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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. Well i have had a few injuries, not serious, but some painful. 1. Head split open - Hit a rock - 12 stitches 2. Head split open - Got throwen into a TV cabnit - 11 stitches 3. Left Ring Finger broken - Slammed in door - To young to remember 4. Left ring finger broken - Slammed in car door - To young 5. Left ring finger - Twisted round by my brother, He managed to push the bone through the growth plate and compleatly dement my finger - Had to have the finger twisted and tugged very hard, back into place. (Flash was there for the whole event, he can tell you) 6. Broken elbow - Swinging on tree, fell down, elbow behind back - Put in cast 7. Cut in leg - Knife throwen at me - 8 stitches 8. Cut in knee - Fell on a nail - 3 stitches And there are probably a few more i can think of, but meh, why bother. NOTE: 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 were all caused by my older brother. Grrr....
  2. [i]Cid is walking through the hallways of the Soviet base, he turns and heads towards Flash's office. He comes to the door and swings it open, he is confronted by two allies holding what seem to be Flash's Tesla Magnums[/i] Cid: What the!? Bryan: Gimmie your gun, and get down Ken: On the ground... Now! [i] Ken & Bryan make Cid & Flash lie on the ground while they take their guns and leave. They run down a hall and into the air-craft hanger, they jump into a mig, and head out of the base and back to allied comand[/i] Ken: Well, we got there weapons... Bryan: Yeah... Wait a second!! Don't these.... EXPLODE!!!??? Ken: Ahh.. toss them out!!! [i]Ken tosses the guns out the window as they explode just behind the plane, allmost blowing it up.[/i] Ken: That was close Byran: well, lets just get back to base and report to the commander Ken: Right! *Back at the soviet base, flash and cid are walking back to the command room* Cid: Well, they have managed to evade us, and delay our attack. But, we will show them! Flash: Yes, in good time. I will get men repairing the base, and the lab to re-build our guns. Cid: Good good. They have done little damage, it will be easily repaired. Flash: Well, untill tomorrow Comrade Cid: Indeed [i]Cid and Flash walk of to bed, not to concerned with to much.[/i]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Bryan: *watches as the three Gundams approach there enemies* Gawd...everyone has to forget the small dude!! *sees that they started the battle...*looks over and sees the Blackwing just sitting there....* Hm...either he is stupid...or....HE IS CHARGING UP HIS HUGE AS GUN!! *shoots one rocket from his pack knocking blackwing just enough that he misses the group completely* Whew... Blackwing: slowly turns around and stares dead at Aeglos and Bryan Bryan: *gulps* I'm screwed...*turns on his Jaguar system* Well lets get ready to rumble Aeglos!! *charges at Blackwing*[/B][/QUOTE] .... ........ ............ This is a message directly from Flash. Flash, and i, would like it if you would stop posting such insolent messages, such as, and i quote "Hm...either he is stupid...or....HE IS CHARGING UP HIS HUGE AS GUN!". That has to be one of the stupidest story lines have seen in all my time RPGing. Now... you may notice that in this RPG there are stats. SO, People cannot just go and cheezewizz. There is some type of power indication, and limitation. Now, people who ignore this, like Outlaw, just look stupid when they say things like "Outlaw switches on the overdrive and flies after the other suits, catching up with them alarmingly fast" When in fact, our speed is '200' when yours is only '150' (As chosen by you) So to make this a fair Rpg you must at least take [i]some[/i] notice of the stats. Flash, and i, would like it if you took some notice of who is superior, like BlackWing, and who is inferior, like Bryan, Outlaw, Flash, warlock and me. At this point in time, that's what going on. That's who is the most powerful. You guys Outlaw & Bryan, should make up your own plot if your not being included in someone else?s. Not go and mess up their plot like with the whole Blackwing thing. Sorry to sound really mean, but you guys should go and train, or battle each other, or do whatever. Just do something to get some power, then you may be a little match for BlackWing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: BlackWing, is still in the atmosphere, and everything is like it was before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *On the battle field* [i]Neo rounds the corner in Nexus and begins to head for the mobile dolls. He sees Hyperion directly in front of him, doing the same, He looks to his left and sees Cossack advancing fast, weapons at the ready.[/i] (Radio) Flash: Ok fella's Lets do this... Neo: Amen Warlock: Let's rumble [i] Flash shoots into the air and flies up high right in front of the mobile dolls, while Hyperion & Nexus both attack from the sides. Nexus Lands and blasts along the ground towards a group of 6 mobile dolls, he draws his beam swords and charges forward, slicing one of them in half. He turns and faces the other which all at once open rocket packs and take aim. Neo Blasts forward and takes a swipe, but it's to late, he is hit by five rockets and propelled backwards and into the mountain, making a huge indent in it.[/i] Neo: Whoa, they [i]are[/i] strong! [i]Neo jumps up and flies at the mobile dolls, again. He shoots of his right arm and takes out one of them, then he flips backwards on top of one, and impales it through the head with his beam sword. He turns towards the remaining three, and blasts them into oblivion with his chest gattiling guns[i/] Neo: Well, time go and see the rest of them.....
  4. *Earth's Orbit* [i]Hyperion, Cossack & Nexus start to approach earths orbit, The Gundams all line up and begin to glow red as they shoot through the atmosphere. They penetrate the high clouds and come flying in low over the Atlantic ocean[/i] (Radio conversation) Neo: You there Flash... Warlock? Flash: Yeah... Warlock: Ah ha... Neo: I have a strategic map of the battle field here. There are mountains on the east side, and a town on the south west side. So try and stay away from the town, but you can use the mountains for cover from enemy forces. My logistics show there are 46 mobile dolls landed so far. But i am afraid of something else, i have detected a Gundam in the upper atmosphere, it's hostile. Warlock: We can take him, three on one. Flash: Yeah, that?s what i though. But check out these specs. [i]Flash transfers a file to warlock containing information on the Gundam they have detected, BlackWing.[/i] Warlock: Oh, i see.... Neo: Yes so, we will concentrate on the mobile dolls until then, and worry about whatever else comes later. Flash: Ok. From what i can see, i will come in from the south, while Neo will come flank me on my east side, and warlock, you will come in from the west. We should get the advantage of surprise. Neo: Ok sounds good Warlock:Well... Here we go [i]Flash overboosts strait ahead, while warlock and Flash break off and head Eats & west to Flank him. they all approach the battle field[/i] Neo: Lets roll....
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]My fave would be Saving Private Ryan and Pearl Harbour (great movie) too..... my worst would be... umm... probably Band Of Brothers... [/B][/QUOTE] What!??! Band of brother is awesome, sure it isn't fighting all the time like 'Saving Private Ryan' or 'Pearl habour'. But it is a great [i]Series[/i]. It is for the more intelligent person who doesn't just want to see blood and guts all the time, yet it still provides pleanty. It has good plot, drama & Acting. Mixed with Action and exitement. Made by Steven Speilburg & Tom Hanks, great series.
  6. *HQ Hanger* Flash: Ok lets get going Warlock: Yeah, Pshhh! Mobile dolls.... Flash: Yeah, Yeah. but i trust the colonel Warlock: Me too... [i]Just as Flash and warlock are getting into their Gundams, they see something coming in, it's a Gundam. About the same size as Warlock's and Flash's[/i] Flash: Now who could that be...? [i]The gundam touches down inbetween Flash's and Warlock's and they see 'Nexus' writtin on the side. The cock pit door opens and out steps a man about the same build and height as Flash. He climbs down the ladder and walk over to Warlock & Flash[/i] Neo: Hey guys, Gundam pilots? Warlock & Flash: Yeah... and who are you? Neo: A fellow pilot, so i was called in here, what's the situation? Warlock: Well... Less than 20 minutes ago, these Warships began the descent onto Earth's surface. They are all loaded with new types of Mobile Dolls, types we've never even heard of before. Now it's up to me & any other Gundam Pilots to find out what's going on. Neo: Mobile dolls, what i could take them out with a single punch each. Flash: Yes, we know. But... these are a New Type of mobile dolls, a much stronger type... and they have a Gundam with them. Neo: Oh i see, well i guess we should get going then. Warlock: Yeah [i]The three pilots climb up the ladders and into the cockpits of their gundams, then in perfict unisin, the gundam's eyes light up. They raise from the ground and fly off into space. Heading towards earth.[/i]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]There's a movie coming out?! Wow.... they rated it R?! ...hmmm, well that's just about busted my chances of seeing it.... I haven't seen the trailer yet, though. Thanks for posting this up! :) [/B][/QUOTE] You live in Aussie, right SS? Cause I'm in NZ and i have heard about it, but not recently. And i certainly havn't seen the trailer. well hopefully it will be better that 'Tomb Raider' Which i only like for one reason. Angelina Joele :shifty: (I Don't have a clue how to spell her name)
  8. (Sorry, i'm a little late :-P) *Neo's... 'house'* [i] Neo is sitting in a dark room, with no lights, and no windows. It is a concrete room in the middle of a forest, Neo Believes it was used during WW3 or 4. But he is not sure. At least to him it is some shelter. After escaping from the institute, neo has had a good life. He has been free to do what he wants, eat what he wants and work on what ever he wants. Most importantly Nexus, his prized work. When he found it, it was simply a Body with legs, No arms, no head, no weapons or components. But for the last 4 1/2 years Neo has been working on it, in secret. For no-one else even knows what a Gundam is. He has assembled it fully, by himself, a head, arms, weapons and he is finishing the components currently. It has been a long and gruelling process for one man, but luckily there has been someone else there with him, someone in his head. Guiding him, telling him what to do. Neo Does not know the name of this person, but he believes this person is why he knows about Gundam. For Neo is a normal boy, apart from the fact he has the skills of a Gundam pilot of the past... Neo gets up from the table and heads towards the facility where he found Nexus. He walks through the forest for about 30 minutes until he comes to huge Chrome, Titanium, doors. He punches in a security code subconsciously and they slowly open. revealing an array of instruments and machines. These were the instruments Neo used to finish the construction of Nexus. They were all here. like they were waiting for him, somehow... Neo walks up a few levels in the giant room, In the middle of the room is a Gundam, a huge machine, almost like a human. Neo walks to the back of the Gundam, and opens a large panel, revealing an array of components. He Goes to a table and gets the last piece, the Evo - 6799E3, the component that will allow Nexus to evolve, and become stronger as time goes on. Something that all the Master Gundams have, something that sets them apart from the others. Neo carefully places the par inside, hooks it up, and shuts the panels door. He goes up to the top level to the main computer. The computer is hooked up to the Gundam with several cables. Neo punches in some buttons and begins to run a diagnostic.... [/i] Computer: Weapons... Online, Systems..... Online, Components.... Online, Gundam.... Online. Gundam, is ready" Neo: Well, time to roll" [i]Neo walks along a long catwalk towards the cockpit of Nexus, He opens the hatch and steps inside. He takes a seat in the control chair and hooks himself up to Nexus[/i] Nexus: Welcome Neo Neo: Nexus, i am your creator and pilot Nexus: I am well aware of that sir Neo: Good, then let us get started... [i]Neo Pushes down on the throttle and Nexus slowly begins to rise, breaking of the cables and wiring, Neo turns Nexus Around and flies up towards the sky, darting in and out of mountains[/i] Neo: Handles like a beaut Nexus: My systems are superior Neo: Yes maybe, but times have changed, times have changed... *Beep Beep* Nexus: I have a message Sir Neo: What a message? Who knows about this Gundam? Nexus: There are only two sir, you, and... the master colonel Neo: Hmm.. Well display it then... Colonel: This message is being delivered to ALL Gundam pilots. A critical situation is afoot. We urge all of you with Gundam to proceed to the Neutral zone's Space HQ, with your Gundams, of course. This is no joke. For the sake of humanity, please, come quickly. Neo: Well i guess that's our que [i]Neo sets up the auto pilot and heads for Neutral zone's HQ....[/i]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B] Y'know, you're acting just like Flash, teasing me because he lives in NZ and I live in Aus, and all these things happens to him first. *Mutters a few choice words under his breath*[/B][/QUOTE] Heh, yeah. That would be cause me and Flash live in the same neibourhood and all, and of coarse we [i]all know[/i] that New Zealand gets everthing first cause they're better :-D
  10. Yes it is very cool, i lernt about it at school today. And... me living in New Zealand will get it before all of you, just like i got the year 2000 before all of you. It's only another 4 hours to wait here. I'm so exited, i think i might take a photo of the clock, hehe.
  11. Gwahahahhahaha, you show them who's boss Adam. I am quite sure that was just some stupid 12-year-old writing a stupid letter with a stupid reason. Stupid. Me Smells Thimoc.
  12. Being the proud owner of a GBA myself i have noticed something, i wonder if you guys have too? It has 6 buttons!! I think you are all forgetting about start and select. Whcih both play important roles in most games.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]Dbzman, due to my extremely great memory, I remember that SuperCrabfrog and Cheezewhizing are slang meanings of making yourself all powerful, imortal, stuff like that.[/B][/QUOTE] The 'SuperCrabFrog' is a term from WAY back, something me and Flash have used ever since the days of the GameFAQs Boards. Here's how it is: Back on GameFAQs i had an RPG called 'DragonBallZ Battle feild' (Yes, that's the one) And their was a Member called 'Super Crab Frog' along with NeoJumboCactuarSSJ5 (me) and Tonberry_2001 (Flash) And well. SCF (Super crab frog) Was a MAJOUR cheesewizzer, he would just say he was the most powerful and so on. So when Flash bought the RPG to Otaku he had to say, no super crab frogs. Because well... you wouldn't want one, would you?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]ff7 is a hard one to beat [/B][/QUOTE] Ahh... yes, yes it is. A lot harder than FFVIII. That game was to cheap. But as all games do, it becomes easier to beat over time.
  15. Trey Parker & Matt Stone. The creators of south park!! The stars of basketball!! The two funniest guys on the planet!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] my god, how I was addicted to turtles 4 on the snes, sniff.... maximo looks cool, I'll probably rent it before I buy it though.... [/B][/QUOTE] Turtles 4, na. Snes, na. Go Sonic on the Sega Genisis (Megadrive) Those were the coolest games ever released. I am so pumped about there release on the GBA. But games like Sonic, Road Rash 3 and Terminator 2, made the Sega Genisis one of the coolest consoles ever released. Sure no awesome graphics games. But awesome gameplay. Just like Grand-Theft-Auto 1 when it was released. Every review i read said 'Pig ugly graphics, worlds best gameplay' And that's what games should really be about, gameplay. So i suggest to you all, to do what i'm doing, and put you PS2, Gamecube or X-Box in the closet. And pull out the old Sega Megadrive, Nes, Snes or Sega Master system. Play those good ol' games. And bask in their glorious gameplay.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]to cloud and aj....*points at avatar* haha anyway, I think that the game may be released on the ps3 instead, which may be a good thing.... [/B][/QUOTE] PS3?! That's still quite a way off though. Last i heard it was still code named the 'GS-Cube' and was the size of a dishwasher. But that was about 6 months ago, i guess times have changed.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Ahh! *dies again* Anyway, In my ideal world, there would be no spoon... [/B][/QUOTE] Ah... yes. No spoon that was so obvious. Thank you for pointing that out to us Flash *Rapidly tapping security button*
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Hmmm..... that's wierd..... I haven't played any of them games, but I've played most of the new games I've ever seen..... :drunk: But I must say, from what I've seen, thps2 is a great game..... but I suppose you can't always rely on the box of a game..... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, never judge a game by it's box. Well there's an argument there, game boxes have screenshots and more information than a book cover. But well yeah off topic :P True THPS2 is very fun but out of the Tony Hawk game series, it is probably my least favorite. Why you may ask? Well The original Tony Hawk game, i got pretty soon after it came out and loved playing it, because... well... it was the original. So much fun stuff to do, like racing your friends in Downhill Jam. The music was great, and it had superb gameplay. THPS2 on the other hand, diddn't really play much of, so that's why it's my least favorite. Plus for me when i did play it, it just diddn't mesure up to what i was expecting. THPS3 Now that is a good game, on the PS2, it had a wicked level design and create-a-skater mode. Plus new and original levels. That for me made it the best Tony Hawk game on the market for PS1 or PS2. So for those of you with a PS2, don't go and waste your money on THPS2 i say, go and get THPS3, because it is a sequal that IS better than the original. But if you only have a PS1/PSX then THPS1 or 2 is still a great game.:toothy:
  20. Name: Neo Age: 19 Height: 6,1 Weight: 65kg Bio/History: Neo was raised as an orphen, he had knowladge of the mobile suits and gundams, yet he never knew how. He beileves that he is a Gundam pilot re-incarnated, and has somehow kept the knowlege. He was sent to an orphanage and was treated for mental illness. They kept him locked in a room for many many years untill one day. One day he had made up his mind, he was breaking out. He knew how to do it, and where to go next, he was going to Alpha-Zero 445.... Or.... what was left of it. In it's time Alpha-Zero 445 was a Gundam base, so if he could get there he would be safe, and surely enough.... he did. When Neo arrived he found something, something he had seen in his mind before, something legendary... a Gundam. Nexus, the Gundam in production for battle, they gundam to rule all gundams. It was know to many people that both the russians and the americans were building Legendary 'Master Gundams' But no-one has ever seen one. But it was known to no-one that such a little insignifigant country was building one, such a little country as New Zealand. The americans had been funding their program for many years, with billions upon billions of dollars going into the progect, to build the master gundam. Description: Mid height, Army boots, Tundra army cargo pants, Green jacket, Gloves. Homeland: New Zealand Gundam Name: Nexus Model Number : NZ00001 Description: (See picture) Armament: divider (13 beam guns) x1 homing missles x10 Power Misiles x10 double gatling gun x1 chest revolver x2 micro missles x52 beam sword x2 All standerd Kicks and punches. Detachable & retractable Arms. System: Mobile trace system Attack---------- 200 Defence-------- 200 Close-Range-- 200 Long-Range--- 200 Speed---------- 200
  21. It's on the horn of land NE of galbania. Just hire a car, and drive up there. Now inside the cave in the first room you will come to a weapon, check that and you can get the pass code, you can leave then. But you can stay and try to get the brothers GF, it's not that hard but if it is your first time i suggest buying all the extras from the guy who asks you for the pass code. (Two thing about the topic. One - put the name of the game in the topic, it just makes it eaiser for people to see. Two - This post should be in the Final Fantasy forum, even though it is a Sony game, there is a specific forum for Final Fantasy related things. Plus more people will help you.)
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Once again, I must reiterate that you go through it once without relying on a book for the secrects and then go through it again and pick up everything. That's how I got the most enjoyment out of it... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, i compleatly agree. Playing a game the first time with a Walkthrough or cheats ruins the game for me. The first time i play every game, i do it all myself. As the game developers wanted me to do it. I only ever use cheats/tip guides the second or third time through. Or if i am SO stuck it is ruining the fun of the game. But even only in that situation i will just glance at it for the bit i am stuck at. Nothing more. As for a good place to find a FAQ or Guide, try[URL=http://www.gamefaqs.com]GameFaqs[/URL] that should provide you with a bit of help in a tricky situation.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Actually, it *is* possible to do it, you just need very good timing, and you have to know where to cross... *shrugs* Well, I did, anyway.. [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly, i have played the game about 20-30 times and i have used the chocobo to cross about 3-4 times. It's actually extremely easy to get across with out one, just time it right, and no where to start and finish. Peice of cake. :p
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Baldurs gate is out...? Is it any good? (But you get what I mean now, yeah?)[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes 'Baldurs Gate 2 Dark Allience' is out, has been out for a while. Personally i don't really like it. I prefer something like 'The Summoner' or FFX. Or even.... Dark cloud, i played it, it isn't that bad. It's like RPG, action adventure and a builing/constuction game all in one.
  25. *Wipes tear from eye* It's allways great to see someone play FFVII for the first time, being of coarse the awesome game that it is . Now tips for FFVII... that could be kind of tricky. Seeing as FFVII is such a huge game, and there are so many things to do, it's hard to give out just 'tips'. So unless you know what you are looking for, just have a browse over a strategy guide, that will help. But if you need some specific tips, like chocobo breeding, level raiseing, or materia, just ask :-D
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