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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. Neo hols the blow fish while liam trys to connect with the anchor, he keeps missing, the blow fish is way to fast. Neo signals to rex... "They eye, go for the eye" Neo:"MMffft Eye Mmft" Rex:"Mmmmfft, k" Rex picks up some stones and starts throwing them at the blowfish's remaining eye. The blowfish takes no notice. Neo signals to rex to get something sharp. Neo:MMmmtff, Sharper..." Rex nods and starts looking around
  2. Neo picks up a sharp rock and swims at the blow fish, he raises the rock and the blowfish turns to him, it has ONE EYE, Neo raises the rock again and begins to bring it down on the blowfishes head when suddenly the blow fish puffs up and becomes 5 times it size... Neo: MMMMPPPHHH!!!! MMMAAHH!!!! Liam: Huh? Liam looks over and sees Neo and Rex next to a HUGE spiky blow fish...
  3. Neo is swimming and he looks beihind him and sees Rex, stone cold, he is frozen with fear. He looks over beside him and sees someone in a Blowfish mask. Rex is screaming, but no-one can hear him. Neo swims over and Takes the mask off.... Liam... They akll suface and Rex gasps for breath. Neo: Hey Liam, nice trick, wern't sleepy? Liam: Heh, i had an extra mask...:P Rex: You... scared...me... Liam: Hahahhaha... Neo: Anyway, were scuba diving... so lets dive... They all go under the water and begin to swim towards the reef...
  4. Neo & rex put on the scuba masks and flippers Neo: Whoa it's so light Rex: Yeah full moon Neo: You know what happens on full moons right? Rex: .....No Neo: Well they natives of the island say that on a night where the full moon can be seen, the Phantom blow fish will come out and roam the ocean looking for reveange against the scuba diver that took his right eye 2 years ago... Anyway, lets go Neo jumps in to the water and begins to swim. Neo: Come on... Rex: Uggghh....ummmm.... ok then... just.. stay close... Neo: Um ok, sure...
  5. Neo finishes cooking the snake... Liam: This is great... the food came to us Neo: I know, tastes great too! Rex walks over to them looking pale, like he had thrown up Liam: Hey man, want some snake? Neo: I saved you the venom sack... :D Rex runs back into the bushes holding his mouth... Neo: whats up with that guy? Liam: I dunno, i'm gonna go to bed... Neo: Ok, im not tired so i'll go ask Rex if he wants to go diving, we have got two scuba masks right? Liam: *Yawn* Yeah, we got 'em.... Neo: Cool... Neo heads off to find Rex
  6. It is fiction, but it's funny how the blatently underuse their powers. Like the run around and do all this other stuff, when they could just fly. Like when goku uses Nibus... (cough)Instant-transmission(cough)
  7. [I]Neo walks up and down beach thinking about the vote off, thinking who's gonna go and how is it going to affect the group... He continues walking along and bumps into Liam [/I] Neo: Oh hello Liam: Hey Neo, it's a fine night, so i'm sleeping under the stars Neo: Ok i might just join you [I]Neo sits down and him and Liam begin to talk[/I]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Yeah...umm...I'm at the edge of my seat right now...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] That's the entire point. So you can't track the results, you just have to wait and see. It should be tomorrow when we find out...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]actually zelda 2 WAS an RPG... u have the level up system... and a quest ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes true, but there are lots of games where you have a quest and they are'nt an RPG. Zelda isn't an RPG in my opinion. there is only one[B] real[/B] RPG for GBA, Golden Sun. it has a seperate battle system, an RPG has to have that.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Asha'man [/i] [B] Who Cares? Yay! [/B][/QUOTE] Umm..... ok then.... Yes PSX/PS1 games play on PS2. I really can't think of a reason to re-make FFVII. What is your source? Is it reliable?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson]And they probably find it hilarious that they confused the heck out of everyone. Or maybe they left it like that on purpose that the player could have their own thought on what really happened. Just like the conflicting argument about what happens at the end of the game...which sucked by the way....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, that ending kida sucked, eh? I though there should have been more to it than, they get in the highwind... Then it's 500 years later. Should have been a longer FMV, but thats just my opinion.:whoops:
  12. I just got back from seeing the movie about 10 minutes ago, and all i can say is AWESOME!! The managed to pack the plot and character depth of the first book, in to a three our movie. I will tell you know, YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE. I will definatly buy the 'collecters edition' or whatever comes out on DVD, this is just one of those great movies, possibly the greatest movie i have ever seen, in fact i can't think of anything to rival it. It IS, in my opinion, the best movie ever made. I just can't wait till see the other two. Legolas is the COOLEST character ever, he fires his bow so fast and perfectly, it is just remarkabley awesome. He is played out so well in this movie. Also i was amased at how much Elisa Wood looks like the Frodo i imagined in the book, another character done beautifully. [B]Go and see the movie.[/B] ...that's all i will say...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud_Strife [/i] [B][b]I like going joyriding, I buy uzies and commit cold blooded murder on people on the streets and when the cops come, I run them over with the coach, and when it's explode, I park it right next to their cars.[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] That just shows you how gruesome GTA3 is, nowonder it's banned in australia. But yeah thats fun. I like going to the top of the cop station, 2nd island, there is aplace where they can't get to you, but they come and drive really fast into the wall, and lots of guys crowd round the bottom, and there are helicopters, and FBI agents... then you just pull out the molitive cocktails & Rocket Launcher, Mwahhahahah, So much fun.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]I actually liked Squall....but maybe that's just me. He's got a pretty spiffy weapon there. I like FIRE...and his shoots OUT FIRE....it's awesome. But he's definately not my favorite.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Squall shoots out Bulets from his GunBlade, not fire. Allthough they do explode on impact, Which looks allmost like fire.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B]I thought Vincent was Sephiroth's father, too. But oh well. You really CAN never know for sure unless you go straight to the people who actually made the game. [/B][/QUOTE] ...Who may not even know themselves, it might just be a confusing thing they diddn't Tie up in the end.
  16. Is that some type of cooking show? What countries is it showed in?
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]OOC: the first vote off starts soon. . I've just got to get the member list. [/B][/QUOTE] Neo: Cool *Rubs his hands together* Thining out the ranks!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B] mmmf HAH :blulaugh: towerofterror took me 15 minutes, the first time, and 20 the next! the giant drop took an hour and a half though, but it was worth it! [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, i just went on the wipeout and gravatron instead. :)
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Haha, yes yes, there is a Lemmings: Save Us All game out in Australia, but you'll have to look hard for it. It's not very popular. [/B][/QUOTE] LEMMINGS!!!!! i love lemmings, i used to play it on our old ****** computer. It had one game and nothing else, LEMMINGS!!!!... ... ... ...w00t
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]I've been meaning to do this for ages, and I wouldn't be surprised if it got closed right away. Anyhow a while back I visited Dreamworld (themepark in Aus) and I would like to say it is the coolest!!! heres some piccys of the rides and some info: Giant Drop Fast facts · Riders' legs dangle freely from the open air 8-seat gondolas. · The Giant Drop shares the tower that supports the Tower of Terror. · What's stopping you? A sophisticated magnetic braking system stops the gondolas metres from the ground. · Free fall time is 5 seconds. The winch to the top takes approximately 90 seconds. · Falling 120 metres is the equivalent of falling from a 39-storey building. cool huh? I went on that ride twice. BTW how do I put more than 1 piccy in a post? [/B][/QUOTE] Tower of terror, sux, 2 hours lining up, 7 second ride, i hated it. Giant drop rules, but when i was there it was still being built :(
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Yes! Exactly. That's what I got. Did you open the file?! And James, thanks for clearing that up. I feel much better now. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm.... that's funny that i diddn't get it aswell.... But now wer all knwo to avoid and files like that, then again most of us allready knew to do that :P
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]It also stores music, pictures, and v/e-mail...once you install the HD...it upgrades the firmware version of your PS2 and I believe the system startup screen looks different... [/B][/QUOTE] Swe...swe...swe...SWEEEEEET!!!! Man that sounds so cool, i am definatly gonna buy one now ! :)
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i] [B]I like Zapdos and Moltres, Raikou and Suicine. ('speccialy Suicine.) But, sad to say, Entei and Articuno don't live up to my expectations. YAY!!! THE PURPLE SMILE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!! :haha: [/B][/QUOTE] Gaaaaaahhhh!! Articuno is one of the best birds!! He has IceBeam & Blizzard, He kicks ***, i don't like moltres. But articuno is my favortie. All the dogs suck :P:flasher2:
  24. Neo is walking around looking for good dry wood, he finds a nice dead tree and takes about 6-7 branches and begins to drag them back to camp to get started on his fire. Neo: Now, how can i make fire....?
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kickphat [/i] [B]I think Breath of Fire and Golden Sun are realy great games [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you on Golden Sun, but i would take Advanced wars over Bof. That's just my choice though. :P
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