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Everything posted by NeoCactuar
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B][size=1] If you have a sniper rifle, you can take the cop out when he's driving. but you'll have a two star level instead of a one star. So it's probably wiser to jack the polica car in the way NeoC said, and get it to a respray shop fast.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] If only you could respray cop cars... Just boost away from the cop and then the star will begin to flash and then just disappear.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]I have a question: Is it possible to jack a police car? I tried to once and I got busted. Soon I find out that you could kill the drivers by aiming at the drivers seat and shoot away... So if you've done that, can you jack the police car? [/B][/QUOTE] It's entirely possible to jack one without killing the officer inside. Just go to the passenger?s side door and try to open it, it will be locked and Tommy will just grab at the handle. The officer will then get out of his car and try and chase you. Simply try the door again, and it will be unlocked this time, and then just drive away before the cop knows what hit him.
Gaming Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2.... Looks horrible...
NeoCactuar replied to Youko Minamino's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]Whats the big deal with the graphics? I mean game play, game play, game play![/B][/QUOTE] Completely and utterly true. I found myself looking at the screen shots of C&C Generals and drooling, it looked amazing... looked. I of course went out and bought the game strait away, but once i got home and began to play it i found the game play to be to slow and the overall package unattractive. In my opinion the game was not as good as one of its C&C predecessors like RA2. The point i am making is don't be fooled by screen shots, they don't show an in depth look into the game, all they convey is a static image. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Agatio [/i] [B]Oh, so the game is based upon the Matrix: Reloaded but just from Ghost and/or Niobes point. Or am I wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, that's right. Personally i don't see it as the best game of all time, or whatever you said in your opening post Agatio. To me it seems like max pane with a different setting and a million dollar title. The bullet time is nothing new. The running up walls is cool, but really nothing to write home about. The only factor of the game that i am impressed with is all the independent filming they did, it's god to see the movie and the game industry moving closer together.
Gaming Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2.... Looks horrible...
NeoCactuar replied to Youko Minamino's topic in Noosphere
Graphics aren?t everything, it's the game play that matters. That's why you still find yourself playing those 8-bit games, and still loving them. Budokai was pretty good in my opinion; it had a lot more than what one would expect from a fighting game. I liked the capsule system, it took my back to the Final Fantasy days, and incorporated a feature for the more... intelligent gamer. You simply couldn't button bash your way through it, it took time, and patience. Something not applicable to other fighters, like Tekken. No matter what, i won't judge the game till i get my hands on it. It's the only way to be sure. -
Jimmy's parents always told him not to cough that hard.
Please try to say something a little more than that caffeinefreak5, we are trying to encourage discussion here but pointless posts that incur no reply are no fun for anyone. As for the matter of getting busted, I know all to what you?re talking about. Once I was in my Ambulance, up to about level 10 I think, and my driver?s side door smashed off. So I?m driving down the street, must be doing at least 50kph, but since I have no door, I go past a cop and... Busted... at 50kph, but a standing cop. Weird O_o
Yeah, now i think about it, i do agree with those points. Some of those camera angles, especially in the opening scene/act were very poorly designed. They were trying to recreate a movie type feel with more camera angles and innovative camera angles, as many games today are trying. But, unfortunately failed miserably. They instead confused the gamer, and took away from the game play and made people focus on the annoyances, what every game programmer wants to avoid. On the note of the Dantes personality, i didn?t really notice or mind the lack of conversation, and although i don't think it decreased any aspect of the game i admit a little more would have been better. And the larger areas, yes i did notice this, and i was severely disappointed and annoyed. The promise of bigger and better in a sequel is great, except when by bigger they mean a giant empty room. This situation was all to common, large paths, halls and outdoor areas that had no real use apart from running through them. I often found myself wasting a devil trigger in order to just try and run through an area quicker.
A rally driver. A father. A friend. And a great ambassador to New Zealand. Farewell Possum, rest in peace.
I just booked my 12:01am tickets. The first screening for Matrix Reloaded!!!
Well now we have that sorted I?m still not sure where I stand O_o So I?ll move it for now, that will get some activity in the .hack forum anyway. Charles, if you feel this belongs somewhere else, feel free to move it.
Once again this now has it's own forum. -Move
This has it's own forum now, it belongs there. And i know there are conflicting rules, but we put the Pokemon games in the Pokemon forum, and we put the Dragonball games in the Dragonball forum, so for now, this can be moved. -Move
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B]Don't bother with Devil May Cry 2. It's horrible. They completely screwed that game up, so I'd get the first Devil May Cry if you haven't all ready played it.[/B][/QUOTE] Really? I have played them both and I quite enjoyed 2. What did they do wrong in your opinion?
I have never really experienced game delays of this type, i think this is mainly because i live really close to my local game store, and don't order much. If for some reason i do it comes fairly quickly. But in general i know the frustration of waiting for deliveries, and especially trying to get through all the telephone operators and find out when the &%$# your package is going to be delivered.
Well it's been a while now, I don't think anyone knows the answer to your question BigCajones. Question: In FFVII How many limit breaks does each character have? And could people please try to keep this topic spam free. Not posting one or two word replies like Nope or Incorrect for every attempt at a question would defiantly help. People can just continue posting and when the correct one is posted then you may reply.
Man here in New Zealand we don't believe in guns, if we get angry we just beat up some traffic cones (Ask Flashy). Our average Gun murder rate is less than one a year. And even if you destroyed all the guns in the world, the can never be gone, because the ability, and ease, to make them will always be there.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]I did that when i first saw the fire truck in GTA 2 lol. Those helicopters are kick ***, especially the Hunter, I have a friend who has a save that's complete enough for him to have the Hunter at Fort Baxter (100 hidden packages) but not so far advanced to have the cop uniform, so we were extremely lucky to be able to get it out and take it for a test run Brown Thunder kicks :p EDIT: Does anyone know where you can get the sea plane from? where in the airport? I can't find it. I thought it might be the sea sparrow (80 hidden packages) but that was a wire frame helicopter [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Complete the mission 'Dildo dodo' at the film studio and it is then freely available from the small jetty outside the film studio.
Prestongraff, if you give more details and put more effort into your posts people will be able to help you out. Example: [QUOTE] [B][size=1][color=darkblue] I was wondering if anyone could give me tips to do the mission Guardian Angels, I seem to be a bit stuck. I finally got my ps2, so I'm not hiring now, which means, I cam now do the missions for GTA 3 and VC, but i am really stuck on this one. Also, how many missions do you have to complete to unlock island 2? [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] With something like that you can tell us in detail what you are doing, or where you are stuck, it means we can help you and it saves beating around the bush, so to speak. Personally i found GTA VC easier, but not in comparison. What i mean is since i played GTA3 i have improved my skills and so when i picked up vice city it was naturally easier. In vice city there was that tad of repetitiveness. Like when i first saw a fire truck in GTA3 i got out, stopped my mission, and starting ramming people with it, and i didn?t stop for a while, lol. But in Vice city it was a sort of, "Oh yeah, there's a fire truck, there's a trash master", it was like it had all been done before. But of course they annulled that factor with the motorcycles and helicopters.
Guardian Angels? I think (It's been a while) that is the one where you and Lance have to defend Diaz and his cronies. First tip; don't use the weapon they give you. Second tip; don't stand in the place the tell you. Here's what you do. Jump down to the same level as Diaz and pull out either your Chrome shotgun (get from cop cars) or just an Ingram. When they guys come just use the auto aim and take them out, a lot easier than first person aiming.
The reason LotR didn?t get best director and probably will never get best director is because we are up against Americans directors, and what do Americans love the most, themselves. It is a well know fact the academy rarely gives out best director and movie awards to non-Hollywood movies and non-American directors. It was made even tougher for lotR because we were up against a remake of a classic American Broadway show and an inspirational historic American movie.
Im going for porche after i have seen that new Carrera GT. V10 5.7 liters, 612 bhp and 0-100 in 3.9 seconds. *Drowns in puddle of own drool*
My favortie; the Materia system in FFVII.
Hehehe, this topic pops up at least once a year. I was a visitor to AbsoluteGameboy and Pokemon. Then i moved to Otaku, but i never really got into the boards. I even introduced Flash to the site, and he went to the boards, where i dared not enter. Who knows why O_o? Anyway i eventually came here.
I had the first tony hawk game, after that i just lost interest. In my opinon the first was the best, it was the original idea, not just some clone game with a new feature or two. Even today i still play it, but i have never really played the others.