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About onenuttytanuki

  • Birthday 02/10/1983

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  1. The majority of the anime version of Shadow Star Nartaru. Two words: Test Tube.
  2. Well besides trying to ignore the news coverage that will undoubltly be on about it being the one year anniversary of the campus shooting at Northern IL. University and being slightly annoyed that it's single awarness day again, not much. Probably watch Rodan.
  3. One of my buddies held a premiere for this shoet film yesterday at his house. It was better than I was expecting. Fanboy Pop culture galore. Really funny. [url]http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7pw7l_the-greatest-fan-film-of-all-time_shortfilms[/url]
  4. Forrest J. Ackerman has died. To some of us on the board his name probably means little to nothing to. But to others, he means something. A very great man who's influence can still be felt today as passwed away yesterday from heart failure at age 92. He was the founding force behind such fan-zines as Famous Monsters of Filmland, Creepy, and Eerie during the 1960's through the 1980's. It was his format of a these magazines that can still be seen today in wide rage of hobby magazines. I'd go into more detail but it would just be easier to just read the wikipedia about him. [url]http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...XzCx1AD94SPFMG1[/url] [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forrest_J_Ackerman[/url]
  5. [URL=http://img207.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ntbpk5losdai2.jpg][IMG]http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/5850/ntbpk5losdai2.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img204.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ned1ntd1jfys1.jpg][IMG]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6060/ned1ntd1jfys1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  6. After getting off work I went to a friends house for a Halloween party and meet someone who I trying to work up the confidence to try contact again.
  7. [IMG]http://i321.photobucket.com/albums/nn385/Onenuttytanuki/Anime%20Central%202008/060.jpg[/IMG] I don't know one day Santa just decide no more cookies. With Global Warming and all it was time to fight back. [IMG]http://i321.photobucket.com/albums/nn385/Onenuttytanuki/Anime%20Central%202008/086.jpg[/IMG] Well here's a photo of me with voice actor Greg Ayres at Anime Central 2008.
  8. I'm a Testicular Cancer Survivor and have an interest in Japanese myth.
  9. Having survived Cancer a few years ago, I really try not to think how will I die. Although I have a feeling its going to be interesting. :blulaugh:
  10. This is probably getting into a whole weird fan fic terriory. Have you ever been watching something not Anime and thought hey I wonder what would if this character meet up with such and such from this Anime/manga.? What ones have passed through your mind? For example: Lupin the 3rd vs. Diabolik For those who don't know here's a link to the wiki on Diabolik and Lupin the Third. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabolik[/url] [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars%C3%A8ne_Lupin_III[/url] It just seems that a face off or chance meeting between the two could prove to be interesting in the right hands. Both are master thiefs with character traits that almost mirror each other.
  11. First off this probably the wrong forum for this. But anyone planning on going to Anime Cental 2008?
  12. Ok, I'll admit that I'm a casual fan of Death Note. I've read about 75% of the Manga and haven't gotten around to watching the Anime. Any who, I just got back from seeing Iron Man at a near by theater and one of the trailers was for the limited release of the first Death Note movie on May 20th and 21th at 7:30 P.M. Central time. OK, so I'm willing to guess that some of us already knew about this, but I thought I'd make mention of this for anyone who didn't know. Since I was kinda of surprised to find out that it was going to be playing around where I live.
  13. Spring what is this Spring you speak of. Here in Illinois, the only real seasons we have is Winter and Summer. Spring and Fall are kinda of the same, one moment it can be close to 80 degrees next thing you know it's 45 degrees, sometimes within an hour. That a side, Spring for me is basically the time when the count down towards Summer Break begins at the school I work at and I get read for the various conventions I plan on going to during the Summer in the Chicagoland area and to work Summer School. * I was going to quote the MST3K version of "Case of Spring Fever". But I can't think of anything that would go with my post*
  14. You have to admit it's a good marketing ploy to release the Genshiken OVA one episode at a time with each Kujibiki Unbalance DVD. I slightly annoyed since I had planned on not buying any new anime before I go the convention I'm going to in May. But now that I know that this is coming out I guess I'll pick it up since I can find it for around $14- $20. So who else is think of picking it up?
  15. All I can say is thanks to Spring Break this past week at the school I work at , I've been able to catch up on some my to watch stack of dvds. Anime: Just finished Excel Saga currently watching Black Blood Brothers vol. 2 xxxHolic Vol.1 Legend of Black Heaven vol,3 Solty Rei vol. 1 And thanks to a most of the GameStop stores in my area having a buy 2 dvds get four free deal going. Trigun (minus vol. 3 and 8) Steam Dectives vol.1 Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis Kiddy Grade Vol.1,3,4 -Not as good as I was expecting.- Manga: Currently re-reading Variante vol.1
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