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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. [i]The door of Cactuars Pod opens and cactuar flies out, simoltainiesly the rest of the warriors emerge as well. Yet they are all wearing Saiyan armour, while Cactuar is whereing Namek armour. Cactuar approches Flash & Blank...[/i] Cactuar: What's happining? Blank: Well... nothing, no sign of the Secraians yets Flash: And this place looks pretty much deserted Cactuar: Yeah? That's not what Intel said Flash: Well only one thing to do, keep looking... Cactuar: Fine, fine. I'm going to go and scout the eastern boarder, beyond those hills. Blank: Ok be back here in 10 minutes Cactuar: OK, I'm off! Flash: Catch you on the Flip side... [i]Cactuar lifts off and shoot off towards the other side of the hills, where he is sure he will find some Secra inhabitents...[/i]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B] Don't you know the laws of funnyness? Sick = Funny. And in NeoCactuar's case, the sickness if about level 8, so that makes it really funny... And if you can't understand me, don't worry. Even I can't understand what I just typed... [/B][/QUOTE] Hehhehe, i think i understand :p Anyway, how else was i going to explain it!?
  3. [i]Cactuar is in his pod, the pods shoot through space at speeds unimaginable to the inhabitents of the tiny planets they speed past. Cactuar looks out into space, not tired, but not fully awake. He looks directly infront of him and sees a group of asteriods heading towards the pods, as they are about to pass through the atmosphere of the planet, hitting them while they are super-heated will surely destroy the pod[/i] Computer: Asteriods approching, to big to deflect... Cactuar: Increase speed, 127... Move to front of formation Computer: Speed increased, intialising V formation shuffle... [i]Cactuars Pod moves to the front of the V formation, and resumes same speed...[/i] Cactuar: Computer, start attack program, Alpha beta 4. Computer: ...Ki-Pads ready... [i]Cactuar puts his hands on two pads that protrude from the walls, and charges a Ki-blast, the pads absord the power and charge two cannons on the front of the pod.[/i] Computer: Ki-cannon charged.. Cactuar: Target 44987, 66840, 55433 Computer: Locked on... Cactuar: Fire [i]The Ki-cannon fires a beam of spead Ki and blast the aseroids to smitherines, cactuar's pod retreates back into it's position...[/i]
  4. Name: Cactuar Age: 25 Race: Saiyan/cactuar Weight: 75 lbs Height: 3' Bio: Cactuar is the son of a Saiyan warrior who had a certain 'fettish' with cactus's and well, you get where that leads. So cactuar is half Saiyan and half cactuar. He has been raised as a normal child, allthough he looks kind of weird. Untill he started displaying a power only seen by saiyan Elites, so he was trialed and accepted. Apperance: Looks like a cactuar (See picture) Wears Namick armour gifted to him by a traveller who went by the name of 'King Picollo' Allthough no-one knows it as Namick armour, so the refear to it as 'Cactuars Armour'. Disposition: A good hearted, freindly person in netural or friendly situations. But when the battle comes he turns into a perfect warrior, considering every aspect of the battle, before he enters in combat. Power Level: 20 000 (picture by Flash.. :D)
  5. Well if we are speaking of speaking 'some'. Then i could say i speak French, Maori & English.
  6. NeoCactuar

    Gta Iii

    Gwwwaaaa... you people are stupid. He says 'Thank you for taking care of that personal matter' because you unlock him right after you do that mission for Ray where you have to collect all those 'embarrising photos', by raming that landstalker and collecting them, then tourching them. Well it is made fairely obvious that those pictures were of Donald Love. Both Ray and Donald hint at it, making it quite easy to figure out :p
  7. Hey someone else from New Zealand!!! Yay!!! Me, NeoCactuar, and Final Flash are the other two from New Zealand. One of the only places where you can buy GTA3 uncensored :-D :-D Now, there is no code to get the bridges fixed, but once you compleate all the missions for one island, the bridge will be repaired. I Suggest waiting untill then to go over, otherwise it can ruin the game for you. But then again GTA3 is one of those Un-ruinable games, even with cheats.
  8. [I]Flash, Drake, Tony and all the Mafia & Yakuza men are outnumbered, the Lipan have stronger numbers and better weapons, they are slowly, but surely beating back the assault. Flash jumps up from behind a car, and unloads a clip of M-16 fire into the building, and the men in front of it. As he re-loads his gun and cocks it, he hears two Lipan Mafia Men scream and then the others, all look over in the direction of screams, Flash runs to the corner and sees coming down the road, a Barracks OL speeding down the road, knocking Mafia cars aside and hurdling towards the casino. The barracks OL is building up speed and it smashes through the Lipan cars blocking the entrance to the casino, it screams to a halt right in front of the disappearing Leone & Yakuza roadblock. Flash watches as out come 30 Mafia men from the back of the Barracks OL. 10 with shotguns, 10 with AK-47s, 5 with M-16 & 5 with Sniper rifles. They all file out of the truck and begin to unload a volley of gunfire into the casino, pushing the Lipan back inside. And stopping the counter-attack on the Yakuza & Mafia. Flash sees the door of the Barracks OL open and out steps two mafia men holding rocket launchers and? Neo? Neo approaches flash as he raises his gun?[/i] Flash: What the ****, Get out of here Lipan!! Neo: No, don?t you see. I am with the Leone now, that is why I have come to help you? Drake:.. I trust him, what other reason would he have a truck full of mafia men here for? Flash:? fine? but I will be watching you Lipan Neo?Leone? Drake: Ok, to take care of business lets get inside that building with the rest of the men. Toni: Ok, I will round up the remaining Yakuza & our original men, you guys go in with the new squad, I will follow. Flash: Ok, lets get going? [I]Flash, Neo, Drake & The Mafia Men walk over to the building and break down the door rushing inside?.[/I]
  9. [I]Neo speeds along the main road in Portland, thinking of the Lipan family, thinking of the Leone family, thinking of the Yakuza gang. But most importantly thinking about their relationship to each other, thinking about what he was causing, what he [I]was[/I] causing, for now. He had left the Lipan family, searching for a better lifestyle as a Leone member. And now he was on his way to Toni Leone?s house, formally Salvatori Leone?s house. Neo rounded the corner and sped down the road, he made a left and shot past ?Ammu nation? and up the hill towards Toni?s place. He turned into Toni?s drive way, and parked in between two Mafia sentinels. He got out of the car and walked up the ramp and up to the front door of Toni?s place, he knocked on the door, and was greeted by a double barrel shotgun?[/I] Mafia Man: Get out of here Lipan!! Before I blow your head off! Neo: No, I come to propose a business deal, I have valuable Lipan Mafia information. Mafia Man: How do I know I can trust you?? Neo: Look I will put down all my guns? [I]Neo takes out two Uzi?s and Two Magnums and hands them to the mafia man.[/I] Neo: There, now we are on even terms? Mafia Man: Ok.. come in, you may speak to Toni? [I]The mafia man beckons Neo in and looks around before closing the door, he leads Neo up some stairs and into a large room with a dining table in the centre, sitting at one end is Toni Leone. Neo approaches the table, and is motioned to sit down by Toni with his mouth full of spaghetti.[/I] Toni: Well, if it isn?t Neo of the Lipan Family? Neo: Formally of the Lipan family? Toni: Oh? I see, so I suppose you want to work for me? Neo: Well yes, but I want to get back at the Lipan family Toni: Well? I have just the job for you, right now our boys, and Yakuza are making an attack on the Lipan Family? Neo: Wait! Lipan family, Oh god. That?s what Caprioni was talking about! It?s an AMUBUSH!!! Get those men out of there! Toni: What!? Our men would have already started the attack! Neo I want you to get over their as soon as possible and help them out. You can take one of our cars, and as many men as you want? Neo: Ok, I?m on it? oh and Toni? thanks? [I]Neo rushes out of the room and down the stairs?[/I]
  10. OOC: Sorry 'bout my last post. I had writers block, and had to use some stupid sterotypes. [i]Neo walks back and fourth in his room, it's on the third floor of the 'Lipan Family Mafia' Mansion. He has a king size ben in one courner, a closet and a set of draws oppisite his bed, and a locked metal closet, containing all his Guns, Keys & Armour. Neo continues to pace back and fourth thinking, thinking of the problem with the Leone mafia, and the problem with the Cartel. He is thinking of what to do about Flash, and what to do about the Cartel leaders in Portland & Staunton island, Caprioni had told Neo not to even try and get involved with the cartel in Soreside Vale, for they were far to strong. So Neo once again began to pace up and down his room thinking of these problems and there solutions... when suddenly there is a knock on the door...[/i] Caprioni: Hey, boy! You in there? Neo:Yeah, i'm here... Caproni: I gotta job for you, come out here Neo: Ok, give me some time to get ready... [i]Neo walks over to the locker and opens the big metal doors, in side is an assortment of Guns, ammo, keys and varios armoured plating. Neo grabs the bullet proof vest and his Uzis. He then takes his double Magnums, and slams the door. He walks to the closet and takes out his, Black pants, and Black trench coat. He gets dressed and walks out into the main room where caprioni is waiting for him.[/i] Caprioni: Litsen i got a tough assinment for you kid, you up to it? Neo: Yeah, i should be ok. But that cartel attack tore me up... Caprioni: Yeah, yeah it did. Now, you remember that Leone boy? Neo: *Grits his teeth* you mean Flash? Caprioni: Yeah, Flash. Now, from what you tell me, he may be causeing some trouble with us and other gangs, for this reason, i want you to eliminate the threat... Neo*Surprised* Umm.. ok then, i will do it, for the Lipan Family.. *Unsure* Caprioni: Ok, good boy. I had someone pick up your car from Francies airport, and have it serviced. It's in the garage. [i]Neo gets up, and Caprioni hands Neo a set of keys. Neo turns around goes out the door and down the stairs into the garage, Neo looks at the sparkiling new banshee, whilst he turns the keys around his finger in his pocket. He walks to the car, and jumps the door strait into the drivers seat, he puts in the key and notices something, a sniper rifel sitting in the passengers seat, with a note on it [/i] "Though you might need this, C" [i] Neo though to himself about the mission, for some reason he found it difficult to beileve he was about to assianate the man he only a day ago found out he was a a Leone. But he cleared his mind and turned the key in the igniton, revving the engine he reversed out the door, pulled a 180, and shot of down the road, swinging round the courner and accelerating down the road[/i] [i]Neo layed back in his seat and drove along Staunton Drive, towards the portland bridge, as he speed acroos the bridge he was thinking to himself, thinking why he was doing work for the lipan family, why he was about to kill the man he once though was his new friend, why he is being forced into hating the Leone family mafia by his own mafia, and why he is even sticking with them... Neo skidds to a halt and stops the car in the middle of the street [/i]"What am i doing!?[i] Neo starts the car and heads towards Toni leones place to have a little talk with him about the Lipan Family Mafia, and how Neo.... want's them gone...[/i]
  11. [I]Neo is in the back on of the bobcat, sitting down with his hands on his forehead..[/I] Neo: Leone? Leone... I can?t believe has was a Leone? I almost was killed, I almost fell into his trap ?I should of killed him when I had the chance?? Maybe he didn?t know, maybe he didn?t want to kill me. But whatever the case? this means War. [I]Neo leans over the front of the bobcat and shoots the driver in the head, he pushes him out and drives towards the Lipan mafia hideout, formally Yakuza hideout, he pulls down the familiar side street and goes up the drive thinking about Flash & the Leone?s. He parks the bobcat out side, not in the garage, and goes into the building. He climbs the stairs and opens the door into Caprioni?s room.[/I] Neo: Big C, we got a problem? Caprioni: Really? Go ahead Neo: Well, I took out the last yakuza leader in the chopper, but the copper crashes, luckily I jumped out and landed in a passing boat? Caprioni: Whoa, lucky kid! Neo: Yeah, that?s what I though. So this guy, Flash, dropped me off on the shore, and we met up with one of his friends, Tony Montana?. Caprioni: wait, did you say Tony Montana, as in from the Leone Mafia?.!? Neo: Yeah, that?s the one? Caprioni: well I see where the rest of that went? *Caprioni smiles* Neo: Ahh? no? not exactly? Caprioni: What!?!? You didn?t kill them!? Neo: No, I didn?t have the chance, I tried but? Caprioni: Tried!? Your one of the best gun-men in liberty city!! Neo: Yeah, but this flash guy is really good too, neither of us got a shot on one another Caprioni: well, I want you to go back there and take care of this Flash fella, This means war! Neo; Ok uncle, will do? [I]As soon as Neo mutter these words, he hears a distinctive sound in the distance, the sound of a Cartel cruiser, at first he doesn?t take any notice. But he hears them get closer, and closer, till he is sure they are on the drive way.. then.. the sound of gunshots, an AK-47, and an Uzi. Neo runs down the flight of stairs and into the garage, he opens the door and is almost hit by a spray of gunfire, he slams the door and rushed down to the weapon room, he takes an M-16, and franticly runs up the stairs. He kicks open the door and charges out? [/I] [b]Bullet time [/b] [I]Neo sees four Cartel cruisers, with men on the back holding AK-47?s. He flips over the bonnet of a cruiser and shoots the two men inside through the windscreen. He runs and dives sideways behind some garbage cans, but not before unloading a volley of gunfire. He stands up and dives forward, he clicks the grenade launcher on the M-16 twice and blows up two of the cruisers, he runs at the last cruiser, and flips over it and onto the back, he shoots the gringo on the back, and fires a spay of fire through the back of the chasse, killing the men in the front.[/I] [I]Neo looks around and sees four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.. dead Lipan Mafia thugs?..[/I] Neo: Grrrr?. That makes two new enemies in one day?. [I]Neo sees the paramedics and steps back inside the building...[/I] Neo: Those ******* I will avenge the death of these good men?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1]Um yeah...I might do that. It's just that there are ALREADY Italian mafia and such...and it's kind of cliche. Oh well, I'll think if something...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes yes, i know. Don't worry. It will paly it self out, don't worry, me and Flash have plot in mind, it will all work out, just let it be. Anyway, back to the rpg....
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Yes, yes. I understand that. lol I thought that the Yakuza in this story were based on real life Yakuza...it kinda sucks that now they're some Italian group or whatever. Oh well...if that's how the story is progressing, it's no problem. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, they are now the Lipan Mafia. So the old Yakuza might make a return... who knows... (Cough)JamesIfYouWantToYouCanDoAPostAndBringThemBackInSomehow(Cough)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]Uhh, just a note to NeoCactuar...why would the leader of the Yakuza have an Italian name? The Yakuza are the Japanese mafia...:drunk: Just wondering. I'll start up my character in a moment.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, you may have seen. If you [i]read[/i] my post, that about 3 years ago (After GTA3 was set) the Yakuza were over run by a New mafia, and they kept the name Yakuza. So if you [i]read[/i] my other post, you may have noticed they have finally dumped the name Yakuza, and gone with 'The Lipan Family Mafia'. You would understand this if you [i]read[/i] my first post. My mission was to assinate the old Yakuza leaders that were still alive, that were trying to reform. But im sure the rest of you [i]read[/i] all my posts and understood.
  15. [I]Neo is driving around Portland, learning the streets, and seeing the sites. He is driving down Ocean View road, when he gets a call on his cell phone [/I] Neo: Neo here? Caprioni: Neo, it?s C here. Listen we got a problem, there were only 4 people at the meeting right? Neo: Yeah? Caprioni: Well, there were supposed to be five, but for some reason one of them was late, now? he is trying to flee the city. Last I hear he was headed for Francis International airport, get over these within 10 minutes and find me that Old Yakuza basterd Neo: Ok will do, oh and Big C? Caprioni: Yeah?? Neo: Don?t you think it?s time we moved on from the title of Yakuza? Caprioni: You know boy, I think you may be right. From now on, we shall be know as the ?Lipan? Family Mafia. Named after of course our Family. Neo: Ok big C. I will hurry to the airport as soon as possible. [I]Neo makes a U-Turn and head towards the tunnel; he speeds underground and takes the emergency vehicle lane, to get there as soon as possible. He speeds along reaching a top speed of 315kph in his Banshee. He has only 5 minutes left and he isn?t making enough ground. He flicks open a panel on the steering wheel and presses a little red button labelled ?NOS?. He shoots away and starts making a lot more ground.[/I] *4 minutes later* [I]Neo flies out of the tunnel and speeds of the road on a direct coarse to the airport, he reaches the boundary fence and smashes strait through it, his banshee taking no damage. He speeds across the Tar mat and heads towards the helicopter pad. He pulls a handbrake turn and jumps out of the car running up the stairs towards the helicopter. He reaches the top of the stairs and is spotted by the old Yakuza leader. The Yakuza tells the pilot to lift off as Neo runs towards the helicopter. The helicopter slowly starts to lift off, neo jumps and grabs the rail. The man leans over the side, as Neo tries to shoot him with his Uzi, the man jumps back inside and the bullets bounce of the chopper blades. Neo tries to climb up, and the man begins to kick him, and push him down. But Neo shoots him in the foot with his Uzi, and overpowers him, he climbs into the helicopter. Neo Shoots the man in the chest with the Uzi, killing him. But they spray of bullets goes through the wall and kills the pilot, the helicopter jolts and Neo is thrown out, he is clinging to the rail of the helicopter, but the helicopter is shaking and spiralling, he can?t hold his grip. He falls? 15 ? 20 feet he wasn?t sure. But it was a long way down, far enough to knock him out. Neo awoke lying on the floor of a boat; he could here the soft rumble of the engine, and the splashing of the water against the sides.[/I] ???: Well, our stunt man has awoken Neo: Uggghhh? who is that? ???: The names?. Flash? Neo: Flash? My names Neo, pleased to meet you. Ahh? one question, why am I in your boat, and why does my head hurt? Flash: You don?t remember? You came falling out of the sky, and fell into the back of my boat. Gave me a surprise. But well? this [I]is[/I] Liberty city, anything can happen? Neo: Heh, true. So? can you drop me off back at Francis International airport? Flash: We?ll see what I can do? Neo: Thanks?
  16. [I]Neo is driving along the main road in Staunton Island heading for the bridge to Portland, while driving he spots something, group of men dressed in purple?[/I] Neo: Psshh? Pimps, someone ought to teach them a lesson [I]Neo continues to drive, then suddenly he slams on his brakes, and turns his banshee around, he parks it in a near bye parking lot and runs out onto the main road, he stops a car, pulls out the driver and steps inside, he shoots out the passengers side window, and heads to wards the group of pimps, he drives by whilst shooting with his Uzi taking out most of pimps, he makes a round and speed along the foot path heading towards the scared & Confused pimps. He runs them down, denting the bonnet of his borrowed car. Neo drives back to the parking lot in the now beat up Karkan, he gets inside his banshee and drives back towards the bridge. He looks at the bloody remains of the pimps and sees a cop car pulling up[/I] Officer: You, Yakuza!!! Neo: Oh oh?. [I]Neo revs the engine and speeds away, as soon as the cop sees him floor it, he calls for back up and begins a chase. Neo rounds a corner with amazing handling and driving skills, and speeds down the road, skidding back on to the main road, 3 cop cars in pursuit. He changes into 6th and speeds away from the cops, but they are soon catching up [/I] Neo: Damn, these cars get faster & faster? [I]Neo turns a corner and thinks he is home free, then he sees a road block, swat vans?[/I] Neo: Oh god? lets hope this works? [I]Neo reaches to the dash board and presses a ?Hydraulics? button, he hears a ?Psshhhh? sound and a light lights up. He opens a panel next to the steering wheel with ?Jump? marked on it. He heads strait at the Swat vans, getting closer and closer, until he is to close to pull out. The cops begin shooting, but Neo?s bullet proof Banshee can take all of it. He is about 10-12 meters away from the cars going at least 190kph. He punches the ?Jump button? and the hydraulics boost the car 5-6 meters in the air, clearing the swat vans easily. He skids around and shoots off down the road while the other cop cars have to go all the way around the block [/I] Neo: Home free?. [I]Neo turns the radio on to MSX as he crosses the bridge into Portland, he drives across the bridge and into cartel territory with the radio pumping?[/I]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]OOC: Also the worst city in the world... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Jessie put his top down as the sun striked high noon at Liberty City's centeral district. He headed for 8-ball's car mod garage with his V-8 Banshee. He came to a stop at the red light, with only a few more blocks to go.[/i] Hooker: Hey, kid...you wanna have a good time in that car of yours? Jessie: Thanks granny, but no thanks... [i]The light hit green and he floored it...spewing up smoke and rubber at the hooker...he flew out at 90mph and slowed down after he nearly hit a group of pedestrians along the way. Jessie found the alleyway on his GPS and pulled up...[/i] 8-Ball: You're late... Jessie: Sorry...I ran into some..."trouble" 8-ball: Yeah, whatever...look I need you to do something for me... Jessie: Go ahead... 8-Ball: I need you to take that nice car of yours and nab me some parts off of Tony Leone garage...says he's running some quality superchargers there...kids love those things. Jessie: You want me to buy 'em? 8-Ball: buy 'em, steal 'em...whatever...just get them to me by the week...okay? Jessie: Alright...alright... 8-ball: Do you even know where the guy's shop is? Jessie: I'll find it... 8-Ball: Alright...I'll see you later then...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] (Cough)Other Topic(Cough)
  18. [i]Neo Drives along the street in his blue & White Banshee, one hand on the wheel, the other holding an Uzi. He drives along the main road and takes a a little side street into a seamlessly abandoned area. But as he drives towards a beat up old building, a door opens, and he drives in. Inside are many expensive cars, a cheater, an infurnus, a patriot, and many Yakuza Stingers. This is the entrance to the Yakuza gang?s private mansion. He steps outside of his car and walks to a door on his right, he goes in, and up a flight of stairs. He opens a door and comes to a man, dressed in black, he is the new leader of the Yakuza.[/i] Neo: Yo, how you doing Big C Capprioni: Hey Neo my man, I got some more work for you. Neo: Ok, go ahead. Capprioni: Well ever since the mafia overran the Yakuza, they have been trying to reform.... Neo: But, that was like 3-4 years ago, I though they had died out and giving up. Capprioni:well, we all did son. But it seems they are back, since we still call ourselves the Yakuza, they have been able to track us down, and now they want their name, and their territory back. But we an't gonna let them do that. So i have a little something for you to do. The old Yakuza leaders are gathering to discuss the planned overthrow of the new Yakuza, us. But if we can get all of them while they are together, they have no hope of reforming, so i need... no... it is [i]Vital[/i] that you eliminate these threats. Neo: Ok then, since i know i can trust you. Capprioni: Well, if you need a piece, just go to the weapons storage, you know the code right? Neo: Yeah... Capprioni: Well, pick out something you like. Neo: Ok, will do boss... [i]Neo leaves the table and walks out of the room and down a hallway, he goes in a door on his left marked "No entrance" He goes down 4 flights of stairs and comes to a vault door, he opens a panel on the side, and punches in a 12 digit code. Then the door makes a large 'CLUNK!" and slowly swings open. Neo steps inside and there is an assortment of weapons. He picks up an AK47[/i] Neo: To close-range [i]He puts it down, he picks up some grenades.[/i] Neo:To noisy [i]He puts them down, he picks up a M-16[/i] Neo: Aims not good enough... [i]He puts the M-16 back down and walks over to the rifle cabinet, he picks up a sniper rife with 10X - 1 000x zoom scope, with inferred & Night vision.[/i] Neo: Just right... [i]Neo exits the room, closing the door behind him, he goes back up the stairs and towards the garage, he jumps in his banshee, tosses the rifle in the back, and reverses out. He turns around and speed away front he building as the door closes. He shoots up a street weaving in and out of cars with perfect precision. As he comes to the main street, he slows down and joins the traffic, as not to draw any attention to himself. He turns down a smaller street and down another one, and parks the banshee. He jumps out and heads towards an old building site, he comes across a half erected room with 4 people sitting at a table, He looks through the rifle scope and sees that they are indeed the Yakuza Leaders, He turns around and heads towards a tall tower. He blows off the lock and walks into the office building, Uzi in one hand, rifle across his back. He walks past the receptionist, who is horrified and jumps behind the desk, as other people duck for cover. Neo presses the elevator button and waits for the elevator, when it comes he steps inside and presses 20th floor. He watches the elevator counter 15..16..17..18..19..20 *Ding* He steps outside into the large room filled with cubicles and people working inside them. He walks right past people, shaking and scared, holding his Uzi by his side. He goes into a private office and sees a man sitting in a leather chair, on a phone head set.[/i] Man: Hey you can't come in here!! Neo: Watch me... [i]Neo takes his Uzi and shoots out the large glass window covering the entire wall, he throws the man of his chair, and pushes the desk against the wall, he rests the rifle on it, and loads it, he looks through the scope and sees the same men, now they have briefcases out, and are discussing things, Neo knows they are discussing the overthrow of the Yakuza, the Mafia run Yakuza, the Yakuza Neo has become closely involved with. He won't let it happen. He cocks the rifle, and lines up the men.....Bang! He takes out one man as the others jump under the table, But from his viewpoint, Neo still has two in his sites, He fires of two shots, taking both of them out. But the last man is out of his site and running. Neo Runs back into the main office room, and goes into the supply cupboard. He grabs some wire and runs back to the office, he ties the wire to the gas pipe leading to the heater. Neo then ties leads the wire through a carabina and around himself. He runs out the window and down the building, facing the ground. He reaches the bottom and draws his Uzi. He runs through the parking lot of the building and back towards the old run-down building. He jumps in his banshee and heads in the direction of the running Man. He speed down all the side streets searching, until finally he sees him. Running, still, towards a Perennial. Neo Revs the motor as the mans looks around, Neo drives by at an incredible pace, wile shooting with his Uzi. The man is gunned down as neo turns the corner and races down the street in the direction of the Yakuza hideout.[/i] Neo: Time to roll baby...
  19. Name: goes by the nickname of 'Neo'.. Age: 18 Bio: Neo is a Ranger, who works, for who pays. He has a close affiliation with the Yakuza. Description: Tundra Cargo pants, White shirt & Black TrenchCoat Weapon of Choice (optional): Dual Uzi's Vehicle of Choice (optional): Banshee
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B] One of two things....A) The message was sent to ALL pilots to intercept this course....And You Warlock and Flash have taken it all upon yourselves to be the heroes.......B) I don't really care I need to quit this RPG sorry (I know you 3 are probably happy) I don't have the time...*hence my ****** post* So I really don't wanna mess this up anymore...so erm..have fun.. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, um, ok then. If that's how you feel, and you can't make up your own sufficient plot. See ya. (I diddn't have a problem of you fighting along side us, but you could at least listen to other peoples posts, instead of compleatly contridicting it. EG, NeoC - "Blackwing is orbiting the planet biding his time, not getting involvd untill he wants to, untill they are weak" DuoGod - "Sees Blackwing standing on the land charging his REALLY BIG GUN"
  21. Well, i'm not just a normal Cactuar, i'm a NEO Cactuar! *points at avatar, waiting for it to glow*
  22. [i] Cossack is engaged in a battle with 5 Mobile dolls, and is having difficulty; the dolls have got him on the ropes. Cossack swings and one of the dolls, cutting of his right arm, then hits one with his hammer, throwing the doll backwards, and disabling it. But the dolls are re-grouping and are about to attack. When suddenly flash sees something coming down the hill...[/i] Flash: Oh no, not more... Where the hell are Nexus & Hyperion? Neo: Right here buddy... [i]Nexus comes screaming down the hill at a tremendous pace. He opens his chest cavity and fires two power missiles, they fly towards the group of dolls and destroy four of them, he runs at the rest of them (3) and fires an array of micro-missiles, they all hit, but don't do enough damage...[/i] Neo: Oh no.... Flash: Eat this!!! [i]Cossack charges at the group, and opens up on them with his Vulcan?s, tearing two of them to pieces. He then hurdles towards the last doll, but at the last minute pulls up and flies high, he aims a Cossack buster down and... BOOM..... Obliterates the lat doll[/i] Neo: Well, that's all of them over here... Flash: Yeah, but my sensors tell me there are two groups on the other side of that hill, one at 11:00 the other at 2:00. Neo: Ok, i got the one at 2... Flash: Catch you on the flip side... [i]Cossack powers up and storms over the hill, he disappears out of sight, followed by a huge flash of light, and sounds of guns. Nexus levitates and hovers over to the other group of dolls, they don't notice him, so he backs away flies up a little higher, and goes in for a dive. Nexus comes speeding towards the group, it looks like he is going to crash, but at the last minute he deploys his Homing missiles, and pulls up 90 degrees. The missiles swoop in and hit two of the 4 dolls. Nexus turns around, opens his gatteling guns and goes in again.[/i] Neo: Lets roll baby!
  23. In the Snes version it's Butz, but in the PSX one it's ____ ... i think.
  24. I would have a Jet-ski with 10 000 000 tanks of gas. But the same size as a normal Jet-ski. Not to escape on, but to have fun on!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Butz... What else would I call him? o_O [/B][/QUOTE] How bout NOT your rear end :-p Havn't played it, but i would call him Jekhar. (pronounced Ge-kar)
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