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Everything posted by NeoCactuar
[i]Four guards slowly walk up and down the rough mountain pass, looking left to right, for any sign of activity. Each wielding a long Katana, and body plating. Two guards stop and begin to converse, talking in Japanese about the surrounding terrain, and the recognisance teams stationed on them. The guards finish their conversation and head back to the main post, further up the hill, to report on the hour?s events. A lone figure slowly creeps up the tall hill opposite the main post; he stops next to a bare grey rock, and looks out into the darkness. He sees two guards, each straining their eyes and looking towards him. He swiftly sweeps across the hillside and down into the pass, avoiding the view of the guards. Two more guards walk down the hill, towards the other two, away from the lookout post, they pass the other two with a simple nod of the head and continue down the hill, down towards the pass... The dark shadow sees the guards approaching him, he stands up and flips over a rock and hides behind it. They guards get to the bottom of the hill and one goes either way, there are doing a complete sweep of the surrounding area. The dark figure slips into the shadows and glides across the grassy hill with little noise at all. He flips down into the pass and approaches the guard, the guard continues walking in the opposite direction scanning the terrain for signs of movement, he stops, and the dark figure makes his move, he slips out of the shadows and comes up behind the guard, he draws one of his swords and grabs the guards mouth, the proceeded to slit his thought. The guard silently falls to the ground; the figure takes his limp body, and drags it into the bush. He then slips back into the shadows, and begins to make his way back up the hill... The second guard rounds the corner, expecting to see his fellow guard waiting for him with an 'all clear' command. But instead he sees nothing, just the same bushy hills and rocky passes. The guard cautiously approaches the spot where the second guard should be, he stops as he hears the familiar 'plop' of a shoe standing in liquid, he looks down and sees a pool of blood. He draws his Katana and dashes up the hill to alert the other two guards. The dark figure once again creeps along the side of the mountain pass, he stops half way up and lies on the rough grass, crawling towards the edge of the hill, he looks down into the pass and sees four lanterns illuminating the main post, and the surrounding area. He sees two guards walking up and down the path, looking fairly bored, as it is long into the night. The figure slides half way down the hillside and stops on a ledge, he draws four throwing stars and crouches down. The guard comes sprinting up the hill in the direction of the glowing lanterns, as he approaches the light, they suddenly disappear, one-by-one, the guard hears a slashing sound and some screams of his fellow guards, he raises his Katana in the air, and charges up the hill, he rounds the corner and runs directly into he blade of an oncoming sword, slicing his head clean off and rolling down the hill? Then there is silence, and a gust of wind as the dark figure sweeps up the hill and into the building above the post. The figure opens two large doors, and is greeted by beaming light coming from lanterns in the corridor, a corridor with great woodcarvings all the way down each side, leading to two more great doors. The man removes his bandanna, and walks down the great hallway, and opens the large doors. Inside sits a man in a chair and a guard either side of him?[/I] ????: So? Ani? you have found me, but? you will not live to tell of it? Kantashi: Well Jasan, it appears that your guards won?t be doing much to help you? Jasan: What!? All of them? well? it is lucky I have a little something for you Ani? Murukmo! [I]A man dressed in black flips down the roof, wielding a Katana and wearing golden body plating?[/i] Ani: You know Murukmo will never be a match for me Jasan? Jasan: Enough, Murukmo!! Attack!! [I]Murukmo runs at Ani as he draws his Katana, while Jasan makes a hasty entrance. Ani draws his two short Katanas and flips over Murukmo, as he is running under him, Ain lands behind Murukmo, and without even looking behind drives a Katana through each of his Kidneys, killing him instantly? Ani stands up, and walks to where Jasan was sitting, before he fled, he sees what he is looking for, a letter, addressed to Jasanomo, Jasan?s father, detailing the attack on the forces of Ani, the attack that plans to bring down Ani?s empire, the plans that Ani came here to get himself? Ani now only has one option, to wage war on the forces of Jasan & Jasanomo, to keep his own empires pride?[/I] -------------------------------- You can join as a Ninja of the Ani empire, or, if you wish, a Ninja of the Jasan empire. Here is the sign-up sheet.... Name: (Gee, i wonder) Age: (Gee, i wonder) Alliance: (What side your on) Physical description: (What you look like, height, weight, cloths, ect... Personality: (Your mental attributes) Weapons: (What you kill people with:-P) Here is my sign-up: Name: Ani (No other names known) Age: 37 Alliance: Ani Empire Physical description: (see picture) Personality: The founder of the Ani empire, is a experienced fighter, and natural leader. He has many troops under his command, but he prefers do the fighting himself. Weapons: Two short Katanas
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]...Once and Young. Has anyone seen the movie or read the book? I have done both and I think all people should read/see them. My uncle was in that battle and it showed the war from his point-of-view. It is an excellent movie, Mel Gibson does a supurb job. I highly recomend it. What are your thoughts on the movie?[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Is it a fairly new movie? Or has it been out for a while?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red_Baron [/i] [B]Well, the monsters are sealed in Dining Room 2, at the top there's scientists coming in as well as more personell, theres security everywhere, as well as people up in the city, weather it be soldiers, civilians, survivors, etc. Need more? I can give you more specific locations if you need. [/B][/QUOTE] Ahhh... i suggest you wait a day or two, for some people to join, then you make a new topic, with the same title, to play the actual RPG on. That way you can wait and get some more members. Just a thought. But if you want to start now, i'm ok with that.
Name: Neo Age: 23 Race: Human Job: Head of security & tactical assults, Umbrella Corp. Neo was appointed the job of head security at the age of 20, after he exelled in the areas, of tactical assualt, and reconnisence. He wears Tundra cargo pants and a black bulletproof under suite, he has a black jacket with a pattern of lines on the back and black army boots. He wears sunglasses fresh out of the Umbrella labs, with thermal imageing, night vision & enhanced zoom. He carries two custom Colt 45.'s with snakes carved on each barrel, with him at all times.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I'd show you all a pic that has them all next to each other, in which they all look virtually the same, but it... wouldn't be appropriate for our younger members, if you know what I mean... :p[/B][/QUOTE] ...The only pic you have of the FF lead female characters together is hentai... ...Good call... I must agree they look quite the same, just like Tidus & Selphy's love child being Mel C (From the spice girls).
I'll join, i can awnser all your Sega, Pc & Gameboy questions. But Nes & Snes, can't do that. I don't have all the Emulators and Roms, and you can't buy the systems here in NZ.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]we don't have cheerleaders here in the uk....-_- [/B][/QUOTE] I know where your coming from, we don't have cheerleaders here in New Zealand either, exept the ones for the Rugby, but there are more dancers than cheerleaders. Oh what i would do for cheerleaders...
I can count at least 20-25 grammatical and spelling errors in that "Tremendously big plot post". I may not be a great or even good RPGer, but here are few tips on starting a good RPG... 1: Learn to spell properly 2: Learn to use grammar 3: Post enough story so people will be at least a little interested in your RPG 4: Take a look at some other peoples RPGs to get the idea of how to lay things out, story, sign-up, ect... Now I?m not trying to insult you, or be mean to you. But try to spend a bit of time working on these "RPGs" of yours, to make then seem a tad more interesting.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] I wouldn't really recommend state of emergency, its only fun for a few days before it gets very repetitive.... heh, I share the same loved games as you do, lol, ff7 being 1st of course :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, hence why i said "My most loved games at the moment are..." FFVII will allways be on my top games list, as the all time great game. About state of emergency, i know it is a repeditive game, and that's why i'm not going to [i]buy[/i] it, But i still want to [i]play[/i] it. It has been named, one of the worlds worst games to buy, one of the worlds best games to hire.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] ....you too huh? *does his DDP impression* but hey, that's not a bad thing, thats a [I]good[/I] thing!:D [/B][/QUOTE] Oh no it's not. Now Flash will be playing FFX for days and weeks trying to pause it at the perfect moment so he can see tidus's "panties"... uggghhh..... not again....
Gaming About ROMS (nothin violatning your policy, so dont worry)
NeoCactuar replied to a topic in Noosphere
Well from what i know. It [b][i]IS[/i][/b] leagel to download a rom if you intend to buy the game with in 24 hours. But otherwise, it is not leagal to download the rom. -
[i]Blank looks down and sees a little green man...[/i] Blank: What the hell?!? Cactuar: Hi, i'm Cactuar, pleased to meet you Blank: Um.. hi, what exactly are you? Cactuar: Well i'm a cactuar, but i'm also a Saiyan elite, but let's not get into how i'm a Saiyan/cactuar... ;) Blank: Oh, well... that's... interesting Cactuar: Yeah, i was really powerful when i was young, so i tried out for the saiyan elite and i got in Blank: Cool, are you entering in the tournement? Cactuar: Yeah, i just signed up and i'm going to do some training before it all begins Blank: Hey, that's just what i'm doing! Cactuar: Well then, do you want to spar together Blank: Umm... After lunch i'm hungry [i]Blank looks at his stomach, which lets out a grumble. Him and Cactuar walk off in the direction of the resturant Blank is telling him about[/i]
Name: Cactuar Age: 30 Race: Saiyan/Cactuar Appearance: Cactuar is only 3 foot tall, being a cactuar and all. Cactuar wears Namik armour and is spikey and green. (See picture) Level: Elite Power Level: 10,000
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]I would have to go with "[U][i]State Of Emergency"[/i][/U] ,As i have rented it and it is one of the best First person shooter games every to have graced my Television Screen with it's presents. [/B][/QUOTE] State Of Emergency is a FPS?
[i]The year is 2001, three years after the incidents in the racoon city outskirts, and in the metropolitan city itself. Umbrella has withdraw itself from all states of America, as it's ploy was blown wide open by members of the Racoon city special forces. S.T.A.R.S as a group has now reformed into a group of Anti-Bio-Terrorism Special Forces, dedicated to protecting the USA and the world from Bio-Terrorism. Umbrella has now set up a head office, and research facility on an artificial island west of London. Against requests by NATO, and UN, they have continued to research the genetic manipulation of human embryos, in hope to create a Bio-Terrorism weapon, capable of taking out entire army?s. But there is still a final resistance set up in London, S.T.A.R.S; the group still hope to shut down the umbrella head office & research facility.... [/i] *S.T.A.R.S head office, London* [i]Brian paces up and down the room, listening to the radio receptionist, tune the radio back on fourth on the short wave frequency. He is searching for a signal being broadcast from the Umbrella Head office, a signal contacting terrorist, and nations leaders, offering them the thing that S.T.A.R.S have been trying to stop for the past 6 months. The sale of the Bio-terrorist weapon, a humanoid monster, being sold of to the highest bidder. Suddenly, there is a high pitched squeak from the radio, and then a series of tones...[/i] Brian: Hold that.... That sounds like the signal, but it's not in Morse code, or any other code we know of... Receptionist: Maybe it's not the signal Sir... Brian: No... I?m sure of it, it's the umbrella signal, we have to find out what they are saying... we have to.. Receptionist: Sir, maybe it's not a Sound signal Brian: What do you mean? Receptionist: Well, they could be transferring a picture signal on the sound frequency, so people won't be able to pick it up Brian: Well, lets find out. Hook it up to the screen [i]The receptionist flicks a few switches and turns on the monitor. the screen is fuzzy. The receptionist moves a few dials, and a picture begins to appear, a man... talking...[/i] "So, in conclusion, all of the bidders are to report to the HMS Pioneer at 0800 hours, 14-3-01, for transportation to the Umbrella Lab, from there, you may view the specimen, then... the bidding will begin. Money must be paid in cash, good day gentlemen...." [i]The screen goes fuzzy once more [/i] Brian: Well, it decided then. This will be it, the time has come, we will board the HMS Pioneer and infiltrate the Umbrella Labs. we have to stop them... Receptionist: I will tell the Lieutenant to summon all the members for a meeting in 20 minutes Brian: Good, we will see who is capable and who is not.... *20 minutes later* [i]Brian is standing in front of a room of 20-15 people, all S.T.A.R.S members, all excelling in their field. He is showing a score of slides, and talking to the Wen & Women.[/i] Brian: We will board the HMS Pioneer at 0750 hours and travel to the umbrella labs. We will stay in the Lower cargo hold and not reveal our existence to anyone out side us. The team will dive into the harbour and board the ship through the Air lock in the lower stern, i need a team of the best Men & Women we have, and you all need to be up to this. It will be a mission of stealth, but indeed, there may still be casualties, but that is a risk we will have to take to ensure the safety of the world. I need 5 Men, including myself for this mission, who will come with me..? [i]Slowly, 4 hands raise into the air...[/i] Brian: Good to see some familia faces, all of you state your... Name: Sex: Age: Position: Appearance: Personality: Weapons: ... ------------------------------- My sign up: Name: Brian Sex: Male Age: 32 Position: Team leader Appearance: Tundra cargo pants, black shirt, brown hair, blue eyes, Black army boots & Black fingerless gloves. Personality: Brian is a Team leader, who often doesn?t show emotion for the sake of maintaining his appearance as a Leader. Weapons: Twin Magnums w/extended clips, AK-47, grenades & a Socom w/ laser sighting There will be 4 other members for this RPG, so post your sign ups and i will choose the 4 based on their profiles.
Note: Some of these games are allready out here in New Zealand, but i havn't played them. My most wanted would be: 1: MGS2 (I have only played half of it) 2: FFX 3: State of emergency 4: Tekken 4 5: FFXI My most loved games at the moment are: 1: MGS2 2: GTA3 3: FFVII (May be on PSX, but it's a great game)
[b]Analysing system.... Decoding... decoding.... decoding.... Terminal accessed, input user information... (05.01.2180)[/b] Name: Brian Password: ****** [b]Access... denied... Please re-enter password and user name 'Initiate program sequence Alpha-441' ...Password and User name... accepted... Please enter personal details[/b] Name: Brian Age :: 30 Blood :: O Awaken Date :: 08.04.2176 Position :: Tactical annalist/Commando - SCH-071 "Zephyr" [b]Processing.........Done. ...Enter accompanying details...[/b] Primary Weapon: Duel custom Magnums Secondary Weapon: M-16 W/Scope Inventory: 1x Tactical Laptop, 1x military knife W/Single hidden bullet, 2x health packs, 1x bullet proof vest, 1x Laser/infered specs (Glasses), 4x extra slots for picking up items. [b]...Details processing... system infiltrated... Information locked in... Log off (Ok/Cancel)?[/b] ....Ok.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] I've never heard of a Resident Evil 1.4. [/B][/QUOTE] I've heard of a Resident Evil 1.5. But thats all, it was a game supposed to be RE2 but was scrapped, and they started over again. But RE 1.4!?!? Duuno what he's on about.
*laughs like a FF character* Gwahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OoooooOOOOoooo.... *Takes a deep breath* That's funnier than FF jerry springer! But i though you said FF survivor would be out soon, mabye messa confused:P
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B][I]Why don't u go to the actual[/I] [URL=http://www.playstation2.com]Playstation2 Site?[/URL] [i]That would be the only thing to do that i could think of[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] No, i wouldn't go there. Because sony don't encourage you to open it. Now, i have had my PS2 for a year and three months, so the warentee was void and it needed a good cleaning. There was lots of dust on the fan and so on. So i opened it to clean it up :-P I have done pleanty of soldering before so i know what to do, but my grandpa is a tecnition and has [i]really[/i] steady hands. So i'm going to get him to do it for me. He has all the tools and know-how.
I broke the fan on my PS2!!! GWWAAA!!!!!! Here's how it happened: I opened up my PS2 to give it the monthly cleaning, keep the laser in good order, and clean the fan and so on. So, i was sitting at my desk and i opened my PS2, i carefully took out the screws and grouped them into there corresponding spot, can never be to careful, and i took out the laser unit, and gave it a clean using the special 'laser wipes'. Then i went to take out the fan, but you can only take the fan half way out becuase it is connected to two short wires. So i lifted the fan up carefully and just as i was reaching to get my cleaning brush, the fan slipped and pulled the wires out of the PS2, so now my fan is unoperational, but luckily my PS2 still works :) If any of you guys/gals know how to fix this problem, soldering techniques and so on, gimmie a PM, thanks. Untill then, i'm over-heating and fan-less.
Gaming I've got the blue's....The MGS2 Blue's, that is
NeoCactuar replied to Sephiroth's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]oh, ugh, can someone explain the damn weird ending to me? first I was fighting solidus on ARSENAL, next thing I knew we were on top of that building in new york, and then raiden is looking around an empty street, and then people come walking out of nowhere, snake pops up, then rose, then all this weird yapping, then the 12 patriots thing, damn I'm confused now.... [/B][/QUOTE] Ahhhh..... spoilers, my precios eyes!! Please post **SPOILERS** if there are majour spoilers about the game, like, say... The ending! So i don't go reading it. 'cause for some people, the game hasn't even been released yet. Thank you. -
OCC: Sorry, i haven't been postin' much lately. Been doing lots of stuf, and internet wasn't one of them. But now i'm back. [i]Neo cruises down Portland view in his Blue & White banshee, he passes all the low-life scum liberty city has to offer. The pimps, the hookers & the SPANK pushers. He pulls over a lane, and makes a right onto a the same road that the Police Station is on, he passes the Cop Shop and turns right on the road, crossing into Mafia territory. He heads towards Tony Leone's Mamma's restaurant. He pulls over into a grassy area, and parks next to a van labelled 'Toyz'. He jumps out of the car and grabs his guns.[/i] Neo: Toyz eh? Heh... [i]Neo walks up the steps and into the restaurant, where he sees Tony enjoying his lunch[/i] Tony: Hey, how you doing? I Hear everything went ok with the Lipan takeover Neo: Yeah, those extra Mafioso?s really helped out Tony: Well, it seems the Yakuza think so, they have stopped the... ummm... well... trying to kill you... as such Neo: Yeah, that?s always a good thing Tony: But like you couldn't take care of your self, eh boy? Neo: Heh, heh [I]Neo flash's two Uzis, Two Magnums & some Molotov cocktails[/i] Tony: Well, down to business. I suppose... now that were on good terms, you would want some work...? Neo: That would seem so... Tony: Well, one of my boy's, Flash, I wanna have a little talk with him, and you. Neo: Ok then, I?ll go find him. Got any idea where he is? Tony: Word has it, he's laying low in ShoreSide Vale, look there. Neo: Ok then, I?m off. Tony: You bring him back in one piece! [i]Neo waves as he leaves the restaurant and walks back over to his car, and the Toyz van[/i] Neo: Hmm... that's been there a while, i wonder where the driver is? [i]Neo walks around to the back of the Van and peers through the glass. He sees a pile of RC cars and what looks like a control system in the front[/i] Neo: Hmm... must be some kiddie show... [i]He turns around and jumps in his car, he slots the key into the shaft of the ignition, and turns it, hearing the gentle purr of the banshee engine. He revs the engine until the gentle purr is a now a roaring tiger, he slams the car into 1st and pulls out of the grassy area, he speeds down the road towards ShoreSide Vale.[/i]
... [i]really[/i]. There's only one awnser here... ... ...... ......... Billy Conelly should have played bond dammit! How cool would that be... the first... scottish bond. I think he wasn't givin a shot 'cause he was scottish, damn Hoolywood. I blame society... ... ...... ......... *Walks of mumbleing something about sueing God*
On the 03-03-2002 03:22 PM Otaku time, the 50 000th post was made in general discussion. The first board on Otaku to do so! The post was by 'Jaclyn' and was... [QUOTE][i]The 50 000 post by Jaclyn [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Yo...I'll join ya.[/SIZE] :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] Some General discussion facts: The board was opened on 08-13-2001 & has had 50 000 posts since. An average of 240.4 posts per day and an average of 22.73 posts per topic. Well, just something you might like to know :)