childish, as that is not a thing a child would do. However, it is the lack of finding a different solution, and an excessive amount of fear. Don't forget the guy certainly had a different mentality to you. There are those who stand up for themsleves, and then those who can't and won't do anything to stop being downtrodden.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] So what if it was a girl? And what if I was introduced to her? I'll run her over before she tries anything to me. I fail to see your reasoning. BTW, the girl didn't kill him.... He would have been better off if he called the cops, or somebody... I also find it hard to believe, that if he killed himself on the 10th of this month, which was 2 days ago, that she was already setenced? The court system usually takes a significant amount of time, not to mention an investigation intot he matter. 2 days is not enough time, in my opinion, to conduct all of that. To the other person who said I was 17.... why would you have judged it to the year 2000? What does that year have anything to do with anything? [/B][/QUOTE] You're being way too practical and stubborn in your arguement. Have you ever been bullied, to the point of suicide. I believe YOU'RE in the wrong, as you can't imagine how the boy must have felt. The practical solution was, obviously, to go to te police. But realistically, they would believe they have more important things to do. In such a desperate situation, I doubt the police could be trusted. You can never argue from just one side, otherwise you will always make a poor and ,isjudged arguement, as you are not thinking of why he killed himself, why he believed he had no choice. Don't forget the boy was in a different state of mind to you at the moment. You're thinking what you would have done if you were in your current state of mind, not if you were desperately seeking your way out of a never-ending nightmare...
  7. Twisted, mangeled corpses, On the floor, Him, Peering from behind a door. Waiting then, Jumps out and roars, Bang, bang, Him no more. Just a really pathetic attempt at a rhyming poem. Oh well, it was for fun. Tried to keep a rhythm.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Bah, kuja and HN are both wrong. FFVIII was so ridiculously easy it hurts to think about it. [/B][/QUOTE] Hah! Have you bothered fighting Omega Weapon... Level 100 with 100 Ultimas on each, and I'm still afraid of him. It takes 3 or 4 lionheart attacks to kill him, and he has a move that takes 9'998 life off of all your characters. If that's ridicuolously easy, then I don't know what you find hard. Also, that big blue ball in FFIX, I can't even attack him properly. He too is absolutely rock solid. Compared to them, diamond and ruby weapons in FFVII aren't so hard. Out of all of them though, the final sephiroth is the hardest final boss...
  9. Heh, once I managed to "Paw" my glasses off my face while asleep...and then I had an obscenity written on my face by friends... Also, I saw my friend rub his eye while asleep. I checked if he was awake, but he was fast asleep:confused: :confused:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B]Well, the thing is, I can never remember my dreams. I can remember maybe little parts but that's about it. Wonder how scary it would to actually be able to remember my dreams.... [/B][/QUOTE] Same here...it's really odd. But sometimes I remember it whole, but don't know how to describe it, 'cos it would need loads of concentration on my part, and as the day ends, it is not possible. I do have some weird dreams though, and most of them make me angry and sad and all emotions at the same time, so that sometimes I feel so enraged like I've never felt before.... It's because dreams are so real, and so...meaningful, yet it is difficult to understand that meaning sometimes... But the worst dreams are ones which you see something, and then you get deja vu a few days later...that is creepy
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B] [font=comic sans ms][i]That[/i] is lazy? lol I don't even want to know what you think being active is. Anyway, I workout almost daily, when I'm up to it. I have my own gym at home, and it gets tiring when you workout on your own. So sometimes, I miss some days, which I think isn't good.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] I think you're missing his joke... He means that he is [I]academically[/I] lazy, but physically active ...bah, all you spoilt oeople with your fancy private gyms...bah!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Not to sound rude in this time of grief, but this is just another reason why I can't stand children in the least. I'm sorry your friend had to chose the.... wrong way out.... I dunno any other way to put it. I don't think suicide should be committed for any reason. My deepest condolences though... Gah I can't stand children. If I had a choice, I'd all hit them with bricks to knock some sense into them... f-ing morons.... BTW, if I were you, I'd advise the family of the guy to press charges for involuntary manslauter against the guy who drove him to suicide. You may not win, but you'll get a stron message across and scare that little sh*t and maybe knock some freaking sense into his stupid a$s! [/B][/QUOTE] Not all "Children" are as dumb as you think...some don't need to be hit with bricks...fact that you lot are so steriotypical is kind of a nuisance...after all, you yourself don't want to be steriotyped...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B]ok my boyfriends best friend just suicided himself because he was being bullied by another person this person made him eat dog c*** and pants him and threw him in mudd and a whole bunch of other stuff the worst thing is the person who did this dosen't care i asked her yesterday why she did whut she did ans she told me because it was fun and i don't care the dumba$$ is gone anyway so i just gotta find a new target. I find this extremly upsetting and i hope u guys will keep this boy in ur hearts and in ur prayers ~GG~ in loving memory of my friend who died on 10/ 2002 i will never forget u [/B][/QUOTE] In memory of your friend..... I believe bullies, and persecuters, and all those other oppressors out there are the biggest cowards, and the fact that the girl didn't even feel sorry for your friend's death makes them seem not even human.... No human could bring such torment to another human... I can't express my tru views here about that...girl, but all I can say is that I hope one day she will understand and despair at what she has done, and that she will never be able to forgive herself for her actions... Nobody should die...not like this... My heart goes out to the boy who died, his family, his friends, and to you, ~GG~, and I hope you get over this tragedy... A waste of life...
  14. Heh, all I do is play basketball two times a week, and do sports every Thursday in school. But hey, I always try and squeeze a few extra sports or training stuff, soooo....
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B] [color=red][size=3]I'm sorry to say I did...sort of. After my little "fiasco" of recent, I decided I couldn't go on with this many people hating me. So I held a razor blade to my wrist, looked in the mirror and said "See? You could end all you suffering right now...". Then I closed my eyes. Know what I heard? :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Everyone I know. Everyone I ever knew. Crying. In pain. And I couldn't help them. 'Cuz I was dead. I'm not going to do that again. I'm not thinking about doing that again. There is still [b]someone[/b] out there looking for a little help...and I'm going to help them.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm glad you didn't kill yourself. And I'm glad you realized all of the people that do care for you, like friends, family. My...my dreams are haunted by deaths...sometimes. Maybe my own, but usually others...and in those... I imagine my own sorrow and despair and anger, and other emotions. Suicide is also selfish, for it is also a way out which hurts your friends and family even more, leaving them feeling inadequate in their attempts to stop you. I...I can't think of any more arguements against suicide, apart from it is a waste of a talented life.
  16. D. Dark


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by volrath428 [/i] [B]Yes,the subject name really got your attention. I am Volrath. I am against gay pride and I am a straight man. Who would like to discuss this with me. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think this post is fair. It is true that not all views should be opinionated, and there are people here who won't tolerate this thread. Just a tip, so you get used to this place But hey, welcome to the Boards, and enjoy your stay!
  17. D. Dark


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i'm personally not afraid of it. dying is just like changing clothes... you just move to a different form of existence. death is misunderstood that way. it isn't even real, if you think about it. however, dying before i accomplish what i want to do... now that disturbs me. [/B][/QUOTE] However, I don't remember any former lives, so I can't agree with changing clothes, after all, it is what you believe in, and this is not about beliefs. However, the thing I am afraid of is the death of THIS life, for once this life is over, you can't take it back. P.S.: Even if you believe in reincarnation, I still say that this life should not be taken for granted. You were given this life, so the best option is to use it. Another life may not be granted to you
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]Lemme say that I believe in God, I believe in hope, but when I read threads like this, I don't want anyone to criticize me because I've lost faith in humanity. We've all been corrupted, but it's not our fault. Our ancestors were corrupted, and they raised they're children the only way they know how: in corruption. And then they're children corrupted they're children, and so on, and so on... It really makes me sick to look around and realize just how many people are being beaten, considering suicide, etc. Don't do it! Death is not the answer...it's the cowards way out... --JCBaggee[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I have to agree with you, it always seemed to me a coward's way out of the situtation, but you got to be understanding... I personally could not understand what these people are going through, and why they are considering suicide. Leave it to the people that are experienced in it, they would be more understanding (Unless JC, you have tried to commit suicide, then I can't argue with you)
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen_Isanity [/i] [B]Ever have a friend that was suicidal? I have 2. One I knew about fer a while. Then I found out that another one of my friend plans to kill herself in 5 years. (She thinks cutting herself is fun) 5 days ago she was talking about road trips & College. Now all she wants to talk about is Death and bleeding!!!!!1:eek: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] Well, do you know why she wants to commit suicide. I don't think it was just a spur of the moment decision. Talk to her, maybe she's depressed. Then again, however unlikely, it might be a phase, something that interests her (That would be frightening though) Do you know why she's plkanned her suicide?
  20. D. Dark


    Death used to scare me a lot. Once I thought about it, and I was scared senseless, to say the least. But you think about it more and more, and you realize that it is ages from now, and that if you do die, it will quick and painless, and you won't realize. By the time it does happen, you will be mentally ready for it, and hopefully yo will have completed everything you wanted to do, and you wish for nothing else. However, if you really do fear death, seek the solace that you can find in friends, family, and the teachings of all religions.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B] [COLOR=indigo]Yes X-men is a VERY poular show. Now that most of the ratings have gone down, and a lot of those stupid shows such as : Malcom in the Middle. But it is still on. I love X-men, ever since I was born. My dad wasen't even born when it started to come on. That show will live on, no matter what![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Let's hope so. Classics should never die, no matter what... Ratings might have gone down because, well, everybody has already seen all the episodes at least twice, so...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheVenomFactor [/i] [B]Yeah the X-men are awesome I have the video from the 60's too. I used to collect and read the comics but I don't buy comics much anymore.My favorite member of the X-men Collosus. Unfortanatly he's dead now. [/B][/QUOTE] They go back THAT FAR? 60's? Like...:eek: :eek:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]I haven't seen the film, but I'm totally aware of its premise. I'm sorry, but do you take me for an utter moron? lol I'm actually [i]in[/i] the media myself, and you're kind of sitting there trying to explain media bias to me as though I'm five years old. lol My answer is yes, I totally understand what you're saying. I am merely pointing out that it is the responsibility of the viewer to ensure that they remain objective and that they make decisions about what they view. A large part of that is reading/viewing media from as many different sources as possible. Anyone with at least half a brain won't be fooled -- bias in media is often pretty easy to detect. I think that to suggest otherwise greatly insults the intelligence of most media viewers. When the media screws up, you can bet that there are always a lot of people there to pick them up on it. So in a way, the media is actually quite a bit more transparent than you might think.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, well if you had said that you were in the media from the beginning, then my arguement wouldn't have go on for half as long. As you have an insight into media itself, you have a better view than I do, so it is really pointless arguing with you knwo. I'm sorry if at some points you feel like you were treated in a bad way, it wasn't meant to seem that way, so sorry, lol. I don't mean to be insulting, and media bias usually is easy to spot, but though people won't believe what they are told, they cannot be bothered to use the effort to find the truth behind the story, so...lol I didn't mean to insult your profession or you, I'm just angry at what's going on lately, and don't forget that in the past media was an incredible tool for making people believe a false truth...I just don't want it to happen again, but it might happen again one day... So, sorry...
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]What I hate about girls is that I-I well here: Girls are always snotty, and like whatever, and there always doing stuff with the pretty make up and they think there all big and bad, well atleast in my class, there are a lot of things I hate about girls, and they are sometimes just to shelfish and don't want to help anyone. [/B][/QUOTE] They sound like sluts to me. I hate people like that...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Yeah, I understand that. I'm just saying that we're sort of limited by our language on how we express ourselves in that way. "Love" coversa a lot of ground and can be interpreted the wrong way. [i]Who knows what love really is? Trust and respect and humor...When your eyes light up when you see someone...when you try to impress someone, hoping desperately that they'll like you...When it hurts to look at someone, knowing the don't feel the same way you do...when you'll do anything just to be near them...just to see their face, touch their arm, hear their voice...when you feel safe, knowing that they are near...when you close your eyes and imagine you are with them...when you can't wait to go to sleep, just so that you can dreama bout them...when you're jealous when they are with anyone--[b]anyone[/b]--else...when you're afraid to admit it might be love...[/i][/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] True, you have a point, and I, eh heh, got your thinking wrong. But yes, love cannot be described properly in the English language. But it would make a good base for a riddle: [I]The young are too young; The old are too old; Only fools believe they have it; While the wisest cannot know. [/I] Love is like a dream, it is something that can't be described by words, it is just there, and though you may not notice it, others will, as love is said to change people N.B.: Like most riddles, these are just steriotypes. There are many things that can be described as romantic love, and many people have felt it, including myself, though I doubt that there is a full extent to romantic love, or love itself fr that matter
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