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D. Dark

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Everything posted by D. Dark

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B][color=green]Scientists [i]have[/i] found lifeforms from outer space. Just not what we all imagined. They're apparently lifeforms living in an asteroid, which supposedly came from one of the rings circling Saturn. They're about the size of a grain of sand, and can not be seen by the naked eye. Makes you wonder.....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] It does make you wonder... ...But it is not intelligent life, and not we are searching for, and I doubt that it ever will become, due to its conditions on the asteroid. But at least it means THERE IS life out there. And going back to an earlier point by Goddess21, I disagree. There is as much chance of us being the more intelligent life, just like in the point above...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]I think most would agree that taking down the Statue of Liberty is preferable to taking down the World Trade Towers. I mean, sure, it's an important monument...but which act will kill more people? The WTC act, of course. Therefore, it's always best to have minimal casualties. Of course...the terrorists wanted [i]maximum[/i] casualties...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, here I completely agree. They were after maximum casulties. That would shock America greatly, but a attack on the Statue of Liberty would have a more devestating impact, I think... An incredible blow to morale that might have sunk America's spirit... But we have to argue from both sides (Going back a bit). Without America to help out (In whatever ways it deems...reasonable), there would have many, many major wars...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Here's something to think about: How come if a guy is going with more than one girl he's "pimpin" and is praised for it, but if the girl does the same thing then she's a "slut," and is put down? Is that fair? [/B][/QUOTE] No offense, ladies, but I find that comment quite funny (Don't kill me). It's very unfair, though... Although, as a person, I truly do hate it when people are steriotyped, but what is even worse is when you get caught in the crossfire as you friends with one or the other...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]To some extent that is true. But people are far too negative about the media. Bear in mind also that it is physically [i]impossible[/i] to cover [i]all[/i] news stories. That is why it is very important for any informed viewer/reader to make sure that they focus on multiple news sources. It's the only way that people can form a truly informed view. [/QUOTE] You've missed the point. It is obvious that not all news stories can be covered, since there is not enough manpower or resources. But that is not what I said, as I meant that in a news story some angles might not be told, even though they are all researched. However, I retract my statement that most stories are biased, as they are not. There are many examples of this. The smartest of us, like you, James, know when news is biased, because you just know. But sometimes it can be made so subtle that only the sharpest minds will notice biasim. Many lazy people who do not do a lot of thinking will except the story, as it is easier than concentrating. Take for example the film, "Wag the dog". Tell me if you have or have not seen it. If not, I'll explain it to you.
  5. Cera, I think they mean romantic love, and that would Agape or Eros from your love (Not sure about agape, though). Yes, I seemed to feel sparks of love in my heart for a girl sometime ago, but they eventually died out as time grew on (And the fact that she had a boyfriend and forgot about me:bawl: :bawl: )
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]yeah, boba has a father in the new movie, and I think it is going to be some famous actor............by the way I found something extreemly funny that you all have to see... [/B][/QUOTE] Only a [I]slight [/I] rip-off... It is funny, though.
  7. Concerning what BabyGirl siad, we can't call each other by derogatory terms. We can have normal conversations, especially as you have time to plan what to say, so say it would the swears. It'll do a whole lotta good:D :D (I'm not a angel, though. It's just on the Internet you have enough time to not say "*****" or "*******") P.S.: I am not contradicting myself...it's just an example...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Why is everyone so cynical? I don't subscribe to all of this conspiracy-style thought. Any intelligent person can clearly see when a media report is biased. To suggest that we are somehow "fed information" is pointless. A person who can think for themselves has the obligation to consider their news sources and to make judgements about how biased the media is. There is [i]plenty[/i] of unbaised news/media out there. For you to suggest that there isn't makes me believe that you don't know a lot about media...or you simply don't read/watch a lot of news. Sometimes you have to dig a little to find it, but it's there. And sometimes it's just staring you right in the face. As I said though, it's up to the individual to discern what is right and wrong...and how biased their chosen media is. To blindly follow media is to be as bad as the biased media it self[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Of course, there's unbiased media out there. Of course you'll find news that doesn't have a motive to brainwash. But think about it this way, for the really important stories, why do only hear about certain events. Why do they let a story which seems just as bad as any other crime run on for months. The news just tries to catch the eye of a viewer. That's what I mean. After all, uninteresting news won't get read, or put as the main headline. And to make it interesting, there has to a usually biased view, so to make believe what they are wanted to believe. Yes, it is easy to dig up news, put people don't have the time or the effort to do so anymore, and they don't really care either. They don't want to think about the news, as they will believe anything that is told to them. Intelligent minds will wonder about biased opinions, and the "Whole truth". What I'm getting at, is that usually in important news, the whole tale isn't told by the media, to their own gain...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]The bombing of the WTC and the loss of lives was a tragedy...but it is nothing compared to the distruction that America has inflicted on Arab countries in the past years. There are so many people who saw this as payback. I know many people who are from a European not Middle Eastern backgrounds, who saw the WTC attack as revenge. Anyhow, America has bombed the crap out of Afghanistan and no doubt Osama Bin Laden has perished in those caves, along with his followers. They've killed their target, so why are they targeting Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries now? They weren't involved in the bombings. I'll say the American Govt. is just using their "War on Terror" statement as an excuse to destroy other Middle Eastern countries. They don't want to be considered as barbarians or terrorists themselves so of course they have to have something to hide behind. [/B][/QUOTE] No, it wasn't said to be revenge, but they said that "America deserved it". Another point is that American policy seems to be one of 1/ Eliminating their enemies, even if it means destroying a whole country for it, 2/ Expansion into the middle east. Why do America feel they have to act as the world's police? People can take care of their own matters, without help, but doesn't it seem sometimes that there might be ulterior motives?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Well your right people have different views. But I look at it this way. Okay so we have bombed them. We did it for a reason, a good reson no just to pay back. So they now have tons of taliban buildng gone. Who really cares about the taliban, they went to far and really the ones to blame are Alqauda, but still we didn't deserve our people dieing did we. I think that if you laugh at the 9/11 incident that, well, are very immature. I'm immature most of the time, but I now when its funny and when its not. I am not the kind to laugh at this kind of thing. I'll laugh things that are close to it, but not ones that actually laugh at the people that died. Okay fine the buildings were destroyed Whoopdedo! who cares (exept the contractors) Its the lose of life that people care about. Think about that. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, but loss of life does not justify the need for more loss of life, and it never will. You can't bomb a whole country, and hit civilians, for revenge. The whole "War against terrorism" is a farce, just an expansion against America's enemies. It wasn't really that clear to me until I found out they were getting ready to attack Iraq... Has anyone listened to the Milosevic trials, for he may be insolent to the court, but he raises good points. One of the best ones was "How come we cannot fight terrorists in our own country, while America goes off and fights half way round the globe?".
  11. Has anybody read "Space Odssey" books by Arthur C. Clarke? If you have read them all, then just think about what happens in it... Alien life doesn't have to be proved by life necesserily...it can be proved by ALIEN objects or writing as well.
  12. But really, there can be no such thing "Unbiased media" or "Unbiased propoganda", can there? It's basically a contradiction of terms, and media is used a sounding board for brain washing and seducing people into the thoughts others want them to have... Information comes a cost...
  13. I feel like I can't trust the media no more. So much lying, filtering of information, scandals, lies, lies and more lies. Nothing can really be belived anymore, because governments and people in power twist the news we recieve to their benefit if we can. I estimate the amount of unfiltered, unbiased news we recieve is around...10%. That's why people find it difficult to imagine situations in other countries, such as...well, think of a fitting example. It's all propoganda, and I started disbelieving the media greatly after seeing "News" from the Cold War, and the days of "McCarthyism".
  14. It's pretty difficult to think that in an infinite universe, we are the only ones. I don't think all those stars and galaxies are there for our amusement. Anyway, how can you think aliens don't exist, when you can't even begin to imagine the size of the Universe, never mind what is in that Universe.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kristoff119 [/i] [B]Let me just rant for a second please. Most of you people don't like x-men. You like the tv shows and the crappy excuse for a movie. I cannot believe that you could like them. Man, where the hell is a disgust smily when you need. Yes!!! I love X-men. I have about half of the original x-men comics(the uncanny x-men) and have many of the side quests. I would have to say that pheonix is my favorite followed by the current gambit and the good magneto. No offense, but, noodlez, I'm pretty sure you don't have any rare comics or the very first issue. [/B][/QUOTE] Calm yourself, no one saying that they love them more than you. Just that they love them... I would buy the comics if I could, but the crappy newsagents don't sell them, and I have to go to the centre of London to buy some. I have the age of Apocalypse comics, though. They are really good. Who would have thought that Magneto and Rouge could have a child...:confused: :confused:
  16. I have way to many to name: Batman; X-men; Spiderman; Sonic the Hedgehog; Most of the Disney cartoons; Batman; X-Men Evo; Practically every Anime; Captain Caveman; Thundar the Barbarian (Or something); Scooby Doo; Warner Bros. (Chuck M. Jones, you will be missed) Tom and Jerry; Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles; So many...more, like Wacky Races; Catch the Pigeon; Captain Planet; Top Cat; The list is endless
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B] Well then will have to convince him that he [I]does[/I] need those last three movies now won't we? :devil: :demon: [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, don't be such a downer...he might change his mind to put them up again...anyway, it's like you wouldn't want more Star Wars movies:devil: :devil:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple]Ah-ha! You all just don't listen close enough... It's not just PMS is it ladies? Nope... there's also... DMS, AMS, PPMS, and pPMS (yes they are different) We just say it's only PMS... Its really... Premenstrual cycle, During menstrual cycle, After menstrual cycle, Pre-PMS, Post-PMS... all of which affect women's moods... so guys instead of being unhappy when you women is in her menstrual week, be happy when shes NOT in her week, when she has that one week a month, cuz really, thats all we get, one week, one pure week, that may be why your women are always so testy. :D[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, so that's why my sister is on edge, like, all the time... Heh, no wonder girls have INCREDIBLE mood swings. Like from laughing and being jokey, a few seconds later a slap and "I hate you!"
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryanmc225 [/i] [B]yes we let them live here without a problem and now they pull this crap we never had a problem with them! [/B][/QUOTE] But in the 80's, after the war with Russia, the US helped put the Taliban in power. If that wasn't a bad mistake, and a problem, then what is...
  20. Seems to me that this is a VERY touchy topic, and one wrong move could...upset people. This could spark a political debate hailing all the way back to the days of McCarthyism... Many people did die, but you can't, as James said, steriotype them as "Those Arabs", because that is being incredibly steriotypical, and verging on racist. I know many, many Arabic hailing people whi were completely against the September 11 attacks. However, due to events in my country and terrorism, and what happened to it for trying to clean out it's terrorists, it got bombed to nothingness...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B] What's so funny about it? I shave my legs, and I know a lot of other guys who shave. Mine look much better shaved than "Werewolf-style":D . As far as I know, I have never cheated a girl. Even though I think of the "bad-thing":naughty: , I know that waiting for a good moment is better that being too pushy. Many girls I know seem to be *female dog*, but I know some pretty cool girls. In the end, it's all just part of what makes relationships interesting: Getting to know what the hell is wrong with your g/f or b/f. And there are as many sex-starved girls as sex-starved guys... [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, some guys just aren't used to shaving their legs. I agree on all your points there, apart from the leg shaving. I think it looks more natural "Werewolf style", and we're not really trying to impress anybody...It's as weird as guys shaving their eyebrows... Anywya, relating to what is intriguing about the opposite sex, it's the fact that "Opposites attract". Girls are different, and guys just want to understand them better (Although I don't understand why it takes you 3 hours to go to the local newsagents (Just from experience)).
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]I will now post my opinion. Darth Vader was the Chosen One. He is the one who did ultimatly bring balance to the force. He killed the last dark jedi, luke or leia did not. So after he did it, there was no more evil jedi in the world. the force was balanced..... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it SEEMS that the force has been balanced, but what about episodes 7-9? Maybe, like, the Dark Masters son takes revenge, or something? We can't assume that the balance has been restored, otherwise there is no plot basis for the movies after episode 6...
  23. Bugenhagen: Oh, his injuries are quite bad. *to Seri* You'll be out for a long time... Seri: What? Red XIII: We must decide a course of action for the caverns. Bugenhagen: Yes, but we currently have not the resources to go down there now, what with only Chakara fit and able, and he is too young, Hoohoohoo Red XIII:? Bugenhagen: Yes, Nanaki, you are not invincible. You were injured by whatever you encountered. You must rest. Red XIII: But... Bugenhagen: Hold your peace! I only look out for your best interests. A bruised pride is nothing to a bruised body. You are too unfit. You must stay... Red XIII: Very well. Chakara? Chakara: *had been listening from a distance, still embarrased from his earlier attack* Yes..? Red XIII: You must be our strongest, for now. But here, in Cosmo Canyon, you are no good. You are too weak to fight off the demons in the caves, so you must leave... Chakara: *startled* What? Red XIII: Now, I have friends who maybe able to help. They live in Kalm, on the main continent... Chakara: No, I don't wanna go. I can't take care of myself. Red XIII: Rubbish! You proved some worth in the caverns. Anyway, think of it as running an errand. Chakara: *sighs* What do I have to do? Red XIII: That's the spirit. Now, you will set off to Costa Del Sol... Chakara: WHAT? Red XIII: ...by buggy. We retained the one Dio gave my group 30 years ago. However, as you cannot drive, you will have two of the villagers come with you. However, if attacked, you will have to fight the monsters...alone. Chakara: ...seriously. Red XIII: Deadly serious. You will have to board the ship in Costa Del Sol to Junon, and then you will be taken to the Mithril Caves. After that, you will have to journey alone, as the buggy cannot go through the caves. Avoid the Midgar Zolom. Take a break at the Chocobo Ranch, and then make your way to Kalm, and search for a Cloud and Tifa. Understood? Chakara: *unsurely* ...yeah... Red XIII: Don't worry, the villagers will remember if you don't. Here is some food, *gives him dried food*, and I have a surprise... Chakara: What, what? What is it? Red XIII: Here is some fire, ice and lightning materia, with the basic spells, straight from the huge materia. Chakara: These are really weak, though... Red XIII: You have to crawl before you can walk, Chakara. Just put it in you diamond pin, like that and you can use it. As you grow, it will grow too... [I] With everything ready to go, Chakara stepped into the buggy, cleaned of all it's dirt and dust. He met the two drivers, and felt ready for anything, though he didn't know what that "Anything" was. As they departed, he looked into the warm sunset, and looking at the PHS given to him, he remembered Nanaki's final words: "Good luck, my son!" [/I]
  24. I'd bring some flares, googles, and a mirror...
  25. As a general question to Australians, Do you learn Japanese and Chinese in your schools? For everybody, what are the main languages taught in your school? Mine is German, French, and Russian
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