Favorite Animes
1. Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN
This anime is possibly the most diverse anime I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon. There is humor, romance, death, BLOOD, sorrow, happiness, suspence, I cant begin to list all of the emotions that go on when watching it. Eureka seveN is a once in a lifetime experience that in my opinion no anime created could create such an amazing feeling on a person that makes you want to spend a whole week of night and day converting the episodes to MP4 Format for PSP from Youtube.
Recommendation - 10/10
2. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
Hmmm... Lol I honestly have never seen an anime as hilarious as this. Haruhi's clueless antics... Mikuru's profound way of just taking it. Yuki's way of... well doing nothing. And finally... last but not least Kyon's way of being there but not wanting do be. Suzumiya Harihi no Yuutsu is lost without it's "supposed sequel", but the first makes up for it.
Recommendation - 9/10
3. Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Well.... would this be classified as Ecchi? Ha. Dokuro-chan has the most unneeded bloodshed in any anime I have ever seen. Dokuro-chan is funny, scary, and sexy. (hmmmm...)A must see anime.
Recommendation - 9/10
4. Naruto Shippuden
The greatest transition of an anime timeline ever. Period. When you leave the Naruto series, you want more, more, and MORE! This anime gives me my daily fix.
The questions asked during the original series are answered and more are created. This is a perfect sequel to an already mostly perfect anime series.
Recommendation - 8/10
Semi-favorite Animes
1. Dragonball Z
The original fighter. Dragonball Z was my first anime. It has however been knocked down since my recent discoveries far outdo the efforts of Akira Toriyama. Dragonball Z's Sci-fi/Action/Adventure theme makes it a must see anime for any anime fanatic. I find myself wanting to blow holes through my annoying schoolmates. :animeangr
Recommendation - 7/10
2. Dragonball GT
Well... I was rather disappointed with this show because of it's lack of excitement in the beginning of the series. I mean an old Pilaf? COME ON! Well, the Super Saiyan 4 really made up for it so that is why it is getting this rating.
Recommendation - 7/10
3. Naruto
Well... There is so much to say about this anime and I really don't need to say anything considering it's large audience. It is the most amazing ninja-based anime ever. Yea, that's it. :animeswea
Recommendation - 6/10
Honorable Mentions
Ah! My Goddess.
Air Gear
Shaman King
One Piece
Rurouni Kenshin
Princess Mononoke