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Uchiha Tsuki

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Everything posted by Uchiha Tsuki

  1. Tsuki Uchiha 20 clan/bloodline limit: Sharingan (duh!!!) appearance: Hair is black, very short (very boyish). wears no headband but is ninja!. no shoes. Torn black cloak with a black shirt with small uchiha fan on back of shirt. Black skirt. A large x-like scar over right eye. eyes black. right eye always in sharingan. Grey wolf ears and tail. brief bio: Okay here it goes . . . was a twin of itachi born two weeks early. her father didn't want a girl so gave her away. new parents were scienists of some sort and an experiment went horribly wrong leaving her with the ears adn tail. she left 'home' at the age of 13. was in a large battle where she got the scar. and is now wandering outside of konoha lost. weapons: a very lng katana other: Is quiet kind and loyal. i guess you can say she is kinda emo. p.s. she doesn't age. but is prone to get hurt!!
  2. [CENTER][------------][/CENTER] [B][U]___[SIZE="4"]SIGN-UPS[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][I]NAME: Tsuki ??? AGE: 20 GENDER: female WEAPON STYLE: Fighter with a slicer and a dagger MAGIC STYLE: black PERSONALITY: She id shy and quiet, but once she is a friend with someone she is loyal. She will never backdown frowm a fight and fights to the death. She gets mad easily, but is kind and gentle. HISTORY: Her father was a scientific person and was always doing experiments. on day she got in the way of an experiment and was given wolf ears and a wolf tail. she left home at age 12 looking for something worth doing in her life. Then came the keyblade . . . NOTES: She is very strong and very fast, but bleeds easily. Like i said she fights to the death of either her or her opponent and will stop at nothing. Unless a friend gets injured then she will switch opponents.[/I][/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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