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Everything posted by ZeitGeist
[quote name='Red']What about Staphylococcus aureus & MRSA?[/QUOTE] What about them? Can you track them for millions of years? I get what you're saying, that they adapt, but their adaptation is not indicative of evolution as a whole, just intelligent organisms. [quote]That's only one example of course, out of many. I'm sure next time you'll do some research before you make such a claim as "evolution is not a testable hypothesis." [/quote] Heh, you're missing the point. Evoultion is not a testable hypothesis because you cannot observe it, specifically macro-evolution. My point is that you can interpret all the figures you want, and you can put an evolutionary slant on them, but you can't really test it. All this is, is data gathering. The way you interpret what the data means is how you come up with this conclusion, but to test it, you would have to simulate the environment and note it's progression.
Now That We've Narrowed Down The Candidates...
ZeitGeist replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']I only have two preferences really, one I'd prefer that the candidate is a Democrat and two I absolutely refuse to vote for Mitt Romney. I'd rather not vote for Hillary since I don't care for her idea of Universal Health care, but if faced between her and Romney, she'd get my vote just to keep him out. I just wish we had better choices since I really don't like any of them to tell the truth.[/QUOTE] And if Mitt Romney declared a love for classical music? Because he looks like the guy who sells those box sets from Time Life. -
[quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh wow... i couldn't read all of the posts (the last page), some were so painful. So many of you have misconceptions about science, intelligent design, creationism, evolution... it's ridiculous. I've looked into the subject a good amount and have heard many extremely intelligent people argue on both sides. [/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]...This is because ID is not science. Ask any scientist out there and they'll tell you. ID is not science. [B]It has no testable hypothesis[/B]. You can't have science if you can't test a theory. How do you test the existence of God? You don't, you can't. [/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] By this measure, evolution is not science. You can have all the supposed evidence in the world, but how can you test the hypothesis of a process that takes millions of years? You don't, you can't. Think about that carefully before you completely dismiss me for being a zealot. Evolution by it's nature is [I]untestable[/I]. You can collect data and interpret it, but there's no way to physically test the hypothesis of evolution, to see the pieces fit.
[quote name='spy46'][size=1]OK so here is what I'm thinking. i do think that Evolution did happen, no i don't think its as clean as it appears to be. *sub monkey looks at a nub growing just above its wrist* like science, i know it took about 1000,000,000,000,000 years. *not exact* now to try and give you an example, look at how we make a baby. you have the sperm that in its self could be called a living organism, depending on where you stand on that, same with the womans egg. it enters a new environment, the 2 mix and it changes into some thing else, it adapted and .... well evolved. look at Africans, why do they have black skin? because of the kind of environment that there great, great, great ..... great ancestors lived in. there genetics adapted to the sun, providing them with a darker skin than some one over in the northern hemisphere, more or less. does it give them more protection from the sun? i don't know, i don't have any ancestry in that area. given another 40,000 years, they might start to grow an extremely tougher skin re-guarding UV rays or what not. its the same with people that live WAY up north that almost look as white as snow, because they weren't exposed to as much sun as some one from lower on the map. thats a few quick reasons why i think that evolution is real.[/size][/QUOTE] Those points you brought up can also be used to prop up creationism, dependent on the spin you give them. To me, those points look like the work of an engaged creator, giving his creation necessary variations so they can survive in certain environments.
Now That We've Narrowed Down The Candidates...
ZeitGeist replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
I would vote for Mitt Romney, just to see how long David Letterman can keep his "Romney looks like a used car salesman" type jokes going. -
[quote name='Morpheus']Not to prance all over your beliefs, but this in and of itself is a problem. Blindly following anything is just pointless. At least weigh the facts and looks at the options.[/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure Nerdsy was being tounge-in-cheek. ;)
[quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]People who lend their trust to the "religion of science" are making sound assumptions about the nature of science and the community's consensus. They assume that scientists have examined the phenomena in question with great rigor and strenuousness, and because of this their words carry more weight. They assume that these scientists are far more qualified to speak on the topic, and that they probably know more than a person who reads in a book "God made it" and believes it.[/quote] Good point, but what about us religious folk who have turned the microscope on our faith, to test it as vigorously as scientists would their theories? I did not just beleive "God made it, end of story," as many people beleive we do. I have read articles in Christian apologetics that do put forth a compelling case for a creator. [quote] The fact of the matter is scientific investigation is far more rigorous than that of untested belief, and as a result believing in the "religion of science" is far more relevant than believing "the bible said it".[/quote] Agreed. I tend to think that religion has been backed up by science, more or less. We have this book that says God spoke into creation and things appeared. Science tells us a big bang may have started everyting, made the universe appear. An instantanteous "big bang" is consistent with creationism, not contradictory. ^_^' Then I look at other things science has discovered, like the DNA strand and it's complexity. It's a super-code unique to us that makes us who we are. By the nature of it's complexities, it lends to the idea of intelligent creation. We are all unique, according to the bible, and the fact that DNA is unique to everyone lends itself to that idea. [quote]The fact is evolution has been studied, and there is a ridiculous volume of research and data on the subject documenting it.[/font][/QUOTE] You'll find vast amounts of data on creation theory too. The most compelling case for intelligent creation remains the complexity of the design, and we are reminded of this fact by the millions of dollars researchers and scientists have expeded to understand it. I agree that the Bible is not sceintific, it's the essentials of salvation. I believe God gave us the ability to think scientifically, so we could discover on our own how his creation works. We sometimes get a bad rap because the religious tend to shut down any notion of science, but I see that as a great shame. Boom, the universe appears. Seems biblical to me.
[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]I could add a few games to this list, but the most recent game I've spent a lot of time on would have to be Super Mario Galaxy. I'm now almost up to 120 stars with [spoiler]Luigi[/spoiler]. I don't know if it'd equal anywhere near 100 hours, but sometimes it sure feels like it! I'm loving every minute of it, anyway.[/font][/QUOTE] Oh yeah. Super Mario games are among the most addictive out there. I can't wait to have a go at Galaxy. I think I did over 300 hours on Super Mario 64, mainly because I kept getting totally pwnt by Bowser in his 3 various stages (especially the last, grrr!)
[B] Marilyn Manson.[/B] I don't think Manson is a great vocalist for the songs he sings, i think he's a great vocalists because of [I]how[/I] he sings them. His voice is among the most unique in modern music and he is consitently good in every song he does. I don't necessarily like the content, but the man is talented. [B]Freddie Mercury.[/B] Freddie Mercury is, hands down, the most incredible performer ever. His vocal range leaves imitators for dead, you can tell he was the one and only when the Queen tribute bands all soudn to cheap, slapdash and irritatingly horrid. There will never be another Freddie Mercury, he is one in a million.
The OtakuBoards Nifty Fifty: 07 Edition(Nominate or Die)
ZeitGeist replied to Justin's topic in General Discussion
[B]Who is it? [/B] [color=crimson]DeathKnight[/color] [B]Why is he nifty?[/B] Because DeathKnight's posts are always fun to read. They often drip with delicious sarcasm and ironic wit. His sharp style can lighten the darkest days, and even causeth the blind to see. Despite being [I]that[/I] cool, he never has to point that out. In fact, he has made fun of members who think they have to, in his typical style. D.K's 'fame' doesn't come from shameless self prmotion, and that in of itself is nifty. His avatar is also an owl, that should win him a spot ont he 50 by [I]right.[/I] :p -
[quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082] For example, even the small tweak as in my mock-up below, where I removed the top black bar and reworked the URL/user name line, makes the signature a lot more appealing to me. And, incidentally, it also now fits within our size limit.[/color] [center][img]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/9700/ap500x116conceptpn3.jpg[/img][/center][/QUOTE] That's cool. Now anyone who wants to use that sig can adopt Desbreko's mod. It doesn't look too far different from the original either. Don't say they ain't looking out for ya. ^_^;
I think the current signature limits are adequate. Creatively, I find that I have more than enough space to do what i want, and make it look good. I don't really care much for statboxes that amount to little more than "look what I'm watching" displays. Sure, some members [I]might [/I]find them useful, but I don't really pay attention to them. I don't think OB should re-size it's limits because of one dynamic singature size, considering most would fall under the current limits.
I'm going away for the weekend, so my debut will have to be a quickie. Aaand, Here it is! [URL=http://img218.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wallqm7.jpg][IMG]http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/5973/wallqm7.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[quote name='Satori'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"] Yeah. They did. And we will all hate them for eternity for doing it. Not all religious people, just the nutcases that released the statement. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I'm violently ill any time I hear the name of that heretical cult. Truly. I'm glad the anger is directed at the nutters, and we haven't all been tarred with the same brush. I think their post-code, which is [B]666[/B]04, says a lot. Fred Phelps is the Antichrist. They better not get anywhere near Heath's send-off, that will be a sad, sad day indeed.
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"] And before anyone else calls it, I'd like to say right now that there are probably going to be unkind radical Evangelicals that say his death came as a punishment from God for being in Brokeback Mountain. There. I called it.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Please don't think that all Christians are this way. >< This is a terrible tragedy and anyone who delights in it (eg. FRED FRICKIN PHELPS!) deserves the hell-fire they so eagerly prescribe to other people. I thought Heath Ledger was a great actor and I am saddened by his sudden passing. He was at his best in the action films such as Knight's Tale or Ned Kelly, I didn't care too much for chick flicks like "10 Things..." Yet they are a testament to a great actor who never got typecast into certain roles, and who would take great risks (Brokeback Mountain) portraying characters that didn't fit some peoples vision of "your typical Heath Ledger film." I am still looking forward to the Dark Knight, but I have to concur with James, this is going to be kinda awkward to watch, knowing it was his last film. [quote name='AceBurner']And now we hope that this isn't some sick joke where he pops up at the premiere yelling "Why so serious!"[/quote] One sure-fire way to utterly kill a movie. Rest in peace Heath.
[quote name='cancer']here's my entry: [URL=http://img136.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wormgp1.jpg][IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/4421/wormgp1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/QUOTE] That entry is so 1997. I mean that in a good way. :D Can I have a crack at this after Ozy J?
I'm an individualist, in the sense that I just go about my life doing stuff I find enjoyable, and listening to music I find enjoyable. I don't listen to something and think, "hey, I'm a [insert social group here] I better not listen to that." I just judge it on my standards of taste, which are very broad standards. :) So I'm generally carefree and I have a wide range of music/clothing/movies that I'm into. It's great not to be boxed in by a clique.
I just saw the film today, and it was as good as I anticipated it would be. My friends criticised the hand-held camera style that was used in the movie, but that added a touch of realism for me. You felt like you were right there, experiencing the whole thing. I'd say that technique was better than say, watching King Kong from a third-person, unaffected, perspective. And, without giving anything away, (sorry :p) The monster that terrorises the city is frickin awesome. My verdict: 9.5/10. You should go see Cloverfield when you get the chance!
[quote name='Dagger'] Setting that aside, I'd love it if we could do more to attract members from theO. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] TheOtaku is the parent site, isn't it? If it had a link to these forums on the sidebar, you might get a few more newbies swing in from this direction. I came in through a Google search, of all things.
Pardon me if this has been asked before, but I was looking at this forums history and saw that you once had forums for spearate series (I understand they were Dragonball, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam etc...) I like this idea, because I think that it could generate more discussion on an anime series than the current model allows for. At present, if you want to talk about Dragonball, you must do so in the Dragonball thread. With the separate forum, it would encourage different threads based around certain areas of the series. Currenty, in one thread, you have to stay relatively in one line of thought, or the thread will get messy and jump about all over the place. It would become confusing if it suddenly went from, say, favourite episode, to why you thin Saiyans hair is gold, and back again. It doesn't have to be the same forums though, you could have new ones dedicated to the more currently popular anime like One Piece, Naruto or Avatar. You could even have an event to allow the memberbase to select which anime gets their own forum, and which ones stay in the general anime discussion I like the look of your Anime Archives, and would like the Anime section to look like that again, if possible. Thanks for entertaining ym suggestion! :catgirl:
[B]Movies I have seen:[/B] [B]I am Legend [/B]- This movie is great. I always like 'last man of earth' stories and this one didn't dissapoint me. Will Smith is a great actor and this movie is testament to that. he manages to carry a two-hour movie by largely talking to himself and a dog. Brickbat for [spoiler] killing off the dog! Awwww, that sucked. :([/spoiler] [B]Alvin and the Chipmunks[/B] - It was interesting to see the Chipmunks living with Jason Lee's interpretation of the character Dave, which was nothing more than Earl minus the moustache and list. I was expecting to see Randy burst through the door at any time. Brickbat for [spoiler] hip-hop Chipmunks. Good grief![/spoiler] [B]Movies I will see:[/B] [B]Cloverfield[/B] - Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Voltron? JJ Abrams new movie sure has a lot of mystery about it, and I guess that's why I am going along to it. I really, really want to to see what this frickin thing that attacks the city is! Marketing genius, if nothing more than that. We'll have to wiat and see. [B]Meet the Spartans[/B] - Even thoguh I was thoroughly unimpressed with "Epic" Movie.
That's an awesome picture. I like the attention to detail that you have worked so hard on, every little thing on the picture (and there are lots) looks awesome. I also like your use of lighting effects. Great job. As for a nitpick, well, I can't think of one right now!
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
ZeitGeist replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[I]bandwidth exceeded[/I] I am the ZeitGiest, who haunts you at midnight. Mwahahaha :animesmil Edit: If you're wondering wether it is photoshopped, then yes, kind of. I removed some things that could give my location away. -
"Went out with a bang, after forty years charity work. People only remember the explosion."
How Did You Come Up With Your Screenname?
ZeitGeist replied to duorocks17's topic in General Discussion
You might have seen my screen name on a Smashing Pumpkins album. I assure you this is quite coincidental! It translates from German as 'spirit of the time," hence, my user title. ;)