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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]i didnt have that big of a problem in FF 7 was too ez... sept breeding... if you never reset ;) and never got S-class lol...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] FFVII... to easy? Not as easy as FFVIII PSHHH!!! easist FF game ever. Now with the lizard thing, i suspect you mean Rapps (Cause you were talking about yuffies side quest) Don cornelo's little 'pet'. For him i just use TS Bombs, they take him down so eaisily, they are Demi 2 in an item (Very handy). But if you are infact talking about the obvious Midgar Zolem, He his very hard to beat on level 16... yet... i have done it... With Metor Storm of coarse :P, but i still did it, 'twas hard 'twas very hard. Oh yeah... i'm back :)
  2. Play all Drakes missions with Andy. Wait a second... flash... advanced wars... brilliant. The last time i brought my GameBoyAdvanced over to your house and we played Advanced wars you started getting all pesimistic and sobby 'cause i was beating you. Well Meh :-P
  3. Gwahahahhahahaha. That's pretty funny, allthough not nessicerily allways correct, the mathamatical formula for girls/women. Gwahahahhaha.
  4. Name: Cid Highwind Age: 34 Height: 5'8" Weight: 160lb Hometown: Rocket Town Organisation: Alliance fighters Class: Alliance Pilot, and ground fighter Weapons: Lances/Spears Skills: Engenering and mechanics Bio/History: Great grandfather of Cid Highwind from FFVII, Has lived in rocket town all his life and has only one son (Cid's father) and a wife. Description: (See picture)
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=red]Some old dude that lives a couple houses down from me. He was chasing a skunk -.-" [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Bwahahhahah, some old guy chasing a skunk, that is the most hallerios thing i have ever heard, bwahahhahahahhaha. "Come back here ya Bloody vermin!!" *Crazy old guy voice*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=red]Thanks to you *points a flash* i'm not gonna sleep... you reminded me of my own lil' wierdo things.... One time i was just gettin' ready to go to bed around 2:30ish and i started to hear shots coming from a gun. I didn't mind since there's a rifle range 9-10 kms away from my house.... I got up to look out my window and i saw one of my knifes laying open on my desk so i bent down and went to close it and put it away, but then[SIZE=4] BOOM [/SIZE] something came right through my window where i was standing a moment before... A bullet... OMG it freaked my out. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Wooooaa... freaky.. did you find out why it happened, or who shot it?
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] I saw a little pink man once. He told me to burn things! [/B][/QUOTE] Ahhh.... so that's where your house went :-P:flaming:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] I think so, I saw it in a movie once, samuel l jackson was wearing a kilt.... duh, where food go? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, we do have little green men :) And little Red men too :) There's no raccoons in New Zealand, as mentioned by Flash, So i don't know what it was. It sure wasn't me coming to check up on my PS2 i left at Flash's that night O_o;;
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]Ahh BabyGirl...I've never yet seen a woman who loves Subaru as much as myself! :) My best friend's dad has a brand-new WRX STi...it's so awesome. It's dark blue with gold wheels...and has a creamy leather interior with a wooden gearshift. :drunk: :smooch: Audi is also very cool...my dad is thinking of buying an A6 next year. I love the A6 -- it's one of the most beautiful sedans on earth. Having said that, I have to say that I have a soft spot for Australian cars. Just look at the car in this attachment. It's the HSV GTS Coupe. Nice, huh? A 5.7 Litre V8...or in other words, a Corvette engine. I love it. I'm so glad that HSV decided to start making these two doors...and I hope that HSV decides to export them to places other than the UK and New Zealand...'cuz it's a shame that Americans can't buy 'em! Maybe GM doesn't want competition..lol. Oh well. If you think that BMW is nice, BabyGirl...you should see the Z8. It's like a retro/modern roadster...and in my opinion, it's 10x more beautiful than the Z3 picture (even though the Z3 is awesome).[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Mmmmmm... HSV Clubsport...*Drools all over key board* Mmmmmm... Beamer...*Drools all over key board* Mmmmmm... F-150 ...*Drools all over key board* Mmmmmm... Audi S4...*Drools all over key board* Mmmmmm... Jenna...*Drools all over key board* Mmmmmm......... Gackt...*Drools all over key board* I MEAN... Ummm... ahhh... well... gotta go! *Runs out of room*
  10. I would transform into a bird, i would love to beable to fly...
  11. Yes well umm... ok... (cough)Spam(cough) I'm sure all those people will appreciate that :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]to aquite higher level limit breaks, you must use your limit break within 40-80 times on enemies, preferably the second limit breal of a level, the rules for vincent, however, is different.... [/B][/QUOTE] And for cait sith. She only has Two limit breaks, while vincent has 4, and all the others have 7.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]I don't necessarily think that the Japanese are selfish. The video game industry just does stronger business there. I remember hearing that Final Fantasy VII was being sold in convenience stores. Someone correct me if it's false, but I'm pretty sure I'm correct there. Square probably realizes that releasing the game again in Japan will be quite profitible. In the U.S. however, I'm not too sure that gamers on the majority are hardcore enough to buy the game over again. [/B][/QUOTE] I heard something of that nature too, i'can't remember where though, might have been an unreliable source. Japan definatly has the strongest gaming market in the world, and most of the game developers are situated in Japan. So for this reason japan gets everything first, and they get all the special stuff, that isn't good enough to export out of Japan.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]LOL I showed that to my friend and he well.. he freaked... I've seen scarier... He's home alone... and it's 1:43 am for me.. not the best thing to look at... Although that... woman thing freaks me out... if it weren't a damn close up I wouldn't have a problem with it... but .... Is it cold in here or is it just me??? I need some hot guy to make me warm again ::stares at Gackt getting wipped while shirtless::... much better.... [/B][/QUOTE] Please... there are children on these boards, children!! Anywho, that picture freaked me out. My heart skipped a beat. I was just flicking between windows and i clicked to that one right as she came out. So i saw this pale ghost jump out at me, Scccaaaaaaaary...:nervous: :nervous: :nervous:
  15. NeoCactuar

    Ff X

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B]i saw this pic of titus and that gril. titus was lookin g at a huge city like las vages and the gril was looking at ruins. someone tell me what thats about. [/B][/QUOTE] Were starting to get into majour spoilers here, mabye you should just wait 'till you play the game.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]Or just think about the movie Back to the Future. If you think hard enough, you'll see many different Paradoxes there. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, that movie is funny. 80 mphs to travel throught time. :-p
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B]I make gifs,they're not good... [/B][/QUOTE] BWAHAHHAHHA! What the hell is that little fuzzy red thing?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B] Not again...it's been down atleast 4 times already...it's [I]really[/I] getting on my nerves... [/B][/QUOTE] I know, But we will just have to wait it out. I keep checking every hour or so. Still not working. Anyway back on topic, is this a talkshow, or a radio show?
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]mmmmm.... visual paradox time.... [/B][/QUOTE] Heheh, those things are cool. there is lots of them, liek ones with water, and ones with staircases. And not to spoil your theory, but that all depends on whether you believe in the theory of evolution. Watch that double post :whoops:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]Um...how shall I say it...interesting...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Hehehe, it's well diffrent. can you guys play music!?!? Well can ya?!?! I didnd'r think so. Is this a Radio Station or a Talk Show? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted in Warlock's signature[/i] [B]Come visit Jitsuroku Vortex Forums for your daily intake of posting...[/B][/QUOTE] I can't... it's down *Sniff...hic..* Well at least we still have otaku
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku_sama [/i] [B]I'd say legolas because he is sooo fast with his arrows he would finish link in a second, coz by the time link sorts his weapons out legolas would of already destroyed him. [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree, Legolas would kick Links ***** anyday. All these Link groupies are wrong, Legolas is the best!
  23. NeoCactuar


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Try sticking with first party memory cards. Those 4x memory cards or third party ones have a tendency to mess up on you. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah i know what you mean. Try to stick to official controllers too, they can freeze and mess up your game sometimes.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B] The egg won't roll anyway cause a rooster can't lay eggs lol i am soooo smart :D [/B][/QUOTE] Yes so very smart, because it is such a hard question, and noone answered that about 10 posts ago. ;) :rolleyes:
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