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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. NeoCactuar


    I has happened to me.... once. Try taking out your memory card and re-inserting it. If that doesn't work, try putting it in slot 2. AND if that doesn't work, then you must have pulled it out while saving, or done something like that.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Don't preach anything about GameCube hosting kid's games, when legally you couldn't buy the adult games like RE, anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you on that front, i think people just sterotype Nintendo games being kids games becuase they see things like, Super mario Bros & Zelda, but there is so much more depth to the games than that, and those games themselves arn't even kids games. In New Zealand, my home, there is no real 'rating system' on games, sure it may say R15+ on the front of the resident evil cover, but none of these are ever enforced. It's great, there are no banned games and so on, All the more Grand Theft Auto 3 for me :p
  3. Never gonna happen, no-one wants it to happen. Not going to happen :whoops:
  4. They even made a show about time travel, called "7 days" has anyone heard of it? The whole thing is based around this guy changing events, by going back in time 7 Days. It's really crazy, because there is no mention of this sort of theory, it's just all assumed everything is fine.
  5. From what i know, and where i live you can't buy demos. But i suggest you just buy the game, becuase FFVIII is platnim, and i'm pretty sure FFIX will be platnim soon, if it isn't allready.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]Here's one, Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? Simple, the egg couldn't be laid if there was no chicken, but if there's no egg there can't be a chicken. [/B][/QUOTE] Owwww.... it hurts my head.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=red]I still don't get it -.- [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] He diddn't walk into a Bar, Pub, Place to drink. He walked into a Bar, Big long steel thing, hurts, so he fell down.
  8. *Looks at topic*.... *Runs away screaming* I'm scared... at the lameness of these jokes. Ok here is one... There is a frog called cermet McJagger, he wants to get aloan out from the bacnk so he goes up to one of the telelr and says "Hi, my name is cermet, and i would like a loan", he looks at the tellers name tag "Mr... paddy whack" and paddy wack says "Ok, what do you want to get a loan on?" and cermet shows paddy this funny looking this, paddy whack tells him he doesn't know what it is, and they should go and see the manager. So they go into the managers office and they show the manger the strange object. the manager says "So your cermet McJagger, and your Paddy Whack, and you want to get a loan on this" Padyy replies "Yes sir, can you help us...?" And the manager says "Well of coarse!! It's a Nick-Nack, Paddy whack, give the frog a loan, his old mans a Rolling Stone" .......LAME!! Yet funny...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]yes but did they really get 'together' it never comes out and says it... and who knows whose hand that is at the end? and it was more a joke about selphi (kittie) and irvine (me) lol from what the two of us got on our survey[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, fair enough. But actually at the end of the second disk, cloud and tifa get together. Allthough it is acted out suttely. You get to see what actually happens if you own the japanese version of the game, Damn English Cencors *Shakes Fist*
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]i dont know... i think kuja and ginnylyn is odder dont u?, but if you think abuot it... squall and rinoa are obviously together, well selphi and irvine are both from differnt gardens so it would make since for them to be together since they are both outsiders. anyway at least this is a real combination unlike cloud and anyone... square never actually comes out and says it[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I believe you're missing something here. Did you not see the love triangle between - Cloud, Tifa & Aries? That was a major love theme. Cloud was in love with Aries, but he still loved his childhood sweetheart Tifa, so when Aries *SPOILER*, him and Tifa got together.
  11. BWaahhahahaha. On the FFVII one i got my second choice as Chocobo, Bwahahahhaha. I'm a large chicken. :whoops:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]Ya, here is something else that would mess with your mind about time travel...if you go back in time and kill your mom before you are born, do you still kill her since you were never born or what? [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it's all the same sort of theory. The only way for it to work, would be to have parallel timelines.
  13. NeoCactuar

    Ff X

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]All you get is an airship. You tell it where to go and youre there. Gouf: take a chill, man! [/B][/QUOTE] Hehe, there is the awnser to your/my question. Just an Airship :P
  14. NeoCactuar

    Ff X

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B] hey this is my quiz show iam asking the question. [/B][/QUOTE] Whoa, calm down. I just posted that here so we wouldn't have the board cluttered up by threads for every question about a game. Ask any member/Mod, and they will tell you that if you ask questions about a game, you should try to do it on one thread, so there isn't 100 threads on 100 diffrent questions, when they could all be in one.
  15. NeoCactuar

    Ff X

    I hear that there is no world map in FFX, how does this affect the game? How do you move from the first city, to the last? Is it all just screen to screen, with no transport vehicles?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]you have to go to different parts of the world at specific places and fight a monster, the ufo will appear, then you will face it sometime after you have encountered it so many times, defeat it and you will have to go to....trabia, I think, and fight a little alien called pupu, you can either beat him and gain an x-potion from him, or you can give him a few elixers so he can build his spaceship and leave the planet, leaving you some stuff like rare cards.... [/B][/QUOTE] The pupu card itself infact. An annoying little level 5 monster card, which there is no other way to get. If you defeat him you can get a Hungry Crockpot, which can be used to teach someone 'Devour', or mabye it was just 'Eat'. Ahhhh... it's been ages scine i played that game anyways.
  17. One of the things that will **** with your mind, is paradoxes... For people who don't know what they are, they are, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, A paradox is a self-contradictory statement or essentially absurd statement. In English... A thing that messes with your mind. So what I?m saying here is how scary paradoxes can be if you think about them to hard. Here is an example. The paradox of Time Travel If someone travels back in time to stop something from happening, say the president being shot. Then they will stop that event, so the event will never happen... So they will never go back in time to stop it, and since they don't go back in time to stop it, it will happen again, so they then will go back in time again... And this will just keep going over and over again, and the affect would be... Well... crazy... i don't want to hurt my brain thinking about it any more. So, if any of you have any other examples of paradoxes... please, do share them.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by felix [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]2 words: ADVANCED WARS[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Heheheheh, Just like he said. Advanced Wars, the only way to go. Best game on GBA yet.
  19. I used to have a re-occouring dream where i was sking and i kept going over little bumps and they would turn into huge cliffs and i would fall and fall, and know the ground was coming and how much it would hurt, then when i hit it.... it diddn't hurt, but whenever i went off a cliff, i had the fear of knowing the pain was coming, allmost worse than pain itself. But i got over it and i can hardly remember any of my dreams now. So i assume they are not there... allmost... On another front of dream, if you don't remember the dream, then you don't remember having the dream. Because whenever i have a dream, i have the dream, then i wake up thinking about what i just experianced. So if you don't remember the dream, then you don't experiance the dream, which comes before you remember the dream or not!! So, the whole dream remember thing is pretty crazy, it's like a paradox...allmost. It's allmost as confusing as the time-travel thing. Now don't get me started on that...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Is it a good game? What's it even about? [/B][/QUOTE] Have you ever heard of or played Nes Wars, SNES wars or N64 wars. It is the fourth Wars game in the series, unfourtunatly the other three wern't released out side of Japan. So anyway..... the point is if you want to get some info on the game, try and find out some stuff about those games first.
  21. Bwahahahah, i laughed so much. it's just like tring to keep a strait face when someone is tring to make you laugh, heheheh i laughed for about half a minute.
  22. I stayed up for 2 and a half days, camping with my friends. I had to resort to caffine pills for the last day...Ooooooooo... it was crazy....
  23. I've got Golden Sun, Doom & Advanced Wars and i will say that the Advanced Wars replay value is HUGE!! All the maps, not to mention the Map Builder, and like felix said, all the CO's to unlock, and well.... everything else, like campain mode. This game is huge and has the most reply value of any HandHeld Console game i have ever seen.
  24. Neo stumbles onto the beach soaked in water Neo:Hey all.... Chole: Where have you been lately? Neo: Ummmm.... i was drowning... Chole: For two weeks??? Neo:Ummm.... yeah, i was drowning for a long time, but i'm back now Rex: Ummm.... ok welcome back Everyone looks confused *Sorry everybody, i just got back from holidays :-P*
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson] newby: unregistered: 4 NeoCactaur: 3 MOB: 2 Saiyadude: 2 Morning Dew: 2 Queen Asuka: 1 7/10 kool aid13: 1 woody: 1 1/5 forte: 1 outlaw: 1 NorykoAngelcry: 1 Lady M: 1 Mishi: 1 coolcam007: 1 digi22beck: 1 athena: 1 Super Goten: 1 Anti: 1 Anna: 1 outlawdragon: 1 Tursi: 7/10 stormwing: 1/5 redhottie: 1/5 [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Whooooo!! 2nd in best n00b, hehehhe go me!
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