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Everything posted by ZeitGeist

  1. [img]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7943/wdstsam7.jpg[/img] Daphne and Celeste are, hands down, the worst band ever. A band that sounds as awful as this should not exist, period. A band with the creativity level of D&C should not have been so popular. Allt hey ever did was record songs based on old schoolyard taunts and catchphrases, and all they did to them was repeat ad nauseum and add horrible and tacky music behind them. Good God they were utterly dreadful. At least their fifteen minutes expired and they have since vanished. [quote name='Goodbye, Face']You can tell a Green Day song just from the first second it's on. Each song is in exactly the same tempo, usually the same power chords, and it sounds like the happiest punk song you've ever heard, making it not punk instantly. People make a case for old Green Day being better than new Green Day. I don't care. Old stuff, new stuff, I hate them. NOFX annoys me for the same reasons, but somehow they're able to keep within the punk genre.[/quote] That's the problem with punk today. What started out as a genre rooted in anarchy and anti-establishment culture has become, thanks to it's fans, more snobbish and exclusive than anything it's ever rebelled against. Rabid fans ruin the genre, throwing their noses up at anything not considered "true punk." Come on, take it easy!
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